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2020高考英语专题训练 短文改错议论文 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文 文中共有10处语言错 误 每句中最多有两处 每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加 删除或修改 增加 在缺词处加一个漏字符号 并在其下面写出该加的词 删除 把多余的词用斜线 划掉 修改 在错的词下划一横线 并在该词下面写出修改后的词 注意 1 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词 2 只允许修改10处 多者 从第 11处起 不计分 一 Hi Janice It s been a month since I came to this new school I really want share with you some problems I ve been experiencing As I tell you last time I made three new friend here We hang out together whenever we can We ve been spending much time sing in karaoke bars It s been three Saturdays now and it really costs me many And I started to see this as a wasting activity In fact I don t like to go anymore so I m afraid I ll lose their friendship How do you think I should do If you are me would you talk to him Please help with me and give me some advice Grace 二 Dear editor I m sorry to occupy your precious time and I really want to tell you anything about the problem of some people keeping pets nowadays I take the problem seriously for the following reason First as it is known to all pets make much noise that trouble people greatly Additionally it s widely accepted that animal waste pollutes the environment where makes people uncomfortable Many owners like taking pets to public places where they may frighten children or even bite people Most important pets can spread some diseases that have attracted much attention Take these factors into consideration I sincerely hope I can get help to you and expect the media to do something for this Yours truly Li Hua 三 Dear Feng Ying I ve received your letter in that you said you wanted to lose weight by dieting It s natural that girls of your age hope to look beautiful and in my opinion health overweighs beautiful For a student study is first thing to consider but appearance is the second So don t let others ideas affect your normal life However if you did want to lose weight it s good idea to do it by taking exercise and change unhealthy eating habits Furthermore you should keep for a healthy state of mind which is helpful in many aspects I hope my advices will be helpful to you I m looking forward to hear from you Yours Li Hua 四 I often quarrel about my mother over whether I can watch TV after school She holds view that Senior 3 students must make fully use of every minute to work hard at their lessons It seems to me that once I m allowed to do that I ll be unable to control myself and forgetting all about my study She also thinks it s bad for my eye But I really can t accept her ideas In my view watch TV can set my mind at rest after a day s hard works Besides it s important for us to know what had happened at home and at abroad Thus we shouldn t be forbidden to watch TV 五 Time is valuable but limit There is a famous saying Time is life this shows the importance of time When time had gone it ll never return It s a pity when many people make poor use of time They spend their precious time oversleeping drinking and hanging around They don t realize wasting time is equal with wasting their life They always regret having made little achievement so far However we should form the habit of value time Don t put off what can be done today tomorrow Laziness will not only bring us the failure but also lead us to the road to poverty and even deaths 六 Do you read reviews after you see a movie I use to do that but I usually regretted I read so much about a movie on advance that I often ended up not go to see it at all The writers point out everything that s wrong with the film but seldom mentions anything good about them They also tell many things and even the ending of the movie Lately I have changed way I choose movies to watch I read reviews afterwards What s importance to me is that I don t watch the talk shows in that people discuss movies I don t ask others how they like of it Now I enjoy myself even more 七 Last week students in our class held debate on whether we should shop online Most students are in favor for it think that shopping online can help people save time Besides shopping online not only allow people to browse many items without leaving our homes but also lets them compare the prices of goods in a short time More important the Internet is open all day long so it is of great convenient for those who are busy in the daytime However special attention must be pay to the safety of online shopping People need to make sure of that they get that they have ordered before paying for the bill 八 With the development of our country s economy more and more people buy cars that causes serious traffic problems and environmental pollution As far as I am concerned about the solutions of this problem are presented as follows Firstly the government should restrict the amount of car buying and raises the costs of owning private cars Secondly cars from other places ought be limited to going to big cities Beside the government should design different reasonable traffic system to help solve the traffic problems In the word traffic problems have increasing affected many aspects of our life Therefore we must spare no efforts to solving this problem 九 Last week the Students Union in our school conduct a survey among all the students on if we should learn English As the survey shows the most of the students say yes for they think learning English is one of the demand of modern society and will do good to our future career Therefore others are against the idea saying that learning English is useless and is waste of energy What s worse they feel learning English is anything but a burden In my opinion we are supposing to learn English well so that we can understand west cultures better Beside a good command of English means more opportunities in the future 十 Thank to the Internet the world is becoming smaller and smaller that I think is good for people Firstly with help of the Internet it s possibly for people to work at home with a computer in front People can also send and getting the information they need from it Secondly they can chose to buy or sell whatever they want through the Internet while traditional shops don t provide them for such great convenience Thirdly they can download all kinds of informations from the Internet whenever it s necessary E mails can be send to their friends in just a few more seconds 参考答案 一 这封求助信表达了作者的困扰 作者交了三位新朋友 经常一起闲逛和K歌 实际上作者并不想出去但又担 忧失去这份友谊 她想寻求一些建 议 1 在want后加to 因want后用不定式作宾语 2 tell told 由后面的时间状语 last time可知应用一般过去时 3 friend friends 由前面的three可知要用复数 4 sing singing 由固定结构spend in doing sth 意为 花费 做某事 可知 5 many much 根据句意 它真地花费了我很多钱 故用much指代钱 不可数 6 so but 此处显然存在 转折 关系 故用并列连词but 7 How What 因作do的宾语 故要用 what 8 are were 此处是虚拟语气 虚拟条件句中的系动词是be 对现在事实的虚拟 时 要用were 9 him them 根据上文可知作者交了三位朋友 故要用复数them 10 去掉help后的with 因动词help是及物动词 可直接带宾语 不需加介词with 注意 help sb with sth 意为 帮助某人做某事 二 作者 Li Hua 向媒体写信就人们养宠物这个问题寻求帮助 1 and but 表 转折 用并列连词but 2 anything something 肯定句用something 3 reason reasons 下文列举的原因不止一个 故用复数 4 去掉is known前的it 由常用结构 as is known to all意为 众所周知 可知 5 trouble troubles 先行词noise是不可数名词 故此处要用第三人称单数 6 where which 引导非限定性定语从句 并在从句中作主语 7 在taking后加their 表 他们的宠物 故要加their 此乃英语的习惯表达 常用交代清楚是 谁的 8 important importantly 修饰整个句子要用副词 9 Take Taking 此处Take 作非谓语 与逻辑主语I存在主动关系 故用现在分词 10 to from 此处理应表 从你那里 故用from 三 作者 Li Hua 给Feng Ying回信就如何合理减肥提供建议 1 that which 非限定性定语从句不能用that引导 2 and but 表 转折 用并列连词but 3 beautiful beauty 作宾语要用名词形式 4 在first 前加the 因序数词前要加定冠词 5 but while 表 对比 用并列连词while 6 did do 此处是强调谓语 而全文的主体时态是一般现在时 故要用do 7 change changing 作介词by的宾语要用动名词 与前面的taking 并列 8 去掉keep后的for 因keep是及物动词 9 advices advice 因advice是不可数名词 10 hear hearing 由固定短语 look forward to doing sth 意为 期待做某事 可知 四 本文讲的是作者和母亲关于能不能看电视展开了争论 1 about with 由固定短语quarrel with sb 意为 和某人争论 可知 2 在view前加the 由固定短语hold the view意为 认为 可知 也可以说 表特指 3 fully full 修饰名词use 要用形容词full 4 me her 根据上下文意可推知 此处是指 对她来说好像 5 forgetting forget 情态动词后用动词原形 与be并列 6 eye eyes 因eye 是可数名词 此处理应是指 双眼 故用复数 7 watch watching 作主语要用动名词 8 works work 因work 是不可数名词 9 had has 全文的主体时态是一般现在时 故此处要用现在完成时 10 去掉abroad前的at 由固定短语at home and abroad 在国内外 可知 abroad 本身可作副词 前面无需加介词 五 本文告诉我们 时间是有限的 我们要珍惜时间 1 limit limited 作表语要用形容词 2 this which 引导非限定性定语从句 3 had has 全文的主题是条是一般现在时 故此处用现在完成时 4 when that 由固定句型it s a pity that意为 很可惜 可知 引导主语从句 5 with to 由固定短语be equal to意为 与 相等 可知 6 However Therefore 根据上下文意 此处理应表 因果 关系 故要用Therefore 7 value valuing 作介词of的宾语 要用动名词 valuing 意为 珍惜 8 在tomorrow前加till until 由固定短语put off till until 意为 把 推迟到 可知 till until在此作介词 并非连接词 9 去掉failure 前的 the 抽象名词前不加冠词 此处是第一次提到 而且并无特指 故不用定冠词 10 deaths death 因和poverty是并列关系 故用单数death deaths意为 死亡人数 六 本文作者就 看电影评论的方式 谈了自己的观点 1 after before 根据下文可知 应该是在看电影之前看的评论 故用before 2 use used 由固定短语 used to do意为 过去常常 可知 3 on in 由固定短语 in advance意为 提前 可知 4 go going 由固定短语end up doing意为 以 结束 可知 5 mentions mention 主语是复数名词 writers 故不用第三人称单数 6 them it 指代前面的the film 故用单数it 7 在way 前加the 此处表特指 故要用定冠词 8 importance important 作表语要用形容词 9 that which 在带有介词的定语从句中不能用that 10 去掉like后的of 因like是及物动词 七 本文论述了网络购物的优点和缺点 1 在debate前加a 因debate是可数名词 故要加不定冠词 2 for of 由固定短语in favor of意为 赞同 可知 3 think thinking 分析句子成分可知此处think作非谓语动词 且与逻辑主语students存在主动关系 故用现在分词 作伴随 状语 4 allow allows 本句主语是shopping online 谓语动词要用第三人称单数 5 our their 由前面的people可知要用their 6 important importantly 作状语要用副词形式 7 convenient convenience 因 be of great 抽象名词 be very 形容词 8 pay paid 此处是被动 故要用过去分词 9 去掉of 因make sure that 从句 此处 of显然是多余的 10 that what 引导宾语从句 根据语境可知应该用what才符合逻辑 八 本文就私家车越来越多从而引起的交通环境问题提出一些解决措施 1 that which 引导非限定性定语从句 关系代词只能用which 2 去掉concerned后的about 由固定结构as far as I am concerned意为 在我看来 可知 3 of to 由固定搭配 the solution to sth 意为 解决某事的方法 可知 4 raises raise 因与前面的restrict并列 故用动词原形 5 在ought后加to 由固定短语 ought to意为 应该 可知 6 Beside Besides 因Beside意为 在 旁边 Besides意为 此外 故填Besides 7 system systems 根据前面的different可知要用复数 system是可数名词 8 the a 由固定短语in a word意为 总而言之 可知 9 increasing increasingly 修饰后面的动词affected 要用副词形式 10 solving solve 由固定短语spare no efforts to do sth 意为 不遗余力做某事 可知 九 本文谈论了学习英语的利与弊 1 conduct conducted 在上个星期 要用一般过去时 2 if whether 介词之后宾语从句不能用if引导 3 去掉most前的 of 不是最高级不用加定冠词 most of 表示 大部分的 4 demand demands 在one of后的名词要用复数形式 5 Therefore However 此处表转折关系 6 在waste 前加上 a 因a waste of是一个固定搭配 7 anything nothing 此处nothing but表示 只不过 8 supposing supposed 此处be supposed to是固定搭配 意为 应该 9 west western 作定语要用形容词 表示 西方的 10 Beside Besides 因besides是连接性副词 表 此外 而beside是介词 表 在 旁边 十 本文谈论了互联网给人们带来的好处 1 Thank Thanks 因thanks to 固定搭配 意为 由于 多亏了 2 that which 因that不能引导非限制性定语从句 3 在help前加上the 因with the help of sb 是固定搭配 4 possibly possible 作表语用形容词 常用句型it is adj for sb to do sth 5 getting get 此处应与send 并列 6 chose choose 在情态动词 can 后用动词原形 7 for with 因 provide sb with sth 是固定搭配 8 informations information 因information是不可数名词 没有复数形式 9 send sent 此处是被动语态 故要用sent 10 去掉seconds 前的more 因与前面没有比较的关系

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