人教版(PEP)六年级英语下册 Unit5 Being Helpful第3课时练习卷

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人教版(PEP)六年级下册 Unit5 Being Helpful第3课时练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选内容补全对话1 . 选词填空。take out birthdayparty clean wash sweep dirtyMy friends and I had a 1. _ at my home last night. Now the living room is very 2. _ and messy. My sister is going to 3. _ the floor. My mother is going to 4. _ the dishes. I am going to 5. _ the trash. Well be very busy.二、看图题根据图片及首字母写单词。2 . My sister can c_ .3 . The boy can p_.4 . My brother can s_.5 . The nice girl can_ very well. 6 . He can s_ English.三、仿写对话根据提示,写出问答句。例句:下课,下午4:00When do you finish class?We finish class at 4 oclock in the afternoon.7 . 做晨练,7点钟_8 . 吃早餐,八点钟_9 . 做体育运动,下午4点_四、连词成句连词成句10 . run, the, down, stairs, dont (.)_11 . the, green, is, light (.)_12 . use, sidewalk, the, please (.)_13 . dont, tree, climb, the (.) _14 . climb, on, the, window, dont, ledge (.)_第 4 页 共 4 页参考答案一、选内容补全对话1、二、看图题1、三、仿写对话1、四、连词成句1、

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