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人教版(PEP)五年级下册专题练习:填空分类专项姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、填空题1 . 按要求写单词1.photo(复数)_2.he (形容词性物主代词) _3.Liu Tao (名词所有格) _4.that(复数)_5.eat(现在分词)_6.big (反义词)_7.can (否定式) _8.we (宾格)_2 . 读句子,选择合适的单词补全句子,使句意完整。on in to about of1. Shes talking _her mother.2. My father is proud _ me.3. He was born _ 1880.4. Will you go to the park _Saturday?5. She wrote a book _ herself.3 . Read and choose.根据提示,补全对话。beautiful get up with singing springbeautiful get up with singing springToday I have many things(事情) to do. Its Sunday and its a nice day.I _at five oclock and then I do morning exercises. I like _.Because in spring I can hear(听) the birds _and the flowers are _.In the afternoon I go to the park _my friends and have a picnic there. Its a pretty day!4 . 选词填空,补全句子。(可重复使用) at, in, after, late, start1. We have lunch at home _ Spain. 2. When do you _ class?3. I do my homework_ dinner. 4. Pedro usually goes home _ 5 oclock. 5. Do you get up _ today?6. My father works _ night.将下列句子补充完整5 . Two men _painting the tube.6 . And they sing a _(欢快的调子).7 . When one man _(使用)yellow.8 . The other usually _(跟着).9 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Do you want _ (visit) the UK?2. What _ Lucy _ (do) yesterday?3. Look! Pingpings parents _ (make) a kite now. 4. Xiaoyu never _(eat) English food. 5. I like music and _ (ride) my bike.6._(run) is a good hobby.7.We _ ( go ) to Chinatown tomorrow .8._(not open) the door, please. Its cold.9.There are lots of beautiful places _ (go) in China.10.They_( collect ) lots of great stamps last year.10 . 完成儿歌,可从下面4组中选择你需要的单词,也可以用你自己的语言(下面所给答案不唯一)。例:Walk like a cat, on the floor.Arun swim flyBrabbit fish birdCon in underDgrass sea sky1. _ like a _,_ the _.2. _ like a_, _ the _.11 . Shelikes_(看)books.根据所给词的适当形式填空12 . Su Hai, _ (put) your hands on the desk.13 . He _ (look) sad, because he _ (lose) a new pen.14 . Tom and Mary _ (come) to China last month.15 . An old woman wants _ (meet) you.16 . _ (not shout) at the boy.17 . There _ ( be) any milk in the glass a moment ago.18 . I want _ (be) your friend.19 . There were a lot of _ (people) in the supermarket.20 . Who _ (teach) you Chinese lessons?Mr. Liu.21 . All the students are very _ (excite).22 . 用所给词的适当形式填空1. I like _ (read) an English book.2. Kitty is my close friend. I like _ (she).3. Look at the pandas. I like _ (they).4. The grasshopper likes _ (sleep) in spring and summer.5. There_ (be) some grass in the park.6. What colour are the_( leaf)? _(its) yellow.7. Whats _ (those) in the sky? Its _( aeroplane) .8. The children _ (like) swimming in the sea.23 . Please _ (write) to me soon.24 . Look and choose the right words: The football is _ (on /under) the tree. 选出合适的单词填入横线上。friends meet you back from25 . Welcome _ to school.26 . Nice to _ you.27 . We have two new _ today.28 . Im _ China.29 . What about _?30 . 选词填空。from in at to with1. I have lunch _12:002. Lily is _ Canada.3. They are _ the classroom.4. My mother reads some stories _ me.5. I want to go to Beijing _my father.6. I am very happy_ get your letter.31 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Bobby _(have)a drink now.2. I like _ (read) stories.3. Bobby _ (pick) a big red mushroom.4. These mushrooms _ (be) bad for us. We cant eat _ (they).5. I dont have _ (some) nice clothes or shoes.32 . 将花中的介词填入正确的句子中(1)Jim will play _ his friends. (2)I will do the housework _ Wednesday. (3)My mother will read books _ me. (4)We will watch TV _ the evening.(5)He will read a book _ animals.33 . 选词填空。of much shouldnt need【小题1】We _ waste water.【小题2】Everyone _ water.【小题3】We should use bikes instead _ cars.【小题4】You shouldnt waste so _ water.34 . 看一看,选择正确的单词序号填空。AgrandpaBdoctorCfarmerDteacherEsister【小题1】This is my _ . Shes a _ . 【小题2】Hes my _ . Hes a _ . 【小题3】My brother is a _.35 . 用适当的介词填空。1. There is no park _ my home.2. Sam often goes fishing _ me.3. I live _ the city, but I often go _ the countryside _ my holiday.4. Peter is 140 cm tall. How _ you, Annie?5. In the city, people usually go _ work _ underground or bus.36 . 用be动词的适当形式填空, 完成句子。【小题1】There _ a forest in the park.【小题2】There _ many trees near the road.【小题3】_there a village in the nature park?Yes, there is.【小题4】_there three students in the classroom?No, there arent.【小题5】The river _ near my village.37 . 根据语境,选择恰当的单词或短语填写在横线上。1. There are_ books in the big bag.2. We _ at English.3. A: Whats ten _ two? B: Its twelve .4. Im going to help _ .5. A: _is she? B: Shes Lingling .38 . 读句子,选择单词,完成填空。he she1. Whos that boy? Is your brother?2. Whos that girl? Is your sister?3. Whos that man? Is your dad?4. Whos that women? Is your mother?看图片,选单词并写一写。eraser ruler under39 . This is my _.40 . The ball is _ the box .41 . I have an _.用所给词的适当形式填空42 . Monkeys _ (have) long arms. They can climb _ (tree).43 . _ (he) names James Brown. You can call _ (he) James.44 . Tom and May are classmates. _ (they) classroom is on the first floor.45 . -How many balls _ your cousin _ (have)? -He _ (have) five.46 . My brother _ (have) new shorts. They _ (be) blue.47 . Who _ (have) a robot in your class? John and Jack _ ( have )a robot.48 . This pair of shoes _ (be) new. You can _ (wear) it.49 . The shorts _(be) cool.50 . 选出同类的单词。(1)clever polite_(2)Monday Saturday_(3)above behind_(4)forest hill_(5)fresh hot_(6)cook swim_Ain front ofBhard-workingCTuesdayDsweetEplay basketballFmountain51 . 语法填空1.The radio says it_(be) snowy tomorrow.2.Lets_(fly) kites on the beach tomorrow.3.Tom is_(visit) the museum now.4.Peter wants to be a_(write) in the future.5.They like _(sing).6.Tom is_(strong) than his brother.7.Give _(I) a pen, please.8.He is good at_(jump).9.This is an oil painting. It is_(colour).10.There were many_(tooth) on the leaf.52 . 根据要求写出所给的单词的适当形式1. cannot(过去时)_ 2. thats(完整形式)_3. write(名词形式)_ 4. many(比较级)_5. different(反义词)_ 6. far(比较级)_7. brother(相对词)_ 8. sun(同音词)_9. it(复数形式宾格)_ 10. cousins(名词所有格)_53 . 完成句子。visit weekends going to with(1) My family goes to the beach on _.(2) I can take a walk _ my sister.(3) Well _ grandma and grandpa.(4) What are we _ do on the beach?第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、填空题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、

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