人教版2019-2020学年度九年级上期英语Unit 7 SectionB同步练习A卷

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人教版2019-2020学年度九年级上期英语Unit 7 SectionB同步练习A卷_第1页
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人教版2019-2020学年度九年级上期英语Unit 7 SectionB同步练习A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The water in the river smells terrible. People must dirty things into it.Abe stopped to throwBbe stopped from throwingCstop to throwDstop from throwing2 . What do you think of your English teacher?She is a good and caring one. Though her teaching style that of most other teachers, she always has more creative teaching methods than others do.Ais similar toBis similar asCthe same as3 . We _to speak aloud in the public place.Ashouldnt be allowedBshould allowCshould be allowedDshouldnt allow4 . In February, its usually _ and freezing in China.ArainyBcloudyCwarmDsnowy5 . The work _ in three hours . Lets hurry.Amust finishBwill finishCmust be finishedDfinished6 . Nearly three fourths of work _finished by students, the rest of work will _ off.Ais; be putBis ; putCare; putDare; be put7 . Your pocket money must _.Aput to good useBbe put to good useCputting to good useDbe put to well use8 . There was something wrong with my ear. We couldnt _ anything clearly.AlistenBhearCsoundDspeak9 . How was your trip to the British Museum?I spoke no English and was _ silent during the visit.AcompletelyBpeacefullyCpatientlyDcarefully10 . People can _ running everywhere. Do you know what _?Abe seen; happenedBbe seen; is happeningCsee; happens11 . There is always so much _ in summer in Chengdu. Its a cold _day again.Arainy; rainBrain; rainy.Crainy; raining12 . Lily is sure about there before 8:30.AgetBgetsCgettingDto get13 . We must pay attention _ the environment.People must _ dirty things everywhere.Afor;stop from throwingBto;be stopped from throwingCto;stop to throw14 . As everyone knows,rubbish everywhere.Aneed be thrownBmustnt be thrownCcant throw15 . Attention, please! All the mobile phones must _ before the meeting starts.Aturn offBbe turned offCbe turning offDturned off16 . These books mustnt _ out of the reading room. You have to read them here.AtakeBbe takenCbe taking17 . (2017湖北鄂州27)Jack hasnt taken his piano lessons for a long time.He is considering _ his piano course and spending more time on his study.Ato dropBto throwCdroppingDthrowing18 . Would you like a picnic this Sunday?AhaveBhavingCto have19 . He plays basketball so well! Who taught _?He learnt it by _.Ahim; himBhimself; himChim; himself20 . It is well known _ all people that Beijing is known _ the capital of China.Ato; asBto; forCfor; asDfor; for二、补全短文6选5. 情景交际。ADo you also go to school by bike?BWhich is the fastest way to go to school?CIs it crowded on the underground?DWhy dont you take a taxi?EIt usually takes me 20 minutes to arrive at school.FHow does your sister go to school every day?A: Hello,Li Qing. 21 . B: She goes to school by bike.A: Its the most popular way now. Many students in my class ride to school,too.B:22 . A: No,my home is far from school,so I take a bus 23 . What about you?B: My home is much farther than yours,so I take the underground every day.A:24 . B: Yes,it is. It is very uncomfortable because there are many people.A:25 . B: I think it is the most comfortable way,but its too expensive for me.A: Yes,I think so.The Inside of the WorldWhen I was a very little boy, I was always asking questions.One day when I was walking with my nurse along the city street, I asked, Jane whats under the street? Oh, just dirt(尘土), she replied And what is under the dirt? Oh, more dirt. she replied.26 . .So I asked again, Well, whats under that? “Oh, nothingI dont knowwhy are you always asking so many questions? she asked.I knew there must be something under that.27 . I also heard that Chinese lived on the other side of the world, head down, I wanted to find out if that was true.28 . , down, down, down. till I came through on the other side, and then I would know.I was a very little boy, you see. With a small shovel(铁锹), I started a hole in the backyard behind the grapevines(葡萄藤). No one knew what I was doing.29 . .Then one evening my father asked, Whats that hole in the backyard? 30 . .He didnt laugh when I told him, but he asked me if I knew how far I would have to dig.I hadnt dug through the world, but I did know how far it was.AI knew my secret was outBI wasnt satisfied with her answerCAnd I just wanted to know what it wasDSo I made up my mind I would dig down through the worldEI wanted to keep it a secret until I had dug all the way throughFAs a result, I became closer and closer to the inside of the world三、完型填空My dream home is very big and clean. It is near the _. I can watch the sea and _ volleyball on the beach (沙滩).There are _ floors in my dream home. My grandparents live _ us in the big house. _ big room is _ the first floor. I always talk with them and help them _ some housework on the weekend. On the _ floor, there is a kitchen and a dinning room. All the family _ will have dinner there. My clean bedroom is on the third floor. I like _ books in my bedroom. I often ask my friends _ here and play with me. My parents room is on the fourth floor. Its _ very big and clean.There is a big and nice _ behind the big house. There are _ flowers and tall trees in it. In summer, I can sit under the trees with my family. Behind the garden, there is a swimming pool and I can _ in it I think it is very good to live in my dream home.31 . AriverBseaCparkDschool32 . AplayBseeCbuyDplay with33 . AtwoBthreeCfourDfive34 . AatBwithCforDof35 . ATheirBHerCOurDHis36 . AinBofCatDon37 . AdoesBdoingCdoDare doing38 . AfourthBthirdCfirstDsecond39 . ApetsBthingsCmembersDanimals40 . AseeingBreadingClookingDwatching41 . Ato look forBto cleanCto leaveDto come42 . AalsoBtooCbutDeither43 . AparkBgardenChallDlibrary44 . Aa lotBmuchCmanyDlot of45 . AswimBdanceCreadDrunMrs. Green was 91 years old. She lived in an Old Peoples Home. Every _ she bought a ticket for the National Lottery(抽奖). One day she won the first prize-twenty million pounds! The nurses didnt know _ to tell her, so they called the _. Oh , dear , he said . Shes got a very _ heart . The shock(震惊) could kill her. If you tell her the news _ ,she ll have heart attack(心脏病) and die Ill go and _ her myself.”The doctor _ and talked to Mrs. Green about the weather for five minutes. Then he said, Oh, by the way, theres a lot of _ about the National Lottery prize. Its twenty million pounds this week.”Mrs. Green laughed, Do you know something ? I _ a ticket every week , of course I never _, but it gives me something to think about.Well, said the doctor. What will you do _ you win that much money ? He laughed.Ive thought about that a lot , she said, Ive got no relatives and Im 91. I dont _ that much money. Youve been my doctor _ thirty years, and youve always been very _ to me. I would give half of it to _ .At that news, the doctor had a heart attack, and died.46 . AdayBweekCmonthDyear47 . AhowBwhatCwhyDwhere48 . AguideBdriverCdoctorDnurse49 . AgoodBsmallCstrongDweak50 . AhappilyBsuddenlyCsadlyDcarefully51 . AadviseBaskCtellDpersuade52 . AranBsatCjumpedDwalked53 . AdangerBknowledgeCtrainingDnews54 . AbuyBsellCreceiveDfind55 . AknowBtryCloseDwin56 . AtillBunlessCifDthough57 . AuseBwasteCneedDsave58 . AforBinCatDon59 . ApoorBkindClazyDstrict60 . AhimBthemCherDyou四、阅读单选There is a song we all can sing March of the Volunteers (义勇军进行曲). Its our national anthem (国歌). Now, there is a law to protect the song.On Sept 1, the government passed the National Anthem Law. It states how we should sing or play the song, requiring (要求) all Chinese to respect it. The law will take effect from Oct 1.According to the law, the song will only be allowed to play at nine situations, such as major sporting events, award ceremonies and flag-raising ceremonies. It shouldnt be used at personal funerals (葬礼) or as background music in public places.Moreover, the law requires Chinese to be serious when singing the song. We can neither joke about the song nor change the songs words or music. If someone breaks the law, he or she can be detained (拘留) for up to 15 days or held criminally liable (负刑事责任).Many foreign countries also have laws for their national anthems. For example, US people should put the right hands over their hearts while singing the song. In Russia, the national anthem must be played on television and radio before the start and the end of broadcasting(广播).61 . During which of the following situations are you NOT allowed to play the national anthem?AA major sporting event.BAward ceremonies.CFlag-raising ceremonies.DAs background music in public places.62 . The people _ put their right hands over their hearts while singing the national anthem.Ain ChinaBin JapanCin the USDin Russia63 . What is NOT true about the Chinese National Anthem Law?AIt requires Chinese to be serious when singing the song.BAnyone cant joke about the song, or he or she may be detained for up to 15 days.CThat someone changes the songs words or music means breaking the law.DAt the start of broadcasting the national anthem must be played on television.64 . What is the main idea of the passage?AA new law was passed to protect the Chinese national anthem.BWhat people should do to respect other countries.CWhy citizens should protect their national anthem.DHow different countries take action to respect their national anthems.五、阅读判断Im Bob. Today my parents have a birthday party for my sister and me. Lucy and I are now nine years old. My parents give us a birthday gift-a new house. The colors of the rooms are our favorite, the blue room is for me. The purple one is for my sister. Mother thinks our old house is too small for four people to live in. My sister and I go to the new school. I am excited to meet new teachers and classmates. They are very friendly to me. At night it is so quiet. I miss my old friends very much. That makes me sad.There is a chess club near my house. On weekends many kids play chess there. I go there to play with them. They teach me to play chess and I can learn English from them. How lucky it is to have new friends!根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。65 . Lucy and Bob are classmates.66 . Bob has a purple room as his birthday gift.67 . Bobs family move to a new house because they need a bigger house.68 . Bob makes some new friends in the new school, but he still misses his old friends.69 . On weekends, Bob plays chess with the kids in the chess club and teaches them English.六、用单词的正确形式完成句子选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空,完成句子。sheep play colour two they70 . Miss Wu teaches _ English.71 . 1 like reading and I go to the library to borrow books _ a month.72 . How many _ are there on the top of the hill?73 . Are the students living a _ life?74 . The _ over there are my classmates.A.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。possible afford sleep light discover75 . It is _ to imagine how large the universe is.76 . The _ in the room is too dark. Youd better not read books.77 . The movie was not interesting at all so I felt _.78 . They havent _ any life on Mars.79 . The house is so expensive. I cant _ it.七、用单词的正确形式完成短文六、短文填空用方框内单词的正确形式填充短文her is with shop need happy father parent do birthdayLisa is twelve years old. She80 . from America. Now she is in Shanghai with her81 . .Its Sunday today. Lisa doesnt 82 . to go to school. After getting up, she has breakfast and then she begins to exercise.She83 . her homework at 10:30 a.m. After that, Lisa goes to the 84 . to buy a pair of shoes for her 85 . . Why? Because her fathers 86 . is coming.What does Lisa do in the afternoon? She asks her parents to take 87 . to the childrens home. They tell stories to the children, talk to them, and play 88 . them. The children like Lisa a lot. Lisa feels89 . , too, because she can help others.八、单词填空On Sunday mornings, people often have a lie-in. That means they get up 90 . than they do during the week. You wont feel so busy and nervous as weekdays. Some people go to church on Sunday mornings. Families often have a big Sunday lunch together. The meal is usually roast meat (烤肉) with 91 . . A lot of adults spend the afternoon 92 . in front of the TV!Shopping centers are popular places to go on Sunday afternoons. All the big shops are open from 11 am to 5 pm, but most smaller shops are closed all day. Then its Sunday evening, and 93 . parents say “Come on, its school again tomorrow.” So its time to do your homework if you havent 94 . it yet, then pack your school bag and have an early night.九、填空Damings grandparents like to stay healthy, so every day they get some exercise in a park near their home. They sometimes wear T-shirts.Darmings mother likes chocolate, but she doesnt often buy any because it isnt very healthy. She likes going shopping and always buys expensive clothes. She has got 11 silk scarves, 20 dresses and a lot of shoes. She spends a lot of money.Bettys cousin likes reading and she reads lots of books and magazines. She also likes films and often goes to the cinema, but she never watches sport.Tonys sister likes music. She likes going to concerts but its often expensive. She buys CDs of her favourite songs.Linglings aunt and uncle like football, but they dont go to football matches. They usually watch football on television at weekends. They always like watching AC Milan, but they sometimes watch Manchester United.95 . Damings grandparents get some exercise in a park so they like to_.96 . Who likes going shopping and always buys expensive clothes? _97 . Bettys cousin is good at _and she reads lots of books and magazines.98 . Tonys sister likes _but its often expensive.99 . Linglings aunt and uncle usually _on television at weekends.Do you clean your school desks every day? If not, then maybe its about the time for you to get started. Keyboards, computer mice and telephone dials are infected (polluted) with lots of germs(细菌), according to scientists from the University of Arizona, the US.The study suggests that office equipment should be regularly cleaned. “Desks are in fact germs cafeterias(自助餐厅),” said Charles Garbage, a biologist who took part in the study. “They are breakfast bars, lunch tables and everything else.” The desks at your school are probably not different.The scientists found that telephones in workplaces have almost 4,000 germs/cm2, keyboards 500 and computer mice around 250. The office as a whole contains 4, 750germs/cm2.When some people catch a cold or flu, they leave germs on the surfaces(表面) they touch during the day. Some flu germs can live on the surface for up to 72 hours, so the germs can easily move to other people. If youre ever wondered why everyone catches the germs when onlu one student has a cold, now you know the answer.Experts in the US last month warned about the spread(传播) of the germs during flu seasons. They reminded Americans to cover their noses and mouths while sneezing, often wash their hands and clean their office desks.Hand washing is the most important. Killing germs during hand washing is useful only if you clean carefully with soap and water for at least 30 seconds. You should pay close attention to cleaning your thumbs, fingertips and fingernails.The 100 . of the study according to scientists from the university of Arizona, the US.101 . is polluted with lots of germs.The 102 . to solve the problem.We should clean our office facilities 103 . .The 104 . of the germs that the office contains.The office as a whole contains 105 . .What should you do when you catch a cold?We should 106 . our noses and mouths while 107 . .We should wash our hands at least 30 seconds so that we can 108 . during flu seasons.We can learn from the text that its important 109 . .十、多任务混合问题任务型阅读请根据材料内容,按照要求完成各题。(1)我们生活在一个充满竞争的世界里。Our parents compete(竞争)with others in their offices, our brothers and sisters compete with others in their colleges, and we compete with our classmates in schoolMany of us give up in the face of competition and will never be successful(成功的)Why cant we do better than others? One important reason is that we have no self-confidence(自信)In fact, everyone is born equalYou can do what others do(3)Your classmates may be better than you in some ways, _ you may be better than them in _ subjectsSo everyone has his or her own advantages(优点)Dont look at things from a single(单个的)point of viewTry to discover your own advantages, and believe that you can do better than others in those waysCompetition is not so terribleDont be afraid of itAnd dont be afraid of those classmates who are better than you(2)_1_ Believe in yourselves, and you will be successful one day110 . 将(1)句翻译成英语。_111 . 将(2)处画线部分译成中文。_112 . 在(3)句空白处填上合适的词,使句子完整。_113 . 在文中找出“Some classmates are better than you, dont be afraid of them”的同义句。_114 . 在文中找出本文的主题句。_十一、材料作文115 . (题文)在学校的操场上,你拾到了一件T恤衫。请根据提供的信息,进行分析推测,看一看可能是谁的。提示:There is a photo of Jay Chou who is a famous singer in the pocket. 2. There is a hair band in the pocket._第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、补全短文6选51、2、三、完型填空1、2、四、阅读单选1、五、阅读判断1、六、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、2、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、单词填空1、九、填空1、2、十、多任务混合问题1、十一、材料作文1、


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