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外研版七年级英语下册期末检测卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . 一What do you think of her_?一It _very sweetAvoice;soundsBsound;hearsCsound;listensDvoice;hears2 . We can make bottles _ glass.AintoBout ofCbetweenDacross3 . All of us enjoyed _ on the school trip to the beach.AyourselfBherselfCthemselvesDourselves4 . -I am going to take part in the piano competition next week.-_ACongratulations!BGood luck!CNot at allDWith pleasure.5 . Ma Teng likes music,he wants to join the Music ClubAbecauseBsoCbutDor6 . How are we going to prepare for “Water Festival?” The underlined part means “_”.Await forBget ready forCcare forDlook for7 . Trains usually get to the station _, but sometimes they are late.Aon timeBin timeCat timesDof time8 . Im _ in the story Star Wars. Are there _ books like it here?Ainteresting; more anyBinterested; more someCinteresting; some moreDinterested; any more9 . _?Tony and Daming were not friendly, but Betty and Lucy were good.AWhat do your first friends look likeBWhat did your first friends look likeCWhat are your first friends likeDWhat were your first friends like10 . _ play table tennis.ALetBLetsCLetsDIts11 . _sunny day it is! I really enjoy the bright sunlight.AWhat aBHowCWhatDHow a12 . Henry, there_a desk and some chairs in the living room. Can you help me move_away?Ais; itBare; themCis; themDare; it13 . My daughter got up and dressed herself quickly when her alarm clock _.Aran offBwent offCset offDshut off14 . There _ any schools in the future. Students will study at home.Ais going to haveBwill beCarent going to haveDwont be15 . 一Jack, remember off the lights when the home.一OK, I wont forget, Mom.Aturning; leavingBto turn; leaveCturning; leftDto turn; leaving二、完型填空Traveling has been_ with people for a long time.Many of todays travelers are trying to find _ unusual experience or adventure._ may be a good choice.Instead of_ your vacation on a bus,in the hotel or sitting on the beach,you may want to try hiking.Hiking is a great way to travel.You will get close to_ and take exercise.You can see lots of flowers and grass at the same time.Hiking is easy to do and doesnt have to be very expensive.You can hike close to your home or travel to_place.The basic_ you need for hiking is simple:good shoes,clothes and a backpack.You can hike in mountains,in a forest or along a river.If you go with your friends,you can have a chance to talk with them.Hiking is fun and_,but you shouldnt forget safety.Safety is the first.Here are some basic tips for successful hiking: Dont hike_ Bring water,a good map and a cellphone. Wear a hat to protect yourself _ the sun.16 . ApopularBfamousCinterestedDproud17 . AaBanCtheDtwo18 . ASwimmingBHikingCShoppingDPlaying basketball19 . AspendingBspendCspendsDto spend20 . AschoolBstoreCcinemaDnature21 . AanotherBthe otherCotherDothers22 . AskillBwayCknowledgeDequipment23 . AboredBboringCexcitedDexciting24 . AtogetherBaloneClonelyDbusy25 . AinBatCfromDto三、阅读单选On Saturday morning,John got up early to go to a sports club. On his way,he saw three of his schoolmates at the mallRie,Asuka and Yuki. They were always together because they were very good friends.“Im shopping for new shoes,” Rie told John. “But I have big feet so nothing fits! We have been shopping everywhere but I cant find any big shoes!”“And we walk very slowly,” Yuki said,“because of Asuka”“I know,” John said,looking at Asuka.“I heard you hurt your knee in PE. class yesterday. Does it hurt?”“Its OK if I move very slowly,” Asuka told him. “We are going to eat icecream at Dairy Queen. Do you want to come?”“Sorry,I cant. Im going to meet Edward at the sports club. See you later!” said John.John was walking past a coffee shop when he saw Ms. Kanda. She was looking at a new sidewalk(人行道)As John came closer he could see that Ms. Kanda was angry.“ Somebody jumped in the middle of the sidewalk when the cement(水泥) was still wet!” she said,pointing to two small footprints(脚印) in the new cement. “Now I cant go home because I have to fix the sidewalk!”“Who did it?” asked John.“A firstyear student over there said that three girls were walking by just now.But he doesnt know which girl jumped in the cement!”Three girls?“Small” footprints?Somebody “jumped”?“I know who did it!” said John.26 . Where did John meet his schoolmates?AIn a classroom.BAt the mall.CIn an icecream shop.DAt a sports club.27 . What happened to Asuka in yesterdays P.E class?AShe hurt her knee.BShe broke her shoes.CShe hurt one of her feet.DShe had a fight with her classmate.28 . Ms.Kanda was angry because _.Ashe fell in the new cementBsomeone stole her carCshe had to fix the sidewalkDsomeone drove on the sidewalk29 . The footprints in the cement were _.AdifferentBsimilarCbigDsmall30 . Who might John think jumped in the cement?AEdward.BYuki.CAsuka.DRie.TELEPHONE MESSAGETo Bob WilliamsFrom Rachel SmithTelephone number(255)479-1234Date June11. 2019Time 10:45 a.m. TelephonedPlease call Called to see youWill call againWants to see youAnswered your call Message:She wants to know what time you are meeting her at the restaurant this evening. Received(收到)by:Tracy Lin31 . Who answered the telephone?ATracy LinBBob WilliamsCRachel SmithDRob Williams32 . The message is for_.ABob WilliamsBRachel SmithCTracy LinDRob Williams33 . The message is about _.Abreakfast timeBlunch timeCmeeting timeDwork time34 . Which of the following is TRUE about this message?AThe caller will call again sometime.BThe caller wants Tracy to answer the call.CThe caller wants to see Bob in the office.DThe caller wants Bob to call back.四、用单词的正确形式完成短文根据短文内容,在每个空格处填写一个适当的词,使文章意思完整且符合逻辑。(每空一词)attention study developed easier after everywhere most an countries beforeRecently, a very simple sentence, “Amazing, my motherland” has become wildly known in China.As we know, China has 35 . quickly these years and it has become one of the 36 . important countries in the world. Foreigners pay more 37 . to this ancient eastern country-China.Lily, an Australian girl, has ived in China since three years ago.She is 38 . in a university in Nanjing now.Great changes make her amazed. “I think finding jobs is39 . in China than that in Australia. I will work here 40 . I finish my school work in Nanjing” Lily said.In Nanjing,we can find new buildings41 . The great changes are much more than 42 . .The achievementis so surprising. China is developing the trade and the friendship with other 43 . .China is playing44 . important role in the world.五、信息归纳任务型阅读阅读短文,完成表格,每空一词。This is a photo of Kangkangs family. There are 8 people in his family. Look! The young woman in a reddress is his mother. She is a nurse in a hospital. The man in a black coat is his father. He teaches English inNO.1 High School. The young man in a blue shirt is his uncle. He drives a bus in our city (城市). The youngwoman in a yellow T-shirt is his aunt. She works in an office. They have a daughter. Her name is Rose, she isonly four years old. His grandparents look after Rose at home. The boy in a white shirt is Kangkang. He is astudent in No.1 High School. He has a happy family. He likes them very much.Family membersColthesJobsWorkplacesmothera 45 . dressa nursea 46 . 47 . a black coata 48 . No.1 High Schoolunclea 49 . shirta 50 . 51 . a yellow T-shirtan office52 . A officeKangkanga white53 . a 54 . 六、汉译英:整句根据括号内提示,将下列句子译成英文55 . 校长把奖章颁发给了获胜者。(present)_.56 . 那房子靠近市中心吗?(central)_.57 . 学生们在课堂上回答问题时感到紧张是一件非常平常的事。(common)_.58 . 虽然我们是同学,但我并不十分了解他。(though)_.59 . 上课铃响了。(bell)_.七、材料作文60 . 假设五一小长假期间,你去故宫博物院参观,请根据以下要点提不与一篇英语短文,讲述你在故宫的所见所闻。(1)你提前在网上购买了故宫门票。(2)你乘火车到达北京后转乘地铁来到故宫。(3)故宫的建筑高大雄伟,展品琳琅满目,精美绝伦。(4)故宫内游人如织,人们纷纷拍照留念。(5)闭馆时间到了,你仍然不愿离去。(6)你的感受参考词汇:故宫博物院the Palace Museum提前in advance要求:(1)词数:80100个。(2)短文的题目和开头已给出,不计入总词数。(3)要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。My visit to the Palace MuseumOn May 1st I went to visit the Palace Museum. _第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、五、信息归纳1、六、汉译英:整句1、七、材料作文1、

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