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人教版2019-2020学年九年级上学期期末(一模)英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I want to see the film. Would you like to go with me?_ACertainly, I like to.BYou bet. Id like to.CYou bet, I would.DNo, Id like to.2 . Our teacher often advises us _ computer games a lot.Anot playingBto playingCplayingDnot to play3 . This is“X” and that is“U”Aa, aBa, anCan, aDan, an4 . The math problem is so hard. I really dont know.Ahow to do itBhow to doCwhat to do itDwhere to do it5 . of you to come to help us in such bad weather!AWhat a niceBHow niceCWhat a niceDHow nicely6 . This dictionary was not _to Sarah,so she gave it to her cousin.AamazingBmissingCusefulDwhole7 . - Do you have a big library? - No, we dont, at least, not _ yours.Abigger asBas big asCas big than8 . The surgeon hasnt come back, has he?_, for he _ Australia since last week and will be back in a week.ANo; has been inBNo; has gone toCYes; has gone toDYes; has been in9 . Daniel, dont watch such horror films again.Sorry,_.AI willBI dontCI doDI wont10 . Living in the city has many _ such as good schools, big shopping centers and so on.AadvantagesBactivitiesCdifficultiesDcommunications11 . My brother _ English for ten years. He can talk with foreigners in English freely.AstudiesBstudiedChas studiedDwill study12 . What would some students like to do after finishing their education?They would like to start to work _they neednt depend on their parents completely.Aas soon asBbeforeCso thatDwhile13 . -You look pretty _your red blouse.-_.Ain;Youre beautiful,tooBin;Best wishesCon;Just so soDin;Thank you14 . Not only Xiao Hong but also Da Wei well in math.Yes, they usually get good grades in math.AdoBdoingCdoesDdid15 . Which of the underlined letter is pronounced differently(发音不同) from the other three?ArunBdrinkCEnglishDsing16 . The Olympic Games _ in London in 2012. I hear it _ in different countries every four years.Ais given, is givenBwas held, is heldCwill be held, is heldDwill be given, is given17 . -_ I return the book before Saturday?- No, you neednt.ACanBShouldCMustDMay18 . Jenny lives alone in Shanghai. She must be _.Why doesnt she move to Beijing with her family?AtiredBblindClonelyDsick19 . His father can speak English, _ he cant write English.AandBbutCsoDor20 . The teacher shouldnt make the student _ all the class.Ato standBstandCto listen二、完型填空Many of us enjoy watching animals in the world. But do you know what they can teach us?Geese(雁), for example, teach a very good lesson about _. In autumn, geese fly to the warm south to _ the cold winter. They started to fly in no order. Yet _they form a V shape, with one bird leading the whole group in front.This V shape allows geese to _energy. Because when the front bird moves its wings up and down, the resulting force of the air lifts the next one. This continues down the line and helps the whole group fly more easily. The bird _ has the hardest job. When it gets tired , it moves behind, and another bird moves to take its place. By sharing the role, the group can travel _ distances. Geese flying in a V shape can fly 70 percent farther without _ than birds flying alone.During the long flying journey, geese _ with one another. They honk(鸣叫) to lead the birds in front to keep up the speed. They also cheer each other up _ working towards a common goal.What have we learned from the lovely geeses experience and skills?_together! Whether it is our personal lives or our jobs, we need other people. We need the help from other people. We need the spirit of teamwork!21 . AexperienceBsuccessCfriendshipDteamwork22 . Alook forBwait forCget away fromDgo on23 . AbusilyBquicklyCbravelyDeasily24 . AsaveBwasteCcreateDlose25 . Aat the backBin frontCin the middleDon the left26 . AlongBimportantCshortDright27 . AexcuseBpainCrestDresult28 . AcommunicateBagreeCcomeDargue29 . AuntilBafterCwhileDbefore30 . APlayBTravelCLiveDWork三、阅读单选There is a song we all can sing March of the Volunteers (义勇军进行曲). Its our national anthem (国歌). Now, there is a law to protect the song.On Sept 1, the government passed the National Anthem Law. It states how we should sing or play the song, requiring (要求) all Chinese to respect it. The law will take effect from Oct 1.According to the law, the song will only be allowed to play at nine situations, such as major sporting events, award ceremonies and flag-raising ceremonies. It shouldnt be used at personal funerals (葬礼) or as background music in public places.Moreover, the law requires Chinese to be serious when singing the song. We can neither joke about the song nor change the songs words or music. If someone breaks the law, he or she can be detained (拘留) for up to 15 days or held criminally liable (负刑事责任).Many foreign countries also have laws for their national anthems. For example, US people should put the right hands over their hearts while singing the song. In Russia, the national anthem must be played on television and radio before the start and the end of broadcasting(广播).31 . During which of the following situations are you NOT allowed to play the national anthem?AA major sporting event.BAward ceremonies.CFlag-raising ceremonies.DAs background music in public places.32 . The people _ put their right hands over their hearts while singing the national anthem.Ain ChinaBin JapanCin the USDin Russia33 . What is NOT true about the Chinese National Anthem Law?AIt requires Chinese to be serious when singing the song.BAnyone cant joke about the song, or he or she may be detained for up to 15 days.CThat someone changes the songs words or music means breaking the law.DAt the start of broadcasting the national anthem must be played on television.34 . What is the main idea of the passage?AA new law was passed to protect the Chinese national anthem.BWhat people should do to respect other countries.CWhy citizens should protect their national anthem.DHow different countries take action to respect their national anthems.四、句型转换句型转换35 . I will ask someone to water my flowers.(改为同义句)I will _ my flowers _.36 . I think Bob should cut his hair.(改为否定句)I _ think Bob _ cut his hair.37 . Can you take good care of the children?(改为被动语态)_ the children _ good care of by you?38 . The classroom must be cleaned after school.(对画线部分提问)_ the classroom _?39 . Jane failed the math test last week.(改为同义句)Jane _ the math test last week.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空。40 . I have many(很多) _ (pen pal).41 . Could you please tell _ (I) your name?42 . Do you speak _ (China)?43 . He wants _ (visit) the Great Wall.44 . I help her s_ Chinese.45 . _ want to visit the Great Wall. Do you want to go with _?Yes, I do. (they/them)46 . Excuse _, are you from Beijing?Yes, _ am. (I/me)47 . Is Mr. Zhang your Chinese teacher?Yes, _ is. We like _ very much. (he/him)48 . Whos the woman over there (在那边)?Sorry. I dont know _. _ is a new teacher. (she/her).49 . _ are your teachers. Could you tell _ your name?Sure. (we/us)六、用单词的正确形式完成短文Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)A. started B. pressing C. available D. satisfying E. exactlyWhen the Internet become50 . in the 1990s nobody had any idea of just how popular it was going to become. There are over 100,000,000 websites, although nobody knows51 . how many there are, and there are billions of web pages. But what will the Internet be like in the future? Here, the experts give us their predictions.Internet and mobile phonesThe first mobile phone with Internet was in Finland in 1996, but it was very expensive so not many people used it. Japan52 . the first mobile phone Internet service in 1999. By 2008, more people were using mobiles to access(接入) the Internet than computers. In the future, experts say well all use our mobiles to access the Internet.Mobile screens will probably get a little bigger, but not much. Of course, youll control all the function by 53 . the screen, not buttons.AdeliverBdifferenceCprofessionalD machinesEtraditionalHow will people use the Internet?Soon, everything from your car to your fridge will be connected to the Internet, and54 . will communicate with each other. Electrolux has already developed fridge that emails shopping list to a local supermarket and arranges a time for them to55 . your shopping to your house! We will see a big change in the way people use it. Sixty-four percent of experts think people wont have to use the56 . keyboard. We will have “virtual” (虚拟的)keyboards- people will be able to display these keyboards on any flat surface, such as a table.Work and rest time.Most people will also spend part of their day in virtual worlds, at home or at work. Finally, there wont be a big 57 . between work and rest time. People will be able to connect to the Internet anywhere and work where they are in the gym, a shop, at home or even in a virtual office.七、单词填空Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)Throughout the 1900s, almost everyone knew how to jump, or “skip” rope. And it wasnt just kids on playgrounds chanting silly rhymes or singing favourite songs. Champion boxes like Sugar Ray Leonard and Muhammad Ali jumped rope to build stamina (耐力) and develop quick footwork.The activity of rope-jumping for f58 . and exercise has most likely been around for thousands of years. Historians believe children skipping rope, and medieval (中世纪的) European paintings s59 . children skipping rope on the cobblestone (鹅卵石) streets.The earliest jump ropers in North America may have been Dutch immigrants, who brought the game Double Dutch with them in the 1600s. In Double Dutch, two turners h60 . the ends of two ropes and turn them in opposite directions as one person jumps between them. When the game was first introduced, girls couldnt participate, partly because they were c61 . weaker, and exercise was thought of as unfeminine (不适合女性的).Also, girls wore l62 . dresses that got in the way.Once girls did start jumping, however, they really took over. And later, it was m63 . girls who were better at this activity. Now, both girls and boys jump rope. Jumping rope has become a worldwide competitive sport in which children and adults compete in both single and t64 . events.So, pick up a rope, find a silly rhyme or your favorite song, and start jumping.八、回答问题任务型阅读.阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成下列各题。It seems that everybody tells lieswell, not big lies, but “white lies”. Telling white lies isnt really that bad, Actually, its a good way to help people out. Most of the time, people do it because they want to protect friendship or they dont want to hurt someone, Here are some ways they do it.Lying to hide something, People often lie because they want to hide something from someone. For example, Jack wants to go out to play soccer, but he tells a lie to his parents to say that he will go to the library to study.Giving false excuses. Sometimes people lie because they dont want to do something. For example, someone invites you to a party. You think it will be boring, so you say youre busy.Lying to make someone feel good, Often we dont tell the truth to make someone feel good, For example, your friend cooks dinner for you, but it tastes terrible. Do you say so ? No! You probably say “Mmm, this is delicious!”Lying to hide bad news. Sometimes, we dont want to tell someone bad news. For example, you have just had a terrible day at work, but you dont want your family to worry about you, So if your parents ask you about your day, you just say everything was fine.65 . How many kinds of “white lies” are mentioned in the passage?_.66 . What will Jack do instead of studying in the library?He _.67 . What if (如果就会) your say the dish is terrible?The person who made it will feel _.68 . Why isnt telling “white lies” always bad?Because _.69 . What does the passage mainly tell us?The passage mainly tells us _.九、材料作文70 . 写作著名作家Francis Bacon曾说过:“Reading makes a full man.”可见,阅读对于每个人的成长起着举足轻重的作用。请你根据以下信息提示,谈谈你对阅读的看法和收获。内容可以包括:1.阅读的好处;2.结合自身的读书体验,介绍一本你读过的书或一个故事;3.读这本书或故事的收获。要求:1.不少于80词;2.文中不得出现真实的个人信息;3.条理消晰、语言流畅、书写工整、可适当发挥。_第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、

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