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Unit 3Active Reading 1Reading and understanding3 Choose the best answer to the questions.1 (b) 2 (c) 3(c) 4 (c) 5 (a) 6 (c) Dealing with unfamiliar words4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 to move your body so it is closer to or further from someone or something (lean)2 a total amount made by adding several numbers or amounts together (sum)3 the ability to think about and plan for the future, using intelligence and imagination (vision)4 used for emphasizing that something refers to one specific situation (particularly)5 a feeling that you do not trust someone or something (suspicion)6 to press or move your hands or an object over a surface (rub)5 Answer the questions about the words and expressions in the box.1 If you are doing an advanced course in something, is it at (a) a high level, or (b) a low level?2 If you peer at something, is it (a) difficult, or (b) easy to see?3 If you get a glimpse of something, do you see it (a) clearly and for a long time, or (b) not very clearlyand for a short time?4 Is a radical idea (a) traditional and widely accepted, or (b) new and different?(This word indicates some fundamental changes in ideas or actions.)5 If you are in agony about something, do you feel (a) in pain and uncomfortable, or (b) happy andcomfortable?6 If you do something in the presence of someone, are they (a) with you, or (b) somewhere else?7 If someone affirmed something, did they (a) show they respect and approve of it, or (b) not respect ordisapprove of it?8 If you do something on purpose, do you (a) mean to do it, or (b) do it by accident?6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words and expressions in the boxes in Activities4 and 5.1 Many people greet radical ideas with suspicion because they are afraid of change.2 Looking at the drawings of Leonardo da Vinci, you feel as if you are in the presence of a genius who had an extraordinary vision of the future.3 You need to peer closely at the figures on the board, particularly as the handwriting is so bad.4 It doesnt take an advanced level of intelligence to realize that you need at least two numbers to be able to work out the sum.5 If you lean forwards, you may see the star as he comes out of the theatre, but youll probably only catch a glimpse of him.6 I rubbed some medicine onto the wound hoping to stop the pain, but Im still in agony.7 Toms excellent exam results affirmed the teachers faith in his ability.8 The police think the fire was started on purpose.7 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1 If you thwart something, do you (a) stop it, or (b) encourage it?2 If there is a dearth of something, is there (a) a lot of it, or (b) not enough?3 Does unmitigated encouragement suggest (a) completely positive, or (b) slightly negative support?4 If a teacher is maligned by their pupils, do you think they say (a) nice things, or (b) bad things about the teacher?Active Reading 2Dealing with unfamiliar words4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1. Integrate 2 creative 3 logical 4 transfer 5 critical 6 effective 7 identify 8. generate 9 recall5 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in Activity 4. 1 transfer 2 logical 3 effective 4 integrate 5 critical 6 generate 7 identify 8 recall 9 creative6 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to makeother changes.1 Doing a doctorate makes it possible to become an expert in a particular field. (specialize)2 I remember the main point of what he was saying, but I cant remember where it was we had the conversation. (thrust; the setting in which)3 Its a very long and difficult book, and Im afraid people may feel under great pressure when they turn the first pages. (overwhelmed)4 Ours is a small university, but the teaching is organized in a sensible and practical way. (rational)5 Students can get help with money. (financial)Students can get financial help.6 The amount of help is different from one university to another. (extent; varies)Reading and interpreting8 Choose the best answer to the questions.1 b 2 b 3 a 4 bLanguage in usemuch1 Match the sentences with the uses of much .1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (a)2 Rewrite the sentences using not think much of.1 I didnt think that lesson was very good.I didnt think much of that lesson.2 None of us like the timetable weve been given for this term.None of us think much of the timetable weve been given for this term.3 Im afraid Ive got strong doubts about what Ive written.Im afraid I dont think much of what Ive written.4 Our professor is always criticizing this book.Our professor doesnt think much of this book.5 I dont like the theme of this weeks essay.I dont think much of the theme of this weeks essay.6 I dont agree with Honey and Mumfords ideas about learning types.I dont think much of Honey and Mumfords ideas about learning types.3 Complete the sentences using much rather or much prefer .1 Id much rather work in the library than in my room.2 Li would much rather study with a friend than on her own.3 Personally I much prefer taking notes to being given photocopies.4 Some people would much rather start writing straight away than spend a lot of time reading.Now write two more sentences about your own study preferences. Use much rather and much prefer . I would much rather listen to lectures than read the lecture notes. I would much prefer asking questions after class to asking questions in class.4 Rewrite the sentences using much less .1 I cant even say two words in Chinese, so I definitely cant speak the language.I cant even say two words in Chinese, much less speak the language.2 Basic study skills are often not taught here, and certainly not practised.Basic study skills are often not taught here, much less practised.3 Nobody has even started the essay, let alone finished it.Nobody has even started the essay, much less finished it.4 Hardly anyone in the room heard what the lecturer was saying, and so of course they didnt understandhim.Hardly anyone in the room heard what the lecturer was saying, much less understood him.5 I havent got a PC in my room, so obviously I havent got an Internet connection.I havent got a PC in my room, much less an Internet connection.6 I didnt dare say anything after the lesson, let alone criticize what he said.I didnt dare say anything after the lesson, much less criticize what he said.while / when + participle5 Rewrite the sentences.1 When you choose a course, think about the amount of study it will require.When choosing a course, you should think about the amount of study it will require.2 When you are writing an essay, you should keep in mind the main theme.When writing an essay, you should keep in mind the main theme.3 Always keep a record of your sources when you do research on the Internet.Always keep a record of your sources when doing research on the Internet.4 Our lecturer uses PowerPoint while he is explaining basic concepts.Our lecturer uses PowerPoint while explaining basic concepts.5 I had a brilliant idea while I was sitting in the library this morning.I had a brilliant idea while sitting in the library this morning.subject-verb inversion6 Rewrite the sentences using subject-verb inversion.1 If I had known what this weeks lecture was about, I wouldnt have gone.Had I known what this weeks lecture was about, I wouldnt have gone.2 I would have corrected the work, if I had noticed the mistake.I would have corrected the work had I noticed the mistake.3 If you had thought about this a little earlier, you wouldnt be in trouble now.Had you thought about this a little earlier, you wouldnt be in trouble now.4 If he had shared his ideas with us, we would have made some progress.Had he shared his ideas with us, we would have made some progress.5 They would have improved the facilities, if they had received more money from the government.They would have improved the facilities had they received more money from the government.7 Complete the sentences about yourself using the inversion structure Had I + verb.1 I would have enjoyed myself more had I had a higher university entrance exam score for computer science.2 Had I known about this football match, I would have made different arrangements for the weekend.3 I wouldnt have worked so hard had I known the exam was so easy.4 Had I received this colleges information earlier, I would have gone to a different college.8 Translate the sentences into Chinese.1 “在我们周围逐渐创建出一个模型环境,使各个层次的人都有独立思考的空间。”你最后一次看到包含上述字眼的机构愿景陈述是在什么时候?2 要是她一开始就肯定我们的聪明才智,给我们讲讲独立思考的乐趣,要是她没有激起我们对她的畏惧,我们大家就能更深切地体会到独立思考的意义。而且,我们在她面前也会更好地开动脑筋、思考问题。3 和其他人一样,学生们也有他们自己必须面对的问题。典型的问题包括熟悉新环境、与其他同学相处,以及靠有限的经济来源维持生活。4 下课后或个别指导后,如果你和朋友们聊一聊,你可能会发现他们所记住的东西不尽相同,但或多或少都与老师的教学目的相关。5 有效的阅读需要你根据不同的阅读材料和阅读目的来调整阅读的速度和方式。9 Translate the sentences into English.1 老师很有可能不欣赏不会独立思考的学生。(not think much of ; think for oneself)It is most likely that teachers wont think much of students who cannot think for themselves.2 他上中学的时候,几乎没有什么人去做科学实验,更谈不上接受这方面的训练了。(hardly; much less)When he was in high school, hardly anyone did scientific experiments, much less had training in this respect.3 嫉妒是由懒惰和无知造成的。(the result of )Envy is the result of laziness and ignorance.4 有些大学生是根据自己的专业来选择志愿服务的,而不是碰到什么就做什么。(volunteer job; rather than)Rather than picking any volunteer job, some college students choose activities based on their majors.5 最好的办法就是把学生分成若干小组,让他们针对具体的问题进行讨论。(break up into ; focus on)The best approach is to break the students up into several groups so that they can focus their discussion on specific problems.Guided Writing3 Write a short passage about learning to write or speak in a foreign language.Draw the readers attention to the topic with a question.Whats the most difficult part of learning a foreign language?Introduce the main idea.Many students think writing is one of the most difficult aspects of learning English.Give support to the main idea.Perhaps this is because they have to pay attention to many aspects while writing in English, and it is very hard and time-consuming to do so.Give some examples relevant to Chinese learners.For example, Chinese students have to learn vocabulary, grammar rules and perhaps different rhetorical styles to write in English. For university students, they may have more ideas than they can actually express themselves. So it is frustrating sometimes and it takes a rather long time before one can write well.React against the main idea.But you can make progress in writing by working on a shorter piece of writing every day, eg writing a diary in English.Add further reaction against the main idea.You can also pay attention to how native English writers express themselves by reading widely on different topics and texts, from novels, short stories to gossip magazine articles and science reports.Come to a conclusion.Learning a foreign language is never easy, but if we are determined, well-motivated, consistent and look for every opportunity to communicate with native speakers, we will successfully master the language.


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