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人教版九年级各校命题评比中考英语模拟试题11姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Look! Is it Sally playing under the tree?No, it _ be her. She has gone to Xian.AcantBcouldntCmay notDmight not2 . Lang Lang , the famous pianist , said , “When I waschild , I liked to playpiano the whole day”.Athe ; theBa ; theC/; the3 . Jack is so_ that he can make a lot of art works by himself.AcreativeBfunnyCseriousDfriendly4 . -Do you mind waiting for me while I go to get my school bag?-. Weve still got time.ANo hurryBTake it easyCNo problemDNever mind5 . Could you tell me _?He rides his bike.Ahow does he go to workBhow he goes to workChow he went to schoolDwhere he goes6 . They live on the second floor and we live on the first floor. We live _ them.AbelowBoverCaboveDnext to7 . (题文) What would you like? Im thirsty. Id like_.Atwo cups of teaBtwo cup of teaCtwo eggs.8 . We should keep people from throwing rubbish into the sea_save the endangered sea animals.Aso thatBin order toCaccording toDbecause of9 . Daisy has been learning Putonghua _ the age of five.AatBsinceCforDin10 . The Yangzhou Taizhou International Airport _in 2012 and it has been in use for about 4 years.AbuildBis builtCbuiltDwas built11 . Put on your coat,you will get cold.AorBsoCbutDand12 . ?Its 0634-6238769.AWhats your phone numberBWhats this in EnglishCWhat color is itDSpell it,please13 . Can you tell me _ last year? In Shanghai.Awhere does she workBwhere she worksCwhere did she workDwhere she worked14 . You mustnt drive a car on the roadyou are 18 years old.AbecauseBwhenCunlessDif15 . (题文)Be careful _ you wont make mistakes.Ain order toBsuch asCso thatDbecause of二、完型填空Grandma called me in from the yard. “Would you please go to the store for me? Im ready to makecakes, and there isnt enough yeast (酵母). Take a quarter from my little change _ .” I found Grandmas wallet and put the quarter in my pocket.I was soon in the little general store that _ our farming community. “Mr. Jenkins,” I said, “Grandma needs some yeast.” Mr. Jenkins set three cakes of yeast on the counter. His eyes shone, and he _ at me. “And what else do you need?” I knew what he meant. I was always allowed to pick a penny candy when I came to the store with Grandma. “How much_ do I have from a quarter?” I asked. “Seven cents.” Mr. Jenkins replied. I thought _that quickly. I would have a nickel and two pennies back.I was sure Grandma wouldnt_ if I spent one penny. and if she were here, she might even say I could have them both. The_ I looked at the candy display, the more certain I became that I needed two pennies worth as a reward for coming to the store alone. And I did so.“Thank you,” Grandma said when I _ the yeast on the table. “Did you put the change back in my wallet?” “Yes, Grandma.” I replied, hurrying out to the yard. “I hadnt really lied to Grandma,” I argued with myself. “I did_all the change I had.”But I had _two pennies without Grandmas permission(允许). The second piece of candy in my pocket didnt sound like a good idea any more. I knew I had lied to Grandma, and I was _about it. Grandma loved me so much that I couldnt bear to keep anything from her._Grandma took the hot cakes from the oven, I told her about the candy. She_ when I finished my story. “I know just_you feel,” she said. “We all feel like that when weve done_ deceitful (欺骗的). Im glad you told me about the pennies, and of course Ill forgive you.” Grandma hugged me tight, and suddenly I felt as though a big stone was gone from my stomach.16 . AhandbagBcoatCwalletDpocket17 . AgaveBservedCofferedDbought18 . AlaughedBshoutedCsmiledDpointed19 . AdollarsBpoundCcentsDchange20 . AasBtoCoutDabout21 . AcareBuseCthinkDlike22 . AbiggerBlongerClessDshorter23 . AliedBlaidClayDlain24 . Aput backBput inCput outDput up25 . AfoundBcostCspentDtook26 . AgladBunhappyCrelaxedDsurprised27 . ASinceBWhenCIfDThough28 . AshookBrefusedCagreedDnodded29 . AwhereBwhyChowDwhen30 . AsomethingBnothingCanybodyDeverybody三、阅读单选Artificial intelligence(人工智能), or AI in short, is the science of giving computers and machines ability to think and work like humans. AI scientists and engineers have made a lot of cool technologies. AI is rapidly catching up with the human ability to read faces. As a result, facial recognition(面部识别)is used a lot in the world. Chinese police use this technology to identify criminals(罪犯).Once they caught a criminal when he attended a concert. It also checks the ID of ride-hailing(网约车)drivers and lets people pay for things with a smile.AI is also used in self-driving cars, which are believed to be the future of driving. Most drivers may wave or nod at passers-by to let them cross the street, but self-driving cars dont have this ability. Carmakers are testing a light signal system to help them speak to humans. The system can show what self-driving cars will do. For example, if a driverless car is yielding(让路), it will flash two white lights side to side. A rapidly flashing light tells passers-by that the car is about to speed up.Service Robots also show you how powerful AI is. Imagine thisyou come back home from school and your robot housekeeper is waiting for you at the door. After dinner, he teaches you to play the piano, just like a real music teacher. Such thoughts will soon happen in the real world. In the future, more and more service robots will become good home helpers. AI is so powerful that it can help human beings and even replace us in many jobs.31 . What does the underlined word identify mean in Paragraph 2 probably mean?ATo let somebody know his mistakes.BTo come to realize and tell who is who.CTo take somebody to the police station.DTo tell somebody something important.32 . According to the passage, what is facial recognition used for?ADriving cars.BMaking people smile.CCalling the police.DChecking peoples information.33 . Which technology has been used in real life according to the passage?AService Robots at school.BRobots as ride-hailing drivers.CFacial recognition for payment.DLight signals for self-driving cars.34 . According to the passage, how many ways can AI be used in the future?AOne.BTwoCThreeDFour.35 . What can we learn from the passage?APeople use AI in many different ways.BAI will take the pace of human beings in all jobs.CSelf-driving cars will be able to talk like humans.DA criminal was caught for inventing facial recognition.There was once a bad king, all his people hated him very much. One day in a summer he was swimming by himself in a river.The king was a good swimmer, but while he was in the middle of the river, he was ill. He cried out “Help! Help!” At that time two farmers were working in the field near the river. They ran over, jumped into the water and saved the king. They didnt know that he was the king until they pulled him out of the water.The king was very happy, so he said to the farmers, “You have saved my life. Now you may ask for anything, and Ill give it to you.”One of the farmers said, “My son broke his leg last week, and he cant walk. Please send him a good doctor.” The king agreed. Then he said to the other farmer. “And what can I do for you, old man?” The old man was very clever. He thought for a few minutes and then he answered, “You can do a very important thing for me.”“Whats that?” asked the king. He thought that the old man would ask for some money or something else.“Dont tell anybody that we have saved you,” the old farmer answered.36 . Where was the king swimming one day in a summer?AIn a river.BIn a lakeCIn the sea37 . Who came to save him?AHis son.BTwo farmers.CA farmer.38 . When did the farmers know that he was the king?ABefore they jumped into the water.BWhen they were in the water.CAfter they pulled him out of the water.39 . What did the king do after he was saved?AHe promised to be a good kingBHe promised to give the farmers anything they wantedCHe promised not to swim again.40 . Why did the king need help in the water?ABecause he wasnt good at swimmingBBecause somebody pulled him into the water.CBecause he was ill.Brother Bear and Sister Bear know quite a lot about Bear Country. They know where the best honey trees are. They know the best places to see a rainbow (彩虹). But they dont know much about money. When they get some money, they run quickly to the Bear Country Mall and spend it. Sometimes, Sister puts her money in her piggy bank. But she usually spends it just a moment later. Brother doesnt even have a piggy bank!One day, Brother and Sister go to the mall. They see a new video game. It looks exciting. They run home to ask Papa to buy it. Papa gets angry. He shouts, “Video game! At the mall! You must think money grows on trees!” “You must make your money! Life is about working, making money and saving (存钱) for a rainy day!” Now Brother and Sister know how serious (严重的) it is. They begin to think about making money.In fact, Brother and Sister are very good at making money. They sell flowers by the side of the road. They sell strawberries door to door. They take visitors to see the most beautiful rainbow. They take care of pets for neighbours. Sisters piggy bank is full. Brother has to borrow Mamas sugar bowl to keep all his money.“I think thats enough. Look at them!” says Papa. “Yes. In the past, they didnt care about money. But now they care too much about it,” says Mama. “Come here, children.” says Papa. “Are you going to spend all your money?” “Yes!” Brother and Sister say together. “Thats not good,” says Mama. “You should spend only some of the money on useful things. And put some money there for a rainy day.”Brother and Sister ask, “Where do we put our money?” “I think the Bear Country Bank is a good place, says Mama. “Good,” says Papa. “The money can be your nest egg (存款).” That day the Bear family goes to the bank and opens an account (帐户) for Brother and Sister.41 . Why dont Brother and Sister have any money to buy the video game?ABecause Brother doesnt have a piggy bank.BBecause they dont know much about money.CBecause their parents dont give them money.DBecause they spend the money when they have some.42 . What does the underlined phrase “for a rainy day” mean in Chinese?A因为下雨天B在下雨天C一切正常D未雨绸缪43 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?ABrother and Sister know how to make money well.BSister has to borrow Mamas sugar bowl to keep her money.CTheir parents ask Brother and Sister to save all the money they make.DBrother and Sister care too much about money, so they spend the money.Chinas Manned Space ProgramSpaceship: Shenzhou VTime: October 15th, 2003 Main events:Chinese spaceman Yang Liwei was sent up into space. He went around the earth 14 times in his one-day flight. China became the third country to succeed in manned space flight.Spaceship: Shenzhou Time: October 12th,2005 Main events:Chinese spacemen Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng were both sent up into space. On October 17th, the two Chinese space heroes safely returned to the earth.Spaceship: Shenzhou Time: September 25th, 2008 Main events:Chinese spacemen Zhai Zhigang, Liu Boming and Jing Haipeng were sent up into space. Zhai Zhigang made our countrys first spacewalk. This spacewalk took 20 minutes.Spaceship: Shenzhou XTime: June 11th, 2013 Main events:Chinese spacemen Nie Haisheng, Zhang Xiaoguang and the second spacewoman Wang Yaping were sent up into space and connected with the space station Tiangong I. Wang Yaping gave a space lesson about micro-gravity (微重力) to all Chinese teenagers. This space lesson lasted 40 minutes.44 . According to the article, the Chinese spaceman traveling in space twice is _.AYang LiweiBFei JunlongCNie HaishengDZhai Zhigang45 . The space lesson about micro-gravity to all Chinese teenagers lasted _.Aone dayBthree daysC15 minutesD40 minutes四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词。46 . -Have you made a_ (决定) yet?-No, we will have a meeting to discuss it later.47 . David is very careful. He always pays _(注意) to details.48 . Mary is our youth worker. She often offers us some valuable _ (advice).49 . After four years of training, Tony became a member of the _(of a whole country) team.50 . We all know that a year is _ into four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.五、完成句子51 . 他的自行车和我的一样。His bike is the_mine.52 . 我希望有一天能成为一名医生。I_be a doctor one day.53 . 个真正的朋友是在需要时给你帮助,使你感动。A true friend_your hand and touches your heart.54 . 目前为止你认为它怎么样?What do you think of it_?55 . 我的哥哥和我在很多方面有很大的不同。My brother _quite _ me in many ways.六、用单词的正确形式完成句子根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的正确形式填空。join music show sing dance56 . Our school music festival is coming. We need five _ for it.57 . Do you want_ us?58 . Can you do well in _?59 . Can you _English songs?60 . Please come and _ what you can do.七、单词填空C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):If we live a natural, open-air life, we shall have little need of doctors or medicine. Many of our grandmothers ideas on how to keep well have c61 . in recent years. Better habits of life has almost taken the place of the medicine. It was believed that night air was largely r62 . for fevers and colds. Doctors now say that one of the surest way to keep well is to live and sleep in the open air. I have slept in the open air for some time in winter at the temperature of six degrees b63 . zero. Of course it is foolish for anyone to sleep in rain or snow. The whole idea of open-air sleeping is to b64 . fresh air instead of the air full of dust and germs(病菌). If we become outdoor sleepers, coughs and colds will be almost unknown.One can almost tell a man who sleeps in the open by looking at him. His eye is clear and his cheek rosy. There is no surer way to become well and strong than to get used to this habit. Then you can laugh at the doctor and t65 . the medicine bottles away. I know that many parents will not agree with me, and they will feel that to advise a boy to sleep in the open when the weather is extremely cold is like inviting them to his death. It is a fact that everyone would be h66 . and happier if they follow this idea.Some doctors have already agreed on this method of sleeping for sick people. In some h67 . even babies are given open-air treatment(治疗). I have been free from any sign of coughs or colds. In the past two years, I have been an outdoor sleeper. Snow sometimes covered the foot of the bed and cold winds blew about my head.八、填空Have you ever asked your relatives or friends if there is Wi-Fi in their houses? Have you ever searched for Wi-Fi when you are at restaurants or hotels? The answers will probably be Yes.Most of us want Wi-Fi everywhere as if we cant live without it. But we can only usefreeWi-Fi in some public places. We still have to spend some money accessing (连接) the Internet at most time. Here comes a piece of good news.A rich, powerful organization in the USA called the Development Media Investment Fund (MDIF) has decided to change the age of online computing (计算) completely by giving free Wi-Fi to every person on Earth. They will send up hundreds of satellites into low Earth orbit (轨道) in 2015.This is because they have made a survey and found that only 60% of the worlds population have been able to get information on the Internet. And this is also because many countries are unable to offer people the necessary infrastructure (基础设施) to access the web.We can expect to use free Wi-Fi everywhere in the near future.68 . 任务一、阅读以上信息,用恰当的词完成下面的表格。Present situationMany of us want Wi-Fi everywhere as if we cant live without it.Accessing the Internet_us some money.What the organization will doMDIF has made a decision to send up hundreds of satellites into low Earth orbit in 2015 so that there will be free Wi-Fi almost_on the earth._Only_of the worlds population have been able to get information on the Internet.Many countries cant_people the necessary infrastructure to access the web.What we can expect We will use free Wi-Fi everywhere_.69 . _写出划线单词free的汉语意思。70 . _请将划线句子Most of us want Wi-Fi everywhere as if we cant live without it.译为汉语。九、材料作文71 . 书面表达假定你是李华,最近你们班就低碳生活方式进行了讨论,你的英国朋友Peppa向你来信询问讨论情况。请你用英语写封回信,简单介绍以下讨论结果:1节水节电 2垃圾分类 3少用纸巾,重拾手帕4步行、骑自行车或公交出行、参考词汇:low carbon低碳;tissue纸巾词数:100词左右。开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Peppa,Thank you for your last letter asking about our discussion on low-carbon lifestyle. Here is something about it_Best wishes,Yours,Li Hua第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、完成句子1、六、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、七、单词填空1、八、填空1、九、材料作文1、

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