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人教PEP版英语五年级上册期末专项训练:单选姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题为下列图片选择正确的句子。1 . ( )AIm from the UK.BWelcome to China.CIm from the USA.2 . ( )AWelcome!BLets go home!CCome here, children!3 . ( )AThe books are on the desk.BThe pen is in the desk.CThe pencil box is under the desk.4 . ( )AHave a good time!BOpen it and see!CLets buy some fruit!5 . ( )AHe is my brother.BHe is my grandfather.CShe is my sister.6 . Where ishome? ( )AKittyBKitty isCKittys7 . Do you have _ water?AsomeBanyCa8 . What do they speak in this country? ( )They speak_.AFrenchBEnglishCboth A and B9 . 一Where is Peters classroom? ( )一Itsthe second floor.AonBinCat10 . -How do you usually go to school ? - .AIn carBBy carCBy a car11 . Winter is _ and_ .( )Agreen; warmBwhite; coldCred; hot12 . -What _ you _ yesterday? ( )-I played football.Adid; doBdo; doCdo; did13 . There_lots of books in my bag. ( )AhaveBisCare14 . Thisis _ weatherreport. ( )AanB/Cthe15 . What_yourfavouritefruit?( )Aare.BisCam16 . - Excuse me. Is there a bank near here? ( )-_.AYes, there isBNo, there arentCYes, there are17 . ( ) _ does she work ?AWhatBWhereCHow18 . I have ball. ( )AaBfourCfourteen19 . 选出下列单词中不同类的单词1.( )A. them B. our C. his2.( )A. strict B. find C. funny3.( )A. Chinese B. art C. young4.( )A. are B. do C. is5.( )A. who B. what C. kind20 . -Can you sing English songs? ( )- Yes. Listen! Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day. Little Johnny wants to _.AstudyBplayCsleep21 . Itscoldswim in winter. ( )Ato.tooBtoo.toCso.to22 . Is Peter going to watch TV? ( )ANo, he isnt.BNo, he doesnt.CNo, we arent.23 . There _ many animals at the farm. ( )AisBareCam24 . He can speak English_ Chinese. ( )AbutBalsoCsoDand25 . Mr. Zhang a football player?( )AIsBAreCDoes选出不同类型的单词。26 . AfoodBmealCeat27 . AmilkBbreadCfood28 . AweBmyCyour29 . AkiteBbikeCride30 . AourByouCtheir31 . Halloween is in_, and Easter is in_. ( )Aautumn; autumnBautumn; springCwinter; spring32 . _ can you do, Wu Yifan. I can draw pictures.AWhoBWhereCWhat33 . ( ) Is that _ fish ?AyouByourCyours34 . I _ to eat? ( )AlikesBlikedClike35 . Im afraid _ the snake. ( )AofBaboutCfor36 . -Is this _ pen? ( )-No, _ is there.Ayour, myByours, mineCyour, mine37 . There _ many trees in the forest. ( )AisBamCare38 . -Is your mothers birthday in June? ( )-_AYes, he is.BYes, she do.CYes, she is.39 . -Look at my sweaters ( )-_very nice.ATheyBTheyreCAre40 . What is your sisters age? ( )She is 11.AHow is your sisterBWhere is your sisterCHow old is your sisterDWhat is your sister41 . There werent _ buses. ( )AsomeBanyCone选出每组中不同类的一项。42 . AareBbutCam43 . AredBgreenCeight44 . AmotherBmonkeyCfather45 . AthatBthankCthis46 . AhelpBforCto47 . -What colour is your hair? ( )-Its _.AnewBlongCbrown48 . your cats small mouths? ( )ADo; haveBDo; hasCDoes; have49 . There isnt _ juice _ water in the glass. ( )Aany; andBsome; andCany; or50 . Joe and Kitty _(be)good friends.51 . Look at the sign. Weeat or drink in the metro. ( )AcanBcantCshould52 . Today is a day. ( )ArainBrainsCrainy53 . Oops! These noodles are salty. ( )AtoBtwoCtoo54 . Do you play football in the morning ?.ANo ,I doBYes , I doesCNo ,I dont55 . Do you see _ monkeys? ( )AsomeBanythingCany56 . -Look! This is our new school.-_AWhat beautiful.BHow beautiful school.CWhat a beautiful school.57 . -What are those? ( )-_.AThey are pumpkins.BIts a pumpkin.58 . -Can play basketball? ( )-Yes,can.AI;IBNancy; sheCMike; his59 . We are going to_ a film next week. ( )AwatchedBwatchCwatchesDwatching60 . -Whats the weather like today? ( )-_.AIts rainBIts snowyCIts March 12DIts Friday61 . _robots do you have ? ( )AHowBWhatCHow many62 . - Where is the cat? ( )- Its the tree .Ain the front ofBin frontCin front of63 . Mary and Kittypupils. ( )Aare allBare bothCboth areDall are64 . 选出不同类的一项。(_) 1. A. mine B. hersC. nail(_) 2. A. why B. dining room C. what(_) 3. A. stand B. writer C. cry(_) 4. A. next B. SaturdayC. Sunday(_) 5. A. storybook B. willC.magazine65 . In the past, my father _ young. ( )AwasBisCwere66 . your father at home? ( )No, he in a supermarket.AIs; work; worksBDoes; works; workCDoes; work; works67 . Yong Ling is good_ football. ( )AatBtoCfor68 . Shecouldntread _write.( )AorBandCto69 . -What _ the girl _? ( )-She is looking for my bananas.Aare, doingBis, doingCdoes, doing70 . _is it?( )AHow manyBHow oldCWhat time71 . Children want to show their love _ their mothers. ( )AfromBtoCatD/第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、36、37、38、39、40、41、42、43、44、45、46、47、48、49、50、51、52、53、54、55、56、57、58、59、

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