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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期期末英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全短文5选5四、阅读下面短文,选择方框里A-E五个句子填入文中空缺处,使内容完整、正确。Like you, most animals have eyes. But how and what they see can be very different. 1 . .This fish is called a four-eyed fish, but it really has only two eyes. 2 . The bottom half watches what is happening in the water.A chameleon(变色龙) can move its eyes two ways at once. One eye looks up, while the other looks down. 3 . That makes it easier for a chameleon to find food and stay safe.A bee has five eyes. 4 . The two large eyes can see objects.Most spiders have eight eyes but they cannot see well. Instead, they use tiny hairs on their bodies to taste, smell, hear and feel the world. They can find an object by feeling the way air moves around it.During the day, its hard to see the black pupil(瞳孔) at the center of a crocodiles (鳄鱼) eye. Its a small, thin line. 5 . It becomes large and round to let in more light.AThe top half of each eye sees above the water.BOne can look left, while the other looks right.CAt night the pupil changes its shape.DEach animal has the kind of eyes it needs for the way of life it leads.EThe three small eyes on the top of its head Can tell if its light or dark.二、完型填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贳的要求,从下列各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项Do you have a lucky number? What is it? Many people have a special number_they hope it will bring them good luckIn Chinese culture, people believe some numbers are lucky or unlucky according to_soundsFor example, the number 8(ba)_ quite like the Chinese character发(fa) So people think it is a very lucky number Some people will even spend lots of money _8 in their phone numbers or driving license numbers The opening ceremony(开幕式)of the Beijing Olympics began at 8:00 pm_8 August, 20086 . AwhenBbecauseCifDthough7 . AtheyBthemCtheirDtheirs8 . AsoundBsoundsCsoundedDto sound9 . AgetBgetsCgotDgetting10 . AonBinCatDtoDo you like going to the movies? _ of the students like movies very much. Last Monday I went to a middle school and _ some students about their favorite movies. Some of the _ were really interesting. Here are their likes and _:Rick , _ eleven-year-old boy , likes watching thrillers(惊悚片)because they are scary _ exciting . His classmate , Lisa ,_ stand documentaries . She told me they were _ parents. But she really likes comedies because they are _ . Victor is a big boy .He said he didnt mind documentaries. But he doesnt like comedies because they are boring! And the coolest movies are action movies. Everyone _ them very much .11 . AMostBManyCMuchDAny12 . AtoldBaskedCtalkedDsaid13 . AnamesBsubjectsCanswersDquestions14 . AwantsBspeaksCtakesDdislikes15 . AtheBanCaDthese16 . AbutBorCandDthen17 . AdontBisntCcantDwasnt18 . AatBwithCofDfor19 . AboringBsadCunfriendlyDfunny20 . AlistensBenjoysCwaitsDthinks三、阅读单选Do you sleep well? If your answer is no,the following might help you.Set a certain bedtime and rising timeA certain bedtime and rising time can help you build up your body clacks. Sat a bedtime which is good and natural for you. Dont change your bedtime and rising time on weekends.Avoid exciting activities just before sleepingExciting activities get your thoughts running. At the same time, if you make tomorrows plan or read an exciting story before tuning of the light, it doesnt give you enough time to relax before you try to sleep.Keep the bedroom for sleeping onlyIts a bad habit for you to use your bedroom as a place to eat, watch TV, read, talk on the phone, or discuss important matters with your family members. Break that habit to get better sleep.Dont go to bed too earlyYour body usually lets you sleep only the number of hours it needs. You should decide how many hours you must sleep in order not to experience daytime sleepiness.Take a warm shower before your bedtimeA twenty-minute warm shower at a temperature of about 45-50 not only is a great relax at days end, but also raises your body temperature by several degrees. The drop in temperature of your body will naturally make you feel sleepy.21 . If you want to build up your body clocks, you should .Aset a certain bedtime and rising timeBgo to bed neither too early nor too lateCkeep the bedroom for sleeping onlyDtake a warm shower before sleeping22 . Why should you avoid exciting activities just before sleeping?ABecause you have to make tomorrows plan.BBecause you should read an exciting story.CBecause you will have to turn off the light.DBecause they will get your thoughts running.23 . According to the passage, will make you feel sleepy.Ataking a cold showerByour body temperature droppingCyour daily experienceDraising your body temperatureThe Ant BullyActors: Julia Roberts ( Voice ), Nicolas Cage ( Voice )Language: EnglishRunning time: 1 hour 25 minutesPrice: Weekdays $30 $15( Children under 7 )Weekends $40 $25( Children under 7 ) I really enjoyed this movie. Its a fun movie for the whole family. I had really good laughs and enjoyed being there.JamesI would recommend(推荐) this movie to everyone. Whether you go with your family or friends, I honestly think this movie has something you will really enjoy!SamI have seen several movies of this kind, but this one is the best. It is so well madesome of the scenes are so beautiful.JohnI went to see this film with my 8-year-old daughter this Tuesday, really without knowing too much about it. My daughter and I were pleasantly surprised at how funny it was. We just couldnt help laughing. I would recommend this film to the whole family.Mary24 . We can know that the movie lasts(持续) _.A125 minutesB105 minutesC85 minutesD65 minutes25 . John likes the movie because of _.Athe funny actorsBthe wonderful musicCthe sweet voicesDthe beautiful scenes26 . According to the passage, maybe the movie is about a _ story.AfunnyBsadCterribleDtrueScientists have always believed that snails are not able to find their way home. But Briton Ruth Brooks, a retired teacher, has found that it is not true. Brooks began an experiment on snails after she got mad with the snails in her garden.The snails had eaten her vegetables. She didnt want to kill them, so she took them to another place. But she found they always seemed to come back. Brooks did an experiment. She marked the snails in her garden with nail polish(指甲油).She placed the snails in the area around her home and made notes of their movements. She found that snails have a strong homing instinct(本能); the longest returning snail traveled back 90 meters. Brooks has been named Britains best amateur(业余的) scientist after her work won the BBC Radio 4 project, So You Want To Be A Scientist. She said, “Ive always wanted to know whether the snails that eat my plants just come back when I move them and if they do, what is their homing distance?”“I would say on the evidence(证据) that it would be safe to take your snails away beyond 100m or even further. If you put them somewhere nice with some food, you can be almost certain that they wont come back.”27 . Why did Brooks take the snails to another place?AShe wanted to kill them there.BShe wanted to know about their growth.CShe is retired and has a lot of free time.DThe snails ate her vegetables.28 . She marked the snails to find out _.Awhich one ate her vegetablesBwhether they could come backCwhich one is the strongestDhow many snails there were in her garden29 . According to Brooks, which of the following is TRUE?ASnails are good at finding their way home.BThe snails only eat vegetables.CIts impossible to stop snails from coming home.DSnails can travel anywhere and come back.30 . What might Brooks advice be for keeping snails away?AYoud better kill them.BTake them to scientists.CMark them with nail polish.DMove them to a nice place with food.Mary is a girl .She is a middle school student. She is thirteen. She is in Class Three, Grade Two.There is a big picture in Marys bedroom. Its the picture of the family. Marys mother is a teacher of Chinese .She is a very good teacher. Marys father is a worker. There is a big red flower on his black coat. He is at work from Tuesday to Sunday. Marys brother is near her mother. He is a middle school student, too. He is fourteen .He is in Grade Three.Mary and her brother like books .They like school. They study hard. They are good students.31 . This is a picture of _.AMaryBMarys family CMarys father Da middle school32 . There is a red flower on _ coat.AMarys BMarys mothers CMarys brothers DMarys fathers33 . _on Monday.AThey four are all at homeBMary and her brother are at homeCOnly Marys father is at home DMarys mother and father are not at work四、根据首字母、中文提示填空(题文)34 . (小题1)_(厚厚的)clouds cover the mountain top all year around35 . (小题2)Do you know how_(深的)the Fiver is?36 . (小题3)About 200,000_(游客)came to Taierzhuang Ancient Town during May 1 holidayIts difficult to believe37 . (小题4)Most peoples living_(条件)are becoming better and better now38 . (小题5)Could you give us some advice on how to_(保护)these wild animals?五、完成句子39 . 那家餐馆有最舒服的座位。The restaurant has _.40 . 邮局离火车站很近。The post office _ the train station.41 . 到目前为止,你觉得你的新工作怎么样?How do you like your new job _?42 . 我们可以在这家服装店最便宜地买到衣服吗?Can we buy clothes _ in this clothes store?43 . 在那家电影院,我们可以享受最大的屏幕。We can enjoy _ in that movie theater.六、材料作文44 . 文段表达从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于60词的文段写作。所给提示词语仅供选用,可以适当发挥。请不要写出真实班级与姓名。题目上周日,Lily所在的志愿者小组参加了社区的志愿者活动。请你根据所给图片,描述他们所参加的所有志愿者活动,并谈谈你是否愿意成为志愿者及理由。提示问题:1. What did Lily and her volunteer group do last Sunday?2. Do you want to be a volunteer? Why?提示词语:pick up the trash, cheer up sb., call on sb. to do sth., be willing to do sth., make a differenceLast Sunday, Lily and her volunteer group _ _题目快节奏的生活以及激烈的竞争使大多数中学生在学习、生活上产生了或多或少的压力。为了更好地发现并解决同学们的心理压力问题,学校要开展以“Less Stress, Better Life”为主题的英语演讲比赛。请准备一篇发言稿,谈谈同学中普遍存在的压力以及你的压力所在,并分享一些缓解压力的好办法。提示问题:1. Whats the common stress for your classmates? 2. Whats your stress?3. How do you deal with your stress?提示词语:feel nervous, be harmful to, relieve ones stress, get relaxed, arrange ones time, listen to music, do sports, do some readingNowadays, more and more teenagers are stressed out because of the fast-paced lifestyle and great competition from schoolwork. _第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、补全短文5选51、二、完型填空1、2、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、完成句子1、六、材料作文1、

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