七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Our local area Topic 2 My home is in an apartment building Section D1 仁爱版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Our local area Topic 2 My home is in an apartment building Section D1 仁爱版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Our local area Topic 2 My home is in an apartment building Section D1 仁爱版.ppt_第2页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Our local area Topic 2 My home is in an apartment building Section D1 仁爱版.ppt_第3页
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Topic2Myhomeisinanapartmentbuilding SectionD LearningAims 1 ReviewthelanguagepointsfromSectionAtoSectionD 2 Summarizetheuseof therebe 3 Talkaboutthedifferencesbetweenthecountrylifeandcitylife Mr Greenlivesjustnexttome Heismyn 2 Beq boysandgirls Classbegins 3 Weliveclosetothetrains sowecan tsleepverywell 4 What sonthestreetc 5 Therearenohousesatthee oftheroad Fillintheblankswiththewordsofthistopic eighbor uiet tation orner nd 6 Hewantstor ahouseforhisparents 7 Iliveinana whataboutyou 8 Iwanttogototheposto topostaletter 9 Thes inthisrestaurantisbad 10 Myhomeisf fromtheschool 11 Thereisashopc tomyhome Fillintheblankswiththewordsofthistopic ent partment ffice ervice ar lose Sentences 1 在学校我们学许多科目 例如 数学 语文 英语等等 Westudymanysubjectsatschool math Chinese Englishandsoon 2 你喜欢住在那吗 Doyou there 3 他住在两层楼的排房里 Helivesinatownhouse twofloors such as likeliving with 4 她正在寻找我们学校附近的公寓 Sheis anapartmentnearourschool 5 在街道拐角处有一家银行 Thereisa the 6 你真是太好了 It sverynice kind you lookingfor bankon streetcorner of 7 有许多老人住在这 Therearemanyoldpeople here 8 他们对我很友好 Theyarevery tome 9 商店后有一家医院 There sa thestore 10 您可以向他求助 Youcan him living hospitalbehind kind friendly callforhelp Grammar 1 There amunityservicecenterinourarea 2 There manyoldpeoplelivinghere 3 thereabanknearhere 4 thereanynearhere 5 Howmanyfloors thereinyourbuilding Thereis are II is are Is Are are ReadingTime 1 Manypeoplearemovingtothecountrysidefromcities 2 Thetrafficinthecountrysideisheavy 3 Thecountrysideisnoisy 4 Thecostoflivingincitiesisveryhigh 5 Fewpeoplelikelivinginhouseswithbigyards F F T F F Read2aandthenmarkTrue T orFalse F countryside city City Countryside Read2aandlistthekeywordsorphrases large interesting noisy heavytraffic freshair quietlife WritingTime Summary 1 Recitetheexpressionsofthissection 2 FinishtheexerciseofSectionD 3 PreviewSectionAofTopic3 Homework Thankyou

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