人教版七年级英语下册 unit 1 can you play the guitar 单元同步测试题

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人教版七年级英语下册 unit 1 can you play the guitar 单元同步测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -Must I answer it in English?-No, you _. You can use Chinese.AshouldntBcantCmustntDneednt2 . - Lets play a part the room.- That sounds great!AcleanBcleaningCto cleanDin cleaning3 . _ will I stay in Singapore during the summer holiday? Let me check it for you. For two days.AHow muchBHow longCHow farDHow many4 . I left my English book at home, so I had to _ one with my deskmate in class.AshareBbuyCgiveDsend5 . _? The violin club.AWhat color do you likeBWhat club do you want to joinCWhat can you doDWhats your favorite subject6 . Sam denied _ computer games for hours in the net bar yesterday afternoon.Ato playBplayingCplayDplayed7 . Tomorrow is Friday;today is _.ASundayBSaturdayCThursdayDTuesday8 . Theres one taken by the River Seine_ these photos. Can you find it out?.AexceptBincludingCbetweenDamong9 . The thing that _ is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try your best or not.AmindsBcaresCmattersDconsiders10 . - can you hold the breath under the water? - Less than expected.AHow farBHow longCHow oftenDHow soon11 . -Mr. Wang, I have a fever. What should I do?-First of all, you should _ your temperature.AaskBtestCseeDtake12 . -Is your sister doing her homework now, Jack? -Yes,_ _Ashe isBshe sCshe canDshe does13 . You need to stop him from _ alone.AgoBto goCgoingDwent14 . She gets scared easily,so it is not good to invite her to watch _.Aromantic filmBhorror filmsCdocumentariesDcartoons15 . The Spring Festival is coming. Look! many little children are practicing dancing in cold weather carefully for the show.ASo; suchBSuch; suchCSo; soDSuch;so二、完型填空In USA, middle school students study English, math,science,music,biology(生物) and art.At eleven_the students have lunch at school.They eat meat(肉),_,fruit,hot dogs,bread and hamburgers.Some students dont like hot dogs and they dont like hamburgers,_.American students like dessert(甜品),and after the meal they can_a small piece(片) of cake.Students sleep(睡觉) for a short time after_.They begin classes at half_one in the afternoon.They go to_on weekdays and have classes for six_every day and then go home.Parents usually let their children play or watch TV for half an hour.After that,they do their_.Sometimes children and_parents take a walk together.16 . AclockBoclockCclocksDclocks17 . AvegetableBmilkCvegetablesDegg18 . AtooBalsoCeitherDto19 . AhasBhaveCtakeDeats20 . AlunchBdinnerCsupperDbreakfast21 . AtoBpastCatDon22 . AbedBhouseCroomDschool23 . AhourBhoursCminuteDminutes24 . AhomeworkBhomeworksCworkDworks25 . AtheyBthemCtheirDtheirs三、阅读单选THE FORKS MARKET The Forks Market offers many different kinds of special souvenirs. Downstairs, shoppers may buy fresh food and fruits.In the upstairs, shoppers will find artworks.Open year- round.Tel: 204-942-6302 www.theforks.comMANITOBA LEGISLATIVE BUILDINGManitoba Legislative Building was completed in 1920. many consider it to be the finest in the country. Open from a,m, to 8 p.m. for self-guided tours. Guided tours are offered free. Call for more information. Tel: 204-945-5813 www.gov.mb.ca/mit/legtour/index.htmlMILLENNIUM LIBRARYEvery day, up to 5,00 visitors come to Millennium Library for books, movies, music, wifi, reading corner and study space. Open Monday to Thursday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Friday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sundays from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Tel: 204-986-6450 www.winnipeg.ca/libraryCHILDRONS MUSEUMThe Childrens Museum helps lead to creative learning. there will be public programs, workshops and special events. During the holiday seasons, visitors can take a walk in Eatons Santas Village. Open daily.Tel;204-924-4000 www.childrenmuseum.com注:souvenirs 纪念品;legislative 议会根据材料内容选择最佳答案。26 . You may call if you want to know more about the Forks Market.A204-986-6450B204-924-4000C204-942-6302D204-945-581327 . What can you do in the Manitoba Legislative Building?ABuy food and fruits.BWatch public programs.CHave a self-guided tour.DEnjoy music and movies.28 . When can you go to the Millennium Library?AAt 9 a.m. on Tuesday.BAt 7 p.m. on Friday.CAt 8 p.m. on Saturday.DAt 4 p.m. on Sunday.29 . You can take a walk in Eatons Santas Village in during the holiday season.Athe Forks MarketBthe Childrens MuseumCthe Millennium LibraryDthe Manitoba Legislative Building30 . Where is text most probably from?AA guide book.BA picture book.CA history book.DA science book.You may not have heard the words “freshman fifteen” before, but they are important for students who are entering university. A freshman is a first year college student. “Fifteen” means fifteen poundsthe fifteen pounds added to a students weight in his or her first year. There are a number of reasons why first year university students gain(增加) weight; but its encouraging to know that freshman dont have to add these harmful fifteen pounds.Mistakes in choosing foodUniversity kitchens serve many kinds of food. Some students choose unhealthy food, because now their parents are not nearby(在身边) to help them choose. Some students visit the kitchen many times while studying. Late at night, some students get harmful fast food such as hamburgers. Students also have less time for walking, running, and doing sports because of their schoolwork.Eating rightIf youre careful, you dont have to add fifteen pounds. Here are some ideas.Think more about what you eat.Eat plenty of vegetables and healthy meat.Dont eat desserts(甜点) full of sugar; have fruit after dinner.Try not to eat so much junk food while you study.Its all right to have a little fast food sometimesbut not often.Write down the food you eat.Walk, run, do sportsmove and you will feel better!Remember that the “freshman fifteen” can happen to anyone. Talk to your friends about it. Together, try to eat healthy food and not eat junk food. Walking, running, and playing sports is always more fun with friends. Help each other and you can have a healthy and happy freshman year.31 . The main idea of this passage is to _Aget students ready to gain fifteen poundsBsell healthy food to new studentsChelp new university students not to gain fifteen poundsDshow the mistakes students make in choosing food32 . The “freshman fifteen” is _Aweight that high school students can gain at schoolBfifteen pounds of food that first year students eatCweight that first year university students can gainDfifteen students who eat junk food at university33 . Which of these ideas about eating right is NOT talked about in the passage?AEating vegetables.BMixing vegetables and fruits.CHaving a little fast food.DWriting down the food.34 . Students eat unhealthy food because _Atheir parents arent nearby to helpBthey want to save more moneyCthey dont want to eat while they studyDthey dont like to eat desserts35 . The writer of the passage would probably agree that _Athink little about what you eatBstudents can eat whatever they likeCgaining fifteen pounds can help you study betterDfriends can help you to eat right and live happily四、根据首字母、中文提示填空(题文)36 . (小题1)There is teachers desk in my c_.37 . (小题2)The two little girls are crying. They cant f_ their mother.38 . (小题3)- Whats this in English? - Its an e_.39 . (小题4)Ms. Deng is our English t_. We all like her very much.40 . (小题5)What a nice girl Sally is! She often h_ to do the housework.41 . (小题6)C_ are very important(重要的) in modern(现代的) world. People use(用) them to do many kinds of things.42 . (小题7)His friend went to the l_ to read books last weekend.43 . (小题8)There are thirty students in the c_. They are having a class meeting.44 . (小题9)Lets go and f_ them.45 . (小题10)- Thank you for your help. - Youre w_五、完成句子四、根据汉语完成句子。46 . 学习方面老师对我们要求严格。Our teacher are _ us in study.47 . 球迷们盼着2018 国际足联俄罗斯世界杯的到来。The football fans are _ to the coming of 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia.48 . 现在,到了该毕业的时间了。Now its time _.49 . 两年前,我在发音和读课文方面有问题。 I _ with pronunciation and _ texts two years ago.50 . 你打开的门扇门的后面都是学习新事物的机会,你有能力做出自己的选择。Behind each door you open are _ new things , and you have the ability to make your own choices.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文AeatBpartCservingDplaceEcommonYou may have seen many pumpkins (南瓜) in TV recently since Halloween came on Oct 31. Lanterns made of pumpkins, also known as jack-o-lanterns, are often seen during Halloween (万圣节). Many people in the US like to make them and put them in front of their houses. People hollow out (挖空) a pumpkin, draw a face on one side, and 51 . a candle inside to make the pumpkin bright. The lanterns can look funny or scary.This is not the only way pumpkins are 52 . of American culture. During the Thanksgiving holiday, pumpkin pie is a 53 . food. Its made from pumpkins and has some delicious spices to give it a nice taste. People often put some cream on top of it before 54 . it. It is one of my favorite things to eat during Thanksgiving holidays.七、回答问题Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)Once there was a little girl named Mary Lennox and her two little friends, Dickon and Colin.Both of Marys parents died when she was a little baby. She was sent to her uncle, Mr. Archilbald Crave, who had a son named Colin.Mary was one a selfish (自私的. girl. She cared for nobody else except herself and she was always alone. She started to know the word “friend” after the met Dickon, the gardeners son. The little boy was very kind to Mary. They went to the Secret Garden every day, planting and playing.Mary never expected that making the garden beautiful would bring such a wonderful feeling to her.She was so happy to be with Dickon that she almost forgot all the sad things around her. She came out of her small lonely world.After she met Colin, Mary finally found the very person to take care of Colin, the sick boy who couldnt even walk, had been in bed for about ten years. Before he met Mary, he was taken care of by the servants, but no one really cared how he was. He couldnt find any reason to live.So he cried and cried, thinking about death. But Mary came. Colin was completely attracted to Mary and to all those fresh thoughts and stories which came out of her mouth. Of course, the most exciting of all was the Secret Garden.The feeling of having someone share your secret is wonderful, especially for the children.Colin used to be too weak to change his life, but now he had Mary, Dickon and the Secret Garden.All these gave him courage. Finally, with the help of his two little friends, he managed to stand up for the first time.55 . Did Mary care for anybody else except herself at first?56 . Why was Mary sent to her uncles?57 . What did Mary and Dickon do in the Secret Garden?_in it.58 . How was Colin before he met Mary?59 . Where did Colins courage come from?60 . Who do you think changed the most in the story? Give your reason (s)八、材料作文61 . 你们学校今天将要举行校园歌手大赛,假如你是这个比赛的主持人萨拉(Sarah),请根据以下提示为这个校园歌手大赛写一篇主持稿. 内容提示:1 开场白:到校园歌手大赛的时间了,我是主持人萨拉;2 介绍参赛选手:今天我们有八位参赛选手,他们来自我们学校每个年级;3 介绍比赛规则:校园歌手大赛规则简单;每一位选手将在舞台上唱一首歌;然后将由我们的观众决定他们最喜欢的歌手;得到最多的支持的那位选手将成为这次比赛的胜利者;4 比赛过程:你为比赛做好准备了吗?第一个上台的选手是;你是今天的幸运得主,你已经赢得了今天的奖品一台电脑;5 结束语:感谢大家;这是今天的表演,下次见。写作要求1词数:80词左右;2文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校名称。第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、完成句子1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、回答问题1、八、材料作文1、


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