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人教版2019-2020年度七年级上期中英语试卷(带解析)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . When I showed up in the street, a couple of young men immediately(立即)ran of me, asking for money or food.AeitherBneitherCbothDevery2 . Will you please computer games now?Anot play Bnot to playCdont play Dnot playing3 . Is his phone number 320-9986?_. Its 303-996.AYes, he is.BNo, he isnt.CYes, it is.DNo, it isnt4 . 一Do you have_ lunch at home?Yes, I do.AaB/Cthe5 . These days, it is not easy for _ to fall asleep at night.AIBmeCmyDmine6 . Its not my blouse. It may be _.Asomeone elseBsomeone elsesCelse someoneDsomeones else7 . Do you have a car ?-No, I.AdontBdoesntCam not8 . American First Lady Michelle Obama arrived _ China _the afternoon of March 20, 2014.Aon, onBin, inCin, onDat, in9 . -Does she like her school?-Yes,_.Ashe isBshe isntCshe doesDshe doesnt10 . - _ Mr. Smith will be late for the meeting, I think.-I dont think so. Hes never late for any meeting, so he will _ get here on time.APerhaps; certainlyBWhenever; hardlyCWhenever; certainlyDPerhaps; hardly11 . Lin Fei is here, _ boys are playing on the playground.Athe othersBthe otherCothersDanother12 . There are a lot of trees on _ sides of Century Avenue in Pudong.AeitherBallCbothDneither13 . Whats this _ English? Its _ apple.Ain; theBof ;anCin;an14 . How about going hiking this weekend?Sorry. I prefer _ rather than _.Astaying at home, go outBgoing out; staying at homeCto go out, stay at homeDto stay at home, go out15 . Please stop smoking. Look at the sign. Oh ,sorry. Isee it.AdontBwontCwasntDdidnt16 . -Is this your basketball?- _.AYes, its.BNo, its not.CYes, it is.DNo, it is.17 . Did your parents go to climb Mount. Tai last Sunday?No, they _went to a movie.AbothBallCeitherDeach18 . Liu Sanzi is _ eight-year-old boy from village.AaBanCtheD/19 . -Are you Sally ? _AYes, ImBNo, I amCYes, I am20 . -Congretulations to you for your success!-Thank you!your help, I cant make it.AWithBWithoutCBecause ofDThanks to21 . Sandys hair is a little _ than _.Along, Amy Blonger, AmysClong, AmysDlonger, Amy22 . My dog is very gentle. He is my good friend.I think so. Hed never bark _ bite.Athen BbutCandDor23 . _ that your cousin Mike Smith?Yes. And those _ my grandparents.AAre; isBIs; isCIs; areDAre; are24 . Who isman in the picture?He isold friend of mine.Aa; anBthe; aCthe; anDa; an25 . Does Tom play baseball every day?_. He cant play baseball.AYes, he doesBNo, he doesntCYes, he isDNo, he isnt二、完型填空Joe wants a computer. He asks his parents for the money but they say he must get it himself. But how does he get it? He_about this when he walks home. Not many people want to ask children to work for them. Maybe he can take away snow for the neighbors. But it is not_He has to_for a long time for that. He can t cut grass for their gardens_he has no tools(工具) to do the work. Then he_one of his classmates, Dick. He is delivering(送)_“I can do that”, he thinks, “Maybe I can even get the computer right away. I can_for it a little each week”. He_to catch up with(追赶) Dick. Joe asks him a lot of questions. He learns that it is_to get twenty-five dollars each week. Dick knows that the_takes about three hours each week. Dick_him the phone number of the newspaper manager.Joe almost flies home. After he tells his mother_he thinks, she_I think it is a_idea, she says. Ill call the newspaper.Wait, Mum, Joe says, Ill call. After that, I m going to be a businessman now. Joes mother smiles_26 . AsaysBtellsCthinksDspeaks27 . AspringBsummerCautumnDwinter28 . AwalkBwaitCspendDwant29 . AbecauseBwhenCwhileDafter30 . AlooksBseesChelpsDcatches31 . AnewspapersBbikesCcomputersDtools32 . AtakeBspendCcostDpay33 . AreturnsBcomesCrunsDjumps34 . AfriendlyBkindCeasyDwrong35 . AworksBjobsCphoneDjob36 . AteachesBgivesCmakesDasks37 . AthatBwhenCwhatDwhere38 . AsmilesBshoutsCcriesDworries39 . AbigBlargeCgreatDbad40 . AsadlyBhappilyCpolitelyDangrily三、阅读单选How much do you know about American schools?There are two terms(学期)in a school year in American schools. Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school.High school students take four or five subjects(科目)each term. They usually go to school every day except(除了)Saturday and Sunday. All of them have lunch in the school dining hall. They have homework for every class. After school, they often do some sports with their friends. What about your school?41 . How many terms in a school year in American schools?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.42 . Where do they have lunch?AAt home.BAt school.CIn the office.DIn the classroom.43 . How many days do the students in American go to school?AfourBfiveCsixDseven44 . After school, they oftenwith their friends.Asing and danceBread booksClisten to musicDplay footballWhen I arrived in the US, I felt very sad because life in the US was different from life in my country. My first day of school was at Takoma Park Middle School in March last year. I was very nervous in that morning and I didnt want to get up. When I went to my first class, I didnt know what to do because I didnt know what the teacher said. But there were many people who spoke the same language as me, while some of them were laughing at me, because they came before me and they understood the language better than me.But there were three girls who helped me. Their names are Maryori, Jezabel and Beverly. As the days passed, I had some new friends and Beverly became my best friend. She always helped me with my study.Three months later, the school year ended and I had to come to Blair High School. On my first day of school at Blair, I felt it was different from my first day in middle school because it was a beginning of a new school year and there were many new students. I felt better because I knew that I wasnt the only new student.That day I met new friends. For some of them it was their first time at school in the US, so I tried to help them because I knew how new students feel when they go to a new school.45 . How did the writer feel when he went to school on the first day in the US?AA little moved.BA little afraid.CVery nervous.DVery excited.46 . The writer didnt know what to do in his class because .Ahe didnt understand the teachers wordsBhe couldnt see the blackboard clearlyCno one spoke the same language as him and couldnt help himDno one noticed him and told him what he should do47 . Three good girls gave a helping hand to him when he was.Ain his own countryBin Takoma Park Middle SchoolCin Blair High SchoolDlaughed at by some teachers48 . When the writer came to another new school, he felt better because.Ahe knew the language better than beforeBhe knew the customs better than before.Che had more friends than beforeDhe knew he wasnt the only new student49 . Why did the write try to help his new classmates?ABecause they came from the same country.BBecause he knew how new students feel when they go to a new school.CBecause he wanted to set a good example to others.DBecause the teachers asked him to do.In the picture, we can see a lovely girl. Her name is Johnson. Could you see something different of the girl in the picture? She is from South Carolina. But, she had no feet and fingers when she came to this world.It was two weeks ago when a man called me about a little dog, he said one of the little dogs front paw is missing, said Johnsons mother. He wanted the dog to grow up with a child, and the child also has something wrong with his or her body. After giving Johnson a photo of the little dog, the little girl loved the dog right away. Johnson found that he was missing a paw as soon as she saw him. And she said, “He has a foot like my foot.” The man named the dog Lt. Dan, after the film Forrest Gump, Forrest Gump lost both his legs, but he never gave up. Johnson and Lt. Dan went home together on Monday. He follows her everywhere she goes, said Johnsons mother. We always want Johnson to know that being different is not bad, People, even animals, no one is the same. I think its good for her to see that.50 . Johnson was born without _.A. fingers B. feet C. fingers and feet51 . From the passage we can know the little dogs _.A. left front paw is missingB. right front paw is missingC. right back paw is missing52 . Whats the name of the little dog according to the passage?A. Forrest Gump B. Lt. Dan C. Johnson53 . Which is true according to the passage?A. Johnson lost her feet and fingers in an accident.B. Forrest Gump gave Lt. Dan to Johnson.C. Lt. Dan loves to play with Johnson very much.54 . The underlined word “He” refers to _ in the passage.A. the man B. Forrest Gump C. Lt. Dan“Mr. Mott often forgets important meetings. The robot will go after him all the time. It listens to everything he says. It sees everything he does. At night, it watches him sleep. It knows everything about Mr. Mott”It sounds like a wonderful idea, doesnt it? But Im afraid that Mr. Mott will not get on well with the robot, because everyone has something he doesnt want others know. It is privacy. Just imagine that there is a video camera around you all day. How do you feel? When you are taking an exam, a teacher sits in front of you and watches you all the time. How do you feel?Mr. Mott doesnt lose all his memory. At least he remembers that he always forgets. So why cant he do something for this HIMSELF? He can keep a notebook with him, like most people do. In the notebook he can write down the things he should do, the persons he should meet and the places he should go. Isnt the notebook much cheaper and safer than the robot?55 . “It” in the first paragraph(段落) refers to_.AMr. MottBMrs. MottCthe robotDa video camera56 . Why does the writer think Mr. Mott will not always get on well with the robot?ABecause it is invented by others.BBecause it can talk with Mr. Mott.CBecause it can remind(提示;提醒) Mr. Mott of something he forgets.DBecause it knows something Mr. Mott doesnt want others know.57 . The underlined word “privacy” means _in Chinese.A提供B丧失C特权D隐私58 . Mr. Mott is_.AhandsomeBforgetfulCa scientistDkind and friendly59 . From this passage we know that the writer_.Adoesnt like the robot to follow Mr.Mott all day.Bthinks it is a good idea to have a robot like Mr Motts.CIf we always forget something important,we should have a robot.DA notebook is cheaper than a robot but a robot is better than a notebook.四、句型转换句型转换60 . Many people were in the park last Sunday.(改为同义句)_ many people in the park last Sunday.61 . There were some people in the park.(改为否定句)There _ people in the park.62 . I was born in the countryside in1990.(对画线部分提问)_ you _?63 . Lily and Tom were Daming s first friends.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_ Lily and Tom Daming s first friends? No, _ .64 . There were 3 rooms in the old house.(对画线部分提问)_ there in the old house?五、填写适当的单词补全句子根据首字母提示,用适当的词填空,每空一词。65 . -How are you? -Im fine, t_.66 . E_ me, where is No.2 Middle School?67 . He is my father. She is my mother. They are my p_.68 . Look at the c_ on the wall. What time(时间) is it?69 . He is my u_, my mothers brother.70 . 请你根据内容和所给中文,写出空白处各单词的正确形式,将其补全完整,每空限填一词。(10分)Ive never been _【小题1】_(迟到)for school , but yesterday I came very close . My alarm clock didnt go off ,and by the time I _【小题2】_(醒,醒来)up, my father had already gone into the _【小题3】_(浴室)and I had to wait for him to come out . I had to really _【小题4】_(冲奔). I took a quick shower ,had some _【小题5】_(早餐),and the ran off to the bus stop ,Unfortunately ,by the time I got there ,the bus had already _【小题6】_(离开), I started _【小题7】_(走,散步) ,but I knew I couldnt get to school on time ._【小题8】_(幸运地), My friend Tony and his dad came by in his dads car and they give me a _【小题9】_(搭载),when I got to school ,the final bell was ringing . I only _【小题10】_(刚好,恰好)made it to my class.六、汉译英:单词/短语I have a 71 . (美妙的)plan for this weekend.On Saturday morning, I plan to see the 72 . (牙医). Because there is something wrong with my teeth. Then Im planning to listen to the news to get some 73 . (信息). This can make my grades better and better. In the afternoon, Im going to Wanda movie 74 . (剧院) to see a comedy. I like comedies very much.On Sunday morning, I plan to finish my homework. Then I will have an art lesson. I like painting. It makes people 75 . (有创造力的).七、材料作文76 . 书面表达(10分)假如你是Tony Green,请根据下列信息介绍一下自己及自己的房间物品的摆设。要求:短文要包含所给信息,可以适当发挥,字数40词左右。Name:Tony Green Age:13 phone number: 621-89431.我的书包在课桌上;我的棒球在我椅子下;我的一些钥匙在沙发上;我的铅笔在床上。Hello,Im._第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、句型转换1、五、填写适当的单词补全句子1、2、六、汉译英:单词/短语1、七、材料作文1、

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