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人教版(PEP)苏马荡教育集团2020年英语中考模拟试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、单选题1 . Look, the young woman who is playing _ guitar is _ university teacher.Athe ; anB/; anCthe; aD/ ; a2 . Linda, dont give out your _ information to strangers online. Its dangerous.OK, Mum. I promise I will learn your warning _ Apersonal; by heartBpopular; in mindCcommon; in general3 . - Have you ever travelled abroad?-Yes, I went to America with my parents last summerAall over the worldBto a foreign countryCon your own4 . His father is always busyhis car at home.AwashBwashesCto washDwashing5 . Whatmusic! I really feel relaxed now.AlivelyBnoisyCstrangeDblack6 . Davidfellfastasleepwhilehe _anewspaperAreadsBhasreadCwasreading7 . If it _ tomorrow, I will stay at home.ArainsBwill rain Cdidnt rain Dwont rain8 . Taking exercise every day helps_build a strong body.AweBourselvesCusDour9 . My father is going to shop_3 oclock_the afternoon_ March 23rd.Ain;at;onBat;in;onCon; in; atDat; on; in10 . _ fine weather it is!Yes. Look! _ many people are walking around the park.AWhat; SoBHow; SoCHow; SuchDWhat a; So11 . Classes begin at 8:00. So you_get to the classroom by 7:55 at the latest.Aare thought toBare supposed toCthought toDsupposed to12 . (题文) In order to speak English better , we _be afraid of losing face .AshouldBshouldntChave toDmust13 . Its good _ our health_ vegetables.Afor;to eatBto;eatCat;eatingDwith; eat14 . He _ two books. Which should we buy?AlostBsuggestedCreturnedDborrowed15 . He always makes a banana milk shake _ us _.Amake; eatBmake; to eatCto make; to eatDto make; eat二、完型填空The computer is a useful machine. It is one of_ invention in many years. The_kind of computer is the abacus (算盘), invented in China centuries_, but the first large, modem computer was built in 1946. The computer then could do maths problems very fast.Today computers are used in_ways and can do many kinds of work. We are sure that_years the computer may touch the life of everyone, _ people in the faraway villages.In the last few years, there_great changes in computers. They are getting smaller and smaller, but computing faster and faster. Many scientists agree that computers can now do many things, but they cannot do_. Who knows_the computers of tomorrow will be like? Will computers bring good things or bad things to people? The scientists of today will have to decide_ use the computers of tomorrow.16 . AimportantBmore importantCthe more importantDthe most important17 . AnewestBmost advanced(先进的)ColdestDfastest18 . AtimeBfromCagoDbefore19 . AmoreBmanyCmuchDa lots20 . AlittleBfewCa fewDa little21 . AandBbutCexceptDeven22 . AisBhave beenCwasDwill be23 . AanythingBsomethingCeverythingDnothing24 . AwhichBwhatCthatDhow25 . Awhat toBhow toCwhereDwho三、阅读单选One day, an Australian farmer Joe saw a bright light in the sky. The light came nearer and nearer and suddenly Joe saw that it was a spaceship. The spaceship landed in a field quickly.The door of the spaceship opened and two strange beings(生物) climbed out. They seemed(看起来) to be half man and half bird. Joe was afraid of them. He tried to run away. But the spacemen walked towards him, picked him up and carried him into the spaceship. They put wires(电线) from a machine onto his head and then they could speak to him in English.They asked him questions about the earth. “We are from Venus(金星),” they said, “But it is getting very hot there. A lot of our people are dying and there isnt much time left. We are trying to find a new home.” After some time, they freed Joe and at last the spaceship took off and couldnt be seen.Joe told his friends about the spacemen, but no one believes his story. “Youll believe me one day, ” Joe told them. “The spacemen will come back.”26 . The bright light in the sky was _.Athe sunBa spaceshipCVenusDa bird27 . The strange beings came to the earth to _.Avisit JoeBcatch JoeClive with JoeDfind a new home28 . What does the underlined word “dying” mean?A有希望的B热情的C后悔的D奄奄一息的In March 2014, Australia opened junior high education to Chinese students, allowing them to study in Australian schools from the seventh grade.“When more Chinese students are going to study abroad at a younger age, the opening of Australian junior high schools offers Chinese students and their parents one more good choice,” Tian Litie, director of the Australian Department of Chivast Education International, said at the China International Education Exhibition Tour over the weekend.Australia will see a rise in the number of Chinese junior and senior high school students studying in the country. Tian showed the reasons for it: lower admission (入学许可) requirements and low-cost education because of a favorable exchange rate (费率). According to Tian, in public schools in Australia a student should pay A$13,000 to A$15,000 ($10,000 to $12,000) a year.“Now the exchange rate of the Australian dollar to renminbi is below five, which means the cost is lower than that of Chinese students studying at junior and senior high schools in many other hot places, such as Britain and the US,” said Tian.Lin Lina from Beijing plans to send her daughter to a senior high school in Australia, was among them.“My daughter is good at English and would like to study abroad early,” said Lin, whose daughter is now a ninth-grader in Beijing. “We came for more information after we learned that the environment and education in Australia are good.”Eliza Chui, education officer for North Asia at the Australian Consulate-General in Shanghai, said that Australia is attractive not only because it provides an environment for learning English, but also because students are trained to have critical (批判性的) thinking and be independent.29 . According to Tian Litie, we know that _.Amore and more Chinese students study abroad at a younger ageBmore and more Australian universities are open to Chinese studentsCChinese students are only allowed to study in Australia from senior high schoolDa student should pay A$10,000 to A$12,000 a year in public schools in Australia30 . What does the word “it” in Paragraph 3 mean?AAustralia allows Chinese students to study in its schools.BMore and more Chinese students go abroad at a younger age.CMore Chinese junior and senior high school students will study in Australia.DAustralian schools offer Chinese students and their parents one more good choice.31 . Lin Lina plans to send her daughter to Australia because _.Aher daughter has travelled to Australia beforeBshe cant afford to send her daughter to other countriesCher daughter is an independent student with critical thinkingDshe learned that the environment and education in Australia are good32 . According to the article, which of the following is TRUE?AThe cost of studying in American schools is lower than in Australia.BThe exchange rate of the Australian dollar is of advantage to Chinese students.CIts more difficult for Chinese students to enter Australian junior high schools.DFew students choose to study in Britain or the US because of too much money.33 . What is the passage mainly about?AYou should think twice before you decide to go abroad.BMore and more Chinese students choose to study abroad.CAustralian schools will attract more and more Chinese students.DAustralian schools have much more advantages than other schools in the world.四、完成句子阅读下列各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子,并将答案写在答题卡上相应的题号后。(注意:只写答案,试题的其它内容不得抄入答题卡。)34 . Jenny helped us_.(使按时完成家务成为可能)(possible)35 . Everyone_the class.(对班级都有影响)(make)36 . How are you_?(和你的同学们相处得怎么样)(get)37 . They were_.(如此开心以至于忍不住发笑)(so)38 . As sons or daughters, its our duty to_ when they are old.(为我们的父母提供舒适的家庭环境)(provide)五、用单词的正确形式完成句子根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。weak, hide, excite, stupid, fit weak, hide, excite, stupid, fit 39 . The dress _ you very well. You can take it.40 . My grandpa is too _ to walk far.41 . I cant believe Alan was _ enough to make such a mistake.42 . Bill _ the money under the floor.43 . The story about the prince _ the boy very much.六、单词填空Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)It does not always come easy to discover oneself. From a young age, I had a strong sense of who I was to become, but an accident made me redefine(重审)my self.To me, cycling was above all. There was n44 . in this world that filled my heart with such joy. I spent twenty-four hours a week practicing my s45 . Having no social life or interests but cycling, my great love brought me first place medals in nearly every competition.Unfortunately, in one show, I fell down and hurt myself b46 . . After several X-rays and MRI(磁共振) scans, the doctor told me that I couldnt return to my sport any more. The pain in my back was hard to bear and even the b47 . daily tasks became difficult.As my passion(激情)was taken away, I had little sense of who I was to become. After eight months of suffering, something had to c48 . . Instead of wasting my days sitting around painfully, I began to put my energy into local community service projects. By volunteering as a swimming teacher and summer reading assistant for kids, I got an idea of who I wanted to become. After a few months, I spent most of the time on my interest in the arts. Little by Little, I stepped out of the shadow(阴影)and r49 . my confidence. Sometimes, some large rocks block our way. We can choose to stay behind or try to climb over. My accident was a rock, but it f50 . to stop me from reaching success. Today Im a very confident and optimistic person.七、多任务混合问题(题文)Tammy! Come here, please! Mother needs your help in the kitchen. Her father called out to her.Tammy was in her room, getting ready to do her homework. Yes, Daddy! she replied. Ill be right there.She hurried out of her bedroom and down the hallway. She was only nine years old. Her elder sister, Ella, had just moved away to go to a performing arts high school in another city. Her brother, Harry, was in middle school and always got home late. With Ella leaving home, Tammy was expected to do a lot more than she had ever done before, especially now, because her mother was ill.Her father was in the kitchen. Tammy, I know you usually do your homework right now, but with things being different, we all have to change a little bit. Ill help you and Harry with your homework later on, OK?Her father had an apron(围裙) on over his clothes, and he looked kind of funny. He was doing the dishes and he always splashed(溅出) water all over when he did that. After helping her father with the dishes, Tammy helped set the table. After supper, her father helped her and Harry with their homework, and then they played a board game so that their mother could lie down for a while.The next morning, Tammy got up early on her own because she wanted to help her mother with breakfast. She made orange juice and even put bread in the toaster and got out the butter so that her mother could sleep for a few more minutes.When her mother got up half an hour later, she was very surprised and moved to see the breakfast on the dining table. She gave Tammy a big hug.Thank you, Tammy. You really are mothers little helper now, arent you?51 . (小题1)Why did Tammys sister move out of their home?ABecause she hated doing houseworkBBecause she was busy with her work.CBecause her school was far away from home.DBecause she disliked her family.52 . (小题2)From Paragraphs 3 & 4, we can learn that Tammy_.Awas a middle school studentBdid well in all subjectsCalways did a lot of housework at homeDwas the youngest child in the family53 . (小题3)What can we learn about Tammys father from the passage?AHe was a very serious person.BHe wasnt very good at doing housework.CHe liked playing board games very much.DHe always helped Tammy do her homework.54 . (小题4)Which is the right order for the things that Tammy did in the story?Did her homework. Prepared breakfast. Played a board game. Helped with super.A B C, D。55 . (小题5)Which is the best title for this passage?AMothers Little HelperBThe Life of Tammys FamilyCA Happy FamilyDTammys School Life八、话题作文56 . 书面表达“白日不到处,青春恰自来。苔花如米小,也学牡丹开。随着央视经典咏流传的播出,清朝诗人袁枚的小诗苔再次走入人们的视野。这首诗传达着生命的意义不在于灿烂和辉煌,而在于顽强和执着。普通人也要有昂扬向上,积极进取这种精神。同学们对此有什么样的感悟呢?请以l Believe.为题,写一篇短文(开头已给出)。要点提示:1.在成长过程中,你会碰到哪些困难或不顺心的事呢?(学习上的,生活方面的都可以)2.面对这些困难或者不顺心的事,你是怎么样处理的呢? 3.你有什么感悟呢?要求:1.词数80词左右。 2.不得出现真实的人名地名和学校名。I Believe In our daily life,something unhappy may happen.For example_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、完成句子1、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、单词填空1、七、多任务混合问题1、八、话题作文1、

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