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人教版2020年中考英语试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全短文5选5从方框中选择合适的句子补全短文。Sleep is like food for the brain. 1 . However, many Chinese do not sleep well and many do not pay enough attention to sleep.According to the index(指数), nearly a quarter of Chinese people dont sleep well. 2 . and 15 percent of people have trouble falling asleep.A sleep expert at Beijing Hospital says, “If people often wake up during the night, or always feel weak and tired in the day, they should pay attention to their sleep pattern(模式)”3 . The report said that this was one of the main reasons for bad sleep. Other reasons include stress and bad moods(情绪)4 . Above all, get enough sleep. Seven to nine hours of sleep every night is perfect for an adult and eight to nine hours is best for a teenager.Having good sleep habits is important. The report suggested that people need to keep away from digital devices(数码产品) for at least an hour before sleep. 5 . Other suggestions include: try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day even on weekends and during holidays and do the same relaxing things before going to bed each night like listening to soft music.AMany people play with their cellphones or iPads before sleeping.BEnough sleep helps the body and brain grow and develop.CHow to sleep well?DThe light keeps their brains excited for a long while.EHalf said that they felt tired after getting up. 二、完型填空Once a man and his wife worked for a businessmanThere was a big box in the businessmans living roomThe businessman pointed at the box and said,“Theres only one thing you_doDont open the box”After_this,he left the living roomThe woman said to her husband,“There must be_in the boxLets open it,shall we?” Her husband said_to herBut the woman didnt give up her ideaOne day,she decided to_what was_itHer husband didnt stop her this timeShe opened the box and looked insideShe found nothing in the box and then tried hard to close it,_she failedThat evening the businessman came home and found the box was_He was very_and asked the woman and her husband to leave his home“But there is nothing in the box,”the woman said“We_anything at all”The businessman shouted at them,“The box is not importantI cannot believe youThats important!”6 . A. neednt B. wouldnt C. mustnt D dont have to7 . A. saying B. said C. says D to say8 . A. expensive something B. something expensiveC. nothing expensive D expensive anything9 . A. yes B. nothing C. no D hello10 . A. look for B. clean up C. find out D get over11 . A. near B. under C. in D on12 . A. though B. or C. unless D but13 . A. closed B. empty C. open D full14 . A. happy B. angry C. stressed out D worried15 . A. didnt take B. wont take C. havent taken D arent taking三、阅读单选Patrick doesnt like school. He thinks doing homework is too boring. He likes to play baseball and basketball after class.One day his cat is playing with a little elf (精灵). The elf says, “Help me! Dont give me back to that cat. If you help me, I can grant (承认)you a wish.” So Patrick says, “Help me do all my homework for 35 days.”The elf doesnt always know what to do and he needs help. “Help me! Help me!” he says. And Patrick has to help. “I dont know this word,” the elf asks. “Get me a dictionary(字典). Look up(查找) the word.” When it comes to math, the elf says, “I know nothing about math. Here, sit down beside me and help me.” The elf doesnt know everything(一切) about history, he says, “Go to the library. I need books. And you can help me read them, too.”Patrick works hard every day. Patrick gets A at each subject. But I tell you a secret(秘密). In fact Patrick does the homework by himself.16 . Patric thinks doing homework is _.AfunBeasyCdifficultDboring17 . helps Patric do his homework.AThe catBThe elfChis fatherDhis teacher18 . The elf knows nothing about .AmathBEnglish.Chistory.DChinese.19 . The elf doesnt want Patric.Ato look up the wordBto help him with mathCto readDto play baseball20 . Patric getsat each subject.ABBCCADDA year has twelve months. My favorite month is October. October 1stis National Day(国庆节). We have a seven-day holiday(假期). During the holiday, my parents always take me to see my grandparents.Our school has some interesting things in October. On the 12th , we have a soccer game. I dont love basket ball. Its difficult for me. But I love soccer. I love playing soccer and watching soccer games. We have a book sale on October 20th. I have three old books and I want to sell them. The art festival is fun. We haveiton October 29th. My birthday is also on this day. October is a really great month for me.21 . What month does the writer(作者) like best(最)?ADecemberBNovemberCOctoberDSeptember22 . The writer thinks basketball is _?ArelaxingBinterestingCdifficultDboring23 . The underlined(下划线) word “it” means the _.Asoccer gameBbook saleCschool tripDart festival24 . How many things does the school have in October?ATwo.BThree.CFour .DFive.25 . The writer loves October Not because(因为) _.Ahe can have a seven-day holidayBhis birthday is in OctoberCOctober has thirty-one daysDa soccer game is in October26 . How much will they pay if three children visit Shanghai Disneyland?A. ¥280. B. ¥560. C. ¥840.27 . How can you get more information about Shanghai Disneyland according to the poster(海报) ?A. You can call 4001880000.B. You can call 4001800000.C. You can call 4401800000.Like many other countries around the world, China hopes to explore the moon. It has already done so with several probes(探测器) and lunar rover(月球车). But it has even bigger plans to put a man on the moon in the near future.Yang Liwei, Chinas first man in space, said that it will not take long for a manned mission(任务)to get offcial agreement and money support, according to the Xinhua News Agency.Chinas space programme is still young compared to those of the United States and Russia. But it has already made great achievements in exploring the moon. Its moon mission began with Change 1, an unmanned orbital(轨道)probe that was sent up in October,2007. It collected data that was used to create a 3-D map of the moons surface.China achieved another achievement with the Change 3 mission. For this mission, Chinas first lunar rover, Yutu, successfully landed on the moon.For Chinas space programme, it was another great achievement that Change 4, the second lunar rover successfully landed on the moons far side, an area that has not yet been explored, in December, 2018.China will follow Change 4 with a series of other lunar mission. These missions will include taking lunar soil and rock samples, building moon base, and hopefully landing a human on the moons surface around 2030, according to Zhao Xiaojin, a senior official at the China Academy of Space Technology.Last year, when Yang Liwei was asked if he had any plans to visit the moon himself, he replied, If I am given the chance, no problem! It is likely that many other Chinese share Yangs excitement about this new stage of Chinas space exploration efforts.28 . Which of the following countries may be better than China in space programme?ARussia.BThe UK.CCanada.DAustralia.29 . China has already made great achievements in exploring the moon, such as, Change 1 was _ .Athe first lunar rover and landed on the moonBthe second lunar rover and landed the moons far sideCa manned prober and landed on the moons surface with a manDan unmanned orbital probe and began the moon mission30 . From this passage, we can know that Yang Liwei _ .Ais Chinas first man on the moonBis worried about Chinas future space programmeCwill be given a chance to visit the moon himselfDbelieves it wont take long to put a man on the moon for China.31 . Whats the best title for this passage?AHope for FutureBChina for SpaceCA New StageDA Moon Base四、根据首字母、中文提示填空32 . Lisa wants to be an excellent _(舞蹈者)like Yang Liping.33 . It was _(愚蠢的)of you to give up such a good chance to learn English.34 . During her _(一生),she won a lot of awards.35 . Animals are our friends, and we can live _(和平地)together.36 . The performance is _(取消)because of the rain.37 . He spent his whole life on the film _(产业)and achieved a lot.38 . He succeeded in the _(最终的)competition.39 . Mr Li, I dont think your plan is worth _(考虑).40 . I dont like horror films, _ (也不)does my brother, Jerry.41 . These are those _(女演员)costumes. They are made for these beautiful ladies.42 . Tommy dressed up as Monkey King in order to _the childrens attention.43 . Whats your plan next year?Em,1 will play the _of a salesman in Feng Xiaogangs film.44 . How did you know each other?In Tray sisters birthday party, I _in love with her as soon as I saw her.五、用单词的正确形式完成短文阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。请将答案写在下面题号后的横线上。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。tired, break, hard, well, they, answer, why, push, plan, question, agree, howFour MBA students went out on a night before their exam and drunk too much. They did not study for the test and thought of a 45 . to escape. So they went to their teacher, looking46 . and worn out, their clothes covered in grease(润滑油) and dirt.They told their teacher that they had all gone to a wedding the day before and while coming back their car tyre(轮胎) was 47 . . So they had to 48 . the car all the way back to the hotel as there was no help on the way. They said that was49 . they did not show up to take the test that day and asked him for a retest later.The teacher 50 . . He asked them to come to a retest 3 days later. The boys were very happy and went to study for it very 51 . . After 3 days the teacher asked 52 . to come for the test.The teacher said that the test had 2 53 . for 100 marks. He said that they had to take the test in separate(分开的) rooms. As the boys had prepared 54 . , they agreed gladly.The test went as follows:Question 1: Write your name!Question 2: Which tyre was broken?六、多任务混合问题Different countries have different customs in giving presents. In China you must never give a clock to a Chinese person, because the sound of the word for “clock” is similar to the sound of “death”. Also, dont wrap(用包裹) a present in white, black or blue paper, because they are the colours for funerals(葬礼). Dont give a knife, because something sharp can cut a friendship.In Russia if you give flowers as presents, you have to give an odd number of them (one, three, five, etc.) because even numbers of flowers are for funerals.In Germany if you are invited to dinner, flowers are good presents to take to your dinner hostess (女主人), but dont take her red roses because it means you are in love with her. Dont take thirteen of anything because its an unlucky number. Dont take an even number of anything, either. Dont wrap your presents in white, brown, or black paper.第1、2小题题完成句子;第3小题简略回答问题;第4小题找出并写下全文的主题句;第5小题将文中画线句子译成汉语。55 . You can take _ except red roses to your dinner hostess in Germany.56 . You shouldnt give a knife as a present, because something sharp can _.57 . What colour paper cant be used to wrap presents in both China and Germany?_58 . _59 . _七、材料作文60 . Write at least 60 words about the topic “Protecting forests”. (以“保护森林”为题写一篇不少于50个词的短文,标点符号不占格)Suggested questions:1)What are forests?2)What can we get from forests?3)How can we protect forests?第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、补全短文5选51、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、六、多任务混合问题1、七、材料作文1、

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