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人教版2019-2020学年七年级第二学期期中考试英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . There _ a number of books in the school library. We spend much time reading there.AbeBamCisDare2 . (题文)Jim lost his ID card and he must _it.AloseBfindCseeDsay3 . What does she look like? She _ short hair and two big eyes.AisBhasChave4 . is the ruler?Its greenAWhatBHowCWhat colorDIt5 . When _ you supposed to _ the meeting yesterday?Awere; hadBwas; hadCwere; haveDwas; have6 . What did you do last Saturday? Jeff played _ basketball and I played _ violin.Athe; theBthe; /C/; theDa; the7 . Have they visited the zoo many times._. Only once.AYes, they haveBNo, they haventCNo, they have8 . -Bye! Please _ later.Aring up meBrings up meCring me up9 . ?Its 10:30.AWhen do you go to school?BWhats the date?CWhat time is it?DWhat day is it?二、完型填空Every year several_people are killed on the roads in Great Britain And between one and two thousand people are hurt in road accidents.There are rules_the roads safe, but people do not always obey(遵守)the rules. They are careless. If everybody obeys the rules the roads will be_safer. How can we make the roads safer?Remember this rule. In Great Britain traffic keeps to the left. Cars, buses and bikes_all keep to the left side of the road. In most _ countries traffic keeps to the right._crossing the road, we should stop and look at both sides Look right and left. Then, if you are sure that the road is_, it is safe to cross the road.If you see small children or very old people, _them to cross the road. We must teach small_to cross the road safely. We must always give them a good example .Small children must not play_the street.10 . AthousandBthousandsCthousands ofDthousand of11 . AmakeBto makeCmakingDto making12 . AmanyBmuchCmoreDmost13 . AcanBneedCmustDshould14 . AanotherBotherCothersDthe other15 . AAsBWhenCAfterDBefore16 . AbusyBclearCicyDwet17 . AtakeBaskChelpDstop18 . AchildrenBfriendsCparentsDclassmates19 . AonBatCinDaround三、阅读单选Mark,Jenny and Chris hear about a new restaurant. It sounds interesting. Jenny: I think that new restaurant sounds great. I like Chinese food and I love karaoke!Chris: Karaoke at a restaurant,that is something new. What do you think,Mark?Mark: It sounds awful. I hate karaoke. I like a quiet meal. Chris: You sound like an old man. Karaoke is fun. Jenny: The waiters are all good singers. They bring the food and sing at the same time. Mark: Im glad I dont work there. Chris: Im glad you dont work there. You are too boring and your singing is awful. Mark: My singing is better than yours. You sound like a cat. Jenny: Well, my singing isnt great but I dont care. The restaurant sounds cool. Mark: You are right. Is it open tonight?Chris: Yes, it opens at 7 o clock. They agree to go and walk off together.20 . This dialogue is mainly about _.AkaraokeBa new restaurantCdifferent jobsDsinging waiters21 . _doesnt like karaoke.AMarkBJennyCChrisDNobody22 . Jenny thinks the new restaurant is _AawfulBquietCboringDcool23 . What is special about this new restaurant?AIt is new and modern.BIt has better Chinese food.CIt has karaoke and singing waiters.DIt has longer business hours.24 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the dialogue?AAll the three can sing well.BOnly Mark can sing well.CJenny can sing well.DThe restaurant opens at 7 o clock tonight.Supermarket ABusiness Hours:5:30 a.m.10:30 p.m.Eggs (1 kilo):¥4.90Apples(1 kilo):¥2.00Pork (1 kilo):¥16.80Tomatoes(1 kilo):¥1.81Conditions(环境): Very goodService(服务):GoodSupermarket BBusiness Hours:6:00 a.m.10:00 p.m.Eggs ( 1 kilo):¥4.50Apples (1 kilo):¥1.97Pork (1 kilo):¥16.20Tomatoes (1 kilo):¥1.74Conditions:Very goodService(服务): GoodSupermarket CBusiness Hours:5:00 a.m.10:30 p.m.Eggs (1 kilo):¥4.70Apples (1 kilo):¥2.10Pork (1 kilo):¥16. 80Tomatoes (1 kilo):¥1.80Conditions: Need to improve(改善)Service(服务):Just so-soSupermarket DBusiness Hours: 6:30 a.m.9:30 p.m.Eggs ( 1 kilo):¥6.60Apples (1 kilo):¥1.90Pork(1 kilo):¥16.60Tomatoes (1 kilo):¥1.78Conditions: Just so-soService (服务): Bad25 . From above, we know the business hours ofis the longest(最长).ASupermarket ABSupermarket BCSupermarket CDSupermarket D26 . The price(价格)of the pork inis the same(一样) as that in.ASupermarket A; Supermarket BBSupermarket A; Supermarket CCSupermarket B; Supermarket DDSupermarket C; Supermarket D27 . Eggs inare dearer(贵) than those in any other supermarket.ASupermarket ABSupermarket BCSupermarket CDSupermarket DIn classes, your teachers will talk about topics that you are studying. The information they provide will be important for you to know when you take tests. You must be able to take good written notes from what your teachers say.Taking good notes has three stages. There are certain things you should do before class, during class, and after class. Here are the three stages of note-taking and what you should do during each class.1: Get Ready to Take NotesReview your notes from the previous(以前的) class before you come to class. This will help you remember what was covered and get you ready to understand the new information your teacher will provide.Complete all assigned(布置的) readings before you come to class. Your teacher will expect that you have done this and will use and build upon this information.Bring all note-taking materials with you to class - several pens and pencils as well as your notebook.2:Take NotesNotice what your teacher is saying. Notice signal statements. Examples of signal statements are The most important point . and Remember that ., Be sure to include in your notes information that your teacher repeats or written on the blackboard.Write quickly so that you can include all the important information in your notes. Do this by writing abbreviated (简化的) words such as med for medicine, using symbols such as % for percent(百分之), and writing short sentences. Place a ? next to information about whose meaning you are not sure.28 . Whats the writers purpose in writing this passage?ATo encourage us to listen carefully in class.BTo tell us the importance of taking notes.CTo tell us how to quickly improve our study.DTo give us some tips on how to take notes.29 . We can learn that in the writers opinion(观点), _.Ataking notes is an easy thingBtaking notes is important for testsCteachers shouldnt provide information before testsDtaking notes is more important than listening to the teachers30 . What will most probably be talked about next?AHow to prepare for exams.BAn easy way to take notes.CNote-taking after class.DThe importance of taking notes.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空31 . Could you please buy some drinks and _(snack)for the party?32 . Most of businessmen have enough _(stress)from work.33 . I hate _(do)chores and I think its a _(waste)of time.34 . Parents should teach their kids how to be _(independence).35 . _(do)chores helps them to understand the idea of _(fair).36 . I felt tired when I got home. I _(throw)my bag on the floor and sat down to have a rest.37 . There is no need for Mary _(wash)the clothes at once.五、用单词的正确形式完成短文阅读下面短文,从方框中选择合适的词填空。Fill in the blanks with given words.find and make something easy student difficult we be toNew Look in ClassOne morning, Wu Liang discovered that her classroom had changed. She found that the desks 38 . no longer in rows, but pushed together to make six desks. She was too excited about it for the first two days and she couldnt listen 39 . the teachers carefully. But soon she and her classmates got used to this new classroom arrangement (安排).“Now our class is quieter,”said Wu. “Whats more, we can come up with 40 . own ideas and learn more through discussion. Its a better way to study.”Li Yu liked it, too. He said, “Group members first discuss 41 . then show ourselves in front of the whole class. It42 . us believe in ourselves.”It was part of a reform(改革)at Lis school. The school made this reform because they wanted to provide students with 43 . ways to study and more chances to discuss. “Our school hopes it can improve 44 . abilities to study 45 . by themselves and work in groups,” said Zhang Ming, an English teacher.However, the reform has demanded (要求)more from teachers. Now they have only 15 minutes to give the lesson which should be taught in 45 minutes. It is 46 . to teach in such a short time. The teachers47 . better ways to teach more effectively (有效地).“The reform demands more, but Im sure it is helpful,” added Zhang Ming.六、多任务混合问题A)阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在文章后的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词,并将答案填写在答题卡相应位置上。注意:每个空格只填一个单词。The concept of homeschooling is not a new one. Homeschooling means educating children at home instead of sending them to public or private schools. Nowadays, homeschooling has become popular in the USA for a lot of reasons. One of them is poor quality of education in public schools and its also because of the high cost in private schools. Some parents believe that because they know their childs strengths and weaknesses, they can teach him or her better. Some parents prefer homeschooling so as to prevent their children from getting into bad company. There is another group of people who choose to educate their children at home because they want them to learn their religious beliefs. They also think that homeschooling would help in development of strong family bonds (家庭纽带).However, there are some negative influences of homeschooling on students as well as parents.Homeschooling is a full-time job and not fit for parents who have their own careers. It takes a lot of time for parents side to make homeschooling a success. Other family members responsibilities may also be affected. They may give their full attention to the needs of their children. Besides, a parent may have high educational qualifications, but that does not make him or her a good teacher. Teaching is an art, which requires the ability to understand the needs of the children. It may be difficult for the parents to explain the concepts to their children.In todays world, competition is seen in every field, and school prepares children to face these competitions. However, homeschooling does not give the children a chance to compare with other kids. They will also not be aware of where they stand in educational position among their classmates. This may affect their lives. Education is not the only thing that the children need to become successful human beings. It is necessary that they learn to communicate in the society, and public school provides them with such an environment, where they meet many people. Schools also provide children with a chance to take part in different activities to improve their overall development.It is true that it has many advantages, but one must get to know that school teaches children skills to survive.Homeschooling in the USADefinitionEducating children at home instead of in 48 . schools or private ones.49 . for the popularity of homeschooling The quality of education in public schools is poor and private schools are quite 50 . . Children are 51 . better at home because parents know their strengths and weaknesses. Children can be kept away from bad company if they study at home. Homeschooling is 52 . in learning the religious beliefs of the family and strengthening family bonds.Negative 53 . of homeschoolingFor parents: Its difficult for them to 54 . in homeschooling because they have their own careers. They may not be good 55 . although they may have high educational qualifications.For children: They wont get chances to compare with others if they dont go to schools. Its impossible for them to learn proper ways of 56 . in the society. They are not able to take part in different activities to 57 . their overall development.七、将所给单词连成句子连词成句。将所给词语连成句子,标点已给出。要求:符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,词语不得重复使用。58 . been, for, I, have, two, days, sick_59 . be, dont, late, school, for, time, next_60 . way, to, English, what, the, is, best, learn_?61 . Danny, have, your, finished, you, homework_?62 . went, except, Li Ming, we, to, all, the cinema_八、材料作文63 . 我梦想有一个自己的客厅。客厅里有一张白色的沙发和一张茶几。茶几上有各种各样的水果。客厅里有一台彩电。我可以坐在沙发上欣赏精彩的电影。客厅不大,但非常的干净。我想经常邀请一些朋友在这儿聊天、玩游戏。我非常喜欢我的客厅。词数:80词左右。_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、六、多任务混合问题1、七、将所给单词连成句子1、八、材料作文1、


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