2019版外研版英语九年级上册Module 7 综合提升测评卷B卷

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2019版外研版英语九年级上册Module 7 综合提升测评卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Fishing with dad was so for little Tom that he almost fell asleep.AexcitingBexcitedCboringDbored2 . Is your English teacher strict _ you?Yes. She is also strict _ her work.Aabout;aboutBabout;withCwith;withDwith;about3 . Either you or one of your students _ asked to attend tomorrows meeting.AisBhaveCareDhas4 . This is a beautiful country, about two fifths of the land with trees and grass.AcoversBcoveredCis coveredDwill cover5 . He is very surprised that all the houses in the village _white.ApaintBpaintedCare paintingDare painted6 . We write_ our pens and pencils.AwithBtoCof7 . Suzhou is a greener city now because more and more trees _ every spring.Awere plantedBare plantedCwill be plantedDplant8 . Peter,_ to the Giants Causeway with us this weekend?Sounds like a good idea.Ahow about goBwhy not you goCwhy dont you goDwhy not to go9 . _ can I read faster? By reading word groups.AHowBWhichCWhereDWho10 . -How clean and tidy your bedroom is! -Thanks. It _ every day.AcleansBcleanedCis cleanedDwas cleaned二、补全对话7选5根据上下文从方框中选出合适的句子完成对话。其中有两句是多余的。AWhat materials were used to make paper by Cai Lun then?BThats our English teacher.CBut we can use machine to make paper.DSo how can we save paper?ECai Lun invented paper almost 2,000 years ago.FIf there are not trees,there will be no paper.GThats great. How is it made?David: Do you know who invent the paper in the history?Alice: Yes. 11 . David: Right. China is the earliest country using the paper in the world. In the 7th century Chinese began to use paper money.Alice: Wow!Thats great.12 . David: He made paper from wood. He took the wood from trees and made it into paper by hand.Alice: How about now?David: Now paper still comes from trees.13 . Alice: If we keep on wasting so much paper,there will not be any trees left on the earth.14 . And our environment will be changed.David: Yes. We should save paper from now.Alice:15 . David: We can use both sides of every piece of paper,choose drinks in bottles instead of those in paper packets.Alice: Lets do these things from now.David: OK!Thats great. I think our environment will become more and more beautiful.三、阅读单选An Activity for Reading By:CCTV Department of EducationThis activity is developed by reading experts for you to use with children. Doing the activity with your children helps you develop their reading skills while having fun at the same time. If the reader finishes one book and asks for another, you know you are succeeding!We wish you spend wonderful hours of reading with children!This summer holiday, we will invite some families to the program Readers to read aloud poems or books you like, and share your reading experience.Activity:Read to meIts important to read to your child,but equally important to listen to them to read to you. What youll need:Books at your childs reading level.What to do:Read good books to your child. Parents who read aloud to their children are developing their interests and skills in reading. Encourage your children to listen, express their ideas and ask questions.Take turns. You read a paragraph and let your child read the next one. If your child becomes easier with reading aloud, you can ask him or her to read a full page.Listen carefully as your child reads. Listening to your child will encourage them to practice reading. Besides, this is another way to enjoy reading together.If your child has trouble reading words, you can help him or her in some ways:Ask the child to jump over the word and read the rest, then try to guess the meaning of the missing word.Guide your child to use what he or she knows about letter sounds.Tell your child that you are proud of his or her hard working.Learn more:Visit httpwww.tv.cctv.com16 . The activity Read to me is produced by _.Athe expertsBthe readersCsome parentsDsome children17 . CCTV will invite some families to the program Readers _.Ain MarchBin AprilCin JulyDin September18 . The advice offered by the reading experts includes the following EXCEPT _.Alisten to your child readBread good books to your childCask your child to express their ideasDstop reading when meeting new words19 . If you want to know more how to develop childrens reading skills, you can _.Awrite to CCTV for helpBask the reading experts for helpCask parents for helpDvisit the website of CCTV20 . According to the passage, we know that _.Aparents can only read to their childrenBRead to me is a way to enjoy reading togetherCparents had better offer their child different booksDreading aloud can only develop childrens interests in readingThe teacher stood before his class of 30 students and was going to hand out the final exam papers. I know how hard you have all worked to prepare for this test, he said. And because I know you are all able to understand these questions, I am ready to offer a B to anyone who would prefer not to take the test.A number of students jumped up to thank the teacher and left the classroom. The teacher looked at the rest students and said, Does anyone else want to get a B? This is your last chance. Two more students decided to go. Seven students stayed. The teacher then handed out the papers. There were only three sentences on the paper: Congratulations! You have received an A in this class. Keep believing in yourself.I never had a teacher who gave a test like that, but I think that it is a test that any teacher could and should give. Students who do not have confidence in what they have learned are B students at most.The same is true for students in real life. The A students are those who believe in what they are doing because they have learned from both successes and failures. They have learned lifes lessons, whether from school education or from events is in their lives, and have become better people. Scientists say that by the age of eight, 80% of what we believe about ourselves has already been formed. You are a big kid now, and you realize that you have some limits (局限). However, there is nothing you cant do. Sir Edmund Hillary, the first person to reach the top of Mount Qomolangma (珠穆朗玛峰) said, We do not conquer the mountain, but ourselves.21 . Why did some students leave the classroom?ABecause they knew the teacher didnt like them to take the test.BBecause they were allowed to take another easier exam later on.CBecause they were happy with the mark the teacher would give them.DBecause they thought the exam was too easy to be worth a try.22 . Why did the teacher give the rest students an A?ABecause they answered all the questions in the exam correctly.BBecause they had been promised an A by the teacher before.CBecause they had been working hard for each exam.DBecause they were confident in what they had learned.23 . What does the underlined word conquer mean in the passage?A发现B控制C探索D征服24 . What is the writers purpose of writing the passage?AHe wants us to know what our limits are.BHe wants us to learn to believe in ourselves.CHe wants us to receive formal education.DHe wants us to learn from B students.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示完成单词25 . Wait in _ (排),please!26 . _ (无论如何),I cant go there.27 . There are many clothes on _ (出售)28 . There is a _ (一些)eggs in the basket.29 . I want to _ (躺)down and have a sleep.30 . Grace _ (喜爱)this dog very much.31 . This is a _ (明信片)from Nanjing.32 . We will have a _ (旅行)to Australia next week.33 . It _ (花费)me 50 minutes to get to school.34 . Martin wants to go _ (返回)home.He doesnt want to stay here.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空(二) 用所给词的适当形式填空。35 . Our headmaster is talking with the _(interview) in his office.36 . What a mess! Your room requires _(clean).37 . Next, Ill give an _(introduce) to you.38 . Mr. Zhang went to _(African) on business last week.39 . Please pay attention to _(read) the second paragraph.40 . Mr. Wang is a popular speaker. All of us like to listen to his _(speak).41 . Richard is a _(Europe) boy. He is very friendly to everyone.42 . The police asked me to describe _(exact) how it happened.43 . The movie was interesting, but Grace was not _(interest) in it.44 . These _(guard) look very serious.六、完成句子45 . 周末她常和朋友去商场闲逛。She often_in the mall with her friends on weekends.46 . 今年暑假他们打算去夏威夷旅行。They are going to_to Hawaii this summer vacation.47 . 我希望很快收到你们的来信。I hope_you soon.48 . 如果你生病了, 你必须去看医生。If you are ill, you_to a doctor.49 . 我们盼望着搬入新居。We are_to a new house.50 . 老师总是建议我们在放学前完成作业。The teacher always _ us _ our homework before school is over.51 . 我可以把这件事告诉你,但是你必须保密。I can tell you about it, but you must _.52 . Danny is a naughty boy, so his teacher _ (对他生气).53 . 其他每个人都知道这条消息了。_ has known the news.54 . 她害怕犯错误。She is afraid to _.七、语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Nathaniel Hawthorne went home with a broken heart. He 55 . (tell) his wife Sophia that he lost his job. 56 . his surprise, she spoke to him with great joy.“Now,” she said 57 . (happy), “you can write your book! When you had your job, you didnt have time to write down 58 . you were thinking about. Now, you are free. You can do what you are dreaming! Although we may have a difficult period of time, I do believe you 59 . (make) a difference by writing.”“Yes,” said the man sadly, “but what shall we live on while I 60 . (write) a book?”Then, she took out a small box and opened it. There was a large amount of money.“Ive always believed you are a talented man,” she told him. “I knew that someday you would write a great book. So every week, out of money 61 . you gave me for daily use, I saved a little bit.” Now this money can help 62 . (we) through the year.”With her trust and confidence, one of 63 . (great) novels of American literature, The Scarlet Letter (红字), was born.Some of the famous 64 . (story) have followed a word of encouragement or an act of confidence by a loved one or a best friend.八、填空阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填写表格,每空限填一词。Two days ago, I had taken a test in Biology, and I knew that I would get my scores in the same class today.After the bell rang, every student sat in his or her seat impatiently. Then, one by one, the teacher called our names.As each paper was given back to the correct student, the front of the answer paper would always be turned to face the ground and the paper itself would be slightly folded (折叠) to prevent anyone from seeing.In fact, folding each test paper is a way to make sure that each student sees only his or her own scores. The scores are seen as private information not to be announced or shown to others. As a way to keep the students score records secret, each student is given an online account (账号). Each student can use it to check his or her grades on the official school website.Protecting students private information always comes first in US schools that want to free students from unnecessary pressure(压力). School reports are guarded closely to prevent poor grades from damaging a students dignity and reputation (尊严和声誉), which are for himself or herself only.However, some insist that although students feelings and self-dignity are easily hurt, they cannot be forever protected. They say that school also teaches their students to make themselves stronger in mind, and the classroom should show the reality of competition in society. Scores that everyone can see might better encourage students to work harder to be better than others.Protect students private information in US schoolsThe writers 65 . After the bell rang, its 66 . of students to sit and wait for their scores for a test in Biology. The teacher called 67 . names and handed out the papers. He 68 . test papers that faced down and was slightly folded.Other way takenEach student is even 69 . with an online account with which to check his or her grades on the official school website.70 . Schools want to free students from unnecessary pressure. Schools are trying to 71 . poor grades from damaging a students personal dignity and reputation among his or her classmates.Different ideas Some think students are 72 . too much. Schools should teach their students to be stronger in mind and try to make greater 73 . than others. The classroom should show the reality of 74 . in society.九、材料作文75 . 亲爱的同学们,时间过得真快,去年的寒假生活仿佛还在眼前。转眼间,今年的寒假即将到来,你打算怎样度过呢?你一定早就计划好了吧,那就赶快把你的想法说出来,与我们一起分享吧!要求:1.文章包含以下内容:Where did you go and what did you do last winter holiday?Where are you going this winter holiday?What are you going to do this winter holiday?In the winter holiday, what can you do to help your parents?2. 词数:不少于70个(开头已给出,不记入总词数)。How time flies! The winter holiday is coming. Last winter holiday I_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话7选51、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、语法填空1、八、填空1、九、材料作文1、

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