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2019-2020学年人教新目标版七年级下英语期末真题试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Toms English is very _. He can speak English very _.Agood, wellBgood, goodCwell, wellDwell good2 . Wow! So much delicious food. I really love this party! and have fun tonight!ABe carefulBWith pleasureCHelp yourselfDIm afraid so3 . There will be no difficulty in the world that they cannot _.AconquerBdefeatCwinDovercome4 . It is _ popular way among the young people to chat on the Internet now.AaBanCtheD/5 . Mr.Cooper is_ tired_ do anything this morning.Aso; thatBtoo; toCboth; andDso; as6 . Daniel had _egg, apiece of bread and a glass of milk for breakfast this morning.AaBanCtheD/7 . What do you think of the hottest film the Wandering Earth?Its _. I have never seen a better one before.AawfulBfantasticCboringDnoisy8 . What does your mother like_dinner?She likes vegetables and fish,because she doesnt want to be fat.AatBinCforDon9 . -Could you share with meof your speaking skills? Theyre useful.-Yes, I d love to.AfewBa fewClittleDa little10 . What are you doing? Im_ my wallet, but I cant _ it.Alooking for;findBfinding; look forClook for; find11 . Did you notice anyone _ the house ?Ahave leftBto leaveCleaveDleaves12 . - Where _ your keys?- Under the bag.AdoBareCdoes13 . _ your phone number? Its 87667895AWheresBWhatsCWhat14 . His name is Bill Gates. And Gates is his _name.AfamilyBgivenCfirstDsecond15 . _ any more. Its no use. We will not buy you any chocolate.AYou dont cryBIf you cryCDont cryDStop crying二、完型填空Do you have a great summer camp? I had a great one with my friends last year. After we say goodbye to our _, we got on the bus. _ the way, we laughed and talked happily. After we _ the campground(营地), we jumped and ran around the place. This _ the first time we left home. Some of us felt homesick(想家的). However, when the night party and dances started, the homesickness was _. The next day, we went boating. At first, my friends and I worked hard, but the boat _ listen to us and wouldnt go to the right place. Then the guide _ us. After many times, we did it much better. Swimming is my favorite _. It was about the hottest time of a day and the best time to stay in the _ water. The swimming guide was a funny man, and he often made us _ to laugh. What an interesting summer camp it was!16 . AparentsBkidsCteachersDschools17 . AAtBInCByDOn18 . AarrivedBgot toCarrived inDgot19 . AisBhadCwasDdid20 . AgoneBhereCfoundDthere21 . AdontBwerentCarentDdidnt22 . AsawBhelpedCvisitedDwatched23 . AfoodBdrinkCsportDsubject24 . AcoldBwarmChotDcool25 . AwantBwantedCto wantDwanting三、阅读单选Im Bent of 18. I have a friend Mike who is two years younger than me. We are both interested in a TV show called Survive the Wild. And we often talk about how to survive (生存)if we get in the wilderness. So we have signed up (报名) the Greenwood Teen Summer Survival Camp this summer. Heres the poster. We cant wait to learn lots of cool survival skills!The Greenwood Teen Summer Survival Camp!Join us now! We teach you how to.Start a fire Catch small animals Build a tree house Find drinking waterFind your way without a compass using the sun and stars! Camp112-16-year-oldsCamp213-17-year-oldsCamp314-18-year-oldsCamp415-19.year-oldsJuly 10-17July 20-27August 2-8August12-18What you need to bring:Walking shoes Warm clothes A brave heart26 . Why do the writer and his friend sign up for this summer camp?ATo learn how to safely start a fire.BTo learn how to survive in the wild.CTo learn how to keep warm at night.DTo learn how to use a map and compass.27 . What do they need to take to this camp?ASleeping bagsBDrinking waterCSome matchesDWarm clothes28 . The writer and his friend are free from Jul.15 to Aug.16. Which camp might they attend?ACamp 1BCamp 2CCamp 3DCamp 4Space tourism might be the dream of many people on the planet, but a journey to space is not is not as easy as simply buying some tickets at a travel search engine;it is only reserved for the privileged (有特权的) few that can afford the cost. One of the options that impressed me most is the one offered by a company called Space Adventures. What they have in place is a space tourism program that slows you to travel with the Soyuz to the International Space Station(ISS). The trip starts a few months in advance with intensive training dealing mainly with gravity operations,fight control and survival activities. When all training is over, your space trip begins. The trip can be planned exactly according to your needs,whether youre going for scientific research,or simply for an adventure. I doubt whether you will find any other kind of trip that has such a thorough preparation period beforehand. One of the great things to do,even if it makes your space trip a bit more expensive,is that you could go on a space walk during your trip. That would definitely be a good opportunity to dance outside with your loved one to a slow waltzSorry,I forget theres no sound in space!Whatever option you choose,the only obstacle you might face is the cost. All the other requirements seem to be less than those for getting a visa to a foreign country. Generally your height should be between 160 and 185 cm,your weight between 50 and 95 kg and be in good health. Finally, in answer to the question youve been wondering about. Granted,space tourism is expensive,but exactly how expensive would a normal scheduled flight to the ISS cost? Would you believe it costs between $30 and $ 40 million? A Russian language course is included!29 . Besides the body requirements, which of the following is most likely to stop someone from going into space?ATheir knowledgeBThe climateCThe costDThe visa30 . What does underlined expression “in advance”mean?Aat leastBahead ofCmake sureDin all31 . Whats the best title of the passage?ASpace tourism a dream-made reality?BAre you ready for space tourism?CHow to participate in a space tourism program.DWhy only a few privileged persons can afford space trips.U.S.A. Weather Report of May 13CityWeather DETROITClouds early Maybe a shower, and then skies clear up.High: 73 Low: 43Tomorrow: sunny to partly cloudy.High: 66 Low: 45BOSTONStaying coolMore clouds than yesterday. Cool east wind.High: 65 Low: 51Tomorrow: showers in the afternoon; then clearing.High: 69 Low: 47LOS ANGELESNot badSome morning clouds; then a sunny afternoon.High: 78 Low: 61Tomorrow: warmer.High: 81 Low: 65PHILADELPHIA Mainly sunnyA few clouds; then showers tonight.High: 75 Low: 57Tomorrow: clouds early; then heavy rain.High: 76 Low: 52WASHINGTON D.C.Sunny intervals(间隔)Some clouds, and heavy rain tonight.High: 77 Low: 60Tomorrow: cloudy to partly sunny.High: 77 Low: 5432 . Which city was sunny to partly cloudy on May 14?AWASHINGTON D.C.BLOS ANGELES.CDETROIT.DBOSTON.33 . When did BOSTON have showers?AOn the afternoon of May 13.BOn the morning of May 13.COn the afternoon of May 14.DOn the morning of May 14.34 . Whichs TRUE about the weather in LOS ANGELES?AIt was cooler than WASHINGTON D.C. on May 13.BIt was warmer on May 14 than on May 13.CIt was cloudy on the afternoon of May 13.DIt was sunny on the morning of May 13.35 . Which picture represents the weather on the night of May 13 in PHILADELPHIA?ABCD36 . What did most people probably do in PHILADELPHIA on May 13 at night?AEnjoyed looking at the moon.BWent for a walk.CDid sports outside.DStayed at home.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子及所给的首字母, 在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确、完全形式(每空限填一词)37 . I_ that you have no arms or legs.38 . You dont have to bring your lunch because the school p_ you with delicious food.39 . To tell you the t_, I dont enjoy the music at all.40 . They spent two hours each week v_ at an animal hospital.41 . He spoke so c_ that everyone could hear every word.42 . In some families, competition starts very young and c_ until the kids get older.43 . Gongpao Chicken is a t_ Chinese dish.44 . We must depend on o_ to finish the task. Nobody will help us.45 . Do you know the girl who is standing a_ the wall?46 . There was nothing but s_ in the room, which makes us more nervous before the exam.五、用单词的正确形式完成短文根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置。(每个单词只能使用一次)go by along about can teach photo buy excited sciencego by along about can teach photo buy excited scienceToday I 47 . on a school trip. We visited the48 . museum and it was really interesting. We got there so fast 49 . train. We saw some farms and villages 50 . the way. At the museum, I learned a lot51 . robots. I didnt know they 52 . play chess with us. It was so cool! Then the guide 53 . us how to make a model robot. I took a lot of great54 . , too. After that I went to the gift shop and 55 . some lovely gifts for my parents. They werent expensive. All in all, it was an 56 . day.六、填写适当的句子补全对话在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语(话语可以是词、短语或句子),使对话完整。A:Did you make a New Years resolution,Kim?B:Yes,I did. A:57 . ?B:Well,Im going to join the tennis team. A:58 . ?B:Im going to play tennis every day. 59 . ?Did you make a resolution?A:Oh,sure. 60 . . B:What are you going to learn to play?A:The guitar. B:61 . !A:I think so. Im going to join a guitar club.七、材料作文62 . 10月4日是世界动物日,学校组织英语演讲比赛,比赛的主题是“How to protect the animals”。假如你是Mike,请你写一篇80词左右的英语演讲稿参加比赛。内容包括:1.目前动物的生存现状与作用;2.我们应该如何去保护动物;(2条建议)3.动物是人类的朋友,呼吁更多的人去保护它们。要求:1.不能照抄原文,不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名。2.语句连贯,词数80个左右。第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、六、填写适当的句子补全对话1、七、材料作文1、

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