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人教版2020年八年级上学期期中英语试卷(带解析)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Thirty-six people died in the accident in Shanghai on December 31st._. We should keep away from crowded places.AIm afraid notBIts impossibleCIm sorry to hear that2 . Do you know _ man on TV? Yes, he is _ honest personNow he is planning _ one-day trip.Aa, an, anBan, the, aCthe, a, anDthe, an, a3 . -.is it from your home to school? - Its about three miles.AHow soonBHow muchCHowlongDHow far4 . How many hours do they relax every day?_.ATwice a dayBTwoCSecondDTwice5 . This is fascinating town I have ever visited.Yes.Ive never seen a one.Athe worst,biggerBthe most,betterCthe better,bestDthe worse,good6 . Mother looked at the picture_ with a smile.AcarefulBcarefullyCcarelessDcarelessly7 . Travelling _ is so modern now.Aby a bicycleBby bicyclesCon a bicycleDride a bicycle8 . Its the best time _ traveling _ this time of year.Ato go to; atBgoing;/Cto go; atDto go; in9 . - Where does your uncle work? - He works in Paris, the capital of _.Athe USABFranceCRussiaDJapan10 . Does Jack _ a TV?Yes. He often _sports programs on TV.Ahas; watches; /Bhave; watches; /Chave; watches; anDhas; watches; an11 . The guides last words_us that we should bring raincoats or umbrellas.ArecommendedBrememberedCrepliedDreminded12 . Dont run in the hallways, Peter. _.AYes, I canBNo, I cantCSorry, Mr. WangDNot, good13 . -Do you know _woman in red dress?-Yes, _is Jimmys motherAa, sheBthis, hersCthe, sheDone, her14 . Believe it or not, a pig from South Africa started painting a few months ago. Nothing is _ .AimpossibleBpersonalCcarefulDlively15 . - _I take the newspaper to the classroom?-No, you mustnt. You _ read it only here.AMust, canBMay, canCNeed, mustDMust, must二、完型填空完形填空。George and Betty didnt have much money, but they wanted to buy a car. Betty didnt have a_, so she was always finding ways to save money.She_vegetables in her garden so that she wouldnt have to buy any. She made sandwiches for George to_to work so that he wouldnt have to buy his lunch. Every day George took the bus to go to work and go home. It was not a long trip_the bus was slow because of the traffic. One day, the traffic was even_than usual. “I could run faster than this bus!” thought George.The next day_work he decided to have a try. He went to the bus stop but didnt take the bus. He ran along beside it on the sidewalk. He had to run quite fast to _ the bus. He arrived home. Betty was_to see him panting (喘气). She was worried. “Whats the matter?” she asked. “I ran along beside the bus,” said George. “I saved two dollars and fifty cents without paying the fare.” He thought it would make Betty_, but it didnt. “_didnt you run beside a taxi?” she said. “You would have saved six dollars!”16 . AworkBjobCchildDhouse17 . AgrewBgaveCboughtDknew18 . AmakeBcarryCbringDtake19 . AorBandCbutDso20 . AlargerBbiggerCworseDbetter21 . AafterBbeforeCfinishedDbegan22 . Aget out ofBget along withCcome up withDcatch up with23 . AexcitedBsurprisedCinterestedDbored24 . AtiredBsadCcleanDhappy25 . AWhenBWhatCWhyDWhere三、阅读单选Do you get angry when your friends sing loudly? Or when your best friend doesnt wait for you after school?If you do, you need to control your feelings and stop getting angry so easily. Getting angry easily can make you lose friends.Gary Egeberg, an American high school teacher, wrote My Feelings are Just Like Wild Animals to help you control your feelings. It tells teenagers how to stay cool when bad things happen to them. The book says that getting angry only makes problems worse. It can not make them better. “Getting angry is not a natural way to act”, the book says. It is not good for your health, like smoking. The book says you can control your anger easily,and all you have to do is to tell yourself not to be angry.When a baby falls over, it cries only when people are watching it. Like a baby, you can only get angry if you are sure it is the right thing to do.The book gives many suggestions to help you if you get angry easily. Here are the top three.Keep a record. Every time you get angry, write down why you are angry. Look at it later and you will see you get angry too easily.Ask your friends to stop talking to you when you get angry. This will teach you not to be angry.Do something different.When you get angry,walk away from the problem and go somewhere else. Try to laugh!根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。26 . The underlined word“control means _in Chinese.A发作B控制C消除D抵制27 . My Feelings are Just Like Wild Animals mainly tells us_.Awhat the nature isBsmoking is a bad habitChow to stay coolDhow to learn English well28 . What can you do when you get angry?AQuarrel (争吵) with others.BDont walk away from the problem.CAsk your friends to talk to you.DWrite down the reason why youre angry.29 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AHere are four suggestions to help you if you get angry easily.BMy Feelings are Just Like Wild Animals is a film.CThe writer thinks it is hard to control anger.DThe writer thinks that if you get angry easily, you can lose your friends.30 . Which is the best title(题目) for this passage?ADont Get Angry EasilyBLets Make FriendsCLaughing HelpsDA Baby Gets Angry EasilySome children wish to be writers some day. They want to write stories or books for people to read. Thats good! Its good to write something for people to read! But they should know that they need to be good readers first before they are really good writers. They should read a lot of books, instead代替 of watching TV and spending a lot of time playing games when they are free.There is more fun in reading, you want to look for more books to read. Before you decide to be a good writer, youd better say to yourself, I must read more and more!31 . This article mainly主要 tells us that .Asome children wish to be writers some dayBit is good to write something for people to readCreading books is funDreading can be helpful for us to become a good writer32 . Reading more books may .Ahelp you to be a good writerBhelp you play wellCmake you work betterDmake you watch more TV at home33 . Its good for children .Ato do a lot of readingBto watch TV in the eveningCto be good writers right nowDto have wishes only34 . Some children want to be writers .Abecause they want to be good readersBto get more money and buy a lot of good things.Cto write stories or books for people to readDto find good work some day35 . From the passage, we know that .Aall children like to be writersBpeople like to read for childrenCchildren need to read more and more booksDall writers are childrenTimeClass8:008:50History9:009:50Maths9:5010:05Morning break10:1011:00English11:1012:00PE12:0012:50Noon break1:001:50Art and craft2:002:50ChemistryHi, my name is Alex. This is my school schedule. I have to wake up every morning at about 6:30. First, I have breakfast. Then I ride my bike to school. It takes me 20 minutes to get there.I have four classes in the morning. I like history the most. Mr. Rudolph is really cool because he knows everything about history, and he tells us lots of interesting stories. We also get a 15 minute break in the morning. I usually talk to Seth and Franklin at that time. We also share our snack together, near the football pitch. To tell the truth, I am not good at sports. However, Mrs. Lee, our PE teacher, is still very strict with us.The afternoon is easier, since I have only two classes. Chemistry is my favourite. We get to do fun experiments. I want to be a doctor one day. Art and craft is also fun. Our teacher, Mrs. Lester, is nice. She encourages us even if drawing is bad.After class, I ride my bike home. I spend about an hour doing my homework and then, I go out with friends for a while.36 . How many classes does Alex have a day?A2.B4.C6.D8.37 . According to the passage, which class may NOT Alexs favourite?AHistory.BPCDChemistry.EArt and craft.38 . Who are We?ASeth and Franklin.BMr. Rudolph and Mrs. Lester.CAll school students.DAlex and his classmates.39 . If a students drawing is not good, Mrs. Lester will _.Amake the students draw it againBnot shout at the studentCnot encourage the studentDgive the student an F40 . What can we learn from the passage?AAlexs home is next to the school.BAlex has no time to play after school.CAlex has his own dream job.DAlex doesnt like his teachers.Lisa has been to Antarctica (南极洲). Here is a page from her.Tuesday December 2We planned to go to Rothera that morning. Wed be staying there for the next two weeks. Because Antarctica is the windiest place on earth, sometimes you cant fly at all.We had a nervous wait over breakfast to find out if wed be leaving that day. People have to stay in Stanley for weeks while the pilots wait for good weather.It turned clear at 9: 30 and we took off at 10: 30 on a little red plane called a Dash-7. But even when we were in the air, there was still a chance we wouldnt be able to fly the whole day.Wednesday December 3After waking up in the Antarctica for the first time today, I can understand why everybody who comes here falls in love with the place. It is really beautiful.Were staying at Rothera Survey base with mountains of ice all around. Its about minus 2 today, which for me is very cold, but the regulars here are often seen walking around in T-shirts!Thursday December 4I woke up to another beautiful sunny day here in the Antarctica. Im told its a bit colder today, about minus 5, but its not very windy so it feels warmer. Those of us who are new to the base have to do a special training course before were allowed to go off the base to other stations or to go snowboarding over the nearby hill.Saturday December 6Not a cloud in the sky and its warm enough to sit outside (in a jacket).The most amazing thing about this place is how the scenery changes every day. At first I thought I was going mad. Id step outside in the morning and think, “Im sure that big mountain of ice wasnt there yesterday.” Its because the sea ice is always movingslowly thankfully.41 . Lisa sat outside wearing a jacket on.ATuesdayBWednesdayCThursdayDSaturday42 . could stop Lisa from leaving Stanley for Rothera.AStrong windsBThick cloudsCMountains of iceDLow temperatures43 . The underlined word “go off” most probably means.AleaveBchangeCguardDwatch44 . Lisa feltduring her stay in the Antarctica.AafraidBnervousCamazedDbored45 . What left Lisa a deep impression about Rothera was that.Apeople walked around in T-shirtsBthere was a special training courseCthe weather was sometimes warmDthe scenery changed every day46 . From the article we can know this is a page from Lisas.AnotebooksBdiariesChomeworkDbooks四、句型转换按要求完成句子47 . I want to join the art club.(对画线部分提问)_ do you want to join?48 . Tom can play the violin and the piano.(改为否定句)Tom _ the violin _ the piano.49 . She can speak English.(改为一般疑问句)_ she _ English?50 . I can play the guitar.(用 the drums改为选择疑问句)_ you play the guitar _ the drums?51 . My sister can play the violin.(对画线部分提问)_ can your sister _?五、填写适当的单词补全句子词汇应用(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词)52 . The river runs_ (穿过) the city from the East to the West.53 . I want to travel to _ (外国) countries like England, the USA next year.54 . The kind boy _(主动提出) to help me with my English yesterday.55 . We often borrow _ (杂志)from our school library.56 . When I met him, he finished _ (计划) his trip to London last night.57 . My cousin keeps writing in English about his _ life.(day)58 . He is a musical boy. He buys many famous _(sing) CDs.59 . Im _ (true) sorry that things had to end like this.60 . Please make _ at home, twins. (oneself)61 . James did _ in the writing competition of all the students.(bad)根据句意或汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。62 . The mountain in Xihui Park is 329 meters in _(高).63 . Hes the _(着迷)about computer games among three of us.64 . _(幸运), he passed the exam in the end .65 . Tu Youyou is one of my _(偶像). She won the Nobel Prize for Medicine this year.六、用单词的正确形式完成句子语篇理解阅读下面材料,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。into, enjoy, first, cut, makeIn Yunnan , many people eat rice noodles for breakfast. To make this special food, you need to have rice noodles, chicken soup, chicken, lettuce and eggs._ 66 . _, wash the lettuce and cut it up. Next , _67 . _the chicken into pieces. Then ,_ 68 . _the chicken soup very hot, over 100.Then cook the eggs, meat and lettuce in the pot of hot soup, one by one. Finally, put the rice noodles _69 . _the soup. Now, its time _70 . _the rice noodles.词汇运用(10分)从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文意思通顺完整。Do you remember that little match girl?Let me 71 . you another story about her. It was very cold, on a 72 . morning, after 73 . all matches, the little match girl felt very hungry and cold. She wanted to go home. On the way home, she 74 . a tree stump(树桩). Because she was very 75 . , she decided 76 . a break, she leaned on the tree stump, and then went to sleep.In her dream, the tree stump became very large. She felt surprised and happy. She thought that this tree stump could make many matches, and it also could ignite(点燃) the heating(暖器设备). But she thought of a question. “How can I split(分开) the stump and take it home?” She thought it over and then 77 . an idea. Santa 78 . an ax and a small cart for her. She split the tree stump, then shipped the wood back home.In her room, the little match girl ignited the wood,warmed herself by the fire while making matches. She79 . very happy. It80 . warm, really warm.七、填空任务型阅读Let me give you some useful advice(建议). You probably(很有可能) think you will never be a top student .Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants .Here is how plan your time carefully. Make a list of things that you have to do .After making the list.,you should make a schedule(时刻表) of your time . First arrange your time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc .Then decide a good regular(有规律的) time for studying. Dont forget to spend some time on your hobbies.Find a good place to study. Look around the house for a good study area. It may be a desk, a corner of your room, free of everything but study things.Make good use of your time in class .Listen to everything the teacher says. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher saysStudy regularly. When you get home from school, go over (复习) your notes. Reviewing the important points will help you understand the next class.Never give up (放弃)if you dont pass a testDont be too worried. The world wont end if you dont pass a testTitle: To be a81 . _ studentPlan your time 82 . _Make a list of83 . _ you have to do. Remember to spend some time on your hobbiesFind a good place for your 84 . _85 . _ is there but study thingsMake good 86 . _of your time in classBe a good listener in class. 87 . _notes carefullyStudy 88 . _.Review your notes when 89 . _ homeNever give up if you 90 . _in a test八、材料作文91 . “Great Changes in My Hometown ”为题用英语写一篇短文描述家乡小镇所发生的变化。过去我住的一个小镇周围都是树,没有高楼。那里的人们过着贫穷的生活。现在家乡发生了巨变,你到处能看到高楼大厦和工厂,许多人有了自驾车。但空气和水污染也变得越来越严重,山不绿了,水不净了,天不蓝了发挥1-2句.Great Changes in My Hometown第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、句型转换1、五、填写适当的单词补全句子1、2、六、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、2、七、填空1、八、材料作文1、

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