外研版(三起)英语三年级下册Module 3 单元测试卷新版

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外研版(三起)英语三年级下册Module 3 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . 选择合适的选项补全单词。(_) 1.can_ (糖果) A.rgB.dy C.py(_) 2.s_ond ( 第二,秒) A.ec B.esC.ar(_) 3.thir_(第三) A.pB.bC.d(_) 4._oth(月份) A.n; nB.n; mC.m; n(_) 5._pri_(四月) A.M; l B.A; lC.T; o选出每个单词中缺失的字母。2 . f_ger ( )AenBinCun3 . b_dy ( )AoBa ( )Ce4 . ca_AckBkeCce5 . br_d ( )AeiBaeCea6 . j_ce ( )AuiBoiCiu选出所缺字母。7 . nme( )AoBaCi8 . hnd( )AaBeCo9 . potto( )AaBoCe10 . rabbt( )ArBiCo11 . jackt( )AiBaCe12 . br_ _ k ( )AaeBauCea13 . Have you got a knife _ fork _ chopsticks? ( )Aand; andBand; orCor; and14 . Please stop _ noise at night. ( )AmakeBmakingCto make15 . She can_ to museums. ( )AgoesBgoCgos16 . Children _ scary clothes at Halloween. ( )AwearBare wearCwears17 . 选择所缺的字母,ban_n_( )Aa oBa aCo a18 . Look at the cute cat. name is Bunny. ( )AItBItsCIts二、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。My name is John. Im 11. Im a quiet boy. I have a friend. His name is Tom. Hes 12. He has black glasses. He is tall and thin. He has short hair and big eyes. He is very friendly. We are good friends.19 . Tom is 12 years old.(_)20 . John is a friendly boy.(_)21 . Tom has green glasses and a big bag.(_)22 . Tom is quiet.(_)23 . They are good friends.(_)三、英译汉24 . 翻译短文。I like acting. I always act in our school plays. It is difficult, but it is really fun. I want to act on TV, too!_四、判断题判断图片与单词是(T)否(F)相符。25 . pencil(_)26 . schoolbag(_)27 . ruler(_)28 . book(_)判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。29 . I have a pencil._30 . I see brown._31 . Id like some eggs._32 . Its a dog._33 . Im five years old. _34 . 根据图片判断句子正误。I like a pie. (_)35 . 判断题(_)1. Its a white car (小汽车).(_)2. Its a black car (小汽车).(_)3. Its a white chair.(_)4. Its a black door.(_)5. Its a black window.五、句型转换36 . I dont like table tennis.(改为肯定句)_37 . Rewrite the sentences according to request. (按要求完成下面的句子)1. He has a birthday cake. (改为一般疑问句)_ .2. Today is Friday.(对划线部分提问)_ .3. Its April 4th.(对划线部分提问)_ .4. It isnt a dog.(改为肯定句)_.5. Is her birthday in April?(作肯定和否定回答)_六、改错38 . 选出错误的一项并改正:Whatis they? (_)_A B七、连词成句连词成句39 . at, the, please, look, blackboard (.)_.40 . teacher, any, your, does, pencils, have( ?)_41 . is, my, cousins, December, birthday, 25th (.)_.42 . the, look, blackboard, at (.)_43 . uncle, have, four, doesnt, her, maps (.)_第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、任务型阅读1、三、英译汉1、四、判断题1、2、3、4、五、句型转换1、2、六、改错1、七、连词成句1、

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