冀教版英语九年级全册Unit 5 Lesson29-30课时练习

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冀教版英语九年级全册Unit 5 Lesson29-30课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Dont worry. He is _ to take care of the little baby.Acarefully enoughBcareful enoughCenough carefullyDenough careful2 . -All the students in the class went to the Great Wall _ Jack. Why?- Because he was ill in hospital.AforBbesidesCwithDexcept3 . What he did _ us a lot.AsurpriseBsurprisedCsurprisingDto surprise4 . Not only Li Lin but also his parents _ in Canada now.AisBareCwasDwere5 . Im sorry Im late again_ the heavy rain.AasBsoCbecauseDbecause of6 . Our class are much sure to win the basketball game _ Class Three.AofBinCagainstDfrom7 . Nothing and nobody can live_air and water.I agree_you.Awith,withBwithout,withCin,withDwith,to8 . Healthy food _ good _ us.Aare; forBis; toCare; toDis; for9 . Please stop _! It _ in the cinema.Asmoking;is not allowedBsmoking;allowsCto smoke;is not allowedDto smoke;doesnt allow10 . Now we can see many trees onsides of the road.AeachBbothCeitherDneither二、完成句子根据汉语提示完成句子。11 . How about _ (放风筝) with us?12 . Hello! May I _(和说话) Kangkang?Sorry. Kangkang isnt in now.13 . Please ask Ma Lin to _ me _(回电话).14 . Id like to _(去购物) this Sunday.15 . Would you like to cook with us?Id like that, but I _ (没有) time.三、用单词的正确形式完成句子三、用所给单词的适当形式填空speak build feed worry learn hit sleep say join exercise16 . She didnt hear from her son for a long time. So she is very _.17 . Your cat is in the street. A car may _ it.18 . My cat likes _ in Grandmas basket.19 . It is necessary for us to do _ every day.20 . More and more _ are standing on both sides of the street.21 . Joe wants to teach his parrot _.22 . My parrot _ “Hello”when I come back home every day.23 . Sometimes I _ my dog some meat.24 . Two years ago my father _ the Party.25 . We _ about how goldfish live and how to look after them on the Internet.用介词at,on,to,for,like完成句子26 . Last summer we went to Hainan Island _ vacation.27 . I looked _ my lost pen,but I didnt find it.28 . They stayed _ home all day.29 . Whats the weather _ in your hometown now?30 . We went _Jims birthday party last night.四、将所给单词连成句子将所给词语连成句子,标点已给出,要求:符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,词语不得重复使用。31 . I, go on, yesterday, a trip_32 . it, I, was, school trip, first_33 . we, happy, sang, on the way_34 . interesting activity, many, there were_35 . what, we, a, wonder, time, had_第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完成句子1、三、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、2、四、将所给单词连成句子1、

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