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2019-2020学年人教版八年级英语上册unit2单元测试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . (题文)Next,pour a cup of honey _ the bread.AintoBonCto2 . (题文)The course is designed _ your spoken English.Ato improveBimprovingCimprovedDimprove3 . (题文)I dont think the math problem is difficult. I can finish it _.AeasilyBstillCagainDhard4 . Are you good with the young children?Sorry, I _ play with them.I dont like children at all.AususallyBalwaysCneverDsometimes5 . We must do _ work with _people.Amore; lessBless ; lessCfewer; fewerDmore; fewer6 . Steven ran so fast that we can _ catch up with him.AalwaysBhardlyCsometimesDusually7 . There is _ with my computer. Can you help me?Anothing wrongBwrong anythingCsomething wrongDwrong something8 . Davidhis new car.Yes. He enjoys driving it everywhere.Agets along withBtakes pride inCtakes part inDcomes up with9 . I like English very much, so I _ read English every day in the morning.AalwaysBhardly everCneverDever10 . Can youa tent by yourself ? Sorry . Its a little difficult for me.Aput onBput upCput downDput off11 . -Nick, _ you _ my book?-Sorry, I came here just now .Ahave, seenBdid, seeChas, seenDdo, see12 . _ do you go to the sports club?At least once a week.AHow longBHow oftenCHow muchDHow far13 . What makes you _ its going to rain tomorrow?Ato thinkBthoughtCthinkDthinking14 . _ do you go shopping? Every day.AHow oftenBHow manyCWhenDHow long15 . _is the bookshop from here?一 Its about 20 minutes by bike.AHow farBHow longCHow oftenDHow many二、完型填空My neighbor Lisa is a middle school student. She is thirteen years old. She usually_at 5:40 every morning. Then she goes out to exercise. She often _ for half an hour. At about 6:40, she eats breakfast. After _ she goes to school at 7:20. Her school is not far, _ she walks to school. She eats lunch at 12:00. After school, she usually plays volleyball with her friends for an hour. She thinks it is important for her to be _.On weekends, she usually goes to the music club. She loves music very much. She can play the guitar, the piano, and the _. Some musicians think playing the drums is not _, but she plays very well. And she is also _ at singing. She wants to be a _ in the future.Can her dream _? “Sure, it can.” says Lisa.16 . Atakes a walkBeats breakfastCgets upDplays sports17 . AsingsBreadsCdrawsDruns18 . AthoseBthatCthemDit19 . AbutBbecauseCorDso20 . AhealthyBfunnyCinterestingDfamous21 . AguitarBdrumsCchessDviolin22 . AeasyBdifficultCfunnyDgood23 . AwellBpopularCbadDgood24 . ArunnerBplayerCmusicianDteacher25 . Ahave funBcome trueChave timeDcome in三、阅读单选A healthy eating habit along with enough exercise can help you keep healthy. When you are young, it is important to give your body what it needs. If you skip meals,you cant get enough calories (卡路里).And then you may feel tired. By the way, the calorie is just another word for energy. About 50% of your calories should come from rice,bread, vegetables and fruit. You also need to drink a lot of water, 6 to 8 glasses a day. Drinking enough water can make your body work better and make you healthy.Exercise can help to make you look good, feel good and ie healthy. Scientists say that kids should spend at least 30 minutes exercising a day, five times a week. It is easy to do! You can walk or ride your bike to school, and play sports at school. However, kids often give up sports, saying they have no time left after finishing their homework. In fact, doing exercise can help them sleep better and do better in their lessons.If you follow the advice above, you will look and feel much better and become healthy.26 . The underlined word “ skip” means “_” in Chinese.A询问B略过C阻止D转移27 . According to the scientists, kids should spend at least minutes exercising every week.A30B50C100D15028 . Why do many kids give up sports according to the passage?ABecause they are too lazy to exercise.BBecause they feel great after giving up sports.CBecause they are busy with their studies.DBecause they dont like playing sports at all.29 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AAbout 80% of your calories should come from rice, bread, vegetables and fruit.BYou need to drink three or four glasses of water every day to keep healthy.CStudents should exercise at least twice a week to keep healthy and happy.DDoing exercise can help kids sleep better and do better in their lessons.30 . Whats the best title (标题)for the passage?AHow to sleep wellBHow to exerciseCHow to look thinnerDHow to keep healthy四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母提示完成单词31 . Its common to use knives and f_to eat in Western countries.32 . This cup is made of g_,so its fragile(易碎的).33 . Paris is the capital of F_.34 . Mr. Black is a p_. He sends mails every day.35 . Shall we go and play soccer now?Sorry. I must c_my homework first.36 . The cars move slowly. The t_is heavy now. Im afraid Ill be late for work.37 . Three quarters of the earths s_is covered by water.38 . Where are the products p_?Theyre made in China. 39 . John owns a company(公司). He is the head of the company, and most people call him b_.40 . Mom, can I go out and make a snowman?Sure. But you need to wear your g_to protect your hands.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词41 . P_ the water into the cup.42 . We c_ Spring Festival in February or January.43 . I visited my old friends d_ my holiday.44 . This book is p_ Li Mings, but I am not sure.45 . If you add some h_ to the milk, it will be sweet.第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、

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