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人教版2019-2020学年中考二模英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Do you like comedies?Of course. They always make me _.AsadBmadChappyDcrazy2 . I am just going to the _. Do you want anything?Yes, a bag of rice.AlibraryBclassroomCmarketDpark3 . What do you think of these two hair clips ? _ of them are nice. Ill take them.AEveryBEachCAllDBoth4 . Fu Yuanhui is a _ swimmer and she swims very _.Agood, wellBgood, goodCwell, goodDwell, well5 . 一Could you please teach me how to red envelops(红包) on WeChat?一Sure. Let me show you.Agive awayBgive upCgive backDgive out6 . You wont solve the problem _ you ask the teacher for help.AifBunlessCthoughDbecause7 . -Oh, what a bad memory I have! I forgot your umbrella.-_. It is sunny. I dont need it today.ANever mindBYoure welcomeCNo problemDAll right8 . When will Chinese Running Man begin ? It _ for ten minutes.Awill beginBhas begunCwill be onDhas been on9 . is boy in your class?I think Tom is.AWho, tallBWho, tallerCWho, the tallest10 . What do you think of Superman?I like him very much.He can fly_the sky.AthroughBAcrossCCrossDover11 . My aunt said she called you yesterday morning, but there was no answer.Oh, we were at home. Maybe my husband with my daughter and memy car in the garden.Awere washingBhad washedCwas washingDwashed12 . A note on the table _ “Be careful”.AtoldBsaidCwroteDread13 . -Could you tell me _ to go to Hannan by air?-Just a minute, please. Let me have a look.Ahow much does it costBhow much did it costChow much it costDhow much it costs14 . Our hometown _ a lot in the past ten years.AchangeBchangedChas changedDwas changing15 . Youto the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.Aneednt to comeBdont need comeCdont need comingDneednt come二、完型填空Rosa hurried home from work. It _ quite warm that day, and it hadnt rained since last week. She was worried _ her tiny plants might have got too much sun. When she got to her building, she ran up the stairs, two at a time, up to_ third floor.Oh, you poor things! thought Rosa when she saw even the_tomato plant looked hopeless. It just looked like a_one. Rosa got her watering bottle and began_. She watered each pot_the water began to come out from the holes in the bottom. She made sure_plant got just enough water before she went to cook something to eat.In the kitchen, Rosa bit into an apple and imagined that_was a big sweet tomato. Later she carried her dinner out to the balcony_ was also her secret little garden to grow many tomato plants. The roof of the apartment building kept the days hot sun _, cooling down the little plants. Rosa sat down _ imagined taking her tomatoes to her friends at work. Just imagine how surprised they would be. They_ why she had so many juicy tomatoes.Rosa watched her garden grow until after dark. Then, she went inside and dreamed of _ her own shop filled with green vegetables and baskets of her own garden._beautiful the dream was!16 . AisBwasChas beenDwill be17 . AthatBwhatCwhichDwhere18 . AaBanCtheD/19 . AstrongBstrongerCstrongestDmore strong20 . AdieBdeadCdeathDdeadly21 . AworkBworkedCto workDto working22 . AuntilBwhileCafterDsince23 . AoneBnoCanyDeach24 . AtheyBheCsheDIt25 . AwhereBwhichCwhenDwho26 . AawayBdownCbackDup27 . AbutBandCorDyet28 . AwonderBwonderedCwould wonderDhave wondered29 . ArunBto runCrunningDran30 . AHowBHow aCWhatDWhat a三、阅读单选Today the word friendship has been used so often that it has lost its meaning. Some jokingly or seriously say that friends are made to be used. It makes me very sad.True friendship doesnt mean that when you need your friends help,you will treat him to dinner,and when you have to protect yourself,you will put your friends in a difficult situation.In fact,true friendship is the communication and understanding of the hearts(心).True friendship is like water. Compared wish decent wine,water is tasteless,but is of great help when we are thirsty. True friends dont need to be with each other every day,but are connected in heart every minute.True friendship is like medicine. Though it is bitter,it cures your illness. True friends give you some suggestions even if they know you would not take. They criticize you when others have a good word for you,not because of envy but worrying that you may lose your cool head.True friendship has nothing to do with fame,power or money. True friends would often watch you silently far away when you are_,but come to you whenever you need their help. Youre not his stepping-stone to success,but are his crutch to live through difficulties.True friends make you complete. Many persons go along with you through your lifeyour parents,your spouse,and your children,who take care of you and make your life happy. However,you still need someone who understands your thoughts and souls. Without them,you are likely to be unhealthy in spirit.True friends stay in your heart,rather than at your side;they know you more than yourself,and try to better you.Once you have found such a true friend,do treasure(珍惜)him. If your true friend disappears,how can you make the sound of your heart understood?31 . The writer feels sad because some people.Adont treasure friendshipBmake wrong friendsCdont understand friendshipDblame their friends32 . The writer speaks of water because.Ait is important to our lifeBit has no tasteCit is easy to getDit stays with us every day33 . The underlined word“influential”in Paragraph 5 means“”.AbusyBpowerfulChelpfulDquiet34 . According to the passage,true friends may help you.Aachieve successBenjoy mental healthCunderstand them betterDlive a happy lifeBeing outgoing is good for your life. Those who are more outgoing like to meet lots of people and have more fun in life. In fact, being outgoing is not so hard as you think. Even shy people can be outgoing. You can start becoming outgoing with your best friends or a group of friends. But the real challenge(挑战) comes when you meet strange people or new friends. Smile more, and usually they will return your smile. In this way, you may have some talks.Start a talk. Just a simple “Hello” or “How is it going?” is a good start. If you want to make interesting talks, you should read news in newspapers and prepare (准备) your views,or surf the Internet for new information and then keep that in mind. The easiest way to become more outgoing is to go out. This is also the most important step. Go to a park, beach, club, party or any other place that you think can be fun, and you may make new friends there.35 . You should start to be outgoing with _.AYour parentsByour teachersCyour best friendsDyour new friends.36 . When you start a talk with a stranger(陌生人), you should say “_”.AWhats the matterBWhat is your nameCHow is it goingDAre you all right37 . The easiest way to be more outgoing is _.AtalkingBsmilingCplayingDgoing out38 . Making new friends can make us _.Amore outgoingBhealthierCmore interestingDwilder.39 . Which is NOT the writers view(观点)?ABeing outgoing is really difficultBBeing outgoing is good for our lives.CBeing outgoing helps people have more fun.DBeing outgoing with strangers is not easy.On a stormy day last August, Tim heard someone shouting. Looking at the sea carefully, he saw that two kids in a rowboat were being pulled out to sea.Two 12-year-old boys, Christian and Jack, had rowed out in a boat to_a football. Once theyd rowed beyond the calm waters, a beach umbrella tied to the boat caught the wind and pulled the boat into open water. The boys were terrified and tried to row back to shore. But they were no match for_and the boat was out of control.Tim knew that it would soon be swallowed by the waves.“Everything went quiet in my head,” Tim recalls. “Im trying to figure out how to swim to the boys in a straight line.”Tim took off his clothes and jumped into the water. Every 500 yards or so, he raised his head to judge his progress. “At one point, I considered turning back,” he says. “I wondered if I was putting my life at risk.” After 30 minutes of struggling, he was close enough to shout to the boys, “Take down the umbrella!”“Lets aim for the pier(码头),” Jack said. Tim turned the boat toward it. Soon afterward, waves crashed over the boat, and it began to sink. “Can you swim?” he cried. “A little bit,” the boys said.Once they were in the water, Tim decided it would be safer and faster for him to pull the boys toward the pier. Christian and Jack were wearing life jackets and floated on their backs. Tim swam toward land as water washed over the boys faces.“Are we almost there?” they asked again and again. “Yes,” Tim told them each time.After 30 minutes, they reached the pier.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。40 . When did the story happen?AOn a holiday.BOn a stormy day.CAt a weekend.DAfter a football match.41 . What does the underlined word “recover” in the second paragraph mean in Chinese?找回A. 修补 B. 恢复 C. 盖上42 . What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?AThe water.BThe boat.CThe wind.DThe umbrella.43 . Why did Tim raise his head regularly?ATo check his distance from the boys.BTo breathe more air.CTo take a short break.DTo make the two boys see him44 . What do you think of Tim?AStrong.BProud.CShy.DBrave.第二节:阅读下面内容,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的一个最佳答案。Im Mary Miller. Im from the USA. Im eight. I have a phone. Its black. Its nice and I like it very much. My phone number is 230-8888. I like the number, because (因为) 8 is my favorite number. I have a good friend. Her name is Li Yuan. She is in China. She is six. Her English name is Gina. She has a phone, too. Her phone number is 322-5645.45 . Marys last name is _.AGreenBSmithCMillerDBrown46 . What color is Marys phone?AIts red.BIts black.CIts white.DIts blue.47 . Marys favorite number is _.A4B6C8D948 . Li Yuans English name is _.AMaryBCindyCJennyDGina49 . Li Yuans phone number is _.A322-5645B230-8888C322-8888D230-5645四、根据首字母、中文提示填空第一节单词拼写根据句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。在填写答卷时,要求写出完整单词。(每空限填一词)50 . My father is a policeman. I am p_of him.51 . Girls, I believe that you all can solve these problems by_.52 . The new football stadium can h_ about eighty thousand people.53 . He passed q_ out of the room without shoes on his feet because his little son was sleeping.54 . The old man is d_. He can hardly hear anything.55 . J_is one of the months of the year.五、用单词的正确形式完成短文用方框中所给词的适当形式补全短文home,become,burn,animal,change,everybody,law,important,result,luckyThe environment is everything around us,such as air,water,56 . ,plants and buildings.People cant live without the environment.57 . needs to breathe air,drink water and eat food every day.We 58 . coal to keep warm,use wood to make paper.As a 59 . ,we become part of the environment.The environment has been getting worse and worse for many years.The air is polluted by smoke from factories.Machines make noises that annoy us.Animals are 60 . because the forests are being cut down.Streets are crowded with people and vehicles.The environment is 61 . painful for us to live in now.So its time to solve these problems.62 . ,it isnt too late to correct our mistakes.People have come to realize the63 . of the environment and have begun to 64 . their behavior.Our government is making 65 . to deal with air,water and light pollution.We believe that we will be able to save our environment and live in a better world.六、单词填空综合填空根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整,没空限填一词。On July2, 1937, Amelia Earhart( an American pilot) and Fred Noonan left New Guinea for Howland Island in the Pacific. This was the longest and most dangerous part of their t66 . around the world. Earhart had trouble soon after the plane took off. The weather was very bad, so she had to f67 . at 3,000 metres. Going this high, the plane used fuel quickly.After about 20 h68 . , Earhart and Noonan got close to Howland Island. The island was o69 . about 65 miles (英里) away, but the bright sun was shining in their faces so they couldnt see it. Near Howland, a ship was w70 . for the plane. Earhart contacted the ship: “We dont have enough fuel,” she said. The ship tried to stay in touch with her b71 . got no answer. Finally, the ship called for help. People looked for Earhart and Noonan for days. However, they found nothing.What happened to Amelia Earhart? No one knows for sure. D72 . the flight, she probably moved in the wrong direction(方向) because the sun was bright and it was d73 . to see. So she got lost; soon after, her plane ran out of fuel, and she died at sea. Another idea is that she survived(幸存) the plane crash(飞机失事), s74 . to a lonely island, and later died there. Still other think she survived the crash and secretly returned to the U.S. with a new identity(身份).Till now, none of these i75 . has been proved. People are still wondering about them. (Noonans body has never been found either.) No matter what happened, Earhart probably died as she wished. “When I go,” she said, “Id like best to go in my plane.”七、填空76 . 任务型阅读Street Markets Around the WorldThere are many ways of shoppingYou can shop by telephone,by post or through your home computer,but for many people,the most exciting way to shop is also the most traditionalat a street marketYou can find markets anywhere in the worldHere are four of them:There are many“floating markets”in Asia;perhaps the most unusual is in Thailand,at a place called Damnoen SaduakIts open from six in the morning to the noon every dayPeople sell fresh fruit from their boatsMany Belgians(比利时人)say that the Grand Place is the most beautiful square in the worldIt is the home of a colorful flower marketIts open every day except MondayOn Monday,instead of flowers,theres a wonderful bird market!One of the worlds most famous markets is in Mexico Citythe Sonora MarketYou can buy toys,birds,herbs and medicineThere are all kinds of thingsIts open every day from early in the morning till late at nightIn England,every weekend,thousands of young people from all over London travel to the Camden Marketits the place to go for street fashion,CDs and tapesMany people also go there for fun根据短文内容,在表格中的横线上填写所缺单词。每空一词。NamesCountriesFeaturesThings to SellOpen TimeDamnoen SaduakThailandunusualfresh 【小题1】every daythe Grand PlaceBelgium(比利时)beautiful【小题2】every day except Mondaythe Sonora MarketMexico【小题3】all kinds of thingsevery daythe Camden Market【小题4】fashionablefashion thingsevery 【小题5】八、书信作文77 . 书面表达。假设你是王伟,根据表格提示,写一封信给你新交的笔友Jerry,介绍你的情况。要求: 1. 信的内容要包括表格所有要点。2. 语句通顺,注意信件的格式。3. 80字左右。姓名Wang Wei 生日9月23日国藉中国电话929-3155 家人爸爸,妈妈(两人都是英语老师,妹妹王丽丽(喜欢排球,有3个排球,课后经常和她的同学们打排球)学校青羊实验中学(Qing Yang Experimental Middle School)喜好食物喜欢蔬菜水果,不喜欢汉堡包,( 各说明理由)运动喜爱篮球,讨厌网球。( 各说明理由) 学科最爱历史,喜欢英语和语文. (各说明理由)第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、六、单词填空1、七、填空1、八、书信作文1、


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