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苏教版四年级上册期末质量检测英语试卷(不含听力) 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Its sunny in Beijing. _ New York? ( )AHowBHow oldCHow about2 . 找出不同类的一项:( )AaBtwoCfour3 . Look _ my dog. Its cute. ( )AinBatCthere4 . _ there _ people at the park yesterday?AAreanyBAresome CWereany DWeresomeRead and choose.(火眼金睛选不同。)5 . AhobbyBwayClive6 . AreadBamazingCshare7 . AcleanerBdanceCsinger8 . AfactoryBjoinCteach9 . AwhereBworkCwatch10 . How _ people are there in your family?AmanyBmuchCold11 . 找出划线部分读音与其它三个不同的一项。AweBtheseCredDme二、阅读选择12 . Sam is a little boy,and he is only eight years old. One day he went to the cinema. It was the first time for him to do that. He bought a ticket (票) and then went in. But after two or three minutes he came out,bought a second ticket and went in again. After a few minutes he came out again and bought a third ticket. Two or three minutes later he asked for another ticket. Then the girl in the ticket office asked him,“Why do you buy so many tickets?How many friends do you meet?”Sam answered, “No, I have no friends here. But a big boy always stops me at the door and tears (撕) my tickets into pieces.”根据短文内容选择正确答案。( ) 1. Sam wanted to buy_ when the girl asked him.A.the third ticket B. the fourth ticket C.the fifth ticket( )2. The big boy stopped Sam at the door because _.A. it was his job B. the big boy doesnt know SamC. the big boy doesnt like Sam( )3. The big boy is _ of the cinema.A.a policeman B. a shop keeper C . a worker( ) 4.Sam had _ friends in the cinema.A. no B. three C. four( ) 5.From the story we know _.A. the little boy had a lot of moneyB.the little boy knew nothing about the cinemaC.the girl wanted to get more money三、填空题13 . 选词填空。what where airport in going1. Theyre at the _.2. Are you _ to Guilin?3._ are you going? Im going to Weihai.4. _ are you going to do? Im going to sing.5. Im going to swim _ the sea.四、匹配题读句子,选答语。AIm fine, thank you!BYes, I am.CTheyre six yuan.DThree doors.EIts a pig.14 . How much are these? (_)15 . How many doors? (_)16 . What is it? (_)17 . Are you Kitty? (_)18 . How are you? (_)五、听力题19 . 听短文,根据所听内容的顺序用A-D 给下列图排序。1. (_) 2. (_)3. (_) 4. (_)20 . 听问句,选答语。(_) 1.A . Yes, he is. B. No, she doesnt.(_) 2.A. Sure. B. I like playing football.(_) 3.A. She likes playing table tennis. B. I like playing volleyball.(_) 4.A. Yes, she does. B. Yes, I do.(_) 5.A. Yes, there is. B. No, it isnt.21 . 听对话,根据问题选择正确信息,将答案填入题前括号内。每个对话读两遍。听第一段对话,完成第1小题。(_) 1. Whats in the schoolbag?A. A maths book and a notebook.B. a storybook and a notebook.C. An English book and a notebook.听第二段对话,完成第2、3小题。(_) 2. What would she like?A. Beef and soup.B. Chicken and vegetables.C. Chicken and rice.(_) 3. How much is the dinner?A. 15 yuan.B. 20 yuan.C. 25 yuan.听第三段对话,完成第4、5小题。(_) 4. Her father is a _.A. teacherB. taxi driverC. cook(_) 5. Is her mother quiet?A. Yes. she is.B. No, she isnt.C. She is a teache.六、书面表达22 . 写作。假如你是杨玲,根据所给中文提示写一段话。要求:语句通顺,语法正确,书写工整。不少于五句话。提示:我住在太阳街。我家在超市附近。每天我乘公交车上学。首先,我在公交车站乘坐2路车,在第四站下车。然后,沿着苹果街走,在第一个交通灯处左转。我的学校就在我的左边。The way to school_第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、二、阅读选择1、三、填空题1、四、匹配题1、五、听力题1、2、3、六、书面表达1、

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