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jack is a young boy. he lives with his mother. they live in asmall house. the family is poor. their cow, betsy, givesthem milk.one day, betsy has no milk. jack and hismother are hungry.jack, we need money, says his mother.take betsy to the market and sell her.jack isnt happy because he likes betsy.sadly, he walks her to the market. a man isstanding on the road. he wants betsy. hehas five beans in his hand. he shows themto jack.these beans are special. they can growvery high, he says. do you want them?jack likes the beans, so he gives betsy tothe man. at home, his mother sees thebeans. she is very angry.jack, we need money! she says. whatcan we buy with beans?jack goes to bed. he is very sad. his motherthrows the beans out the window. soon, abeanstalk is growing. it grows and growsand grows and grows! now, it is in the sky!jack wakes up early. he sees the beanstalk.where does it go? jack goes up thebeanstalk. he goes up and up and up.finally, he is at the top.a giant lives in the sky. he has a big houseand a lot of money, but he isnt nice. he eatspeople! jack doesnt know the giant. hegoes into the house.jack looks around the house. there aretables, chairs, rugs, and a fireplace.everything is so big! then, the giants wifesees jack. she is old and kind.who are you? she asks jack.i am jack, he says. can you give mesome food? i am hungry. the giants wife feeds jack. her food is good.into the house!quick, jack, get into the pot, says thegiants wife. the giant likes to eat boys!the kitchen. he looks around.i smell a boy, he says with a loud voice.where is he? i want to eat him.there are no boys here, says his wife. sitdown and eat your breakfast. the giant has a goose. he puts it on thetable. the goose lays an egg. it is made ofgold! jack sees the egg.i want that goose, he thinks. i can sell thegolden eggs. then, mother and i can buyfood.the giant goes out of the kitchen. soon hetable.i dont feel happy, he says. harp, sing mea song!the harp sings very well. the giant smiles,to the harp.the sound is really beautiful, thinks jack. i can give the harp to mother. then, she wont be angry with me. now, the giant feels sleepy. he closes hiseyes. soon he is sleeping. jack walks to thetable. he takes the goose and the harp.they are also sleeping. quietly, he takesthem to the beanstalk. suddenly, the harpwakes up.help! help! somebody is taking me away!it cries.the giant wakes up. he looks out thewindow and sees jack. quickly, he runsafter him. jack goes down the beanstalk. heis very fast. above him, the giant is goingdown the beanstalk. will he catch jack?my first and my lastan indian farmer and his child were toiling in the fields. it was almost dark by the time they had finished their work and the farmer said to the child, wow! its getting dark! quickly pack up the tools and run. lets run quickly!relax. were not far from home and we know the way home.why are you in such a panic? asked the child. theres something you dont know. im not afraid of tigers or lions. im only afraid of the night. answered the farmerit so happened that a lion was hiding nearby and overheard their conversation. whats this thing called the night? how could it be more fearful than i am? i must find out about it.go home with him.early the next morning, on the way, another lion passed by and found it hilarious to see a lion obediently following a farmer. the lion asked, what are you doing? why are you walking behind this man?shh! keep your voice down and leave quickly. dont you know that this being walking in front is something called the night. hes very terrible. last night, he beat me and shackled me, leaving me cold and starving the entire night. i have no idea where hes taking me now. run along or your life will be in danger!35my first and my lastwhen george was thirty-five, he bought a small plane and learned to fly it. he soon became very good and made his plane do all kinds of tricks.george had a friend. his name was mark. one day george offered to take mark up in his plane. mark thought, ive travelled in a big plane several times, but ive never been in a small one, so ill go.they went up, and george flew around for half an hour and did all kinds of tricks in the air.when they came down again, mark was very glad to be back safely, and he said to his friend in a shaking voice, well, george, thank you very much for those two trips in your plane.george was very surprised and said, two trips?yes, my first and my last, answered mark.an indian farmer and a lionan indian farmer and his child were toiling in the fields. it was almost dark by the time they had finished their work and the farmer said to the child, wow! its getting dark! quickly pack up the tools and run. lets run quickly!it so happened that a lion was hiding nearby and overheard their conversation. whats this thing called the night? how could it be more fearful than i am? i must find out about it, the lion mused as it moved closer to the farmer, hoping to learn more about this night that was even more frightening than itself.it was even darker when they reached home. since the farmer continued to mistake the lion for his donkey, he tied it in a corner outside his house before he went to bed. that night, the lion stayed out in the cold, starving, petrified and not knowing what to expect of the night when morning dawned. it believed that the farmer was the night.early the next morning, before dawn broke, the farmer got up and took his donkey to the fields. on the way, another lion passed by and found it hilarious to see a lion obediently following a farmer. it then approached the captive lion and asked, what are you doing? why are you walking behind this man?shh! keep your voice down and leave quickly. dont you know that this being walking in front is something called the night. hes very terrible. last night, he beat me and shackled me, leaving me cold and starving the entire night. i have no idea where hes taking me now. run along or your life will be in danger!(3) :today i say the story is < tadpoles mummy >.three little pigs storyteller: there are three little pigs living with their mother.ding-ding and dong-dong are brother pigs. they are very lazy. they eat and sleep all day. long-long is the youngest pig. she works all day. she helps her mother to do the housework.mother pig: you have grown up. you must make your own houses. goodbye, little pigs. build a house. be careful of the wolf. pigs: yes, mum. goodbye. wolf: im hungry. look! three little pigs for dinner. mmm. sister pig: what are you doing, brothers? ding-ding: im building a house with leaves. dong-dong: im building a house with sticks. sister pig: but leaves arent strong. and sticks arent strong. brother pigs: yes, we know. but its easy. what are you doing, sister? sister pig: im building a house with bricks. brother pigs: bricks! thats very difficult. sister pig: i know. but bricks are strong. brother pigs: oh, were finished. lets have a nap. sister pig: my house is finished. my house is strong. wolf: little pigs. little pigs. open your doors!brother pigs: no. no. go away. wolf: this is very easy. sticks and leaves arent strong. storyteller: the wolf blows the houses down. ding-ding and dong-dong run to long-longs house.brother pigs: help! help! ! !wolf: stop, you two pigs. my house is strong. wolf: where did they go? oh they are here. little pigs. little pigs. open the door! three pigs: no. no. go away. you bad wolf. wolf: ill blow it down. storyteller: the wolf blows and blows. he blows and blows. but the house is very strong.wolf: ill hit it. oh. long-long: lets boil the water. brother pigs: ok. wolf: oh, oh! its hot. its hot. three pigs: hooray! the wolf is dead. the wolf is deadstoryteller: since then, ding-ding and dong- dong work hard with long-long.

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