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人教版2019-2020年度牛津英语七年级上册期中试卷2C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Where is Lucy?Im not sure. She _ in the classroom.Amay beBmaybeCprobablyDmight2 . My uncle has been a doctor _ 10 years and my aunt has been a coach _ 2012.Asince, forBfor, sinceCsince, sinceDfor, for3 . Dad, I really want to play soccer so that I can make a lot of money.Money isnt everything, my son. Getting a good education is much _.Aless importantBmore importantCmost importantDimportant4 . A lot of fruit and vegetables_you keep healthy.AwantBgetChelpDhave5 . Do you like junk food?Yes, I like it very much, _ its not good for health.AbecauseBsoChoweverDthough6 . Wheres the bus stop? Its over there.AThank youBExcuse meCAll rightDSorry7 . The bottle is . Please fill it for me.AfullBemptyChotDhungry8 . Can you come to my birthday party tomorrow evening, Linda?If my homework _,I will go to your party.AfinishesBis finishedCwill finishDwill be finished9 . _unusual learning experience I have got in this course!AHow aBWhat aCWhat anDHow10 . Have you done all the washing, dear? Not yet. It will take about _ five minutes.AanotherBotherCmoreDless11 . (2017苏州)Sorry, Ive forgotten your name. Can you _ me? Im Daniel.AremindBreceiveCrespectDremember12 . is the Amazon River?Some experts say its 7,025 kilometers long but others say its 6,440 kilometers long.AHow farBHow soonCHow muchDHow long13 . people watched the football match on TV last night.ATwo millionsBMillion ofCTwo million ofDMillions of14 . Whats that? Its _ eraser.AaBtheCanD/15 . We students in China go to school during the Spring Festival.AmustntBshouldntCdont have toDcannot16 . It takes _ two hours _ the English story.AI; readBme; readCI; to readDme; to read17 . John didnt have much during the supperhe didnt like noodles.AbecauseBsoCwhenDwhile18 . How much is Lucys skirt? She_320 yuan for it. I think its a little dear.AtookBpaidCspentDbought19 . Betty is a beautiful girl_ bright eyes and black hairAinBhasCwithDgrows20 . Tony _down from his bike when he rode to school.AfallsBfellCfelt二、阅读单选The First Robotics Competition(FRC) was held in Shenzhen.A total of 35 high-school student teams from China, the United Kingdom, Turkey, Poland and other countries joined the two-day contest with their hand-crafted robots.The FRC is a world-class robotics competition that was first launched in the United States in 1989.It encourages students to improve their hands-on skills and creative capabilities.There are strict rules.limited resources and an intense six-week time limit before the competition.Teams of students should raise money, design a team brand and improve their teamwork skills, as well as build industrial-size robots to compete .The rules of the game include two groups, and each group has three teams.The group with the highest score wins the game.The seven teams who won the top prizes in the FRC Shenzhen regional wil1 take part in the First Championship to be held in the United States next month.Yin Shifei, secretary general, said the competition not only enables students to improve their programming, decision-making and problem-solving skills, but also encourages them to cooperate and share with other people.According to Yin, a Shenzhen team invited over 40 left-behind children to the city to watch the FRC game because they wanted to make education more equitable .And the left-behind children can get fair education.These childrens parents are migrant workers in Shenzhen, but they are left behind in their hometowns.Shenzhen became the first city to host an FRC regional in Asia last year, and another regional contest will be held in Shanghai this year.21 . From the passage, we can know_.Aprimary-school student from China joined the competitionBthe FRC is a nation-class robotics competitionCthe FRC was first launched in Poland in 1989DThe competition this time lasts for two days22 . In the competition, the competitors cant improve their_skills.AprogrammingBteamworkCcreativeDeducating23 . A Shenzhen team invites the left-behind children,because_.Athey wanted to have more audienceBthey hoped that more people would cheer for themCthe left-behind childrens parents missed themDthey wanted the children to receive fair education24 . We can infer from the last paragraph_.AFRC is a good way to improve students abilities.BThe rules of FRC are very strict but helpful.CMore Chinese cities will hold FRC regional in Asia.DShanghai became the third city to host an FRC in Asia.三、句型转换.句型转换25 . Tom is a good student; he is a good player, too.(改为同义句)Tom is a good player _ a good student.26 . No matter what he thinks, we shouldnt forget him.(改为同义句)_ he thinks, we shouldnt forget him.27 . Mr. Smith stopped smoking last year.(改为同义句)Mr Smith _ smoking last year.28 . When she was five, she started playing table tennis.(改为同义句)_ of five, she started playing table tennis.29 . Tom works hard in order to go to college.(改为同义句)Tom works hard _ he can go to college.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentenced with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)30 . Thomas Edison _ a lot of things for us.(invention)31 . The weather is very _ these days. Lots of students have caught a bad cold.(change)32 . Shanghai is one of the most beautiful _ in the world.(city)33 . I am about to jump out of _ skin.(I)34 . Sometimes toys can really make the children _.(happily)35 . _ is more important than anything else.(healthy)36 . I prefer to _ a long story short.(cut)37 . The No. 2 underground has reached Xujing. It helps us travel to Shanghai _.(quick)五、根据音标写单词根据句意和音标写出单词。38 . Tony and Tim are twins. _e parents are in Shenzhen now.39 . This table is a very valuable piece of _ f:nit in a test.40 . Im sure that our team will _ win the game at last.41 . My mum always helps me with my _ humw:k.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文根据语篇内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、连贯。方框中有两个词为多余项。difficult interesting list mix but talkencourage they careful become activity holdStudents at Shanming Middle School in Jiangsu often take part in activities which42 . by nearby communities(社区). Does it sound fun? Well, students have 43 . feelings. They enjoy the time outside school, but they dont find the activities interesting.Why not design44 . activities by themselves? Some students got this idea and soon 35 students joined the project.They first thought of activity ideas and45 . them in an “activity menu”. They included visiting science museums and companies, watching movies and basketball competitions.“The menu looked great, 46 . we soon found problems,” said Wang Ziming, one of the designers.First they needed a place to hold the 47 . . The students decided to talk to the officials of the local government to be allowed to use the district stadium.“We first presented the benefits of these community activities to 48 . ,” said Wang.“Then we promised wed use the stadium 49 . and clean it afterwards.”The local government agreed that they could use the stadium and some sports equipment once a month.The students also deigned a virtual(虚拟的) bank50 . volunteering. Students who volunteered as librarians or cleaners would be rewarded with “gold coins”. A certain number of coins gave them free entry to entertainment events such as watching a movie.Up to now, this special activity menu 51 . popular in the communities. The students are happy with this.七、单词填空缺词填空Our life has become easier and more colorful because of mobile phones and the Internet. However, a number of p52 . have come along with them.Many car accidents take p53 . because of mobile phones. Some drivers use mobile phones to get on the Internet while d54 . . They dont look at the road. They look at their mobile phones i55 . . These drivers have become a danger to us all.Many of the dangers of the Internet are well known. C56 . visit websites without telling their parents. They sometimes talk to elder people they dont know and put t57 . in great danger. Some people even use the Internet to get personal i58 . that we do not want them to have.Here are some Mobile phone and the Internet safety t59 . : Use a “hands-free”(免提的) phone if you need to use a mobile phone when you drive. Tell your children not to talk with a60 . they do not know on the Internet. When it rains or snows, do not use your phone at all. In public places, be c61 . with people around you. Do not make very important phone calls while driving. They take your attention(注意力) off the road. Dont give out any personal information on the Internet.Follow these rules when we use mobile phones, it will be less dangerous.八、回答问题阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容回答问题。Kate is a Grade 8 student. She likes playing soccer. And she has four soccer balls.There is a soccer game at Kate s school today. Her dad drives her there. The girl plays with a soccer ball in the car. Her dad says, “Not in the car, please.” Kate stops playing and puts the ball on the seat(座位). She wears a blue T-shirt with the number “21” on the back.Kate says goodbye to her dad when they get to school. Her dad asks her to wait. He gives Kate a yellow box and says, “I know you want to run fast. These can help you. Happy birthday, Kate!”Kate opens the box and smiles(微笑) a lot. “What a nice day!” she thinks.62 . How many soccer balls does Kate have?(I word)_63 . How does Kate go to the soccer game?(within 2 words)_64 . What is on the back of Kate s T-shirt?(within 3 words)_65 . Why does Kate s dad give her the yellow box?(within 5 words)_66 . Does Kate feel happy today?(within 3 words)_九、材料作文67 . 写一篇短文,把你的好朋友Linda向大家做一个介绍,Linda的情况如下:1女孩,13岁,来自英国。2是第一中学的一个学生(No.1 Junior High School);3.矮个,长发,圆脸,大鼻子,大眼睛;4她的电话号码:010(8257799)提示词:be from,round,telephone number.要求:1.把所有信息表达完整。2.适当增加一些内容。3.词数:60个词左右。_十、其他Foreigners who visit China always enjoy Chinese_. But _ the English on the menu is poor to understand, maybe they will lose some interests.For example, how about “three-yellow-chicken” and “red lion head”? Or “ants climbing trees”? Theyre all on menus. But what do they _?In fact, there are so many strange English menus in many Beijing restaurants. As a foreigner, you certainly wonder what “three-yellow-chicken” is and you are not brave enough to eat some ants even if they can climb trees! These are not the correct translations(翻译) of the dishes. _ last year, some Beijing restaurants have started using the new English _. It will help foreign guests better _the dishes on the menus.68 . AchildrenBfoodCparksDhistory69 . AalthoughBifCuntilDbefore70 . AunderstandBcallCmeanDlike71 . ASinceBForCWhenD/72 . AmenuBbookCdictionaryDservice73 . AtalkBunderstandClaughDnotice第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、阅读单选1、三、句型转换1、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、根据音标写单词1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、十、其他1、

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