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人教版2019年九年级中考一模(上学期期末)英语试题(不含听力材料)B卷一、单选题1 . Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the nearest post office?_ Im a stranger myselfAIt doesnt matterBYou are welcomeCSorry, I have no ideaDThank you very much2 . What bad weather! Its raining heavily!_! We cannot go climbing today.APerfectBBad luckCWhat a surpriseDSorry3 . - Shall I buy a cup of tea for you? -_.ANo, you wontBNo, you arentCNo, please dontDNo, please4 . AchildBschoolCchairDchat5 . -Frank, can you help me carry the big box to my office?-_AWith pleasure!BYoure welcome!CIt could be better!DNever mind!6 . Where is your mother? She is cooking dinner in the _.AkitchenBbedroomCbathroom7 . By the way, where is Li Lei? He _ swimming.Ahas beenBhas been toChas goneDhas gone to8 . _ helpless the poor little girl is after she lost both her parents in the ca accident!AHowBWhatCWhat aDWhat an9 . Nelly is very shy and quiet, so she has friends.AfewBlittleCa few10 . What were you doing at this time yesterday?We _ in the classroom.AreadBwere readingCare readingDwas reading11 . Could you tell me how to pay for the food by QR(二维码) on the smart phone?ATake it easy.BIt doesnt matter.CYoure welcome.DSure, Id love to.12 . _.P-U-R-P-L-ABWhats this?CSpell it, please.DWhat color is it?13 . He studies English as _ as his brother.AhardBhardlyCharderDhardest14 . It takes my brother forty minuteshis homework every evening.AfinishingBto finishCfinishesDfinish15 . We will have a party _ the evening of New Years Day.AinBonCatDof16 . The school music festival next Monday.Awas heldBheldCwill be held17 . My son _ up yet because he _ to bed very late last night.Ahasnt got; has goneBdidnt get; has goneCdoesnt get; wentDhasnt got; went18 . The government should give children in poor families lots of .AsupportingBsupportsCsupportDsupportings19 . Ladies and gentlemen, attention, please. The plane will _ in ten minutes.Aset upBtake upCset outDtake off20 . The light show in Changfeng Business District is_ , and everyone enjoys it a lot.AboringBinterestingCtiring21 . Using different memorizing methods can enable you to remember things .AwiseBcorrectCeasilyDfaithfully22 . _Mike good _chess?AIs;atBIs;forCDoes;inDIs;with23 . -What time do you usually get up ?-_.AIts eight thirty.BAt eight thirty.CThis is eight thirty.DThats eight thirty.24 . Tom won a car in prize-giving sales. What a(n)man!ApoliteBunusualCseriousDlucky25 . Do you mind me your computer?Not at all.AusingBuseCto useDto using26 . What do you want for dinner tonight?We will have whatever you wantAIts up to youBHelp yourselfCNever mindDYou neednt worry27 . Tom wants to try climbing the mountain again even though he _twice already.AfailedBhas failedCfailsDhad failed28 . -Im always feeling stressed out before a big exam.-_.You can go out for a walk or listen to some light music.ATake it easyBMake a decisionCWork it out二、完型填空通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。Welcome to Grand Canyon National Park! The Grand Canyon is famous as a wonder of the natural world, and it _is. Here are some tips for enjoying the Grand Canyon. _ on the paths. Dont stand on the edge of the cliff (悬崖) for a better _. We saw people doing this! Dont run around in dangerous areas. Bring eno_. The Grand Canyon has a very dry climate, especially in summer. You will drink _than you can possibly imagine.Wear the right shoes._ youre going to walk any distance on the Rim Trail, youd better wear closed-toe (不露趾的) shoes.Weather. During July and August, storms can _.The South Rim is open all year round, and in winter and early spring, bring more clothes to stay _.Dont feed the animals. Some animals here are really lovely and they are not _humans (人类), but dont feed them. Some animals can bite if you get too close. Human food is bad for many of the animals._may die! So let the animals feed themselves.29 . AhardlyBalreadyCreallyDalmost30 . AJumpBStayCWorkDDance31 . AlifeBreasonClookDtrip32 . AwaterBfoodCclothesDmoney33 . Amore carefullyBmoreCmore slowlyDbetter34 . AAlthoughBSoCBecauseDIf35 . Acome upBtake offCgo awayDlook out36 . AawakeBwarmChappyDsafe37 . Aafraid ofBinterested inCangry withDproud of38 . AYouBItCWeDThey三、阅读单选Emily and Alex were happy when their family moved to a house with a very big garden. They could climb up trees, grow flowers and even play badminton. They liked to watch the birds flying among the trees in the garden. They even started to put food out to attract more birds.Everything was fine for a few days until one afternoon there was a strange bumping noise on a window. Emily went outside and found a small bird dead on the grass. Its neck seemed to be broken.“It must have flown into the window,” Alex said when his sister Emily called him to have a look. “Ah, yes, look here. You can see the mark where it hit the window. There are a couple of tiny feathers stuck(粘贴) on the window.”“Poor thing!” Emily said.During the next month, five more birds died in the same way. “Why would they fly to the windows?” they wondered. Finally they found out the truth. When the birds were flying, they couldnt see into the rooms. All they saw was the reflection(反射) of the garden. They thought that they were flying into trees because they saw trees reflected by the window.“Something has to be done to save the birds.” the parents decided.At first, he family tried keeping curtains(窗帘)across the windows, but this made the room dark. Then they bought some strong black paper and cut out the shape of ahawk. They made six hawks one for each window. They stuck the hawks to the windows. They looked pretty and did not keep out much light. When the birds saw the hawks, they would fly away.After that, there were no more dead birds. The family were much happier.39 . They put food out to attract birds because they.Ahad a special garden for birdsBwanted to see more birds flying in the gardenChad too much bird food to feed the birdsDwanted to catch some birds in the garden40 . birds died in the garden.A4B5C6D741 . The birds flew to the windows because they.Afound the windows very cleanBfought for more foodCthought there were more trees aheadDwanted to go into the room42 . The underlined word “hawk” means.A鹰B丛林C山脉D燕子43 . The story is mainly about.Awhy the birds died in the gardenBthe family were good at paper-cuttingCthe family had a very big new houseDhow the family saved the birds in the garden四、听录音写单词或短语44 . One Englishmans teenage daughter has _ on shelves in her bedroom.45 . A doctor collects _equipment which were used before modern technology improved.46 . The tubes a dentist has collected are put into groups _where they come from.47 . A lady in China has _pencil sharpeners from all around the world.48 . Some of the weird collections are _in the Guinness Book of World Records.五、听对话给图片排序Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)A B C D E F G H 49 . _50 . _51 . _52 . _53 . _54 . _六、听短文判断55 . The writer disliked his English class very much because of his bad dream.56 . The writer used to feel afraid and said nothing in the English class.57 . The exciting and funny film called Toy Story attracted the writer a lot.58 . Watching characters body language helps the writer understand the film better.59 . The writer improved his pronunciation by listening to the wonderful English music in movies.60 . The writer learned the sentence “Its a piece of cake” from his English lesson.七、句型转换61 . This is her brother.(改为复数句)_her_.62 . Those are my books.(改为单数句)_my_.63 . Is he your grandfather?(作肯定回答)_, _.64 . These are my friends.(改为一般疑问句)_?65 . Shes my sister(对画线部分提问)_she?八、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。(每空限填一个单词)66 . For male adults, there are bills to pay, _ (stomach) to feed, families to support every day.67 . The terrible disease harmed Nancy and left her _ (able) to study or work.68 . _ (Canada) English is music to my ears, not like American English.69 . Good training will give a beginner the (confident) to enjoy skiing.70 . I said you should not just play the games which waste your time, _ (opposite), you should struggle for yourself.九、用单词的正确形式完成短文(二)用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,使文章意思通顺、完整。our, and, an, earth, call, for, many, that, example, flyUFO stands 71 . unidentified flying object. It is a general term for anything seen in the sky 72 . cannot be explained or identified. After World War II, there were many reports of mysterious “flying saucers”. They are 73 . flying saucers because the 74 . common shapes described are platelike. For quite 75 . long time, strange shapes had been reported in different parts of the world. Pictures and films were taken of flying saucers of UFOs seen in the sky. Some pilots of planes reported that round flying machines once followed them 76 . moved at great speed. Some unofficial experts and newspapers suggested that some creatures from other planets were watching us. Some people said a UFO had landed the 77 . . A space creature got out of the UFO, walked around, and then 78 . off again. There is much disagreement about whether UFOs are really alien spaceships. Many UFO sightings and photographs have been proved to be mistakes or fake. For 79 . , once the picture of a UFO turned out to be a military aircraft. What lies ahead of us?We dont know, but we can be sure that whatever happens, 80 . are living in an age which will grow more interesting.从方框中选择合适的单词或短语,并用其适当形式填空call for help; save; put out; on fire; rush intoA 14-year-old boy saved an old man from a fireTony, a Grade 8 student in Sunshine Middle School became a hero because he 81 . an old man from a burning house.It was Sunday yesterday. Tony got up early and went to visit Wangcun village(村庄)for fun. On the way, he heard someone 82 . when he passed by an old house. He looked around and found out that the house was 83 . . Because few people were around him and nobody could go to help at that time, the brave boy ran towards the burning house and 84 . it. An old man was trapped(被困)in his bedroom, Tony carried the old man out on his back. Then about 20 villagers came to 85 . the fire together.十、单词填空语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(每空1个单词)A little boy sold magazines. He walked up to 86 . (冠词)old house, whose owner hardly ever came out. The boy knocked on the door and waited . As he was about to leave, the door 87 . (sudden)opened.“What do you want?” an old man asked. “Sir, I am 88 . (sell) these magazines, and I wonder if you would like to buy one.”As they were talking, the boy noticed some dog figurines(小雕像)inside the house. Then he asked the old man 89 . (连词)he collected dogs. The old man told 90 . (he) “yes” and they were all he had.The boy then 91 . (feel)sorry for the man, as he was very lonely. “Well, here, I have a magazine for collectors. And I also have one about dogs since you like dogs so much.” The old man was ready to close the door and said, “No, boy, I dont need 92 . (some)magazines, now goodbye.”Sad for the old lonely man in the big house, the next day, the boy came back93 . (介词)a little dog figurine. He knocked on the door again, and this time the old man came right to the door and 94 . (shout)angrily, “Boy, I thought I told you no magazines.”The boy handed him the figurine, and the old mans face lit up. From that day on, the old man started coming out and meeting people.This simple nice act 95 . (change)the old mans life forever.十一、回答问题Minoru Yamasaki was a well-known American architect (建筑师). He was born in 1912 in Seattle, Washington. Minoru went to college to study architecture. Every summer he worked in a fish factory to help pay for college. He slept in a room with 100 other men. Yamasaki sometimes dreamed about his work. Once he woke up at three oclock in the morning. He remembered a building that was in his dream. He got up and started to draw. He used a new design for the buildings. These buildingsare now the Century Plaza Hotel, and Tower in Los Angeles, California.Yamasaki was different from other architects. His buildings give people a feeling of peace and happiness. Many of his designs have pools of water, flowers, and windows on the roof to let in light. He wanted to give them a place away from the busy ways of modern life. Yamasaki worked for several companies. But his success began when he started his own company. In 1956, he won the Architects First Honor Award for his design of an airport in St. Louis, Missouri. He won two more awards over the next five years. In 1962, he designed the World Trade Center in New York. In 1993, a bomb exploded (炸弹爆炸) in it. But the buildings did not fall down because they had a good design. Yamasaki had strong opinions about his buildings. They had to be built his way. He refused to change the design of his buildings, even if he lost a job. Minoru Yamasaki died on Jun,2 1986. He designed more than 300 buildings. People will enjoy the design and beauty of his buildings for a very long time.96 . Yamasaki sometimes dreamed about his work, didnt he?_,_.97 . How could Yamasaki pay for his college?_.98 . How are the buildings Yamasaki designed different from the other architects?_.99 . What else can be found in many of his designs besides(除了) windows on the roof? _.100 . What made Yamasaki win the Architect First Honor Award in 1956?_.101 . In this passage, what do you think has made Yamasaki successful? List 2 factors.(要素)_.十二、话题作文102 . How I Have Changed提示:在两年多的初中生活中,你发生了很大的改变。请你结合自身实际,以How I Have Changed为题,用英语写一篇短文谈谈自己初中生活中的变化。要求:1.语言流畅、书写规范、卷面整洁,词数不少于60个;2.文中不能使用你的真实姓名和学校,否则以零分计。3.请将短文写在答题卡上。写在本试题卷上无效。第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、听录音写单词或短语1、五、听对话给图片排序1、六、听短文判断1、七、句型转换1、八、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、九、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、2、十、单词填空1、十一、回答问题1、十二、话题作文1、


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