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人教版2019年中考二模英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . In todays American Idol , who is _ in singing , Greg or James ?AtalentedBmore talentedCthe more talentedDthe most talented2 . He seems _ unhappy today.AisBbeCto beDisnt3 . Youd better _ before you make the important decision.Athink over itBthink it aboutCthink it over4 . Whats the _ of the mountain?Its about nine hundred metres.AtemperatureBheightCdirectionDprice5 . To make our city more beautiful, rubbish_into the river.Aneednt be thrownBmustnt be thrownCcant throwDmay not throw6 . We can live a better life if we create _less polluted world.AaBanCDthe7 . Mr Black, my computer is broken, it needs _.OK, I will have it _ tomorrow.Ato be mended; mendingBmending; to mendCmending; mendedDto mend; to be mended8 . I dont know if Linda _ tomorrow.AcomesBcameCwill comeDhas come9 . There is a book _ two pens on the desk.AandBorCbutDso10 . He looked at me _AhappyBunhappyChappilyDangry11 . _is your grandfather?Fine, thanks.AWhatBWhoCHowDWhere12 . He _this famous film before.Ahave seenBsawChas seenDwas seeing13 . -Must I finish my homework at once?-No, you _.AcantBmustntCmay notDneednt14 . A number of foreign playersplaying basketball in the NBA. The number of themabout five hundred.A.are, isAis, areBare, areCis, is15 . -Would you like something to eat? - _ . Im a little hungry.ANo, thanksBYes, pleaseCThats all rightDYes, I would.二、补全对话7选5ATen minutes by bus or by car?B.All the buses came lateCI really like itDWhat about taking a taxi?EAll the buses broke downF,How far is it from the office?GI was tell minutes lateJack:Hi,LilyHow is your new flat?Lily:Its great16 . Jack:How big is it?Lily:It has a bathroom and a small kitchenJack:17 . Lily:Its only about ten minutesJack:18 . Lily:On footI walked to work this morningI was ten minutes early.Jack:You are lucky19 . Lily:What happened?Jack:20 . Lily:Youd better start out fifteen minutes earlier tomorrowJack:Im afraid so三、完型填空Dogs have feelings just like you and me. They cry when they are_ , and they smile when they are happy. Its true. Dogs have a lot of ways of_ their feelings without using words. You just need to_ their body language. For example, what does it _ when your dog wags his tail (摇尾巴)? He is telling you that he is happy, or that he is_something. When your dog puts his tail _ his legs, he is probably afraid, or not feeling _. Also, it isnt hot outside, but does your dog look like he is panting (喘气)? Dont worry! He is fine. It may be strange,_ thats how dogs smile when they relax. Here is a(n) _ . You can try it at home. Ask your _, “Do you want to go for a walk?” Watch his body language closely, and youll probably see him answer, “Yes!”21 . AhealthyBsadCstrongDwelcome22 . AlosingBgettingCtellingDhurting23 . AcleanBwatchCsmellDlisten24 . AproduceBhideCwarnDmean25 . Ainterested inBfamous forCdifferent fromDafraid of26 . AofBbetweenConDfrom27 . AproudBluckyCnervousDgood28 . AandBbutCsoDor29 . AadvantageBmarketCexerciseDjob30 . ArabbitBdogCcatDpig四、阅读单选31 . A guest who forgets to bring a toothbrush with him_.Amust buy one from the hotelBshould get one ready by himselfCcan get one from the hotel for freeDmay ask someone to buy one for him32 . If guests want to get their towels changed, they should leave them_.Ain the rackBon the floorCunder the bed Din the desk33 . The third card tells guests_.Ahow to get the towel changedBwhere to get the towels changedCwhere to get the bedclothes changedDhow to get the bedclothes changedThis is a heart-warming story. It tells about a woman who finally decided to ask her boss for a raise in salary(薪水). All day she felt nervous. Late in the afternoon she summoned(鼓起) the courage to approach her boss. To her delight, the boss agreed to a raise. She was so delighted.The woman arrived home happily that evening. To her surprise, she found a beautiful table set with their best dishes. Candles were softly glowing. Her husband had come home early and prepared a festive meal. She wondered if someone from the office had told him about it, or. did he just got the news by accident.She found him in the kitchen and told him the good news. They hugged and kissed, then sat down to the wonderful meal. Next to her plate the woman found a beautifully card with some words. It read, Congratulations, darling! I knew youd get the raise! These things will tell you how much I love you.Following the supper, her husband went into the kitchen to clean up. She noticed that a second card had fallen from his pocket. She picked it up from the floor, she read, Dont worry about not getting the raise! You are the best anyway! These things will tell you how much I love you.According to the Nobel Peace Prize, Mother Teresa said, What can you do to promote (促进) world peace? Go home and love your family.根据短文内容,选择最佳选项,并将其标号在答题卡上涂黑。(每小题1分,共5分)34 . Why did the woman feel nervous?AShe knew her husband would give her a big surprise.BShe wanted to ask her boss for a raise in salary.CShe knew her boss would refuse.DShe knew her boss would agree.35 . The woman feltafter her boss agreed to a raise.AhappyBdisappointedCsadDangry36 . When the woman arrived home, his husband was_.Astill in the officeBin the living roomCdoing shoppingDin the kitchen37 . What can we learn from the second card?AThe husband knew his wife couldnt get the raise.BThe husband didnt believe his wife.CThe husband loved his wife no matter what happened.DThe husband believed his wife could get the raise.38 . Whats the best title of this passage?ALove without measure.BA woman and her boss.CA big surprise.DLove your family.Sheep Learned to Read FacesWhich animals are smart? Your answer may be dogs, or elephants. Now there is one more animal on the list: sheep.According to a new study, sheep learned to recognize four famous people after being shown their pictures, suggesting these animals have face-recognition abilities similar to humans.Before testing, scientists let the sheep take a look at pictures of four famous people like former US President Barack Obama and British actress Emma Watson. Then the sheep went into a room with two computer screens. Each screen showed a human face looking straight ahead. One screen showed a famous person and the other screen showed a common person. The sheep were more likely to walk toward the screen showing the famous person. On average, they chose correctly in 8 out of 10 tests.After learning the animals ability to recognize famous people, researchers gave them a new task. They wanted to see if the farm animals could correctly recognize the same people shown from the side. The animals were still able to identify (识别) them, though they were a bit slower to recognize the pictures than before and they were correct less than 70% of the time.Finally, the researchers wanted to know if the sleep could recognize their trainers from a photo. Pictures of their trainers were randomly (随机地) shown on screens along with other unfamiliar faces. Without any training, the sheep could recognize their trainers.The results show that the animals face-recognition abilities are similar to those of monkeys, and humans.Face recognition is a difficult process (过程). But sheep have big brains. When they see other sheep, they use this process to recognize one another, said Jenny Morton, the lead researcher.The researchers plan to further study the sheep and find out if they can recognize different facial expression made by humans.The researchers hope that the study could shed light on certain brain diseases (疾病) such as Huntingtons disease, which affects (影响) abilities like facial recognition.We cant say for sure, but it might help us understand how the disease starts, said Morton.39 . Scientists found that sheep can .Abecome humans best friendBbe smarter than other animalsCidentify people by their namesDrecognize familiar human faces40 . Which paragraphs describe how the scientists did the experiments?ABCD41 . What do the words “shed light on” in Paragraph 9 probably mean?AMake it easier to understand.BTurn a very strong light on.CFind ways to solve problems.DKeep trying new experiments.五、阅读判断Jack, Penny and Cindy are friends. They are in the classroom now. Jack finds a red pencil box. A black pencil, two yellow rulers and some erasers are in it. Jack asks Cindy, “ Is this your pencil box?” Cindy says, “ No, it isnt. This pencil box is red. Mine is green.” Jack asks Penny, “What color is your pencil box?” Penny says, “Its red. I cannot find it now.” “Is this your pencil box, Penny?” Jack asks. “ Oh, yes. I lost it this morning. Thank you!” Penny says. Dennis is their English teacher. He says, “ You are a good boy, Jack.”42 . Jack, Penny and Cindy are in the classroom.43 . Cindys pencil box is green.44 . A yellow pencil, two black rulers are in the pencil box.45 . The red pencil box is Pennys.46 . The Chines teacher thinks Jack is a good boy.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。47 . Listen!I hear someone _ (play)the drum in the next room.48 . Lets _ (turn)off the light when we leave the room.49 . Its wrong _ (pick)flowers in the park.50 . Father promised _ (buy)a new bike for Tom.51 . Lucy agreed _ (take)our advice on how to get good grades.七、单词填空Last summer I spent some time52 . with my mother in Beidaihe.We stayed there53 . July 15th to August 5th.It is really a wonderful place.It is 54 . of the most famous summer resorts (避暑胜地) in China.The buildings here are tidy,with some trees and flowers around them.It is 55 . for its beaches,so lots of tourists from all over the56 . come here every year.There are many interesting places there,57 . as the Olympic Park,the Geziwo Park and the Tiger Rock Park.In the Olympic Park,58 . are some athletes statues (运动员的雕像) and champions fingerprints (冠军的手印) and footprints.Everything in the park is about Olympics.The Geziwo Park becomes famous 59 . it is one of the best places to watch the sunset (落日).Thousands of people come to watch the sunset every day.People can also see different60 . of birds.We enjoyed 61 . there.We are hoping for the next holiday.八、回答问题There was a very rich man named John. He gave a great puzzle (迷语)to the people in the town.In his house, he had a very large room. “If anyone of you can fill my room within one day, I will give you 100,000 dollars.” Everyone in the town wanted to try.The first man tried to fill the room with stones. At the end of the day, he was very tired, but the room was still empty.The second man tried to fill the room with wood. He worked all day, but the room was not full. “That room is too big, he said. “No one can do this.”The third man said, “I can do it. Its easy.” Everyone laughed. They thought he could not do it. Then, the man went to the park and played all day. His friend said, “Why are you playing? You should be working. The man said, “I can do it. Dont worry. At 8 oclock at night,the man came to the room with a small bag. The rich man said, “Haha.that bag is too small. It cannot fill the room.The man reached into the bag and took out a candle. He lit(点亮)the candle and said, “You see,the whole room is filled with light!”62 . How much would John give to the man who worked out the puzzle?(根据短文内容回答问题)_63 . Did the second man fill the room within one day?(根据短文内容回答问题)_64 . How did the third man fill the room?(根据短文内容回答问题)_65 . 从短文中找出与下面句子画线部分意思最相近的单词。He worked all day, but the room was not full. _66 . In the passage, the underlined word “It refers to _.九、材料作文67 . 我们都知道电在日常生活中是非常重要的。它帮助我们带动很多电器,但是同时在使用它的过程中还存在一定的危险,请根据下面的提示写一篇60词左右的安全用电手册。内容提示:1.我们手湿时,不允许触碰电器;2.电器不能工作时间太长,我们应该让它们停止工作,休息一下;3.不能让小孩触碰到一些电器;4.当我们清洁或者修理电器时,一定要先关掉电源。生词提示:家用电器electrical appliance电源 power supply写作要求: 1. 60词以上;2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;3. 条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书面整洁。_十、话题作文68 . 介绍自己的班级要求:1、必须包含上述提示的内容。2、词数在80左右。第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、阅读判断1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、十、话题作文1、


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