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人教版2019-2020学年中考英语语法考点专项训练宾语从句A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Bill has made great progress _ the help of his teachers.AforBwithCunderDat2 . John really doesnt know_.Awhether has his father bought himBwhat has his father bought himCwhat his father has bought him3 . The little girl is always too shy and afraid to express herself in public.AangrilyBclearlyCquietlyDpolitely4 . At the science museum,the boys and girls get to know_.Awhat is the spaceship likeBwhat the spaceship looks likeChow the spaceship looks 1ikeDhow does the spaceship 1ook like.5 . Could you tell me where _ maps?Acan I buyBI can buyCcan buyDbuy6 . In winter, many students like having soya milk and_ hot drinks.AothersBthe otherCanotherDsome other7 . This computer guide will show you_ in other fields.Ahow can it be usedBwhen can it be usedChow it can be usedDwhich can be used it8 . Do you know the first prize in the last Art Festival?By practicing every day. Ahow he gotBhow did he getChow he will getDhow will he get9 . - Do you know_her mobile phone?一 No, I think it cost her around 4000 yuan.Awhen your sister paid forBhow much your sister will pay forChow much your sister paid forDwhen did your sister buy10 . Could you please tell me _ at the2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi?Ahow many gold medals did Chinese athletes winBChinese athletes won how many gold medals.Cdid how many Chinese athletes win gold medalsDhow many gold medals Chinese athletes won11 . Worries about the exam and the lack(缺少) of sleep will drive me mad!.Take it easy. Your best work only comes after your brain.Awill rest wellBrest wellCis well rested12 . - Excuse me, _ to the nearest bookshop, please? - Go straight and take the second turning on the left.Awhere the way isBwhich the way isCwhere is the wayDwhich is the way13 . Do you know what time _?Athe train leaveBdoes the train leaveCwill the train leaveDthe train leaves14 . - Can you tell me _ next Sunday?- Yes. Ill go to the Great Wall.Awhere will you goBwhere did you goCwhere you will goDWhere you went15 . Eddies mother asked him _ he wanted to fly to the USA to spend the summer vacation the next year.AifBwhereCthatDhow16 . Why was the boy look so unhappy?Because he was _ to reach the apples on the tree.Atoo shortBshort enoughCtoo tallDlong enough17 . _Mr Wang, could you tell me how long _the magazines_ At most ten days.AI can borrowBcan I borrowCI can keepDcan I keep18 . Could you tell me _? In August, 2014.Awhere will the Youth Olympic Games take placeBwhen will the Youth Olympic Games take placeCwhere the Youth Olympic Games will take placeDwhen the Youth Olympic Games will take place19 . Can you guess _ ? Ive no idea about it.Awhy was he lateBwhen shall we have the sports meeting Cwhere was she bornDhow much he paid for the camera20 . Imthat I cant go to the movie with you tonight, for I have lots of work to do.AsureBgladCsadDafraid21 . -Do you know _? -Next Sunday.Awhat will they doBwhere did they goCwhen they will come hereDwho they met22 . I am wondering _.Whatever the result is, dont be too hard on yourself.Awhy I can pass the testBwhen I have prepared for the testCif I can get high marks in the testDthat I am getting ready for the test these days23 . The class teacher asked the students.Awhy doesnt Jack come for the picnicBwhy didnt Jack come for the picnicCwhy Jack doesnt come for the picnicDwhy Jack didnt come for the picnic24 . You cant imagine _ when they received these Christmas presents.Ahow they were excitedBhow excited they wereChow excited were theyDthey were how excited25 . Could you please tell me?Bus No. 536 will take you right there.Awhere Hubei Museum isBwhat Hubei Museum is likeCwhich bus I should take to Hubei Museum26 . Can you tell me _?Of course. Japan.Awhats his jobBwhere does he come fromCwhere he is fromDwhat language he speaks27 . Do you know_ ?All of them _ the museum.Awhere are the students; have gone toBwhere are the students; have been toCwhere the students are; have gone to28 . Where is Jim?I dont know. I wonder_.Awhere is he nowBhow is heCwhat the matter isDwhats wrong with him.29 . -Do you believe that humans could live on Mars?-I dont think _.Aif it comes trueBthat it will come trueCwhy it will come trueDhow does it come true30 . I dont know _ tomorrow.Awhere my father will goBwhere will my father goCwhere did my father goDwhere my father went第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、

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