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人教版(PEP)2019版五年级上册期末测试英语试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . There is_useful poster near_school gate.( )Aan,theBan,aCa,theDa,a2 . the woman doing? ( )AWhatBWhatsCWhere3 . Do they have _? ( )Asome hobbiesBany hobbiesCmuch hobby4 . Tim likes running and drawing. ( )AalsoBtooCeither5 . -Does your aunt _ books? ( )-Yes, she does.Alikes readingBlike readClike reading6 . -Whats this? ( )-Its an.AelephantBelephantsCtiger7 . Is this your brother? ( )_.AYes, it isntBNo, she isntCYes, she isDNo, he isnt8 . She doesnt _ skipping. ( )AlikeBlikesCliking9 . Can I play _ you? ( )AandBforCwith10 . Look, are the dolls hard _ soft? ( )Theyre soft.AandBorCbut11 . On theof school. ( )AtwoBtwiceCsecond12 . There are two new bicycles in the window. Kitty likes bicycles. ( )Aall theBbothCtwo选出每组单词中画线部分发音不同的一项。13 . AheBsheCfive14 . ApenBmeetCten15 . AgetBletCwe16 . AyesBpenCbe17 . AmeBbedCbeef二、阅读选择阅读选择There is a basketball team(队) in our school. There are twenty-six girls in the team. They play basketball from one oclock to three oclock every Sunday afternoon. Miss Li is their teacher. She is a good basketball player. The girls all like her very much. Today, Helen and her cousin Nancy are ill. They cannot play basketball, but the other girls are there. They play basketball in the basketball room.18 . _girls in the team play basketball today. ( )ATwenty-sixBTwenty-fiveCTwenty-four19 . How many hours(小时)do they play basketball every Sunday? ( )ATwo hours.BThree hours.CFour hours.20 . Nancy is not_ now . ( )Aat homeBin the classroomCin the basketball21 . Miss Li is a _teacher. ( )APEBChineseCEnglish22 . The school basketball team play basketball every Sunday _. ( )AmorningBafternoonCevening三、完形填空从短文后每小题的三个选项中选出最佳选项。It is Sunday morning, Helen and her brother David are _a walk in the park. There are lots of signs in the park. Helen knows a lot _ them. But David _. Suddenly Helen sees a boy climbing a tree. She says to the boy,Dont climb the tree. Cant you see the _Over there? The boy jumps off the tree soon. David points to the sign and says to Helen, So the sign means we_climb trees, right? Yes. says Helen. 23 . AtakeBtakingCtakes24 . AaboutBofCfor25 . AdoesntBdontCisnt26 . AflowerBtreeCsign27 . AmustBshouldCshouldnt四、任务型阅读读短文,判断下列句子正“T”误“F”。Hi, Im Tom. Im ten years old. I am in Grade (年级) Four. I get up at 7 oclock in the morning every day. I go to school at 8 oclock. We have English, math and Chinese in the morning. At 12 oclock I have lunch at school. In the afternoon, we have art and P.E. In the P.E class, I like to play football. At 5 oclock, I go home with my friend Ben. I go to bed at 9 oclock in the evening.28 . Tom is ten years old. (_)29 . Tom goes to school at 8 oclock in the morning. (_)30 . Tom has two classes in the morning. (_)31 . Tom likes to play basketball in the P.E class. (_)32 . Tom goes home at 5 oclock in the afternoon. (_)五、汉译英33 . The birds _(正在唱歌).六、句型转换按要求完成句子。34 . The library is behind the park. (改为同义句)_35 . This comic book is very interesting. (改为感叹句)_36 . I come to school by bus. (对画线部分提问)_37 . Is there a nature park in your city? (作肯定回答)_38 . going,evening,see,this,is,film,She,to,a(.) (连词成句)_七、填内容补全对话根据课文内容补全对话并大声朗读2遍。Wu Yifan: 39 . this?Mike: Its a 40 . .Wu Yifan: 41 . this?Mike: Its a 42 . .Wu Yifan: 43 . this?Mike: Oh, no.44 . .Wu Yifan&Mike: Oh, its 45 . .八、书面表达46 . 书面表达。假如下周你和朋友们要去动物园游玩,请制定一些规则,并用英文写下来。(5条以上)Rules_第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、任务型阅读1、五、汉译英1、六、句型转换1、七、填内容补全对话1、八、书面表达1、


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