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沪教版2019-2020学年初中英语七年级上册期中考试模拟试卷(3)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) Can you spell his name, please? _.A . Yes, its Mike.B . Yes, its M-I-K-E, Mike.C . M-I-R-E, Mike.2. (2分)I think Ive got a bad cold, Doctor, Shall I take some medicine? No need. Your body itself is able to the virus. Just drink more water and rest.A . catchB . fightC . loseD . hide3. (2分) How did the famous captain die? He _ illness _ his way home from Japan.A . died of; onB . died with; onC . died of; inD . died with; in4. (2分)We will have a mid-term test tomorrow. _!A . Good luckB . Have a good timeC . Thank youD . You are welcome5. (2分)He has got a lot of books. He reads_ in the evening. A . itB . themC . theirD . its6. (2分)Hi, Mary, who is this girl?She is my friends sister. _ name is Gina Green.A . HisB . HerC . HersD . Its7. (2分)He _volleyball; he only _ it on TV. A . plays; watchB . doesnt play; watchesC . dont play; watchesD . play; watches8. (2分)Steve Jobs was full of always coming up with new ideas which led to great changes in society.A . instructionB . invitationC . introductionD . invention9. (2分)Would you mind turning down the music? Im studying for my test. .A . Sounds goodB . Thats all rightC . Youre welcome D . Im sorry. Ill do it right away10. (2分)For his sons birthday, Steven is taking him to the new movie as a _. A . taskB . treatC . choiceD . visit11. (2分)Nightingale started a school _ nurses. A . trainB . to trainC . trainsD . training12. (2分)How _ your weekend?-It _ great. But I _ tired now.A . was; was; amB . is, was; wasC . was; is; amD . is; is, was13. (2分)Jerry won first prize in the speech competition. His parents are proud of his_.A . accidentB . successC . wise14. (2分)Jay is his first name and Chou is his last name. His full name(全名)is _. A . JayB . ChouC . Jay ChouD . Chou Jay15. (2分)_that your computer?Yes, it is.A . DoesB . IsC . AreD . Do二、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)16. (10分)阅读短文,回答下列问题。Not only women wear skirts. Men can wear them, too. In Scotland (苏格兰), men wear a kilt a kind of skirt. The kilt is their national dress.The kilt has checks (方格) and different colors, like red or blue. Each family in Scotland has its own colors. How did the Scotsmen (苏格兰男人) start to wear kilts. There is a story about it. Rawlinson had some workers from Scotland in his office and he thought their clothing got in the way of their work. So he cut their clothes into a shorter skirt.Today, they usually only wear them at weddings (婚礼) or big dinners. Only a few men wear a kilt every day. Scotsmen also wear kilts in big parties. The policemen still have skills as the dress uniforms, but they dont wear them to catch the thieves.(1)A kilt is _.A . a hatB . a shirtC . a skirtD . a sweater(2)In Scotland, different families have different _ of kilts.A . pricesB . colorsC . stylesD . checks(3)What does “got in the way of” mean?A . 妨碍B . 得到C . 在路上D . 到达(4)When do Scotsmen wear kilts?A . At weddingsB . At big dinnersC . In big partiesD . All of above.(5)The story is about _.A . Scotsmens traditional kiltsB . how to make kiltsC . what a kilt isD . how much the kilt is17. (10分)阅读理解AI have five childrenIm always busy when theyre awake(醒着)Thats why I try to get up before everyone elseI get up at 5:00 amThe house is quietI drink a cup of coffee and read booksI love that time because its mine and I can think without interruptions(打扰)AnnaIm a night personI love the nightI feel sleepy all day and then at night I wake up(醒来)!I like to dance,watch movies or talk to friends at night.I never go to sleep before 2:00a.m.JamesIm a morning personAs soon as a little light comes through the window,I wake up and start my dayI try to do important work in the morning because I know that I think best at that timeAfter 1:00pm,I begin to slowdown!SandraI love tea timeI like to have tea in late afternoonIts a time to stop the days activities (活动)for an hour and talk with friendsSometimes,people visit my home-thenSometimes,I go to a friends house for teaBob根据材料内容选择最佳答案。(1)What does James like to do at night?dance read bookswatch movies talk to friendsA . B . C . D . (2)Sandra tries to do important work in the morning because A . her children dont interrupt her at that timeB . her friends often visit her in the afternoonC . she feels sleepy in the afternoonD . she thinks best at that time(3)Which of the following is TRUE about Bob? A . He loves to have tea in late afternoonB . He likes to stay home all dayC . He has five childrenD . He has few friends(4)Who likes to get up early in the morning? A . Anna and SandraB . Bob and JamesC . Anna and BobD . James and Sandra(5)You may find the material in a A . noticeB . diaryC . magazineD . storybook18. (6分)阅读理解 We all know that food gives us energy, but sometimes it can make us much happier when we feel bad. Studies show that foods such as sea fish, bananas, pumpkins and chicken can help fight against bad moods. How can they affect our moods?Studies show that people living by the sea appear much happier than other people, because the fresh sea air helps them clear their minds and they eat a lot of sea fish.Bananas have something that is full of Vitamin B6. Having more bananas can help us make a quick decision, and become more confident.Eating pumpkins can also help people get into a good mood because its rich in Vitamin B6 and iron(铁)and it will make us happier.Are you in a bad mood? If you are , dont sit alone. Go to eat such happy food with your friends. Maybe youll be better.(1)Food gives us energy and sometimes_ A . it can affect our moodsB . it can make us feel sadC . it can make us become fatD . it can make us look healthier(2)Why do people living by the sea look happier? A . Because they have fresh air and eat sea fish.B . Because they can often swim in the sea.C . Because they often go boating.D . Because they drink sea water.(3)What food can make us more confident? A . Sea fish.B . Chicken.C . Pumpkins.D . Bananas.(4)The food _can make us more confident? A . 维生素B . 矿物质C . 小麦D . 氯化钠(5)Which of the following is TRUE? A . Chicken can do nothing for us.B . Vitamin B6 and iron can make us happierC . Eating a lot fish can make us unhealthy.D . Fresh air can help us become more confident.三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)19. (10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Hi, everyone! Its nice to talk to you.1 name is Cindy Smith. I am a girl. Cindy is a very popular(受欢迎的) 2 in the USA. Smith is my3 name. Here are two nice pictures4my family.In the first picture5 my parentsDavid and Sylvia. They are very nice. The6 boys are my brothers. The boy next to my parents is Henry.7 is two years old. He is lovely, right? And the other boy is Samuel. He is five. I love all of8 very much.The girls in the next picture are my9 . They are Lily and Emily. They are my uncle Bobs daughters. They live(居住) near 10 house. Lily likes red very much. Who is Lily in the picture? Can you make a guess(猜测)?(1)A . Her B . His C . Your D . My (2)A . day B . name C . colour D . number (3)A . family B . middle C . given D . school (4)A . at B . in C . to D . of (5)A . are B . is C . am D . be (6)A . one B . two C . three D . four (7)A . He B . She C . It D . They (8)A . him B . her C . you D . them (9)A . daughters B . sisters C . friends D . cousins (10)A . their B . our C . its D . her 四、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共10题;共10分)20. (1分)Whats this?Its a _(手表).21. (1分)As a student, I obey the _(规则) at school. 22. (1分)We can organize more _ (社会的) events. 23. (1分)Do you know the _(价钱) of the strawberry? 24. (1分)India has a p_of more than 1. 3 billion. 25. (1分)My parents _(不是) teachers. What about _(你的)? 26. (1分)The man is my n_. He lives next to me 27. (1分)Jane won the first prize in the singing_(比赛). 28. (1分) How do you usually c_ Mothers Day? I usually make a card for my mother.29. (1分) Is this your blue jacket? Yes, its m_.五、 语法填空 (共1题;共5分)30. (5分) My birthday is coming. I look forward to _(get) a funny present. I hope your dream will come true.六、 句型转换 (共1题;共11分)31. (11分)Her father is a teacher. Her mother is a teacher, too.(合并成句) Her _ _teachers.七、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)32. (5分)A. Can I take a message? B. can I help you? C. whos calling?D. Can I speak to Alice Roberts, please? E. Could you tell her that Ill be free tomorrow?A: Hello, _? B: Yes._?A: _? B: This is Jane Black.A: Hold the line, please.Ms Black. Im sorry, Alice is at a meeting right now._?B: Yes, please._? A: Sure, Bye.B: Bye.八、 写作题 (共1题;共5分)33. (5分)假如你是Dave,给你的朋友Jack写便条,请他把你房间的四样东西给你带来,这些东西及位置如下:在沙发上的钥匙;在书柜上的书;在椅子下的棒球,在抽屉里的光盘。Dear Jack ,第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)19-1、四、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共10题;共10分)20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共5分)30-1、六、 句型转换 (共1题;共11分)31-1、七、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)32-1、八、 写作题 (共1题;共5分)33-1、

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