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人教版2019-2020年度七年级上学期期中英语试卷(带解析)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Did you _ to play the piano on weekends? Yes, I did. But now I only play it on Sunday night.AusedBis usedCbe usedDuse2 . _you _ the film before ? Where _ you _ it ?AHave seendidseeBDid seedidwatchCHaveseenhaveseenDDid seehaveseen3 . Thanks _your help.-Youre welcome.AforBinConDat4 . All my classes finish530.AatBinCon5 . Do you think there will be robots in school? .AYes, I do.BNo I dont.CYes, there will.DNo, there dont.6 . I like _. They are healthy food.AtomatoBfishCtomatoes7 . How do you study English?_ listening to tapes.AInBByCForDWith8 . -Do you know where Mr.Zhou is ?-_,I dont know.AExcuseBNoCSorryDnot9 . Excuse _,could tell me _ name ?AI, herBme , herCme , hersDI , mine10 . As we all know a policeman always works in a _.ABCD11 . Hi, Andy. Nice to meet you. Hi, Jill. _.AThats OKBYoure welcomeCThank youDNice to meet you too12 . You are nice in this dress._AIts right.BNo, it isnt.CThank you.DOK.13 . (2013上海)Perhaps the famous football star wont play_football any longerAaBanCtheD14 . The terrible earthquake hit Japan _ the afternoon _ March 11th.Aon; ofBon; onCin; ofDin; in15 . I will come back in three _ time.AdayBdaysCdaysDdays16 . Is thisEnglish book?AaByourCIDyou17 . Please give this letter. Its .AI; mineBhim; hisCMaria; herDyou; your18 . This piece of music is worth _.Ato listenBto listen toClisteningDlistening to19 . _you _the football match yesterday?Yes, I did . It was great.ADid;seeBHave;seenCWill ;seeDwere; seen20 . -Lets play soccer.-_.AThats a TV.BWe are fine, thanksCYes, we areDThat sounds good21 . Is this your brother?_.AYes, it isnt.BYes, he isCNo, it isntDNo, he isnt22 . Have you read _ in todays newspaper?Yes, its about H1N1.Aanything importantBimportant somethingCimportant anythingDsome important23 . 一Whats your best friend like?一He .Alikes playing computer gamesBis like tall and thinCis a policemanDis generous and cheerful24 . Miss Fang is _art teacher. _is a good teacher.Athe; HerBmy; HeCa; SheDan; She25 . -Does your brother want to be an engineer when he grows up?-Sure.He every day .Atakes acting lessonBpractices basketballCkeep writing storiesDstudies math really hard26 . _ he speak English? Yes, he does.ADoBDoesCIsDAre27 . Are the keys yellow?.AYes, it isBNo, they arentCYes, she is28 . Is her name Kate?_AYes, she is.BNo, she isnt.CYes, its.DNo, it isnt.29 . -How are you?-_.AI am Lily.BI am OK.CI am_1_DI am at home二、完型填空Hello, everyone. My name is Dale and Im from England. Now I want to tell you about myself and my school life.My _ name is Green. I am thirteen years old. My birthday is _ May 1st, Labors Day. Now, Im a middle school student in Chongqing. I go to school five days a week, from Monday to Friday. I have many different _ this term. What do I like best? Its science for sure! _ do I like it? Because science is _ and it can help me in the everyday life. My science teacher Mr. Smith is great fun and _ classes are very interesting. I have science on Monday and Wednesday. P. E. is on Tuesday and Thursday. I am good at playing basketball, _ I am in the Sports Club, too.Travis is my good friend and I _ him with his science. We like Thursday because we can go to the Sports Club on that day. On Sundays, we _ go to old peoples home. After that, we play basketball. Travis and I want to make friends in China. Do you like us? If you _, please come and be our friends!30 . AfirstBgivenCfamilyDfull31 . AonBinCatDfor32 . AsubjectsBclassesClessonsDsports33 . AWhatBWhoCHowDWhy34 . AbusyBdifficultCusefulDrelaxing35 . AherBhisCtheirDour36 . AbutBandCbecauseDor37 . AmeetBhelpCaskDplay38 . AreallyBalwaysCthenDonly39 . AlikeBareCdoesDdo三、阅读单选Welcome to the zooCome and meet the Indian(印度的) elephants and the new tigers from America. The bears are waiting to meet you, and the monkeys from China are waiting to throw things at you. The lovely dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you. The giraffes from Zambia are waiting to look down on you.TicketsOpening timeAdults:2.00Children:1.00Under 12: Free9:00a.m-4:00p.m.except Friday,10:00a.m-3:00p.m.Keep the zoo clean!Do not touch, give food to or go near the animals.40 . Now Mr. Smith is in the zoo with his two sons, one aged 14 and the other 10. How much are the tickets in all?A4.00B2.00C3.00D1.0041 . Which of the following is a visiting time?A8:30 a.m. Monday.B9:30 a.m. Friday.C5:00 p.m. Tuesday.D2:00 p.m. Sunday.42 . From the passage we can guess the animal “giraffe” must be very _.AfatBlongCtallDstrongMay is National Bike Month. a month-long event trying to get couch potatoes outside, cars off the roads and subway trains empty. It encourages everyone to get back onto their bicycles to enjoy riding a bike an often as they can during the month (and hopefully longer). May in the beginning summer and warm weather, so why not start right away and enjoy sunshine!Ride Out to Protect the EnvironmentBike month helps everyone make their efforts to improve theenvironment. If yourebiking to school, you are helping bring down the air pollution. It is the most common form of pollution andby getting your family to stop driving and start riding a bike, you can do your part in improving the air quality.Count Down Those CaloriesCycling isnt just good for theenvironment; its good for you too. Riding a bicycle burns calories and helps keep you healthy. It not only improves your physical health, but also your mental state of mind. It can really help you be a happier person.Share the Sunny SummerSo get into that shed, and take out your old bike. Paint the bike blue. Put on a nice coat. Load up a number of songs. Invite a group of friends to get on the bikes and ride this May! Be a fun-in- the-sun child! Enjoy yourself!43 . The second paragraph mainly tells us that riding bicycles.Aimproves our physical healthBdoes good to the environmentCchanges our mental slates of mindDhelps us enjoy the sunny spring44 . Youre likely to read the article in thesection of a magazine.AhistoryBgeographyCsportsDfood45 . The writer writes the article to.Aadvise people to lose more weightBask people to repair and paint the old bikesCpreventpeople from staying at home watching TVDmakepeople realize the advantages of riding bicyclesFamous Places around the WorldMexico The best time to visit Mexico is spring. The weather in Mexico is hot and wet for most of the year, except in Mexico City. It can get very stormy at the end of August. And you should keep in mind that hurricane season lasts from June to November.South AfricaSouth Africa has a pleasant climate, with lovely warm sunny days for most of the year. The summer is from November to February, and the weather is really hot at this time. In August, its winter and the weather is usually warm, except at night.GreeceThe best time to visit Greece is April to June. If you just want to sit on a beach and see the sunshine every day, then August is the perfect month. But, be careful! Temperatures are really high. In the southeast of Greece, it might be 30-35 centigrade.AustraliaIts winter in Australia in July and August. The hottest months are from November to March. The best time to go is September or October. Its warm enough to swim in the sea. Its cool enough to tour around, and its not too rainy. If you prefer it colder, go in August.46 . The best time to visit Mexico is _.AspringBsummerCautumnDwinter47 . For most of the year, the weather in South Africa is _.Acool and rainyBhot and wetCwarm and sunnyDcold and snowy48 . If you want to sit on the beach and see the sunshine in August, you can go to _.AMexicoBGreeceCSouth AfricaDAustralia49 . The hottest months in Australia are from _.AJune to NovemberBApril to JuneCNovember to MarchDNovember to February四、句型转换50 . The loud music makes me feel nervous.( 被动语态)I am _ nervous by the loud music.51 . He spent 1 hour doing his homework. (同义句)It _ him 1 hour _ his homework.52 . 即使他没有钱和全力,他仍然很开心。_ he has no money and power, he _ happy.53 . 每个人都应该有表达自己想法的勇气.Everyone should have the courage to express his own _.五、填写适当的句子补全对话补全对话。Grace: I am looking for my phone.Frank: Ok. _54 . _? Tony Smith?Grace: No,_ 55 . _.Frank: _56 . _?Grace: G-R-A-C-E.Frank: Ok, _57 . _.Grace: Thank you very much.Frank: _58 . _.59 . 补全对话,每空填一词。(本大题共15分,每题3分)John : How do you _, Bob?Bob: I dont feel _. Maybe I have a high fever.John : Hm. Youd better (最好)to see the doctor and _ some medicine.Bob: I think so. And can you tell me the way to the _(人民) Hospital?John : Yes. Its not far. You can get there on _.六、单词填空首字母填空(5分)Do you often think of your parents? You may say, “Of c_60 . . I often buy presents f_61 . my mother and mu father on some important days.”Heres a story about my friend. She works in a big city. She is very busy. So she doesnt have time to v_62 . her parents. But she often calls her parents. Every time, she dials (拨) the number, but then she puts down the telephone. A_63 . five minutes, she dials the number again.Later, I ask, “Why do you dial the number t_64 . ?” She smiles, My parents are o_65 . and slow. They cant get to telephone quickly. I always do so when I call them. I only want to give them enough time to a_66 . the telephone.My friend is a good girl. She is always t_67 . of her parents. You also want to be a g_68 . child, right? Please remember (记住) to love your parents in every situation (情况) ,not just o_69 . some important days.七、填空Welcome to Los Angeles in sunny California.Here is Olvera Street, one of the oldest streets in Los Angeles. As you see, it looks like a Mexican market place. You can get Mexican food and many things made in Mexico on the interesting street.And here we are in Chinatown. There are fine Chinese shops and restaurants all through this part of town. You can see that many of the signs (招牌) are in Chinese.This part of town is called Little Tokyo. And that square is called the Japanese Village Plaza. Japanese holidays are celebrated(被庆祝) there all year long.Well end our tour(旅行) in Hollywood. Of course , this is one of the most famous places in America because American films are popular all over the world. We have arranged(安排) a special tour of a studio(摄影棚) for you. After your tour is over, we will take you back to your hotel.Have a good time in Los Angeles!70 . to visit in Los AngelesOlvera StreetIt is an 71 . place.It is one of the oldest streets in Los Angeles.On the sreet, you get Mexican food and 72 . of things made in Mexico73 . There are fine Chinese shops and restaurants all over the town. Many signs are in74 . Little TokyoThere is a square 75 . the Japanese Village Plaza. People 76 . Japanese holidays on the square all year long.HollywoodIt is one of the most 77 . places in America.78 . made here are popular all over the world.a special tour-visit a 79 . .八、材料作文80 . 某英语杂志社对部分中学生的周末活动做了问卷调查(结果如图),请你写一篇英语短文参加征文活动。内容包括:1. 简要描述调查结果。2. 谈一谈中学生应该如何度过一个有意义的周末(至少两条)。要求:1.词数:80-100。开头已给出,不计入总词数。2. 文中不得出现真实的校名和人名。We did a survey about middle school students weekend activities. Here are the results. 九、其他81 . 单词辨音1. A. palace B. station C. balcony D. lamp(_)2. A. next B. second C. zero D. bedroom(_)3. A. invite B. hospital C. like D. life(_)4. A. other B. come C. worry D. hotel(_)5. A. future B. lucky C. Russia D. study(_)6. A. idea B. really C. theatre D. wheat(_)7. A. cool B. foot C. cook D. neighborhood(_)8. A. forty B. fork C. forward D. work(_)9. A. drink B. English C. around D. thank(_)10. A. fortieth B. eighth C. something D. south(_)第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、句型转换1、五、填写适当的句子补全对话1、2、六、单词填空1、七、填空1、八、材料作文1、九、其他1、

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