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Unit2 Keeping Healthy Topic 1 You should see a dentist.1、 教学目标:使学生从整体上掌握本单元本话题重要知识点 使学生能会读课文、会写单词2、教学重难点:重点:should,shouldnt,had better和had better not 的用法难点:情态动词表建议(一)3、教学过程:检查家庭作业并讲解听写单词一、重点短语1. have a cold/a toothache /a fever/a cough/a backache/a stomachache/a sore throat /the flu /sore eyes 感冒/牙疼/发烧/咳嗽/背疼胃疼/咽喉发炎/流感/眼疼2. take a rest=have a rest 休息 3. not read for too long 不要看书太久4. boiled water 开水 5. stay in bed 卧病在床,躺在床上6. have a good sleep 好好睡一觉 7. feel terrible 感觉难受8. day and night 日日夜夜 9. Youd better=You had better 你最好.10. not so well 很不好 13. not too bad 没什么大碍14. much better 好多了 15. go to see a doctor 去看病16. take /have some medicine 吃药 17. Take.to. 把.带到.18. send.to. 把.送到. 19. hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的热茶20. lie down 躺下 21. look after=take care of 照看,照顾22. brush teeth 刷牙 23. have an accident 发生一次意外/事故24. dont worry 别担心 25. worry about 担心.26. nothing serious 没什么严重,没什么大碍 27. check over 诊断,仔细检查28. thank you for. 因.而感谢你 29. buy.for. 为.买.30. not.until. 直到.才. 31. ice cream 冰淇淋32. both.and. .和.都是. 33. take some cold pills 吃感冒药34. plenty of 许多,大量二、重点句型1. Whats wrong with you/him/her?你/他/她怎么了? 同义句:Whats the matter with.? Whats the trouble with.?2. You should see a dentist.你应该去看牙医。这是一种表达建议的句子。 还可以用以下句式: youd better(not).how /what about. why not/dont you.3.Im sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息我很难过。这是表示同情别人的句子。4.You look pale. 你看起来很苍白。(1)在英语中表示气色不好,苍白,不用white,而用pale (2)“look ”在这里译作“看起来”,作连系动词,后接形容词。如:You look beautiful。你看起来很漂亮。与look用法相同的连系动词还有 tast ,sound ,smell ,feel 。如:The soup tastes very delicious .这汤尝起来真香。 Your voice sound nice.你的声音听起来很动人。 The flowers smell sweet .这些花闻起来很香。 The silk feels smooth 丝绸摸起来很光滑。5.-Shall I take you to the hospital?我送你去医院吧? -No,thank you.不用,谢谢。Shall I do.? 需要我做-吗?take sb to. 把某人送到某地6. Ill take some medicine and see how it goes. 我打算先吃药看看情况再说。“goes”在这里指事情的进展。 “it ”用来代指病情。如:How is everything going? 一切进展如何?Everything is going well. 一切进展顺利。7.Your X-rays show its nothing serious.你的X光照片显示没什么严重的问题。nothing serious 没什么严重的。nothing ,something ,anything等不定代词,被形容词修饰时,形容词位于其后。如:I have something important to say.我有一些重要的事情要说。8.Michaels friends bought some chocolate for him .迈克的朋友给他买饿一些巧克力。buy sth for sb.双宾语的运用。使用双宾语时,在人宾前需要使用介词,有时用“to”有时用“for ”,这与动词本身有关,表示动词的方向,多用“to”,表示动词的目的,多用“ for ”give sth to sb. pass sth to sb.bring sth to sb. take sth to sb.cook sth for sb. buy sth for to sb .9. .but I couldnt read them until today.但是直到今天我才读了它们。not .until 直到.才 until 在肯定句动词一般用延续性动词,在否定句中动词一般为短暂性动词。如:He will wait for his father until ten oclock.他将等他父亲一直到10点钟。He wont leave until his father comes.他直到他父亲回来才离开。三、语法学习1、 had better 的形式和用法1) 固定短语had better具有情态意义,也可以看作情态动词。译为“最好”,它只有一种形式,没有人称和数的变化,后常跟动词原形,是给人提出建议的一种方式。如: You had better go to see the doctor你最好去看医生。Youd better eat a lot of fruit and drink plenty of water.你最好多吃水果,多喝水。2)Had better的否定结构为 had better not。如:Youd better not eat hot food你最好别吃辛辣的食物。Youd better not work today.你今天最好别工作。2、 shall的用法 1) 作助动词时,英式英语中表示将来,可与第一人称连用,但在口语中所有人称都用will。如: this time next week Ishall/will be in New York.下周这个时候我就在纽约了。拄:美语则不管什么人称,一律用will。2)作情态动词时表征询意见,用于第一人称的疑问句中。如:Shall Itake you to the hospital?要不要我带你去医院?What shall we do this weekend?这个周末我们要作什么呢? Unit2 Topic1 练习题. 单项选择。( )1.Whats the matter with you, Jim?_A.Im fine. Thanks.B.Im good at English.C.I have gotten a toothache.D.Im having a rest.( )2.You _ eat too many candies. Its bad for your teeth.A.mustB.canC.shouldD.shouldnt( )3.If you have a headache, you _ lie down for a good rest.A.shouldntB.had better notC.had betterD.mustnt( )4.I had a backache. I cant sleep._A.Dont worry.B.Not so well.C.Im sorry to hear that.D.Why?( )5.Oh, you have a headache and a cough. _ have you been like this?Three days.A.How longB.How soonC.How oftenD.How many( )6.My hometown is in the south of China. There is _ rain in spring.A.manyB.lot ofC.a lotD.plenty of( )7.Im afraid you have a cold. Youd better go to see a doctor._A.No, I have no time.B.Thats a good idea.C.Its very kind of you.D.Im sorry to hear that.( )8.You look pale. _ have a good rest?A.Why dont youB.Why are youC.What aboutD.Why you dont( )9.You should not eat _ meat. It can make you fatter.A.too manyB.too muchC.much tooD.many too( )10.You should take _ on time, _ each time, and two times a day.A.the medicines; three pillsB.the medicine; three pills C.the medicine; three pillD.the medicines; three pillII. 完形填空。Ben woke up on Monday morning. He felt 16 . He always felt sick on Monday mornings. He had to go to school for a whole week. It was so difficult for him to go back to school.He 17 in bed and wondered what excuse he could make this time. He looked at his body, but couldnt find 18 wrong. A little headache? No. He had used that excuse many times. Then he realized that one of his teeth was loose (松动). Good! He was just going to start groaning (呻吟) when he thought that Aunt Polly would pull the tooth out. That would hurt! He looked 19 something else. Suddenly he remembered the doctor had said something about a certain problem with toes. He pulled his right foot out and looked at it. 20 of the toes was really hurting, and Ben began to groan.“Whats 21 with you?” Aunt Polly asked. “My toe hurts.” The old lady fell into a chair, smiling a little. “Ben, you frightened me. Now shut up at once and get out of 22 .”Ben felt like a thief being caught. “Well, it seemed all right. It hurt so much 23 I forgot my tooth.” “Tooth, eh? Whats wrong with your tooth?” “One of them is loose and it hurts 24 .” “No problem,” answered Aunt Polly. “I can pull it out.” “Please, Aunt! Dont pull it out. It has 25 hurting now. Please!” “No way! Well, youd better go to school or youll have your tooth out.”( )16.A.happyB.tiredC.sickD.hungry( )17.A.lieB.layC.liedD.lying( )18.A.somethingB.anythingC.everythingD.nothing( )19.A.atB.forC.afterD.like( )20.A.OneB.TwoC.SomeD.Many( )21.A.matterB.troubleC.problemD.wrong( )22.A.schoolB.chairC.bedD.kitchen( )23.A.whatB.whichC.thatD.until( )24.A.badB.badlyC.worseD.terrible( )25.A.stoppedB.forgottenC.enjoyedD.begunIII. 阅读理解。 (A)A farmer who lived in a small village had a bad pain in the chest. This never seemed to get any better. The farmer decided that he would go to see a doctor in the nearest town. But as he was a miserly(小气) person, he thought he would find out how much he would have to pay the doctor. He was told that a sick person had to pay three pounds for the first visit and one pound for the second visit. The farmer thought about this for a long time, and then he decided to go to the doctor in the town.As he came into the doctors room, he said, “Good morning, doctor. Here I am again.” The doctor was a little surprised. He asked him a few questions, checked his chest and then took the pound which the farmer insisted on giving him. Then the doctor said with a smile, “Well, sir, theres nothing new. Please go on taking the same medicine I gave you the first time you came to see me.”( )26.Why did the farmer decide to go to see a doctor in the town?A.Because the doctor in the village had been unable to save him.B.Because he had a fever.C.Because he suffered from a pain in the head.D.Because the pain didnt seem to get better.( )27.How many pounds did a sick person have to pay the doctor in the town for two visits?A.Four.B.Three.C.One.D.Two.( )28.Where did the doctor check the farmer?A.In the village.B.On the farm.C.At the doctors.D.In the city.( )29.What did the farmer give the doctor?A.Some medicine.B.Nothing.C.Smile.D.A pound.( )30.The doctor asked the farmer _.A.something new about his illnessB.to go on taking the same medicineC.to come againD.to give him some more pounds(B)One day a dentist was starting his morning work. Suddenly a man ran in. His face was red and he could only say “Quick! Quick!” The dentist thought he must be very ill. His assistant helped to make the poor man sit in a chair. The dentist gave the man some medicine to make him sleep. Then, he looked into the mans mouth and pulled out all the bad teeth. As soon as the man woke up, he said in a low voice, “Quick, doctor, quick.”“Its all right now,” the dentist told him. “Its over.”“You dont understand,” said the man, “I came to tell you your house is on fire.”( )31.The story took place (发生) _.A.in the morningB.in the afternoonC.in the eveningD.at night( )32.When the man ran in, the dentist thought he must be _.A.overB.illC.all rightD.rich( )33.The man _ after he took some medicine.A.began to workB.began to cryC.went homeD.went to sleep( )34.The dentist pulled _ out of the mans mouth.A.a toothB.a bad toothC.all the bad teethD.all the teeth( )35.The man ran in _.A.because he was illB.because he wanted to sleepC.to tell the dentist that he was all rightD.to tell the dentist that his house was on fire.根据汉语意思完成句子。11.这个小女孩日夜思念着妈妈。The girl misses her mother _ and _.12.你今天感觉怎么样?不是很糟。How are you feeling today?_ _.13.露西和莉莉都是我的好朋友。_ Lucy _ Lily are my good friends.14.你的左脚怎么了?让我给你检查一下吧!Whats wrong with your left foot? Let me _ it _.15.不要看电视看得时间太长了。Dont watch TV _ _. 书面表达。假如你是Li Tao,请根据昨天的情况写一篇60词左右的日记。早上感到头疼,老打喷嚏(sneeze),妈妈带你去医院,医生检查了一下并问了一些情况,最后给你开了一些药并让你好好休息。第二天你觉得好多了。Wednesday, October 12th, 2009I felt terrible yesterday morning. _ 审核: 左小龙 6


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