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2019年人教PEP版六年级下册期末测试英语试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Im going to see a film _ my classmates. ( )AfromBtoCinDwith2 . Whats your _ fruit?Avery likeBfavouriteCmuch like3 . The teachers are playing _ basketball. ( )A/BaCanDthe4 . -What do you have on Wednesdays? ( )-_AI often watch TV.BI have PCDI have music.5 . 要表达物品在椅子上面应当用哪个介词?( )AinBon6 . I like winter. But I like summer _ of all seasons. ( )AwellBgoodCbetterDbest7 . Amy is _ sushi.Amade Bmake Cmaking8 . Grandfather_a cold last week.( )AhadBhaveChaving9 . _ you _ from China? ( )ADoes; comeBDo; comesCAre; comeDDo; come10 . Mocky to do the high jump. ( )AdecidedBwantCwent二、填空题用所给单词的正确形式填空。11 . On Bens birthday, he got _ (twelve) birthday gifts.12 . I _ (swim) next Sunday.13 . Ben and Janet _ (travel) tomorrow.14 . My sister Kate _ (play) the piano tomorrow evening.15 . Is there _ (something) interesting in the playground?三、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。My favourite festival is the Spring Festival. Ils the Chinese New Year. It is always in January and February. It lasts for 15 days. We usually go shopping and clean our houses before Spring Festival. There is a big dinner on New Years Eve(前夕). All the family stay up late to welcome the coming New Year. During Spring Festival ,children can get lucky money(压岁钱)the adults. People usually have a good time during this festival.16 . Christmas Day is my favourite festival.(_)17 . Spring Festival lasts for 15 days.(_)18 . The families will get together and have a big meal on New Years Eve. (_)19 . People will sleep early on New Years Eve.(_)20 . Children can get lucky money during Spring Festival.(_)四、汉译英21 . 翻译。根据汉意写单词。1. 春季_ 2. 炎热的_ 3. 雪人_五、改错Choose and correct.(选出句子中错误的一项并改正)22 . My brother is a English teacher. (_)_A B C23 . Whatwould you like to dinner. (_)_A B C24 . How manyroom are there in your house. (_)_A B C25 . Arethis your bedroom?(_)_A B C26 . Whatare his job?(_)_A B C六、匹配题27 . 为下列问句选择正确的答语Have you got a pen?_ A Turn right.Wheres West Lake Road?_ B Im fine, Thank you.Where is it?_ C Its under the deskHow are you?_ D Yes, I have.Thank you very much!_ E Youre welcome.28 . 给下列短语选出正确的图片。ABCDE1. ride a bike (_)2. watch TV(_)3. fly a kite(_)4. get up(_)5. have lunch(_)七、书面表达29 . 以“My summer vacation”为题,写一篇作文,描述你的暑期计划。不少于6句话。_八、其他30 . 按要求完成下列各题。1. is, Whose, coat, this ( ? ) (连词成句)_2. How, many, do, have, horses, you (? )(连词成句)_3. How much is this umbrella? (翻译汉语)_4. Can I help you? (翻译成汉语)_5. nice, are, shoes, These( . )(连词成句)_第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、填空题1、三、任务型阅读1、四、汉译英1、五、改错1、六、匹配题1、2、七、书面表达1、八、其他1、

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