人教版2019-2020年度八年级英语上Unit 2 Topic3同步测试卷C卷

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人教版2019-2020年度八年级上Unit 2 Topic3同步测试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . You shouldnt do everything for her. She can do by_.AherselfBhimselfCitselfDthemselves2 . Have a drink. You_be thirsty after running.AshouldBcanCwillDmust3 . Hello! May I speak to Mary? _AIm Mary. B. Mary is me. C. This is Mary speaking. D. Im speaking.4 . Watching TV helps us open our mind. _, it is also bad for our health.ABecauseBSoCAndDOn the other hand5 . Doing sports every day me very healthy.AmakesBmakeCmadeDmaking6 . What do you think of the pictures in the hallways?Well. Some of them _ nice.AseeBwatchCnoticeDlook7 . Can you me a story?AsayBspeakCtalkDtell8 . Help _ to some fish . Mrs. Smith said to the children.AyouByourselfCyourselvesDyours9 . Could you me the way to the nearest hospital?Sure.AaskBtellCtalkDspeak10 . Dad, Mom asked you when you come back. OK.Aring up herBring her upCto ring up herDto ring her up11 . Hello, Xiyuan Restaurant. -AYes, I do.BSorry.CSure.DHi! Can I speak to Mr. Lin?12 . -Excuse me.How long can I keep the book?-You canreturn it by the end of this month.Agive it awayBcome up with itCgive it backDlend it again13 . We will have a big basketball game next week, but we still need a player Why dont you _ Bryan to join the game? He is fantasticAinviteBteachCwarn14 . How should we fight the flu?We should do more and change clothes often.AexercisesBexerciseCpracticeDhomework15 . Chen Geng has a good knowledge of poems.She loves Chinese traditional poems.Aknows.very wellBreads.very wellClikes.very much16 . Can you tell me how _the train station?Aget toBarriveCto get toDto get17 . I am afraid we will miss the early bus.Dont worry. We have _ time to do it.AfewBenoughClittleDmany18 . I found a reportanimalsthe newspaper.Ain; inBon; inCin onDon on19 . Its cold outside, but itsin the room.AcoldBwarmCwindyDsunny20 . The teachers often tell us_late for class.Ato beBbeCnot to beDnot be21 . Millions of people lost their families and houses after the war _.Abroke outBwas broken outCbroke downDwas broken down22 . They didnt study hard . _,they couldnt pass this English exam .ABecause ofBBy the wayCIn order toDAs a result23 . -How manydo you need to make fruit salad?-Two should be enough.AlemonBcabbageCbananasDpotatoes24 . Whats your favourite Chinese traditional festival? Its _ .AApril Fools DayBFathers DayCChristmas DayDthe Spring Festival25 . She wants_an orangeAto eatBeatingCeatDeats二、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写26 . She _(通常) gets up at 6:30 a.m.27 . I often take a _(淋浴) before I go to bed.28 . He _(工作) in a big factory.29 . What time do you often do your _(作业)?30 . How many _(字母) are there in English?31 . What are your best _(祝愿)?32 . Their _(工作) are standing and watching at the door.33 . My friends are coming _(不久).34 . He _(听) to the teachers carefully in class.35 . My friend _(写信) to me three times a month.三、用所给单词的正确形式填空36 . Max is one of my _(good) friends.37 . Who is _ (short), Betty, May or Max?38 . Betty is _ (beautiful) than Max.39 . Max is _ (heavy) of the three.40 . Max is _ (tall) boy in his class.41 . Among the three friends, Betty sings _ (well)?四、完成句子根据句子提示,写出相应的短语完成句子42 . The children _on vacation last weekend.(去山区)43 . Yesterday morning I _.(看望我叔叔)44 . My mother asked me to _and look after my sister.(呆在家里)五、语法填空完成句子,根据句意及所给汉语提示完成下列句子。(横线不限定一个单词)Whats the most(最) important thing in the world? I think it is to be healthy. You can live 45 . (with) money, houses, cars or computers, but you wont live a happy life if you are not healthy. Then how can we 46 . healthy?First we must have healthy eating 47 . hbts. We should eat meat, vegetables, fruit and other 48 . (kind) 49 . food. Dont eat too 50 . salt or sugar. We must drink 51 . nf water every day. Whats52 . (many), wed 53 . (good) eat regularly. Dont eat too much or too littleSecond, taking 54 . ekssaz is also very important. It can help us build a strong body. If you dont like sports you can walk for half an hour after meals. Third, we should have a good sleep. Wed better go to bed early and get up early. It will keep us active for a whole day.Finally, we must stay happy all the time. 55 . a word, keeping healthy is very important. Lets take good care 56 . ourselves.六、汉译英:单词/短语翻译短语57 . 发生什么事了?_58 . 擅长于_59 . 与.不同_60 . 考试复习_61 . 过去常常_62 . 上舞蹈课_63 . 期盼_64 . (时间)逝去; 消逝_65 . 希望做_牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit 8 Integrated skills & Study skills 同步练习一、将下列短语译成英语66 . 用你的手拿起金鱼_67 . 吃特殊的鱼食_68 . 一个关于金鱼的报告_69 . 告诉我更多关于他们的事情_70 . 重达400克_71 . 灰色的毛发和白色的爪子_72 . 给她梳理毛发_73 . 玩球_74 . 容易照顾_75 . 经常喂他们_76 . 无论发生什么事情,我都会支持你上大学。No matter what happens, I will _ the university.77 . 我不反对做兼职工作。I _ having part-time jobs.78 . 有些孩子花大量时间玩电脑游戏。Some children_ much time _ computer games.79 . 她对待工作一直都很认真。She is always _ her work.80 . 太多的家庭作业妨碍了他们的业余爱好。Too much homework got_of their hobbies.一. 翻译下列短语:81 . -周摘要_82 . 被发现死了_83 . 许多采访_84 . 首席工程师_85 . 即将到来的世界杯_86 . 找到答案_87 . 在线投票_88 . 充满恐怖和神秘的色彩_89 . 发送短信至_90 . 赢得两张免费的音乐会门票_七、看图写短语或句子看图说话1.91 . afraid,_.2.92 . ask, help, now_.3. 老师告诉我们93 . tell, smoke_4.妈妈,你现在有空吗?94 . free_5.在电脑的帮助下,我按时的完成了作业。95 . with, computer, time_.6.96 . should, up_看图说话97 . if, healthy_.98 . early, rise_.八、其他情景交际99 . 做完作业,你问妈妈可以看电视吗?妈妈说去看吧,她可以这样说_.100 . 你昨晚发烧,今天去看医生,你可以这样跟医生说_.101 . 家长会,老师跟家长说必须阻止学生玩手机(cellphone),她这样表达_.102 . Jim身体素质不好,你可以这样建议他_.103 . 你感冒,身体疲惫,医生这么建议你_.情景交际104 . 医生说当你头痛时,你应该停止喝酒,他可以这么建议_.105 . 体育老师说,越锻炼身体越好,他要这么表达_.106 . 老师电话打给Tom妈妈说他花了太多时间玩手机(cellphone)游戏,可以说(spend)_(take)_107 . 老师说我们最好走路去上学而不是坐车。她要这样说_.选出与句中划线部分意义最接近的解释,并将其字母代号填入答题卷相应的空格内。108 . The boyran out ofhis money,so he had to walk to the hotel.Aran awayBgot out ofClostDused up109 . The girlis good atplaying bascketball.Ado well inBdid well inCdo good inDdoes well in110 . After try many times,we got successfulin the end.Aat presentBat firstCat lastDat least111 . All Chinese peopleraisedmoney for the people in Yunnan.AcollectedBhanded inCgotDsent112 . Im going to tell you something important.- Go ahead.We are all ears.AWe dont want to listen.BWe have ears.CWe dont mind.DWe are listening to you.四.情景交际113 . 你想知道刚才和Tom交谈的人是谁,你可以这么问Tom_114 . 朋友问你了解健康的食品吗?你说了解一些,你可以这么说_115 . 你不知道电脑什么时候诞生的,你可以这样问朋友_116 . 你问朋友是否认为电脑在日常生活中发挥了重要作用,你可以这么问_117 . 你问朋友对代替人们在危险地方工作的机器人什么看法,你可以这么问_第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、二、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、三、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、四、完成句子1、五、语法填空1、六、汉译英:单词/短语1、2、3、4、七、看图写短语或句子1、2、八、其他1、2、3、4、

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