外研版英语七年级上册综合测试题10 Module 7

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外研版英语七年级上册综合测试题10 Module 7姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空(题文)Every mobile phone has a ringtone(铃声). It tells you that someone is calling you. Now, there_a ringtone called “mosquito tone(蚊子铃声)”.Mosquito tone has a special_Only children and teenagers can hear it. Using it, students can receive calls and text messages in class_the teacher will not realize what is happening. However, it also has a bad influence on their study if students use it in class.“Not all the students are_in mosquito tone.” Jerry Jones, a high school student of 17, says, “Using mosquito tone too often is bad for our hearing. I may use it for_, but not in class1 . (小题1)AbeBwill beCisDwas2 . (小题2)AsoundBvoiceCnoiseDmusic3 . (小题3)AandBorCthenDbut4 . (小题4)AinterestBinterestedCinterestsDinteresting5 . (小题5)ApleasedBpleasantCpleasureDplease二、阅读单选Now QQ coins are popular among Chinese teenagers. People use real money to buy Web money. Then they buy clothes for their online characters (人物形象) or services for their online pets with it. And these fancy things will cost QQ fans more in the future.The government will put a tax (税) of 3% on online sales. For example, if QQ users pay 100 yuan for 110 QQ coins, they will have to spend 103 yuan in the future. The extra (额外的) three yuan is tax.Beijing was the first city to carry out the policy. Online games have to pay the tax, too. A number of players make money by spending a lot of time on the games to gain powers (获得能量), and then selling them.Experts said that online trade grow fast. There is more than 10 billion yuan of real money in online trade a year in China.However, the governments new move has become a hot topic (话题) among Internet users around the country. In a survey by sina.com more than 70% of about 3,000 surveyed were against it. They said that the tax is too much.But supporters (支持者) said the governments better management (管理) of the Internet would help it become healthier. They believe the new move would help stop online identity theft (账号偷窃).6 . We can learn from the story that QQ coins are _.Aa kind of game softwareBa special Web moneyCsome fancy clothesDsome online pets7 . The Chinese government will put a tax of _ on online sales.A3%B10%C11%D15%8 . Which city was the first city to carry out the policy?AShenyang.BShanghai.CGuangzhou.DBeijing.9 . We can learn from the passage that_.Aonline games dont have to pay the taxBmany people think the tax is too muchCall the people support (支持) this policyDthe new move will cause online identity theft10 . The new move can help Internet become healthier and _.Astop online shoppingBstop online tradeCstop online identity theftDstop online spending money“My dear Mr Bennet,” said his lady to him one day, “have you heard that Netherfield Park is let (出租) at last?”Mr Bennet replied that he had not.“But it is,” returned she, “for Mrs Long has just been here, and she told me all about it.”Mr Bennet made no answer.“Do not you want to know who has taken it?” cried his wife impatiently“You want to tell me, and I have no objection (反对) to hearing it.”This was invitation enough.“Why, my dear, you must know, Mrs Long says that Netherfield is taken by a young man of large fortune (财富) from the north of England; that he came down on Monday to see the place, and was so satisfied with it that he agreed immediately with Mr Morris, the owner of Netherfield, and some of his servants are to be in the house by the end of next week.”“What is his name?”“Bingley.”“Is he married or single?”“Oh! Single, my dear, to be sure! A single man of large fortune; 4 or 5,000 a year. What a fine thing for our girls! It is probable that he may fall in love with one of them, and so you must visit him as soon as he comes.”“I see no chance for that. You and the girls may go, or you may send them by themselves, which perhaps will be still better; for, as you are as handsome as any of them, Mr Bingley might like you the best of all.”“But, my dear, you must indeed go and see Mr Bingley when he comes into the neighbourhood.”“It is more than I can be sure, I assure (向保证) you.”“But consider your daughters. Sir William and Lady Lucas have decided to go, for in general, you know they visit no new comers. Indeed you must go, for it will be impossible for us to visit him, if you do not.”But in fact Mr Bennet was among the earliest of those who waited to visit Mr Bingley. He had always planned to visit him, though to the last always assuring his wife that he should not go.11 . How did Mrs Bennet feel when she heard that Bingley would move there?AExcited and hopeful.BNervous and curious.CSurprised and crazy.DPleased and proud.12 . Why did Mr Bennet show no interest in Mr Bingleys moving there when his wife talked about it?ABecause his daughters were not pretty enough.BBecause his wife was prettier than his daughters.CBecause he didnt care about his daughters happiness.DBecause he didnt want to show his true feelings to others.13 . What does the underlined word “that” mean?AMr Bingley had decided to live there.BMr Bennet himself would visit Mr Bingley.CMr Bingley would like Mrs Bennet best.DMr Bingley would fall in love with one of their daughters.14 . Why did Mrs Bennet mention “Sir William and Lady Lucas”?ATo show Mr Bingley was well worth visiting.BTo show Sir William and Lady Lucas were their friends.CTo show it was polite for a couple to visit a new comer together.DTo show Sir William and Lady Lucas were too proud to get along well with.阅读理解。A little boy called Dhon lived in a small village in India. One afternoon Dhons mother told Dhon, I am going to bring firewood, Son. Do not go out. Play near the hut(棚屋).Mama, may I go a little way in the woods to pick blackberries(蓝莓)? he asked one day. All right, his mother said, but do not go very far. So Dhon went to the woods. He was happy to hear the birds singing in the trees. Hestuffedsome blackberries in his pockets.Then Dhon tried to catch some beautiful butterflies. He chased them far into the woods. He ran and he jumped. He forget he had to go back home. By that time the sun had set. Dhon was frightened. He thought of his mother and he cried.Suddenly, he saw a speck(微粒) of light flying then he heard a voice. I am a firefly(萤火虫). Why are you crying, little boy? I have lost my way. I want to go home to my mother, replied Dhon. Dont cry, little boy, I will take you home. Follow me. But you must promise never to catch me.Dhon promised and followed the firefly through the trees. Soon he reached home and was safe in his mothers arms.That is why there are so many fireflies twinkling like little stars near the village huts in India.15 . Where did this story happen?AIn China.BIn America.CIn India.DIn Canada.16 . The underlined word stuffed means in English.AputBateCpickedDhid17 . From the third paragraph, we can infer that .ADhon was afraid of his motherBDhon saw many strange animalsCDhon had never been such a placeDDhon wanted to catch some butterflies for his mother18 . Why was Dhon crying in the dark?ABecause he was very hungry.BBecause he was too tired to go home.CBecause he didnt catch any butterflies.DBecause he couldnt find the way back to his home.19 . Whats the best title for this passage?AHutsBFireflyCDhonDDhon and His MotherA father was sitting at his desk and looking at his bills when his little son rushed in and said, “Dad, because today is your birthday and youre 40 years old, Im going to give you 40 kisses, one for each year!” When the boy started kissing, the father shouted, “Oh, Andrew, dont do it now. Im too busy!”The boy soon became silent as tears(眼泪) fell down from his big blue eyes. Feeling sorry, the father said, “You can finish the kisses later .”The boy said nothing but quietly walked away. That evening the father said, “Come and finish the kisses now, Andrew!” But the boy didnt.Unluckily, a few days later, the boy had an accident and died. His sad father wrote,“If only I could tell him how sorry I am for my thoughtless words and how much my heart is hurt.”Love is a two-way street. We must warmly accept any loving acts, or others will take it as a “No” and it may leave a scar(伤痕). If we dont have love, our life will lose its true meaning.If we are too busy to give and receive love, we are too silly! Nothing is more important than loving the people who are important to us.20 . On his fathers birthday, the boy wanted to.Ahelp his father write the bills.Bgive40 kisses to his father.Cbuy a gift for his father.Dtalk with his father.21 . The boy feltwhen his father refused him.AsadBpuzzledCexcitedDhappy22 . A few days later, the boy.Awent back to schoolBwas hurt in an accidentCwas killed in an accidentDwas angry with his father23 . Which of the following is NOT true?AAndrews father was busy looking at his bills on his birthday.BAndrew was killed in an accident on his fathers birthday.CAndrews father asked him to give him the kisses later.DAndrews father felt sorry after the accident happened.24 . We can know from the passage that.Alove keeps one busy all the time.Blove can make people happy and unhappy.Cit is important to read the billDwe should learn to give and receive love三、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。paper, final, share, send, Australia25 . Kate _a computer with her little sister.26 . Please give me a piece of_.I want to draw a monkey on it.27 . _is a big country. You can visit many great places there.28 . My sister _emails to my mother every day.29 . _I want to say thank you to everyone here.四、单词填空综合填空My family members have different hobbies.My father has a 30 . of stamps.There are different kinds of stamps in his bedroom.My mother is 31 . in music.She thinks music can bring her enjoyment.She often sings a song when she is doing some housework.My sister likes playing 32 . .She just finished her job 33 . and she hopes to 34 . her skills through the new job.How about me?I like writing.I think it is creative and my first book has 35 . out.Its a wonderful 36 . for me.Frank is a middle school student. He 37 . in a small city in England. The school is not 38 . from his home, so Frank often walks to school. Frank usually gets up at about 7:00 in the morning. After breakfast, he goes to school. Frank likes to go to school on39 . because he thinks it is a good way to exercise. Frank has a bike. On weekends, he sometimes 40 . his bike to the park. Frank is good 41 . children, so he often plays with the children in the park. They always have a great time there.五、信息匹配1.You should know you and most of the people you talk to are different in many ways Maybe your listeners know what you are talking about, while others don t So speak tothem on their terms, in their language2.Looking at and talking to a person in the audience (听众)helps keep you natural, but it feels foolish talking to only one person Speak to that person as long as it is comfortable with each other, usually up to 15seconds3.When you talk, pay attention to what you want to say and let your gestures or body languages take care of themselves If you always think about gestures, you will feel uncomfortable4.People in an audience have a hard time to understand what they hear They need your help Slow down, pause and guide the audience through your talk Remember that your goal is to help the audience understand what you are saying, not to tell your in formation in record TimeATake it slow and easy BTry not to think about your hands and facial expressions CPut yourself in your listener s place DSpeak to one person at a time42 . _43 . _44 . _45 . _六、材料作文46 . 书面表达近年来,青少年的心理健康问题引起了越来越多的关注。你们学校的英语角这周的主题就是“青少年心理健康问题大家谈”。请你根据下面的要点提示写一篇文章,就这一话题进行发言。提示:1. 学校方面:建立专门的部门;2.家长方面:给予更多关注;3.青少年自己:正确处理困难。参考词汇:心理健康 mental health; 全社会 the whole society; 部门 department要求:1.词数80左右(文章开头已给出,不计入总词数);2.根据所给信息可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Nowadays, people are paying a lot more attention to teenagers mental health. _第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、4、三、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、四、单词填空1、2、五、信息匹配1、六、材料作文1、


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