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上海版2020年5月英语初中毕业升学考试第二次适应性测试试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)Who is _ man with glasses?Oh, hes our new English teacher, Mr. Li.A . aB . anC . theD . /2. (2分)The _ means China. A . BBCB . PRCC . NBAD . UN3. (2分)_ of the boys in Class 4 are playing games.A . AllB . EachC . The bothD . None4. (2分)Did they _ in Beijing yesterday? A . arriveB . reachedC . gotD . arrived5. (2分) Have you _ been to Harbin? No, I have _ been there before.A . ever; justB . already; justC . ever; never6. (2分)No matter _, you must follow the school rules. A . where are youB . what do you doC . who are youD . who you are7. (2分)The Smiths China since the summer of 2000. A . has been inB . have been inC . has been toD . Have been to8. (2分)_ the teacher came in, the students stopped reading at once. A . WhenB . WhileC . BeforeD . /9. (2分)Could you tell me _ _ ?Yes, it will start at ten.A . when will the meeting beginB . when the meeting will beginC . where the meeting beginsD . where does the meeting begin10. (2分)Bad luck !Our class lost in the sports meeting. A . Thats great.B . With pleasure.C . What a pity!D . Thanks.二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)完形填空 As a parent trainer I am now dealing with helicopter parents the ones who1all the difficulties and make it smooth sailing for their kids. Sometimes watching kids 2without jumping in to fix it for them is the 3thing parents can do. I appreciate someone who knows when it is time to let kids struggle a little 4thats real life and Mom (or Dad) wont always be there to give help. So, let kids 5real life and grow up by failing, keeping on trying, never giving up and sometimes 6learning from making mistakes.7other words, parents have to be comfortable with the idea of allowing kids to fail as part of the learning 8.What matters in learning? It isnt about whether or not it is perfect or correct. It matters whether or not kids have9to go to places, to see things, to play, to inquire and so on. That is what I think10should do for kids: give them time to be kids: give them chances to grow up and experience life themselves.(1)A . take away B . bring in C . put off D . give out (2)A . succeed B . study C . fail D . pray (3)A . happiest B . hardest C . easiest D . luckiest (4)A . because B . but C . so D . and (5)A . know B . learn C . get D . experience (6)A . actually B . simply C . hardly D . gradually (7)A . From B . With C . By D . In (8)A . result B . process C . goal D . cost (9)A . abilities B . money C . chances D . energy (10)A . parent trainers B . adults C . teachers D . parents 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)12. (10分) Live Music - Late Night JazzEnjoy real American jazz from Herbie Davis, the famous trumpet player. He is known play well into the early hours, so dont want to get much sleep.PLACE: The Jazz Club DATES: 15- 23 JunePRICE:¥100-150 TIME: 10p.m.till late! TEL: 4668736Scottish Dancing Scottish dancing is nice and easy to learn. The wonderful dance from England will be given.PLACE: Jack Steins DATES: 10-20 MayPRICE: ¥150 TIME: 7-10p.m. TEL: 4021877Shows- Anhui Museum There are 12,000 pieces on show here. You can see the whole of Chinese history.PLACE: Anhui Museum DATES: 1 Mar - 30 JunPRICE: ¥60 (¥30 for students) TIME: Monday- Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.TEL: 4886888 Weekends 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.Hotels Three-star hotels whose service can make you feel at home.Dates1 Oct - 31 Dec.1 Jan - 31 Mar.1 Apr - 30 Apr.1 May - 31 May.1Jun - 30 Sep.SUN HOTELPrices (a night)¥ 168¥ 148(closed)¥ 188¥ 208ROSE HOTELPrices (a night)¥ 198¥ 178(closed)¥ 218¥ 248TEL: 4686788TEL: 4686755(1)If you want to watch dancing, you can call_.A . 4668736B . 4021877C . 4886888D . 4686788(2)You can see the whole of Chinese history at_ in April in Anhui Museum.A . 3 p.m. every dayB . 9 p.m. from Monday to FridayC . 7 a.m. at weekendsD . 7 p.m. every day(3)You can enjoy_ at Jack Steins.A . American jazzB . Scottish dancingC . 12,000 pieces on showD . yourself all night(4)Sun Hotel and Rose Hotel are open for_ months of the year.A . nineB . tenC . elevenD . twelve(5)You have ¥148 and you can_ in June.A . listen to JazzB . watch Scottish dancingC . go to Anhui MuseumD . stay in Sun Hotel for a night13. (10分) Saving water is an important part of going green. As water becomes less and polluted more, conservation (保护) becomes more and more important. The less water you use, the less wastewater will end up in our rivers and lakes. Wasting water means that more water needs to be treated and cleaned, a process that requires quite a lot of energy.As it is said above, cutting down on water usage is one of the most important things you can do for your local environment and the planet as a whole. That is why more green households are going blue: cutting down their water footprint by conserving and harvesting (收获) water.It may seem like a big concept, but going blue starts with small changes that everyone can make. Something as simple as turning off the tap while you brush your teeth can save a lot of water. Wash your fruits and vegetables in a bowl rather than under a tap to save even more. Make sure that the taps are fully turned off every time you step away from the sink or the shower all those little drips can add up to a lot of water waste.Another way of reducing your water footprint is reducing your dependence on the main water supply. Rainwater harvesting can meet a lot of your homes water needs. Many of us already practice rainwater harvesting in a small way. Collecting water from your gutters (檐沟) is a great way to keep your garden green without running the sprinkler (洒水器).(1)The underlined word “green” means _ in this passage.A . 嫉妒B . 环保C . 未成熟的D . 健康的(2)According to the passage, which is NOT the reason that people should save water?A . Treating wastewater needs much energy.B . The water on the earth is becoming less and less.C . The water on the earth is becoming polluted more.D . Rainwater harvesting can meet a lot of your homes water needs.(3)According to the passage, all of these can be used to save water except _.A . washing fruit and vegetables under a tapB . using a bowl to wash your fruit and vegetablesC . making sure taps are fully turned off all the timeD . turning off the tap every time after brushing your teeth(4)Which of the following is the best title of this passage?A . Save Water by Turning off the TapB . How to Treat and Clean WastewaterC . Keep Your Garden Green with RainwaterD . Save Water Starting with Small Changes(5)From the passage, we can know that_.A . we can get enough water by harvestingB . most people pay no attention to saving waterC . we can practice rainwater harvesting in a small wayD . harvesting water is more necessary than conserving it四、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共21分)14. (5分)阅读短文,按要求完成各题。I was ten when I first sat with my grandmother behind the cashier(收银台)in her general store._I quickly learned the importance of treating customers politely and saying “thank you.”At first I was paid in candy._I worked every day after school, and during the summer and on weekends and holidays from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. My father helped me set up a bank account._By the time I was 12, my grandmother thought I had done such a good job that she promoted me to selling cosmetics(化妆品). I developed the ability to look customers directly in the eye. Even though I was just a kid, women would ask me such things as “ What color do you think I should wear?” I took a real interest in their questions and was able to translate what they wanted into makeup(化妆)ideas._The job taught me a valuable lesson: to be a successful salesperson, you didnt need to be a Rocket scientistyou needed to be a great listener._Except they are no longer women purchasing cosmetics from me; instead, they are kids who tell me which toys they would like to see designed and developed.A. Later I received 50 cents an hour.B. Before long, she let me sit there by myself.C. I ended up selling a record amount of cosmetics.D. Today I still carry that lesson with me: I listen to customers.E. My grandmas trust taught me how to handle responsibility.F. Soon I found myself looking more beautiful than ever before.G. Watching my money grow was more rewarding than anything I could have bought.15. (16分)任务型阅读London is a very big city. More than 8,000,000 people live in London. London is a green city. The biggest parks are: Hyde Park, St. Jamess Park and Regents Park.Londons famous zoo is in Regents Park. In the zoo there are many animals and birds from different cities and countries. There you can see monkeys, elephants, lions, giraffes and tigers and a lot of other animals. The English people love going to the zoo with their children.In English parks, you can do a lot of things and have a very good time: you can sit on the grass, you can play football and other games, ride horses, watch ducks, and you can walk and have a talk with your friends or read some books. 根据材料内容完成下列任务。任务一:将A、B、C三个句子填人文中(1) (2) (3)空缺处。任务二:回答(4) (5)两个问题。(1)将A、B、C三个句子填人文中(1)空缺处。 A . The people in London love their parks.B . There are many parks in London.C . You can give bananas to the monkeys!(2)将A、B、C三个句子填人文中(2)空缺处。 A . The people in London love their parks.B . There are many parks in London.C . You can give bananas to the monkeys!(3)将A、B、C三个句子填人文中(3)空缺处。 A . The people in London love their parks.B . There are many parks in London.C . You can give bananas to the monkeys!(4)How many people live in London? (5)What can people do in the English parks?(List three things) 五、 选词填空 (共1题;共6分)16. (6分)选用方框内的短语,并用其适当形式完成句子。clean up cheer up hand out used to call up(1)Tina _be short and thin. But now she is tall and heavy.(2)Julia is unhappy now. How about _her _?(3)After they _the bedroom, it looked clean and nice.(4)I _five students to volunteer and they were glad to come.(5) What are they doing? They are _new books.六、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)17. (1分)Thank you for_(send)emails to me. 七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)假如你是阳光中学校报英语专栏的小记者,上周日参加了学校为迎接世界环境日绢织的远足活动,请你给校报写一篇报道。活动情况活动地点北海公园参与人员七年级全体师生活动内容上午:环保(environmental protection)演讲比赛下午:自由活动(唱歌、游戏、放风筝)活动评价要求:1)所写内容必须包括提供的所有信息,并适当发挥。2)文章不少于90词,开头已给出,不计人总词数。3)语意通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范。4)文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名等信息。Last Sunday was a sunny dayOur school organized a hiking to greet World Environment Day第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、四、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共21分)14-1、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、五、 选词填空 (共1题;共6分)16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、六、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)17-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)18-1、

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