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沪教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期第一次月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -Whats this ? -_a notebook.AItsBThissCThatsDIt2 . _ does your brother use the Internet?Once a week.AHow oftenBWhyCWhereDHow long3 . I hope you all enjoy yourselves in the World Park. _.AYes, we wouldBHave a good timeCThank youDThats OK4 . _ you enjoy _ computer games?AAre; playingBDo; playingCDo; to play5 . Are you going to Sydney by _ train? No, I am going to take _ plane there.Aa; /B/ ; aCa; theDthe; a6 . How long can I keep the books?_AThree.BThree times.CThree days.DVery often.7 . I have a volleyball. Wang Mingguang _ a volleyball, too.AhaveBdoesCisDhas8 . _ Jim and Jack _ strawberries?ADo;likeBDoes;likeCDo;likesDDoes;likes9 . Hi , Kate ! This is my brother and _ are my parents . Nice to meet you .AthisBthatCyouDthese10 . Marking a book is _ useful skill, but it is important to do it right.AaBanCtheD/二、补全短文5选4Hello, Im Linda. Im in Jiangxin Middle School. Now please look at my family photo. 11 . . They are my mothers parents. My mothers name is Kate and my fathers name is Tom. This is my aunt. 12 . . Her name is Jane Smith. And Simon Smith is her husband(丈夫). That is their dog, and his name is Charlie. 13 . . The boy in red is my brother and the girl in green is my sister. My brothers name is Peter, and my sisters name is Lily. They are both in Grade 9. They are with my parents in this photo. 14 . . No, you cant. Im not in this photo.AHe is black and white. BShe is my mothers older sister. CCan you see those jackets? DCan you see me in the photo? EThese are my grandparents, Mike and Jenny.三、完型填空My uncle had a small farm. He also worked in a_One autumn, he promised to help his neighbor harvest(收割) their corn(玉米)_, after harvesting their corn, my uncles little machine broke_the same time, the factory where Uncle worked began to work for more hours. He had to leave the farm early in the morning and didnt get home until very late. It now seemed_to help out his neighbor. But my uncle decided to do it by hand.One night, after working all day in the factory, my uncle went to the neighbors farm and_the work under the bright moon.My uncle kept his promise. He also taught me an important lesson: keeping a promise is more important than making it.15 . AschoolBhotelCfactoryDhospital16 . AHoweverBWhateverCWhereverDThough17 . AInBWithCOnDAt18 . AimpossibleBimportantCusefulDpossible19 . AfinishingBfinishedCfinishesDfinish四、阅读单选阅读理解Hello , Welcome to my blog . My name is Anna . I am a girl from Russia . I am 13 years old . I am tall and thin , and I have long , blonde hair .I like many sports . I love playing badminton . I am keen on swimming and playing tennis too . I also like listening to pop music and drawing pictures . I have an old guitar and I am learning to play it in a music club . My native language is Russian , but I also enjoy reading and speaking English .My mum is a teacher and my dad is a taxi driver . I have a big family . We live in a flat . The flat is quite small but I like it because it is near the mountains ! I love drawing pictures of the mountains . I share a room with my sister , Marina . She is 15. I have two other little sisters and one brother . We all love to have family parties together .I usually take a bus to a big school . My favourite subjects are maths , art and English . I attend school from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm on weekdays . I do not wear a school uniform . I like my school because the teachers are all very friendly .I would like to have pen friends from all over the world ! I hope that you will email me , and maybe come and visit me in Russia one day !20 . Paragraph (段落)2 mainly tells us _ .Awhat Anna likesBwhat Anna can doCwhy Anna likes sportsDwhere Anna learns music21 . The underlined word “ attend ” in Paragraph 4 means _ .Ago toBvisitCarrive atDleave22 . In the blog , Anna tells us _ .Ashe only has two sisters and a brotherBshe can speak Russian and EnglishCshe goes to school in his fathers taxiDshe learns English from her mother23 . Anna writes this blog to _ .Aask others to visit RussiaBtell us her school lifeCtalk about her familyDfind a pen friendMy name is Yang Ling. I have two good friends. They like animals.Mike is in London. He has got a dog. Its black and strong. Its about two years old. Every morning, Mike does sports with his dog near his house. In the afternoon, his brother Jack runs (跑) with the dog in the park. Today Mike sends a photo to me on the Internet. In the photo, the brothers play football with the dog.Luo Li is in Shanghai. She has got a cat. Its small and brown. Its three years old. Luo Li draws well. So there are a lot of pictures of the cat on the walls of her room. It plays with water or sleeps under the desk.24 . Mike is Yang Lings _.AcousinBfriendCstudentDbrother25 . Where does Mike do sports every morning?ANear his house.BIn his house.CNear the park.DIn the park.26 . What do Mike and Jack do with the dog in the photo?APlay football.BPlay with water.CPlay basketball.DPlay with a cat.27 . Luo Li is good at _.ArunningBswimmingCdrawingDsinging28 . Which of the following is TRUE about Luo Lis cat?AIts big.BIts brown.CIts in London.DIts two years old.The British love word-play and theyre enthusiastic about protecting the use of their language. In recent years, books about the grammar, pronunciation and punctuation (标点) of English have been written by the dozen, and sold extremely well, reflecting peoples love of the English language. People want to protect the “correct” use of their language, but also to keep its ability to develop along with society. Lynne Trusss book Eats, Shoots & Leaves is an excellent example of these two opposite ideas. Its title shows the way that punctuation can change meaning in a sentence. “Eats shoots and leaves” is a perfectly normal description of a pandas diet: he eats the shoots(嫩芽) and leaves of bamboo trees. But the position of the comma (逗号) turns those nouns into verbs, and makes up a ridiculous little story: the panda eats (his dinner), he shoots (a gun), and he leaves (the building). Its a silly joke, but it shows how changing something as simple as a comma can change the entire meaning of a sentence.Published in 2003, Eats, Shoots & Leaves was an unexpectedly huge success. It is easy to assume the typical reader of this kind of book as the humourless type. However, the book has sold thousands and thousands of copiesit must be attractive to a wide range of people. The books winning secret is this: it makes some serious points about language and punctuation, but also has an amusing aspect, and uses stories and jokes to show its points. It has invited some tough criticism, too, especially from the US. On a broader range, Eats, Shoots & Leaves has opened up a lot of public argument on Trusss ideas. Whether they agree with her or not, punctuation and grammar has become a popular topic to discuss. In every generation there will be people who think that the standard of language is dropping, and who are more than happy to write to the newspapers to express their concern and opinions. Trusss book also interest those who think that texting and blogging (博客) is lowering the standard of literacy(读写能力). Whether the standard of the English language is decreasing, or simply evolving into new forms, the success of Eats, Shoots & Leaves proves that this is a subject that many English speakers find interesting and important.29 . The title of the book Eats, Shoots & Leaves is a joke which shows _.Aa funny feelingBa tradition in writingCa grammatical pointDa fact about animals30 . The book has been successful because _.Ait presents the new research on EnglishBit solves a serious English language problemCit shows the British like to teach English to other peopleDit causes concern for proper use of language in a fun way31 . What can be inferred from the passage?AThe English language was better in the past.BThe English language is being improved by technology.CThere is often dissatisfaction with the standard of English.DThere have always been arguments on the use of punctuation.A: Betty B: Zhang FeiA: Hello! Im Betty. Whats your name?B: My name is Zhang Fei.A: How old are you?B: Im thirteen.A: What grade are you in?B: Im in Grade one.A: We are in the same grade. I m twelve. Im in Class Three. What class are you in?B: Im in Class One. May I ask you questions?A: Sure.B: Where is David Beckham from?A: Hes from England. He is a good football player.B: Wheres Jackie Chan from?A: Hes from Hong Kong, China.B: Thank you very much.A: Youre welcome.32 . Zhang Fei is .A14B13C1533 . Betty is in .AClass FiveBGrade TwoCClass Three34 . Is Betty thirteen, too? .AYes, she isBNo, he isntCNo, she isnt35 . Jackie Chan is from .AEnglandBChinaCAmerica36 . David Beckham is anfootball player.AChineseBEnglishCAmerican五、填写适当的句子补全对话A: May, is that you?B: Yeah, it is.37 . .A: Yes, its really a long time. You have really changed.38 . .B: Yes, but now its long and curly. I like it very much.A: Oh, hows it going with you in your new school?B: Pretty good. My new friends are reallv kind. But one thing is always worrying me: you know I like English, but39 . .B:40 . ?A: Our school rules are too strict. Were not allowed to have long hair or wear any earrings.B: Really?41 . ?A: No, we have to wear uniforms to school.B: Thats terrible.六、回答问题Hello! My name is Sam White. I have a brother. His name is Tom. We are thirteen. We are from London, England. But now we are in Kunming China.Tom and I are students in No. 1 Middle School. Were in Class 8, Grade 8. Mr. Li is our English teacher, Miss Zhou is our Chinese teacher. Mrs. Tang is our math teacher. They are good teachers. We like China. And we think Chinese people are friendly.42 . What arethebrothers names?_43 . Howoldarethebrothers?_44 . WhoistheirChineseteacher?_45 . Wherearethebrothersnow?_46 . DotheylikeChinesepeople?_七、英汉互译:整句写作技能第一节语篇翻译阅读下面的短文,将划线部分译成英文或中文.Here is a photo of my family.The man with glasses is my father. He is a doctor. 他每天忙着帮助病人. His patients(病人)think he is the best doctor that they have ever met. My father thinks health is wealth(财富),so he often runs for an hour after work. He becomes stronger now.The woman in the white dress is my mother. She likes all kinds of fruit and vegetables. Apples are her favorite. She believes thatAn apple a day keeps the doctor away.The boy sitting next to my mom is my brother, Kevin. He is a little short and heavy, 因为他没有健康的饮食习惯.He always eats junk food while watching TV. He is a real couch potato.I am different from my brother. 我非常喜欢运动并且喝很多牛奶.When I feel blue, I just listen to music or hang out with friends. I dont like thinking too much.47 . _48 . _49 . _50 . _51 . _八、材料作文52 . 假如你和Bill是一对好朋友,你们在同一个班级学习。请以My Views(看法) about Friends为题,写出你们之间的相同点和不同点。并阐明自己“对朋友之间应该相同还是不同”的观点。(10分)相同点:喜欢踢足球,学习刻苦,都讨厌吃垃圾食品。不同点:你比Bill活泼外向,喜欢音乐; Bill安静,擅长英语,最喜欢语文。你喜欢度假,Bill喜欢在家读书,看电视或电影。要求:字数80100词。条理清晰,包含所有提示信息,可以适当增加内容使文章连贯,通顺。第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全短文5选41、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、填写适当的句子补全对话1、六、回答问题1、七、英汉互译:整句1、八、材料作文1、


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