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人教版2019-2020学年度第一学期期末考试八年级英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Can your brother _? Yes. Here are some of his pictures.AswimBsingCdanceDdraw2 . Listen! _ is singing in the room. Do you know who it is?My sister.AEverybodyBAnybodyCSomebodyDNobody3 . Linda was born _ April, 2002.AonBinCat4 . -Why would you like to recommend Millie for the Best Student Award?-She does well in her lessons. _she is kind, helpful and generous.AHoweverBOtherwiseCInsteadDMoreover5 . The Changjiang River is one of_in the world.Athe longest riversBthe longest riverCthe longer river6 . What do you _ the book? Oh, its very interesting and I like it very much.Athink overBthink ofClikeDfeel7 . There was a traffic accident last nightWhat _it?The heavy snow did.AcausedBmadeCfacedDhappened8 . Must I start now?No, you _.AmustntBcantCneednt9 . I will watch TV rather thanthis film.AseeBseeingCseenDsaw10 . Are you in these storybooks.Ainterested; interestingBinterested; interestedCinteresting; interestedDinteresting; interesting11 . _ do you _ the book?Its very interesting.AWhat; likeBWhat; think ofCHow; thinkDHow; think of12 . Body language is your gesture and the _ on your face.AexperimentBexpressionCimpressionDexperience13 . This summer, our school sent teachers to help the left-behind children in mountain areas.Ahundreds ofBhundred ofC2 hundreds14 . (题文)Hes a very _ person. We all like to stay with him and listen to his jokes.AbraveBactiveChumorousDserious15 . They have learned to deal _ different persons.AtoBintoCatDwith二、完型填空I am an apple. Im a kind of sweet fruit. I grow in many places of the world, but I cant grow well in very hot places _ very cold places.I am not like my cousins pears and bananas. I am rounder than a pear and bananas are _than me. I am delicious, _ people in the world like to eat me. They can usually eat me _washing(洗) me. They can also cook me to _ all kinds of food, sometimes they put me in cans(罐头) to send me to other places of the world. Almost everyone can have money to buy me_I cost very little. I can also help people get _. There is a saying in English: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Dont you think that Im very great? I have many vitamins (维生素) inside, they are_ for you. I really wish to make you happy and healthy, so dont forget to eat me as often as possible (尽可能经常地). But I also need your love, if you want to make me taste better, you must _ me well. Thank you for your love. Ill try to grow well and _ sweeter. Then you will like to eat me a lot more.16 . AbutBorCandDso17 . AshorterBolderCfatterDlonger18 . AsoBandCbutDor19 . AforBbeforeCafterDwith20 . AletBhaveCtakeDmake21 . AbecauseBsoCbutDand22 . AhappyBhealthyCcomfortableDsmart23 . AgoodBbadCreadyDdifferent24 . Alook forBlook afterClook likeDlook at25 . AsoundBfeelCbecome (变得)Dlook三、阅读单选Im a student in Grade One in a middle school in Beijing. My name is Honghong. Susan is my pen friend. She is twelve. She is in Grade Seven in a middle school in the USA. My English teacher says we are in the same grade. How funny it is!In her letters, Susan says she goes to school five days a week. She gets to school at 8:30 in the morning. She doesnt go home for lunch but has it at school. She comes back home by bus at three in the afternoon. Sometimes she plays games with her friends after school. She often has little homework.26 . Susan is from _.AChinaBEnglandCAmericaDFrance27 . Susan gets to school at _.A8:30 amB8:30 pmC8:00 amD8:00 pm28 . How does Susan get home in the afternoon? AShe gets home by bike.BShe walks home.CShe gets home by bus.DShe goes home by car.29 . Susan studies at school _.Asix days a weekBfrom Monday to FridayCeight hours a dayDseven days a week30 . Which of the following is TRUE? AIm a student in Grade One in a middle school in Tianjin.BSusan doesnt do any homework at all.CSusan has lunch at school.DSusan often goes to a shop near her house after school.Welcome to Made-in-China website!Tea potColor: White Price: 120Delivery (递送)time: 10 work days after received 30% payment. Tea pots with good quality. And the best gift for your friends or your family.HandbagColor: Black-and whitePrice: 280 ( 520 for two on Womens Day)Delivery time: 7 days after confirmation (认证)We have our own designers. Our new styles may give you a new surprise.2014 Newly Children BicycleColor BluePrice: 240 (20% off on Childrens Day) Delivery time: 5 days after confirmation With a basket for children aged from 3-7New Design Fashion ButtonColor: All kinds of colorsPrice: 1.00 (9 for ten)Delivery time: 3 days after confirmationNew and popular designs, you can dye them into different colors if you like.31 . Where can you buy these things according to the ad?AIn a shop.BIn a mall.COn the Internet.DIn a supermarket.32 . From the ad, you can buy the children bicycle for a child of _.A2B5C8D1033 . The best birthday gift for your grandpa is _.Asome buttonsBa handbagCa tea potDa children bicycle34 . My mother ordered some fashion buttons, and she can get them _ days later.AthreeBfiveCsevenDten35 . If you have 400, you can buy _.Atwo handbagsB500 buttonsCa handbag and a bicycleDa tea pot and a handbagDear students, Im very happy to be your guest speaker today. Its a great pleasure to visit your school and meet all of you here. I would like to tell you about myself. I am a reporter. I chose this job so I could travel the world, but the job has taught me many lessons. My work is sometimes boring. But most of the time, it is wonderful. I saw wars, earthquakes, and death. But I have also seen courage, hope, and happiness. In India, I visited a city. There were many homeless children in it. Some were young and lived in the streets. But then a wonderful lady called Rosa offered a place to them. In one whole year, she was looking after two hundred kids, feeding them, teaching them and giving them hope. Another time, I was in Japan and met a young girl. She was very ill. After seven operations(手术), she had to have thirteen more in hospital. However, when I met her, she was still smiling. Here in China, after the terrible Wenchuan Earthquake, I found a threeyearold boy named Lang Zheng. Though he was weak and hurt badly, the brave boy lifted his right hand above the head to salute(向致敬) the soldiers. This became the most moving moment. Thanks to the experience as a reporter, I myself am getting braver and stronger. When I face problems in my life, I always remember the courage of the three people.36 . From the passage, we know that Rosa was _.AkindBproudCluckyDstrict37 . The Japanese girl had to have _ operations in all(总共).A7B13C14D2038 . Little Lang Zheng lifted his right hand in order to _.Atell people he was still aliveBshow thanks to the soldiersCask for helpDtake some photos39 . The passage above is _.Aa piece of newsBa letterCa speechDa play四、完成句子完成句子40 . I usually get up at around eight fifteen.(对划线部分提问)_do you usually get up?41 . Henry and Peter are using the computer now?(改为一般疑问句)_ Henry and Peter_ the computer now?42 . I can go out and watch TV, too.(改为否定句)I _ go out or watch TV _ .43 . The picture is a little small.(改为同义句) The picture is_ small.44 . You cant run in the classroom.(改为祈使句)_ in the classroom.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空future maybe much free able45 . Computers are not_to do that.46 . What do you want to be in the_?47 . _they dont know about the bad news.48 . Do you have any_ time on Sunday?49 . The young man wants to do_for the poor children.六、单词填空Anne is a newspaper 50 . (report). She chose this job so she could travel51 . (介词) the world. The work has52 . (teach) her many unforgettable lessons. She has 53 . (see) wars, earthquakes and death. But she has also seen courage, hope and 54 . (happy). Last year, she 55 . (win) an award for her reporting in 56 . (African). She was very proud 57 . (介词) it. At first, she thought she got the award because of her good 58 . (work). But then she realized that she should thank many other people for 59 . (they) help.七、话题作文60 . 今年9月28 日是重庆八中的八十周年校庆,这盛大的庆典让每一个八中人都欢欣鼓舞,假设你是八中广播站的一员,请参考所给要点给广播站写一篇以the 80th Anniversary of Our School 为题的短文。参考要点:1. 介绍学校(位置,历史,著名校友)。2. 描述庆祝活动(歌舞表演,专家讲座,购买纪念品等)3. 表达对学校的祝福。要求:词数:80120字左右:文中不能透露所在班级和真实姓名。提示:校友: former student; 专家: expert; 讲座: lecture; 纪念品:souvenirThe 80thAnniversary of Our School第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、完成句子1、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、单词填空1、七、话题作文1、


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