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外研版版2019-2020学年中考模拟逆袭诊断卷英语试题(不含听力材料)一、听短对话回答问题1 . Which book does Mary like?ABC2 . How many pills will the boy take each time?ASix.BOne.CTwo3 . AAt 9:30 a.m.BAt 10:00 a.m.CAt 1:00 p.m.DAt 1:30 p.m.4 . AThe supermarket.BThe bakery.CThe bookstore.DThe office.二、听句子或对话选择图片5 . ABC6 . ABC7 . What birthday present did Peter get from his parents? ABC8 . ABC9 . When will the speaker stay with her grandparents in Beijing?AABBCC三、听长对话回答问题听对话,回答下列问题。10 . Where is the man?AIn a marketBIn a hotelCIn a bank11 . How long is the bank open on weekdays?AFor 6 hoursBFor 7 hoursCFor 8 hours请听材料,回答下列各小题。12 . How does Daniel feel now?ASad.BHappy.CWorried.13 . What does the girl advise the boy to do after class?AStudy with classmates.BDo more exercises.CListen to music.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。14 . How often does Tony go fishing?ATwice a month.BTwice a week.COnce a week.15 . Which of the following is true?AGrace will go fishing alone.BTony doesnt like fishing.CThey will go fishing together.四、单选题16 . Wang Ming is _ busy with his study, so he _ has time for fun.Aalways; seldomBalways; oftenCusually; oftenDnever; never17 . -Shall we meet on Sunday or Saturday? -_ is OK. Im free on weekends .AEvery BBoth CEither DNeither18 . -Its too late. You had better go home now.- No, I will leave here _ someone tells me the truth.AunlessBuntilCalthoughDwhether19 . Mrs Green_ two hours a day readingAspendsBhasCtakesDuses20 . _ old lady in white is _ university teacher.AAnaBAntheCTheaDThean21 . We have at seven in the morning.AlunchBbreakfastCeggDdinner22 . The School Art Festival_ next month. Youd better prepare a talent show.AholdsBis heldCwill holdDwill be held23 . Itis_ _ofyoutohelpsomany peopleanditisimportantustobekindto others.Aright; ofBkind; forCclever; forDhard; of24 . I dont know_. Can you tell me?Awhere he livesBwhere does he liveChe lives whereDdoes he live where25 . Excuse me, do you have any basketballs?Sorry, we dont have any._AOh, I want to buy it.BThank you all the sameCHere you are.26 . -Lisa ,hurry up !The bus is coming .-Oh ,no . We_cross the street until the traffic lights turn green .AmustntBneedntCshould27 . Some scientists have sent a spacecraft to Mars. It _ several months to get there.AspentBhas spentChas takenDtake28 . Most of the villagers took part in the Dragon Boat races9:00amthe morning of June 18Aat; inBat; onCon; inDon; on29 . We will help to _ the city.Aclean outBclean upCclean onDcleaned out30 . Most of my classmates prefer groups _ play quiet and slow songs.AwhoBwhichCwhom五、补全短文5选5阅读填空阅读短文及文后AE选项,选出可以填入各题空白处的最佳选项,并在答題卡上将该选项涂黑.We have a lot of clubs at our school, The problem is that a lot of them are boringMost students dont feel interested to join them31 . I think that a group of students and teachers should think up new ideas for afterschool clubs32 . Just as important, teachers understand what has the most educational value If you know these, you can make a great club33 . Kids will list movies that they like Then a teacher can find good books about the same topic34 . Science teachers can help students form an invention club English teachers can help students set up an English cornerIn conclusion, I think a group of students should meet with the school board as soon as possible to talk about setting up this committee(委员会)35 . AIf teachers and students work together, everyone will winBTeachers can also make clubs about their subjectsCWhat can we do?DFirst of all, kids know what they likeEHow about a club that will let kids watch movies and read books?六、完型填空For me,racing was something I started doing with my family when I was really young. My dad _ pushed me to race. He just wanted me to be out there giving it my all,applying myself, and most of all,having _ .I was racing motorcycles in California when I was 8 years old. In motorcycle racing, they _ you by age. My ninth birthday was coming up, which meant I would be moving up into the 9-to-1l-year-old group. One problem with that was the motorcycle was much bigger than me. But that didnt stop me from _ . So I was out there competing in the race, and went into a turn and fell over. My dad was sitting there in the trees just watching the race go on and watching me try to solve this problem. The motorcycle was lying on the ground and I couldnt _ it up. I got really frustrated(丧气的). I began to kick the motorcycle. Thats when I heard my dad _ to me, That motorcycle didnt do anything to your son. Dont kick it. I think lots of parents _ their kids too hard. They might be trying to live out their own dreams,or maybe they want so badly to see their kids _ that they take all the enjoyment out of it.I was so _ that my parents just wanted me to be safe and have fun. If I wanted to race, that was fine with them as long as(只要) I remembered that was what I was there to do,and I needed to take it seriously. It wasnt about winning or losing. It was about the attitude(态度).Thanks to them,Ive always really _ racing for all the right reasons. Its what I love to do, and Ive always found a way to enjoy it.36 . AoftenBneverCsometimesDalways37 . AfunBcourageCpatienceDvictory38 . AinviteBchooseCgroupDmatch39 . AdreamingBwinningCrunningDtrying40 . ApickBfixCgiveDlift41 . AexplainingBshoutingCcomplainingDreplying42 . AfollowBpushCtrainDpull43 . AsucceedBgrowCarriveDfight44 . AsurprisedBcommonCluckyDsad45 . ApractisedBsuggestedCmindedDenjoyed七、阅读单选Canadian school buses are called “the safest school buses in the world”All the school buses,which are in deep yellow,have the same styleSchool bus drivers have to receive strict training before getting drivers licensesWhen a school bus runs through the city and carries children to a stop, the driver will turn on the red light and then show the sign“Stop”At this time,all the vehicles(车辆)following the school bus must stop as if they met a red lightAfter all the children get on or off,the school bus will drive awayThen other vehicles can go onMany people will think of cartoons as soon as they talk about Japanese school busesFor a long time,cartoon pictures on school buses have already been popular and become models ofJapanese school busesWhen children see pink Hello Kitty or blue Doraemon, no one will refuse to go to school any moreOn Japanese school buses,theres always a headman caring for kidsIf something happens suddenly,the headman will tell parents about it as soon as possible46 . The color of Canadian school buses isAredByellowCpinkDblue47 . From the passage, we know thatACanadian school buses must have a headmanBCanadian school buses should follow other vehiclesCJapanese school buses may look cuteDJapanese school bus drivers can get licenses easily48 . The passage is written mainly to_Aintroduce school buses in Canada and JapanBsuggest schools choosing better school busesCwelcome students to Canada and JapanDask students to obey traffic rulesThis is a picture. Its a classroom and its big. In the picture, you can see a table, six desks and six chairs. You can see a boy and two girls, too.Two books are on the table. A pencil box is on the desk. Two pens and a ruler are in the pencil box. A bag is behind a chair. The boy is Jim. He is twelve. One girl is Lily. She is twelve, too. One girl is Sue. She is eleven. They are in Class Two. They are good friends. Their teacher is Mr. Green. He is not here.49 . This is a _ in the picture.AclassroomBschoolCstoreDlibrary50 . There are(有) _ on the table.Asix desksBsix chairsCtwo pensDtwo books51 . Sue and Lily are _.AclassmatesBsistersCbrothersDcousins52 . Mr. Green is _.Aa woman teacherBSue and Lilys teacherCin the pictureDJims father53 . You cant see _ in the picture.Atwo girlsBsix tablesCa rulerDa pencil boxOne day a lady who was riding in a coach saw a boy on the road without wearing any shoes and was seemingly very painfulShe asked the coachman to take him up,and said she would pay for him.When the coach reached the end of its journey,the kind lady found that the poor boy was going to the nearest sea port,trying to find a job as a sailor.Twenty years afterwards,on the same road,a sea captain who was on a coach saw an old lady walking tiredly along,and he made the coachman pull up his horsesHe put the old lady inside,saying,“Ill pay for her.” Feeling thankful,the old lady said,“I am too poor to pay for a ride now.You are such a kind man!”The captain told her that he always felt sorry for those who had to walk as she had been doing;then he added,“I remember,twenty years ago,near this very place,I was a poor boy walking along the road,and a kind lady paid for me to ride.”“Ah,” she said,“I am that lady! But things have changed with me since then.”“Well,” said the captain,“I have made a fortuneIm rich now and have come home to enjoy it. I will allow you twenty-five pounds a year as long as you live.” The old lady burst into tears,and gratefully accepted the sailors offer.“Throw the bread upon the waters,and you will find it after many days.” Let me explain these words.In the land of Egypt the river Nile overflows its banks once a yearWhen the fields on the riversides are covered with the water,people throw their seed on it,and the seed sinks down into the soft mudWhen the water disappears,the seed takes rootAfter many days,then comes the harvest, and rich crops of grain are reaped (收获).The lady had thrown her bread upon the waters and was rewarded (奖赏) with more breadShe had done a kind act to a poor boy; and,after many years,he in return was able to do her a great kindness.54 . Twenty years ago,when the lady was riding in a coach,she saw the boy _.Awalking in painBasking for directionClooking for his shoesDplaying on the road55 . What did the lady think of the sea captain?AHe has great courageBHe is very successful.CHe has lots of fortuneDHe is kind and helpful.56 . What can we learn from the passage?AWe should treat others with respect.BA kind act can bring us a lot of money.CWe should throw the seed upon the waters.DA kind act can be rewarded with more kindness.Alien Books On Sale7th February15th February Ding Wangtai Book Market60% off if you buy more than 10 books#The BEST GIFT# for children during the Spring Festival SeasonName: Aliens are My Homework Author: Bruce Coville Price: $ 6In stock(库存)Name: Aliens for Lunch Authors: Stephanie Spinner& Jonathan Etra Price: $ 4Only 18 left in stock Name: The Three little Aliens and the Big Bad Robot Author: Margaret McNamara Price: $ 7 Out of stock 57 . How much should you pay if you buy 12 Aliens are My Homework?A$ 72B$ 28.8C$ 43.258 . How long will the book sale last(持续)?A7 daysB8 daysC9 days59 . Which of the following is NOT true?AYou can buy the books as gifts for childrenBThere are less than 20 books by Stephanie Spinner&Jonathan EtraCThe most expensive book is available八、听短文填写表格听下面一篇短文,完成下面小题。Lilys problemWeak points_What the teacher says to herDont pay attention to _How Lily feels now_60 . AScienceBPECEnglish61 . Athose who laugh at herBher Maths problemsChow to swim faster62 . AMuch happierBMuch sadderCMuch more tired九、语法填空短文填空阅读下列短文,根据短文语境、音标或所给单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个恰当的词,要求所填的词意义准确、形式正确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。As we all know, Beijing opera(京剧) is the quintessence(国粹) of Chinese culture. But is it the only one treasure of our 63 . /ne()n/? Of course not! Chinese calligraphy(书法) is also the 64 . /praid/ of China. It has a very long history and there are lots of calligraphers, 65 . as Wangxizhi, Qigong, Yanzhenqing, Zhaomengfu and so on.I think Wangxizhi is widely 66 . (know) to all of us. He had been very 67 . (interest) in calligraphy since his childhood. Every day he practiced 68 . (write). After that, he would 69 . the writing brush(毛笔) and ink-stone(砚) in the pool. After a considerable period of time, the water in the pool was blackened. And nowadays, it is said that the pool 70 . (remain) black.Chinese is our mother tongue. 71 . not everyone can be a calligrapher, its our duty to learn and write it well. At the same time, we should try our best to learn English well to 72 . /spred/ Chinese calligraphy to the world.十、书信作文73 . 假如你是李平,你的美国笔友Peter写信向你倾诉他的烦恼,请仔细阅读他的来信然后回信安慰他并给他一些建议(至少2条)。字数80左右。Dear Li Ping,How are you? Im not very happy these days.My problem is that my parents dont understand me. I want to go to some art lessons for fun while they insist(坚持) sending me to some after-school classes to improve my exam skills. We even had a big fight once. What should I do?Sad Peter_十一、其他Read the sentences and match them with their functions(读句子,按句子功能归类)。1. Hello. Nice to see you. 2. Can I get you a drink?3. Is it OK if I bring a friend?4.Tom,this is my cousin Simon. 5. Id love to,but I cant make it. 6. Would you like to dance with me?7. I had a really good time!Thanks!8.Could I have a cup of coffee,please?9. Well,see you. It was a wonderful night. 10. Of course,I will. I am looking forward to it.11. Im sorry. Ive got something to do at that time. 12. It would be great if you could come to my party. 13.Were having a party on Sunday. Would you like to join us?Inviting(邀请):74 . Accepting an invitation(接受邀请):75 . Refusing an invitation(拒绝邀请):76 . Introductions(介绍):77 . Greetings(问候):78 . Goodbyes(告别):79 . Offers(主动提供帮助):80 . Requests(提出请求):81 . 根据所给图片,回答问题。82 . Whats the boys first name?_83 . Who is the old man(男人) in your family photo?_84 . Wheres your schoolbag?_85 . Is the basketball on the desk? Where is it? _86 . Are these pens?_第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、3、4、二、听句子或对话选择图片1、2、3、4、5、三、听长对话回答问题1、2、3、四、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、五、补全短文5选51、六、完型填空1、七、阅读单选1、2、3、4、八、听短文填写表格1、九、语法填空1、十、书信作文1、十一、其他1、2、

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