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人教版2020版九年级第一学期期末教学质量调研测试英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I could speak any English when I first came to England.AevenBhardlyCfinallyDever2 . Why are you so happy? I _ my pen friend just now. He sent me a nice photo.Acared aboutBfound outCheard fromDturned down3 . You will achieve nothing _ you work hard in a proper way.AbecauseBifCwhenDunless4 . David, get up early, _ youll not catch the early bus.AbutBandCafterDor5 . Miss Lin ,could you tell me _about the local education ?-I think WWW. fzedu. gov. CNN will be helpful .Ahow can I find informationBwhat information can I getCWhere I can get the news6 . They found me _ TV when they were passing.Ato watchBwatchCwatchingDwatched7 . How about going shopping this weekend, Peter?Sorry. I prefer rather than .Ato stay at home; go outBto go out; stay at homeCstaying at home; go outDgoing out; stay at home8 . They had different ideas for the vacation place. After much _,they decided to go to New York.AdiscussionBdifferenceChouseworkDinformation9 . The law sets that anyone who obstructs(妨碍)a bus drivers normal driving will_. So we should obey the law.ApunishBpunishedCbe punished10 . He was angry and went out without _ a word.AsayBsaidCsaysDsaying11 . 一Do you have any plans for this summer holiday?一Im not sure. Itake a trip to the USA.A.shouldAneedBmustCmay12 . Do you know anything about Song Joong-ki, _famous actor from South Korea? Yes. He has lots of talent and he can even speak German as _third language.Athe; theBa; theCthe; theDa; a13 . The computer _ last week was stolen yesterday. What a pity!AWhich I bought itBI boughtCWhat I boughtDI bought it14 . May I use your bike?_ANo, thanksBOf course Here you areCI dont have a bike15 . Would you mind putting away your clothes? _ .AOKBYes, of courseCNot at all. Ill do it right awayDIt doesnt matter二、完型填空What do you do at weekends? Some people like to stay at home, but others like to go for a walk _play football. My friend Jack works hard in a factory on weekdays. At weekends he always does the same thing. On Saturday he _ his car and on _ he goes to a village with his family by car. His uncle and aunt have a _ there. It isnt a _ one, but there is always much to do on the farm. The children help _ the animals. Jack and his wife help in the fields. At the end of the day, they are all_and Jacks aunt gives them a big meal.16 . AthoughBorCbutDso17 . AwatchesBdrivesCsellsDwashes18 . AMondayBWednesdayCFridayDSunday19 . AfarmBfriendChouseDcar20 . AsmallBbigClongDshort21 . AwashBfeedCcatchDhave22 . AcleanBlateChungryDfriendly三、阅读单选Interesting festivals in the worldThrowing tomatoesSpain(西班牙)Spain takes “tomatoes fights” to a whole new level. But the tomatoes are being thrown, not eaten. The festival takes place during the last Wednesday in August. Trucks(卡车)carry tomatoes into the square. People rush to the tomatoes and throw them into the crowd.Rolling cheeseEnglandThis festival is celebrated on the last Monday in May. It takes place on Coopers Hill. A large wheel of cheese(奶酪)is rolled down Coopers Hill. The festival is actually a race where people run down the hill after the rolling cheese. The first person to cross the finish line at the bottom of the hill wins the cheese.Burning manThe United StatesThe Burning Man Festival lasts a week, it is from the Monday before labor Day to Labor Day(which falls on the first Monday in September in America). The festival takes place in the Black Rock Desert. The best part of the festival is the burning of a large sculpture(雕塑)of a man.Pouring waterThailandThe Songkran Festival is the celebration of the New Year in Thailand. Rather than a single day, Thailand celebrates the New Year from April 13th to April 15th. Thai people run after each other, pouring water. Songkran is one of the most important reasons why foreigners travel to the beautiful land.23 . What about are these passages?AGames.BActivitiesCMatches.DFestivals.24 . Where will you probably go to enjoy one of the festivals above in May?ASpain.BEngland.CThe United States.DThailand.25 . Which festival is held in Black Rock Desert?AThrowing tomatoes.BRolling cheese.CBurning man.DPouring water.26 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe tomatoes are thrown into crowd to eat.BNot all the festivals above fall on the single day.CBurning a large real man is the best part of the festival.DSongkran is the only reason for attracting lots of tourists.27 . The passage is most probably taken from _.Aa tour guideBa science reportCa story bookDa fashion magazineLots of people walk along Wilshire Boulevard every day. This well-known street in California is usually a nice place to walk. Lately, however, a crazy bird has been flying at people. Most birds fly the other way when they see people. This bird dives out of the sky like an airplane at war. It uses its claws and its beak to hurt the peoples heads.The bird will dive and hit at just about anyone who walks by. Bald(秃顶的)men seem to be the birds favorites. People with lots of hair dont get hit quite often.Why does the bird behave in this very strange way? Bird experts say the bird probably is a mother with babies in a nest nearby. She probably is trying to keep her babies safe by scaring people away. When the baby birds grow up and fly away, the bird will stop this odd(古怪的)way of acting. Then it will be safe to walk along Wilshire Boulevard once more.28 . This story takes place in _.Athe Bronx ZooBCaliforniaCa large treeDa war zone29 . The bird dives like _.Aa good swimmerBa scared rabbitCan airplaneDa fast person30 . People with lots of hair _.Aare a little saferBcant be hitCwill lose itDenjoy the bird31 . The bird dives at people _.Abecause its funBto cause them harmCto protect her babiesDto find some food32 . The underlined word behave in the third paragraph means _.AactBdiveCleaveDsingIts a safe bet that a robot made your car and made your computer. Pretty soon, they could be making your bed and breakfast too. Increasingly, engineers are saying that robots are going to move out of research departments and into your home. Companies including Sony and General Electric are working on designs for small robots. Products like the Roomba, a robot that can clean floors, are flying off the shelves. Whats behind this new robot revolution? Its partly a matter of technology. Devices that can recognize and respond to a human voice have been developed. There are now a few different ways for robots to move around. They can walk, crawl or ride on wheels. Robots are being made smaller and smaller. They are also becoming more and more energy efficient. A bigger part of the story is on the demand side. From the day the television remote control was invented, people around the world have searched for new ways to be lazy. Take into consideration that more and more people can afford robots, and the time seems ripe to introduce robots to the average family.To be sure, robots that walk on two legs and talk like people are still a long way off. However, robots that do basic housework such as cleaning or gardening are sure to come out soon. One thing is certain-when these robots do come to our homes, it will change things forever.33 . According to the passage, robots can do the following things EXCEPT_.Acleaning floorsBmaking carsCtalking like peopleDmaking computers34 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?ASmaller robots are less energy efficient.BRoomba has been out of dateCPeople will become lazier than before.DPeoples demand contributes to new robots35 . The underlined part in the 2nd paragraph probably means_.Anew robots will soon come into peoples homes.Bnew robots can fly by themselves .Crobot products are cheaper and cheaperDnew robots have more functions than old ones36 . What is the main idea of this passage?ARobots will soon be on saleBRobots are in great demandCRobots are coming into our families.DRobots help us a lot四、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空。37 . I want to improve my _ (pronounce), so I listen to the tapes every evening.38 . The girl stayed in the US for three years and her _ (speak) English is very great.39 . He found it relaxing _ (swim) in the sea. He wanted to go there again.40 . I think this book is very useful. You can learn much _ (know) from it.41 . My uncle is a policeman. He often fights with the bad people _ (wise).五、回答问题阅读表达阅读下面的短文, 然后根据短文内容回答问题。Robert Smith is 50 years old now. He is very healthy because he plays sports every day. Robert also likes collecting(收集)sports equipment(器械). He has 10 ping-pong balls and 10 ping-pong bats, 3 soccer balls, 6 basketballs and 5 volleyballs. He loves watching sports on TV, too. Robert has two children, a son and a daughter. His son is Carl. He likes basketball and he is in the city(城市)basketball club(俱乐部)now. He plays basketball with his friends on Sunday afternoon. And his daughter, Nancy, likes volleyball and she plays it very well. She often plays it at school.Robert and his children are very happy every day.42 . Does Robert play sports every day?_43 . How many balls does Robert have?_44 . Who does Carl play basketball with?_45 . Where does Nancy play volleyball?_46 . How do Robert and his children feel(感觉)every day?_六、汉译英:整句A. 句子翻译47 . 生活就像一场赛跑,你要么领先,要么落后。_48 . 我想知道鱼是否睁着眼睛睡觉。_.49 . 现代科学对我们的日常生活有着重大的影响。_50 . 很多与我同龄的青少年宁愿放弃,也不愿求助。_51 . 必须采取措施来阻止他参加校篮球队的选拔。_七、书信作文52 . 随着中国热的掀起,越来越多的外国人想来中国体验观光。假如你是张利,你们学校的外教Mary打算暑假邀请全家人来温州游玩,需要一名导游。请你根据下表写一封邮件推荐自己,阐明自己的优势并告知做他们的导游对你自己也有帮助。Introductionoutgoing, good at English,Reasonsmake friends, happy to help others,注意:1.短文内容应包含所有要点并适当扩充。2.文中不能出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息;3.字数:110左右。开头已给出。Dear Mary,Im Zhang Li. Im happy to hear that your family will come to Wenzhou this summer holiday._ _Looking forward to your reply.Zhang Li第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、回答问题1、六、汉译英:整句1、七、书信作文1、

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