人教版(PEP)四年级英语下册Unit 6 Whose dress is this第三课时练习卷

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人教版(PEP)四年级英语下册Unit 6 Whose dress is this第三课时练习卷_第1页
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人教版(PEP)四年级英语下册Unit 6 Whose dress is this第三课时练习卷_第3页
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人教版(PEP)四年级下册Unit 6 Whose dress is this第三课时练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . -Howlargeisyourroom? ( )-Itis25.AmeterBkgCsquare metersDtons2 . How many are there in the school? ( )There one.Alibrarys, areBlibraries, isClibrary, is3 . ( )(4)_always has a big dinner on Christmas Day.AHeBICThey4 . _ snake is long. ( )AAnBThatCTwo5 . Lets help our teacher carry the heavy bag . _. AThats OKBThat s a great ideaCThats rightDThats all right6 . There _ pencil-box, two books and some flowers on the desk. ( )Ais aBare someChas aDhave some二、单词拼写7 . 根据汉语提示填单词。1.This is my_(T恤衫).2.Its _(好看的).3.Look at _(我).4._ (它) is a shirt.5.Its_(好极了).三、汉译英8 . the capital of. _四、句型转换9 . 按要求写句子。1. We went to the zoo by bus.(对画线部分提问)_2. I saw a film last Sunday.(对画线部分提问)_3. We had a good time yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)_4. His wife told he to buy an sweater. (改错)_5. lived ever They happily after(.)(连词成句)_第 3 页 共 3 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、二、单词拼写1、三、汉译英1、四、句型转换1、

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