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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期期末质量检测英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I dont like the picture on the wall.(找出谓语中心词)AdontBlikeCpictureDwall2 . The clay can become hard after being fired.Aat a very high hotBat a very high heatCfrom a very high hotDfrom a very high heat3 . I offered to give my seat to her, but she _.ArepeatedBrestedCrelaxedDrefused4 . Mary _ by the lake when a black cat ran past her.AsatBhas satCwas sittingDsits5 . Helendidntknowanythingaboutit_herfathertoldher.AifBbecauseCafterDuntil6 . I _ my hometown for ten years. I really miss it!Ahave been away fromBhave leftCwent away from7 . To keep children safe, we _ put the things like knives and medicine away in our house.AmayBshouldCcanDmight8 . _ is the map?Its in my _ room.AWhat, grandparentsBWhere, grandparentCWhere, grandparentsDHow, grandparentss9 . -What do you often do _ your free time ?- I often read. I read _ interesting books .Ain; lotBon; a lot ofCin; lots ofDon; a lot10 . I often help my mothersome cleaninghome.Ado; at B to do; onBdoing; inCdoing; at11 . My aunt Lisa is _ office worker.AaBanC/Dthe12 . How kind you are! You always do what you can _ othersAhelpBhelpingChelpsDto help13 . Have a good vacation, Miss Liu! _.AThank you very muchBIm sorry to hear thatCThat sounds niceDI think so14 . You should close your _ eye while I am having a checkup on the eyesight of one eye.AotherBthe otherCanotherDsome other15 . does he go shopping?Three or four times a month.AHow longBHow soonCHow farDHow often二、完型填空I took my two daughters to a beach to play we brought an inflatable(可充气)_, thinking this would make for a really_ day and so it did .the two girls played all day in it but the younger one got tired and was beginning to look pretty _ with too much sun.so I took her to have a rest and placed an umbrella over her as my old daughter _to play in the boat.I probably spent too much time with my younger daughter, not _ what was going on in the water but as I _ I became concerned as I saw a little boat with my older daughter in it had moved far away from the shore and was moving even_I called her to come closer to the shore and she seemed to be fearful and doing all she could to _. But her little arms were too short to reach into the water .All she could do was paddling (划水) _ to one side and was just making small_ .I walked as far into the water as I could telling her what she should do but with no _. I stood watching her go farther. I couldnt believe I was _this. I swam until I no longer knew or could _that I had legs but I just kept an eye on her and believed I was able to save my daughter. I saw my hand catching the edge of that small boat .On the way back I was_the boat and calming her down. We made it back to the shore and my life was forever changed by that _ I learned that if we can believe in ourselves, we will have all the strength we need.16 . AsofaBballCtoyDboat17 . AcalmBfunCimportantDsurprising18 . AcrazyBexcitedCpinkDstrange19 . AcontinueBpromisedCwaitedDmanaged20 . AbelievingBnoticingCexpectingDmentioning21 . AlookedBstoppedCthoughtDmoved22 . AsoonBearlyChigherDfarther23 . AstandBshoutCreturnDtravel24 . AhardBwellCfirstDsecretly25 . AstepsBcirclesCvoicesDwaves26 . AideasBeffortsCsuccessDconfidence27 . AenjoyingBdoingChelpingDdirecting28 . AfeelBtellCimagineDdiscover29 . AhittingBfollowingCpullingDleading30 . AachievementBjobCstoryDexperience三、阅读单选阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。A man liked shooting arrows (箭). He studied it very hard for years. He thought he did it best and it was time for him to go out into the world.One day when he walked through a forest, he saw a target (靶子) on a tree, with an arrow right in the center. He went on and found more and more trees with targets and arrows in the center. He was so surprised at this. He wanted to know who did it.Soon he came to a farmhouse. An old man told him that he could find the person he wanted by the river. When he got there, he saw a little girl playing with her dog on the bank.“Are you the person who shoots the arrows?” he asked the girl.“Yes, thats me,” she replied.“But how can you do that?” he wondered.“Thats easy,” said the girl happily. “First shoot an arrow.” Then draw a target.”31 . The man liked _ and studied it hard for years.AfishingBjumpingCshootingDdrawing32 . The man was surprised to find many targets with _ in the centers.AarrowsBriversCdogsDtrees33 . _ shot an arrow first and then drew a target.AThe girlBThe manCThe old manDThe farmerTeacher, let me have your portrait(画像). First, let me draw your eyes. They are so kind and so warm. It is your eyes that have brightened( 照亮 ) our hearts. In order to draw them well, I have observed them for a long time. But I still cant draw them exactly. Next, let me draw your hands. They have taught(教) us writing, drawing and living. Most of the time, they are writing on the blackboard with a piece of chalk. I will draw your hair now. Do you remember how beautiful your hair was then you just graduated from a university(大学)? Black and bright. How is it today? A head of white hair. I draw and draw, but I cant do well. Now I see, if I want to draw your portrait well, the best way is to be a teacher myself in the future. I can only keep your portrait in my mind.34 . In the first line( 行 ), the underlined word “they” stands for“”.AportraitBeyesCheartsDteacher35 . The writer wants to draw the teachers hands because.Athey taught the students writing, drawing and livingBthey always write on the blackboard with a piece of chalkCthey are not like others handsDthey are very beautiful36 . From the fourth paragraph(段) we know the writer thinks the teachers hair is white because of.AteachingBageCloveDhard work37 . From the last paragraph, we can learn that.Athe author wants to be a teacher in the futureBthe writer respects his teacher a lotCthe writer thinks that his teacher is very greatDA, B and C四、根据首字母、中文提示填空38 . China is one of the greatest _(国家)of the world.39 . Mary does her homework _(仔细).40 . Who is your_(最好)friend , Li lei, Jim or Wang?41 . I _(保证) to help you42 . He is really fit and _ (健康).五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空43 . My car _(crash) into a big tree and broke down.44 . When I was lying on the ground , I felt something _(move) on my body.45 . Its said that a cow has two _(stomach).46 . The problem is so difficult that all of us are_(able) to work it out .47 . I really dont know how _(manage) _(get) away from them .六、单词填空根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。One day,Daniel and his uncle Bob went to the store togetherUncle Bob gave Daniel a onedollar bill and told him he could buy48 . (无论什么)he wanted with that money. Daniel picked out two chocolate candy bars which cost49 . (五十)cents eachAs they were50 . (离开),his uncle said that when he was a 51 . (孩子)he was able to buy five candy bars with one dollarThis was because back then,they only cost 20 cents eachDaniel became52 . (惊奇的)You see,Daniel,the53 . (价格)of all things usually goes up as time goes byThats why one dollar earned today is more valuable than one dollar earned one year laterThis is called the Time Value of MoneyDo you understand? Not really,Daniel replied54 . (快地)Look at the candy bars in your55 . (手)When l was a kid,I could buy five of them with one dollarBut now,l can only buy two because the cost has 56 . (上涨)to 50 centsIn other words,the value of one dollar has dropped over the yearsDaniel nodded his headNow he was a little 57 . (确信)what his uncle meantBob smiled七、填空Everyone has worries, but what do you do with your worries? Whether your worries are big or small, you can take three steps to deal with them.Try to find out the causes.The first step is to find out what youre worried about. Sometimes you know it, but sometimes you might not. If you cant make sure what your worries are, you will have more and more new problems in your life .So remember that you must try to find out the causes before you start to deal with them even though it might not be so easy.Think of ways to make it betterThere is always something you can do to help you feel less worried. Sitting there worrying is no fun and it wont solve your problem.Grades at school are often a top worry for students. If youre worried about grades, ask yourself these questions. How do I get ready for class? Do I review my notes even when there isnt a test? Do I have a good place to do my homework? Have I tried different ways of studying?If your worry is about a fight you had with a friend, you might write down all the things you could do-write a note to him or her, invite him or her to a basketball game, say sorry to him or her, etc. Once you have a list of things you could do, you can choose the one that gets your friend back.Ask for helpWhen youre worried, you can find someone to chat with. You can ask your parents, friends, or teachers for help .They can help you analyze(分析)your problems carefully and solve them easily.Three steps to deal with 58 . Try to find out the causesYou will have more problems unless (除非) you make sure59 . your worries are. It is 60 . to find out the causes first, although it might be hard.61 . of ways to make it betterDealing with worries about 62 . :Ask yourself some questions about your study.Dealing with a63 . with a friend: Get your friend back by writing a 64 . , inviting him or her to a basketball game , or65 . sorry to him or her.Ask for helpYou need to 66 . with your parents, friends or teachers when youre worried. With their help, you will solve your problems67 . difficulty.八、回答问题What is the most stressful thing in school? It is probably exams. Exams can put us under a lot of pressure. But some students do better under pressure, while others do not. So why?It all comes down to dopamine(多巴胺). Dopamine is a chemical in our body that sends signals(信号)in the brain. It has many important roles: affecting memory, attention and how we learn. Our brains work best when there is a balance of dopaminenot too much or too little. Our brains control dopamine in two ways. It either takes out dopamine quickly, or gradually. Exam success can be connected to how fast dopamine goes back to a balance(平衡), according to new research from the University of Missouri, reported Yahoo.What happens when we take an exam? If you become stressed, your brain will start to overload(超载)on dopamine. Scientists found that, the quicker students are able to go back to a balance of dopamine, the quicker the can concentrate(专注), helping them perform better on a test. However, during a test, students who slowly go back to a balance of dopamine scored 8 percent lower . Thats the reason for a better mark and a worse mark.But dont fear, there is good news for every student. The study also found that the more practice you get, the less stressed youll be.68 . What is the most stressful thing in school?_69 . According to the passage, what is dopamine?_70 . When do our brains work best?_71 . How many ways do our brains control dopamine?_72 . How can students get less stressed according to the study?_九、讲稿73 . 五、书面表达节约资源,保护环境,从我们身边的小事做起。假设你是一个注重“低碳”生活的中学生,请以“My Lawcarbon Life”为题写一篇英文演讲稿,简单谈谈“低碳生活”的重要性,以及你所倡导的“低碳生活”方式。内容提示:1.每天步行上学;2.离开教室时,关灯、风扇、电脑等;3.不用水时, 记住关水龙头,而且要循环使用水;4.不使用塑料袋。写作要求:1.词数80个左右;文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数。2.不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息。My Lowcarbon LifeIts our duty to protect the environment._第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、单词填空1、七、填空1、八、回答问题1、九、讲稿1、

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