2019版外研版英语八年级下册Module 6 Unit 2课时练习(II)卷

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2019版外研版英语八年级下册Module 6 Unit 2课时练习(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、阅读单选Parents are a childs first teachers. But some parents never learned from good examples. In New York City, Covenant House tries to help homeless young mothers become good parents.The twelve or so teenagers who live at the shelter attend parenting classes four days a week. The class is called Mommy and Me.Teacher Delores Clemens is a mother of five and a grandmother. She teaches basic skills, like how to give a baby a bath and how to dress a baby in different seasons.She remembers one student who learned from her mother not to pick up a crying baby. The mother said that would only make the child needy.“I said Thats not true. You have to hold your baby! He is crying for a reason. If you never pick him up, hes going to keep crying. Pick your baby up. Hug(拥抱)him! And she started to do that. They just want a little hugging and a little love. And it works!” Delores Clemens said.Delores Clemens says her students also learn how to be good mothers by letting themselves be mothered. “Im doing something for them that never has been done for them before.”In class, with her baby son, is Natasha. She lived on the streets. She is glad not only for the warmth and shelter of Covenant House. As she told reporter Adam Phillips, she is also glad for the help they offer in looking for a safer life.“Did you go to high school?”“Yes.”“Did you graduate?”“No, I didnt. I was in my last year and then, I got pregnant(怀孕)and I got lazy.”“You look like you are willing to accept responsibility(责任)for that.”“Yes, I am, and I would like to finish.”Some teenage mothers wish they themselves could be children again. 18-year-old Placida knows that feeling. “Because you have to get up every two hours in the middle of the night, and you cant go out and say I am going to buy this for myself. No. I have to buy pampers, clothes and food. So now its two. So its very hard.” Placida said.1 . What did Natasha want to finish high school for?ATo bring her high school life to an end.BTo accept the responsibility to look after her baby.CTo stop the chatting with Adam.DTo end the relationship with her boyfriend.2 . From what Placida said, we know that she thinks _.Alooking after a baby needs loveBhaving a baby costs moreCbeing a mom is hardDloving comes from responsibility3 . The passage is mainly about _.Aa class where teen parents are looked afterBa class where parents are teaching their childrenCa class where homeless mothers learn to find a jobDa class where teens learn mothering and are mothered二、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空4 . I saw him _ (fall) down from his bike.5 . The street is _ (ice) after snowing.6 . Be careful with the _ (break) glass.7 . Betty practices _(run) every morning.8 . My mother _ (cook) when I got home.三、完成句子根据所给汉语和提示词完成下列句子。9 . 对许多中国人来说,春节期间和家人团聚是传统。(thousand)For _Chinese people, it is a tradition to get together with their families during the Spring Festival.10 . 工程师们用一整天时间制定了维修这座大桥的周计划。(weekly)It took the engineers a whole day to_ for repairing the bridge.11 . 你最好是勇敢面对挑战而不是逃避。(run)Youd better face challenges bravely instead of _ them.12 . 你能想象人工智能将在很多领域取代人类吗?( imagine)_that Al will take the place of human beings in many fields?13 . 如果你不想陷入麻烦,就不要忽略任何小错误。(leave)If you dont want to get into trouble, please dont _ any small mistakes.四、用单词的正确形式完成句子选出方框内的单词与其释义进行匹配,其中有一个单词是多余的。through, yourself, exactly, itself, luckily, least14 . Hi, Jack, What do you think of the film?I dont think the actors play very well. However, the story_ is really fun.15 . Mr. Black, I worry about the exam so much. What can I do?Dont worry. Before handing in your test paper, remember to look _ your answers as carefully as possible.16 . Its important to brush your teeth at _ twice a day.17 . _, they passed the exams and went to their favorite high school.18 . You must tell me _ what you would like to do next.第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、阅读单选1、二、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、三、完成句子1、四、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、

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