牛津上海版六年级英语下册Unit 5 A party 单元测试卷

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牛津上海版六年级下册Unit 5 A party 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Nancy is _ in the next room now. ( )AsingBgoing to singCsinging2 . Thereisnt_teainthiscup,butthereis_inthatone. ( )Aany;anyBsome;anyCsome;someDany;some3 . (题文)Look _ the clouds in the sky. ( )AatBinCon4 . I think you _ well soon. ( )AareBwill beCis5 . You should your raincoat. Its raining outside.( )Atry onBput onCget on6 . 把下列单词中划线部分读音不同的一项选择出来,写在题前的括号里。1.( )A.appleB.bag C.snakeD.cat2.( )A.snakeB.nameC.gateD.bag3.( )A.carrots B.AnnC.potatoes D.apple4.( )A.cageB.bagC.snakeD.baby7 . There some milk in the glass. ( )AisBbeCare8 . What are they going to do next week? ( )They_.Aare taking a tripBtake a tripCare going to take a trip9 . They go home _ 4:20.AonBinCunderDat10 . We have a Music lesson from 3:30 _ 4:10 in the afternoon. ( )AatBandCtoDin11 . What day is it today? ( )_.AMondayBfineCsunnyDMay 1st二、阅读选择12 . Read and choose. 看图读短文,选出正确答案,并将其字母标号写在括号内。My new friendsI met Bill and his mother and he becamemy new friends. Look, this is Bill. He hasbig eyes and short hair. He is tall and strong. He is wearing a T-shirt and overalls (工装裤). The woman is Bills mother. She is tall and beautiful. They often buy some vegetables in the market. They like to go to the market in the morning, because the vegetables are fresh and healthy. 1. Bill, Mrs Booth and I became friends. ( )A. old B. best C. new2. Bill has eyes. ( )A. small B. big C. short3. Bill is wearing a and overalls. ( )A. shirt B. T-shirt C. shorts4. The woman is Bills . ( )A. mother B. father C. grandmother 5. They like to go to the market . ( )A. in the morning B. at noon C. in the afternoon阅读选择Dear Mike,How about coming to Susans eleventh birthday party this afternoon? Now Amy, Peter, John and I are at Susans home. We are helping Susan prepare(准备) food for her party. There are oranges, bananas and hamburgers on the table. Oh, I also see ice-cream. Its your favorite. The party is at three oclock in the afternoon. When you come, please take my guitar with you. Its in the bookcase in my room. If you cant findit, just call me.Yours,Sonia13 . Now, there are _people in Susans home. ( )AthreeBfourCfive14 . Mike likes_. ( )AorangesBbananasCice-cream15 . The party is at_. ( )A3:00 pmB4:00 pmC5:00 pm16 . 划线单词it所指代的是“_”. ( )Athe roomBthe bookcaseCthe guitar17 . About Susan, we know she_. ( )Acan play the guitarBis 11 years oldChas no friends三、完形填空完形填空。Dear friends,Please come to my house for a welcome party for Lisa.Lisa is from the USA. She moved here _ her parents last week. Shes my new friend and neighbour(邻居). Her house is _ to our house. We usually go to school and go home _.Lisa is twelve years old. Shes beautiful. Her big _ make her look smart. Shes very _ too. Shes always willing to help others. We like chatting with each other because we have the same _: reading and listening to music.Lisa wants to make _ with all of you. She can _ us about her life in America in English. I believe you will be _ with her because she is a cheerful girl.The party will _ at 6:30 p.m. in my house on Saturday. We look forward to(期待) seeing you then.Yours,Betty18 . AandBfromCwith19 . AfarBnextCbehind20 . AearlyBlateCtogether21 . AeyesBhairCnose22 . AcarefulBhelpfulCwonderful23 . AageBhabitsChobbies24 . AtoysBfriendsCcakes25 . AtellBsayCspeak26 . AsadBangryChappy27 . AfinishBoverCbegin四、填空题根据所给汉语提示,用单词或短语的正确形式填空28 . She lives on the _(12)floor of the building.29 . Who is _(高), Tom or Tony?30 . Its time for us _(吃)lunch.31 . Look! The girls _(看)the birds in the tree.32 . My mother goes to work_(乘坐公交车).33 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. _(sing) makes people happy.2. He wants to be an _(art). Its his dream.3. Jack, can you teach me how _(paint) pictures?4. We can cross the road with other people. Then the _(drive) can see us easily.5. Do you know those students _(hobby)?6. Bob has some bad _ (habit). He never puts his things in order.7. Jean brings some water _(quick) and pours it into the hole.8. Eating too much sugar is bad for our _(tooth).五、任务型阅读阅读短文,根据短文内容用“T”“F”表示。Dear Helen,Im on the farm in America now. Every day its sunny and warm. There are a lot of children on the farm. I work and play games with them. Now Im writing the letter in the house. Jack is learning to swim. Terry is lying (躺) in the sun. John is reading a newspaper and some children are playing football near the house. We are going to milk cows tomorrow, so we have to get up earlier tomorrow morning.We enjoy (享受) the holiday very much.See you soon.Love,Janet34 . Helen is in America now. (_)35 . Its sunny and warm there every day. (_)36 . Janet is writing a letter in the house. (_)37 . Some children are playing football near the house. (_)38 . They are going to play games tomorrow. So they should get up earlier. (_)39 . 阅读理解。Mrs. Wilson likes to ask his husband to go shopping with her on Sundays. Her husband pays for the things that she buys. Now they are in a shop. “Look, Andy. Is it a nice hair clip?” Mrs. Wilson asks his husband. “All right. And how much is it?” he answers and gives money to the shop assistant. When Mrs. Wilson asks him about something good or bad, he often says “All right. And how much is it?” to her. At about 8 oclock p.m., Andy is tired and thirsty, and he wants to have a drink. Suddenly (突然地) his wife looks up at moon and says, “Look, Andy. Is the moon so beautiful?”“All right. And how much is it?” his husband answers quickly. 判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的用“T” 表示,不符的用“F”表示。【小题1】Mrs. Wilson likes to go shopping on Sundays. (_)【小题2】Andy is Mrs. Wilsons husband. (_)【小题3】Mrs. Wilson pays for all the things she buys. (_)【小题4】Andy is hungry and wants to buy some food. (_)【小题5】Mrs. Wilson wants Andy to buy the moon. (_)六、汉译英短语。40 . 在儿童节_41 . 这周日_42 . 举办聚会_43 . 在聚会上_44 . 买些零食和饮料_45 . 从家里带些水果_46 . 把他们的东西带到了迈克家_47 . 和她的朋友一起玩_48 . 先玩玩具_49 . 在迈克家_ / _七、英汉混合50 . 词汇互译。1. one sunny morning _2. 去野餐_3. have lunch _4. 三瓶牛奶_5. a box of cakes _八、句型转换51 . 按要求改写句子。1. Im going to the library tomorrow. (改为一般疑问句)_2. Shes going to sing at the party. (改为否定句)_3. Were going to draw pictures on the mountain. (对划线部分提问)_4. My mother told me a story yesterday? (用be going to改写句子)_5. He is going to bring some snacks to the party. (对划线部分提问)_九、填内容补全对话52 . 看图填空。【小题1】A:What are they going to do this weekend?B: They are going to _.【小题2】A:What is he going to do this weekend?B: Hes going to _.【小题3】A:What is she going to do this weekend?B: Shes going to _.【小题4】A:What is she going to do this weekend?B: Shes going to _.【小题5】A:What is he going to do this weekend?B: Hes going to _.【小题6】A:What are they going to do this weekend?B: They are going to _.缺词填空。Mr. Turner has a shop in the town. He works for a long time every day andm53 . a lot of money. He thinks he is busyw54 . in the shop, so he doesnt do m55 . housework at home. He always makes his friend listen to h56 . . He often says, “Im the master(主人)!” One day afternoon, one of Mr. Turners friends asks him to her fortieth birthday p57 . . They are all very happy and drink a lot of wine(酒). With afriendsh58 . , he gets home. But he cant open the door. Mrs. Tuner runs q59 . to the door and opens the door for him. When he comes i60 . , she takes a cup of tea and says, “Dont drink too much. Its bad for yourh61 . .”“Shut up(闭嘴)” Mr. Turner says, “Im the master! Im tired now. I need to g62 . to bed.” Then he goes into the toilet.十、选内容补全对话63 . 看图补全对话。【小题1】Bobbys class is going to _ soon.Bobby: What are you_ at the party, Billy?Billy :Im going to_ the piano.【小题2】Bobby:What are you going to do at the party, Willy?Willy: Im going to _.【小题3】Bobby:What are you going to do at the party, Sam?Sam:Lets _. What_ The Kings new clothes?Bobby:Sure! Im going to_ the king.【小题4】Now Bobby is the king. He is wearing his “ _”.十一、书面表达64 . 写作。(10分)根据要求以My Weekend Plan为题写一篇小短文。要求:条理清楚,语意连贯。不少于50字第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、阅读选择1、2、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、2、五、任务型阅读1、2、六、汉译英1、七、英汉混合1、八、句型转换1、九、填内容补全对话1、2、十、选内容补全对话1、十一、书面表达1、


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