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人教版2019-2020年度八年级上期中测试英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . A:Sorry I didnt finish my homework,Ms.Hu,but I had a high fever last night.B: AThats all right.BAre you kidding?CDont mention itDAll right.2 . What will a science museum be like if you are asked to build one?I hope it will_ like a book.AtasteBlookCsound3 . _I have said sorry to Jack several times,he still refuses to talk to me.ABecauseBIfCThoughDSince4 . (题文)Reading should be an important part of a students _ life.AbraveBdifficultCdailyDnatural5 . Passengers _ keep alert(警惕的) when we are offered the carhailing service(网约车服务)Aare allowed toBare supposed toCare not supposed to6 . This hotel us a large room.Aprovides ; forBprovides ; withCoffers ; to7 . Your new coat is so cool! When did you buy it? In March. I _ it for one month.Ahave hadBhadChave boughtDbought8 . we re not sure if ittomorrow. If it, we wont climb the South Hill.Awill snow; snowsBwill snow; will snowCsnows; will snow9 . Tom has lost lots of _ in the past few months.AweighBweighsCweightDweighed10 . The bus waswith people and I could hardlyit.Acrowded, get onBcrowded, get inCfull, get onDfull, get in11 . At present, children mean_ to most parents in China.AeverythingBnothingCanythingDsomething12 . _are you?Im 12 .AWhat classBHow manyCHow oldDWhat13 . Susan was ill. The doctor gave her someand asked her to take it twice a day.AinformationBticketsCbooksDmedicine14 . _your help, we can finish the task in time.AThanks toBThanks forCThank15 . A _ man rushed into the house on fire and saved a baby.AsoftBbraveChonestDweak16 . Happy birthday to you!.AHappy birthday to you, too.BThank youCYoure welcomeDExcuse me17 . The roar he gave was so _ that our blood turned to ice.AfrightenedBfrighteningCexcitedDexciting18 . Jim is not as _ as his best friend Frank, but he works _ than him.Asmarter, harderBsmart, more hardlyCsmartest, hardDsmart, harder19 . The teachers in that school speak either English or French, or even_ ?Thats so cool.AbothBallCneitherDnone20 . Tom, I didnt see you yesterday. Why were you _?Sorry, I had a stomachache. I had to stay in bed.AwrongBabsentCpatient二、阅读单选John is five years old now. He is a good boy. He is very clever and can read very well. But he cant tell the right time by clock. He doesnt say eight oclock in the morning, twelve oclock or four oclock in the afternoon. He always says breakfast time for eight oclock, lunch time for twelve oclock and tea-time for four oclock in the afternoon. His mother wants to teach him to know the time by clock.Can you count, John? his mother asks him. Yes. Let me count for you. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, and twelve. Thats good, John. Now let me tell you to say the time. Now, look! I put the long hand on twelve and the short hand on one. That is one oclock. If I put the short on two, thats two oclock. Do you know?Yes, I do. John tells his mother. Good. If I put the short hand on four, whats that? his mother asks and really puts the short one on four. Tea-time, Mum. And I am hungry.21 . We know John is achild from the passage.AbadBgoodCpoliteDpoor22 . The first paragraph(段落) mainly tells us.AJohn cant tell timeBJohn is not a good boyCJohn cant say any wordsDJohn wants to learn some words23 . Which of the following is right?AJohn is a six-year-old boy.BHe always says lunch time for eleven oclock.CJohns mother doesnt want to teach him to know the time by clock.DAt last John can tell the right time by clock.24 . Which of the following is the main idea of this passage?AJohn cant count numbers.BJohn likes tea-time.CIts not easy for John to tell time.DJohns mother cant teach.Diaoyu Dao and its affiliated(附属的)islands,which consist of(由组成)Diaoyu Dao,Huangwei Yu,Chiwei Yu,Nanxiao Dao,Beixiao Dao,Nan Yu,Bei Yu,Fei Yu and other islands,are in the northeast of Chinas Taiwan Island,in the waters between 12320-12440E(东经)and 2540-2600N(北纬).They belong to the Taiwan Island. The total area of these islands is about 5.69 square kilometers.Diaoyu Dao,in the western tip of the area,covers an area of about 3.91 square kilometers and is the largest island in the area. The highest part on the island stands 362 meters above the sea level. Huangwei Yu,which is about 27 kilometers to the northeast of Diaoyu Dao,is the second largest island in the area,with a total area of about 0.91 square kilometers and a highest height of 117 meters. Chiwei Yu,about 110 kilometers to the northeast of Diaoyu Dao,is the easternmost island in the area. It covers an area of about 0.065 square kilometers and stands 75 meters above the sea level.Ancient ancestors(远古祖先)in China first discovered and named Diaoyu Dao through their fishing activities on the sea. In Chinas historical books,Diaoyu Dao is also called Diaoyu Yu or Diaoyu Tai. The earliest historical record of the names of Diaoyu Dao,Chiwei Yu and other places can be found in the book Voyage with a Tail Wind published in 1403.It shows that China had already discovered and named Diaoyu Dao by the 14th and 15th centuries.These historical reports clearly show that Diaoyu Dao and Chiwei Yu belong to China. The sea waters around Diaoyu Dao is traditionally(传统地)Chinese fishing ground. Chinese fishermen have been involved in fishing activities in these waters for generations(世代).25 . Where is Diaoyu Dao?AIn the north of China.B2540-2600CDIn the northeast of Taiwan Island.E12320-12440N.26 . The largest island of Diaoyu Dao is _square kilometers.A5.69B3.91C0.91D0.06527 . The largest island of Diaoyu Dao is _ taller than the second largest one.A75metersB117 metersC245metersD362 meters28 . How did ancient Chinese people find Diaoyu Island?AThey grew up there.BThey wrote historical books there.CThey worked and fished on the sea there.DThey drank water there.29 . Which of the following is NOT true?ADiaoyu Dao has more than 8 islands.BHuangwei Yu is about 110 kilometers to the northeast of Diaoyu Dao.CChina had already named Diaoyu Dao by the 14th and 15th centuries.DThe sea waters around Diaoyu Dao is traditionally Chinese fishing ground.Holland(荷兰)is the magical land of tulips(郁金香) and windmills(风车). The tulips bloom(开花) from March until May. Holland is famous as the largest flower selling country in the world. The windmills, however, are important for the people of Holland.KeukenhofKeukenhof is the most famous and largest flower park in the world. Will you visit Holland in spring? Then be sure to visit Keukenhof, you will see the beautiful Holland tulips and other famous flowers in Holland.Single BloemenmarketRain or shine, this famous floating(漂浮的)flowers market in Amsterdam is filled with colorful fresh flowers from Monday to Sunday. Though the best months are in March, April or May, the floating flowed market is a great place to find tulips at any time of the year.Schiedam Schiedam is the best choice if you want to see the largest windmills in the world. With heights up to 33 meters, they are hard to miss.Zaanse SchansZannse Schans is also a good place you should visit. About 250 years ago, over 600 windmills formed the first industrial area in the world. It produces paint, paper and so on. Today its an open-air conservation area(自然保护区) and museum, which interests thousands of visitors each year.30 . Holland is _ selling country in the world.Athe largest flowerBthe largest windmillsCthe smallest flowerDthe smallest windmills31 . If you visit Keukenhof in spring, you can enjoy _.Atulips and other flowersBtulips and some windmillsCdifferent kinds of plantsDplants and some windmills32 . You can see tulips _ in the floating flower market.Aevery month except MarchBat any time of the yearConly in March, April or MayDfrom Monday to Saturday33 . The largest windmills in the world lie in _.AAmsterdamBZaanse SchansCSchiedamDKeukenhof34 . From the last paragraph, we know Zaanse Schans _.Ahas few visitors each yearBis an animal conservation areaCdoesnt have any windmillsDis a good place to see windmills三、阅读判断Lion showDay: SundayTime: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pmPlace: Lions HomeTicket(票):¥20Elephant showDay: SaturdayTime: 8:00 am - 9:30 amPlace: Elephants HomeTicket:¥30Monkey showDay: SaturdayTime: 10:30am - 11:00 amPlace: Monkeys HomeTicket:¥10请根据表格的信息,判断正(T)误(F)。35 . You cant see the Lion Show on Sunday.36 . You can see the elephant show and the monkey show on the same day.37 . You can see the elephant show at ten oclock on Saturday.38 . You can see the monkey show for two hours(小时)39 . Two students want to see the elephant show. They have to pay(支付) 60 yuan四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。40 . My two sisters usually _ (乘地铁) to school .41 . _ (多远) is it from your home to school ? About 20 minutes walk .42 . Anna often goes to school _ (乘火车) .43 . I think it _ (取决于) the weather .44 . Dont _(担心)about your son . I can help to look after him.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子(A)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每个单词限用一次。45 . Everyone must obey the traffic _, or you may be fined.46 . His mother _ him for his rude words yesterday.47 . She is going to have an _of her paintings.48 . The rabbits _ is very short.49 . Why not go to fly kites, _?六、用单词的正确形式完成短文三、用所给词的适当形式填空,每词只能用一次,有两个多余词。clean club well interesting meet story musician drwam much boring take makeclean club well interesting meet story musician drwam much boring take makeHi, my name is Lisa. Im a middle school student in New York City. There are many50 . in our school. I can play the piano, so I join the 51 . club. I go there on Thursday afternoon. I make 52 . friends there. I also join the pizza (披萨) club. It is a new club in our school and it is really 53 . . Every Wednesday, we54 . in an Italian restaurant (饭店) after school. Miss. Rossi teaches us 55 . pizza. She is Italian, and she can speak English very well. She is 56 . with us. She always tells us 57 . about pizza. We all like her very much.When we go to the club, we need 58 . a big T-shirt and a hat with us. We must keep (保持) 59 . when we make pizza. If you like it, come and join us.七、多任务混合问题阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容完成句子。What is the most important(最重要的)part of the body?A five-year-old girl says, The mouth is the most important. I can eat much good food with my mouth.”A student in Grade Seven says, I think eyes are the most important. We cant see anything without them. Ears are the most important. Sound is very important to me, a deaf(聋的)boy says. Jim, a Canadian boy, says, I want to be a long-runner(长跑运动员). So I think legs are the most important.”A mother shakes her head and says, My dear,the most important is your shoulder. Because it can hold(支撑) the head of a friend when he is sad. In life everyone needs a shoulder to live on.Then I know the most important part is the heart. A heart can help everyone.60 . The five-year-old girl thinks her _ is important.61 . _are the most important to a deaf boy.62 . A student in_thinks eyes are the most important thing.63 . _ is the most important part of the body to a mother64 . 从文中找出“心脏能够帮助每个人”的原文。_阅读下面发表在博客中的短文,根据短文内容,在短文后4650小题给出的横线上填入恰当的词语。每空词数不限。ProblemsABCMy problem is my parents. They never stop going on about how I should keep my room tidy, keep my hair tidy and wear smart clothes. They even make me do the washingup after dinner every night!None of my friends have got such terrible parents. What should I do?HelenMy best friend has suddenly turned _her_ back _on _me and I dont know why!Last week we phoned each other every day and emailed too, and over the weekend we went shopping together and she was fine. But at school on Monday morning she didnt look at me or speak to me. I dont know what Ive done. She now spends all her time with another group of friends.JaneI have a really bad habit of chewing (嚼) the ends of my hair. I try to stop, but I cant!My mom is starting to get really angry about it. Have you got any ideas?GinaAdviceHi _,Why should your parents do all the washingup?You should help around the houseits only fair. I dont think you should change your looks though. Young people should look like young people.Hi_,Wearing your hair pulled back in a ponytail (马尾辫) will help keep it out of your mouth. When you feel like chewing something, try bubble gum (泡泡糖)Give yourself time and you should be able to break this habit. The first few days are usually the hardest. Good luck!Hi _,Dont worry about it so much!Phone your friend up as usual and she wont be able to refuse you. I am sure you will get along well with each other. Everything will be fine.65 . 根据所读内容将Helen, Jane, Gina 三个名字分别填入相应的横线上。(共3分,每空1分) _66 . The three girls wrote to ask for _.(1分)67 . The underlined words“turned_her_back_on_me”means“_”in Chinese.(2分)68 . It is clear that Helen is not _ with her parents.(2分)69 . According to the advice, Jane should _ her friend as usual.(2分)八、话题作文70 . 相互学习是一种好态度、好习惯,也是我们共同进步的好方法。请以“Learn from each other”为题,写一篇英语短文,分享你与他人互相学习的经历和感受。要求:1.短文中请勿使用真实姓名、地名或所在学校的名称;2词数70左右。第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、阅读单选1、2、3、三、阅读判断1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、多任务混合问题1、2、八、话题作文1、

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