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人教版2019-2020学年度第二学期七年级unit2单元测试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . There _ a basketball game on the playground tomorrow afternoon.Ais going to haveBwasCis going to beDwill have2 . Do you want a movie?AgoBgoesCto goDgoing3 . He dressed up a ghost last night. How scary!Take it easy! He just played a trick us.Ain; onBin; inCas; inDas; on4 . Walk down the road and turn right after you go_ a police station.AnearBacrossCpastDthrough5 . In the fourth class,we canplay sportsdo our homework.We are free.Afrom;toBfrom;orCeither;orDeither;to6 . You have a bad _. Ice-cream is not good for you.AteethBnoseCtoothDmouth7 . you usually dont have breakfasti ts not good_youAforBtoCatDwith8 . The Beijing Daxing InternationalAirport opened_ September 25th, 2019.AtoBatCinDon9 . The program Im a singer is quite popular _ students these days. They often talk about it between classes.AforBwithCin10 . ( )You look _today.Aa happyBhappyChappinessDhappily11 . My father has worked as a surgeon since he graduated from Nanjing Medical University _. So he is _ now?Ain 1990; in his fortiesBin 1990s; in his fortiesCin the 1990; in the fortiesDin the 1990s; in his fortieth12 . He kept on _ the mountains all by _ for three days.Ato climb; myselfBto climb; himselfCclimbing; myselfDclimbing; himself13 . I often get good grades. You will if you put your heart into your homework.AmakeBmake itCsucceedDB and C14 . Tom thinks soap operas are boring, so he _ watches them.AalwaysBsometimesChardly15 . The orange tastes _ and please try some.AbadBgoodCwellDbadly16 . I agree _you and Ill help _ the housework.Awith; withBwith; toCto; toDwith; at17 . (题文)Never eat food that stays overnight,_ it tastes _.Aif; goodBbut; wellCeven though; goodDeven if; well18 . Please tell me something _ your new teacher.AinBforCaboutDon19 . Xiao Xia _ goes to school by bike(骑自行车)She walks to schoolAalwaysBoftenCsometimesDnever20 . The shop _ the right of my school is only open _the day.Ain; onBon; duringCin; duringDon; on21 . Where is Changsha?Its in _.ABeijingBHunanCHubei22 . Will you fix up the machine according to the, David?No problem.AinventionsBinvitationsCinstructionsDinterviews23 . The fishgood. I like it very much.AlookBseesCwatchDtastes24 . What do you know about France, Betty? France is famous _ its fine food and wine.AforBtoCwithDof25 . -Mum, can I have something_?-Oh, dear. You can only drink some water. There is_ in the kitchen.Ato drink; nothing elseBdrinking; something elseCto eat; something elseDeating; nothing else二、补全对话7选5II(从方框中选择恰当的句子完成下面的对话。其中有两项多余。每小题1分,共5分)AWhats the matter with you?BYou should save pocket money.CThanks for your advice.DAlthough she is wrong, its not a big deal.EWhat should I do?FNow she is still angry with me.GCould I borrow some money?A:You look so sad.26 . B: I argued with my mother. I spent too much pocket money(零用钱). 27 . A: You should talk to her and say sorry.B: Yes, I know I should. But its not easy.A: Its really difficult for parents to make money. 28 . B: You are right. 29 . What can I do to make her happy?A: What about buying something useful for her by saving pocket money?B: That sounds good. 30 . 三、完型填空My name is Alice White. Im a _ teacher. I enjoy dancing. Betty, Cindy and Tina are my _ . I love them a lot. They are _ tall and slim, and they are very good _ dancing. Betty is 13. She _ from Tianjin. She is _ nice girl. She likes reading. Cindy is a girl from Beijing. She is ten _ old. She is really cute. Her hobbies _ swimming and singing. Tina is also from Beijing. She likes sports, _ she plays football well. The three girls _ dancing classes every day. Look! They are coming. Lets say hello to them.31 . AdrawingBswimmingCreadingDdancing32 . AchildrenBteachersCstudentsDclassmates33 . AallBmuchCtooDoften34 . AtoBinCatDon35 . AwantsBcomesCgoesDbuys36 . AaBanCtheD/37 . AyearsBagesCgradesDlooks38 . AisBamCareDbe39 . AbutBandCyesDno40 . AliveBseeCcallDhave四、阅读单选Rich Americans want to spend many dollars flying into space, according to a recent survey.Many rich Americans got bored of the things on earth. The survey said 19 per cent would like to pay $100,000 for a 15-minute trip into space.Derek Webber said, We made this survey in order to find out what rich people think of the space trip. He added, We will say these trips will cost much, but its exciting for you to feel space weightlessness and see the world from up there.”Webber also said if the price was $50,000, 16% more of rich people would be interested in these space trips. However, the tourists must have a strong and healthy body and get some space training first.41 . _of rich people would be interested in space trips if the cost was $50,000.A16%B19%C81%D65%42 . The underlined word weightlessness means _ in Chinese.AlighteningBwithout weightCover weightDlight enough43 . Why do many rich people want to fly to space?AFlying into space is very cheap .BIts good for their health.CThey feel tired of the things on earth.DIts dangerous but exciting.44 . You will need _ if youd like to travel in space.Aenough moneyBa healthy bodyCsome space trainingDall of the above45 . The article wants to tell us that _.Aits exciting to travel in spaceBrich Americans want to spend many dollars flying into spaceCspace trips are too expensive to go onDit is easy to travel in spaceIts that time of year again. People all over the world recently celebrated Halloween. Children dressed up in costumes (戏剧性的服饰)and went door-to-door for candy. We call it “trick or treating” and its one of the most fun parts of the holiday for kids.But some US cities have rules about who can go trick-or-treating. For example, in the cities of Meridian, Mississippi and Bishopville, South Carolina, kids above the age of 12 cannot go trick-or-treating. Why were these rules created? Something that is just for young children. Others point out that teenagers lose interest in trick-or-treating at a certain age anyway, and would prefer to go to a party with their friends instead.I dont quite remember when I stopped trick-or-treating. It was probably when I was in my early to mid-teens. So I guess these laws wouldnt have bothered(困扰)me. But then again, Im not sure if its “right” to stop older kids from trick-or-treating, especially if they work hard to put together a creative costume.And there could be some bad effects as well. Experts say that trick-or-treating has been welcomed in the US because it helped to cut down on teenage vandalism(破坏公物)in the past. If kids are busy getting candy, they wont have time to play any tricks.46 . According to the passage, which city doesnt have rules about who can go trick-or-treating?AMississippiBSouth CarolinaCBishopvilleDNew York47 . In the city of Meridian, kids are not allowed to go trick-or-treating.Aunder 3 years oldBover 12 years oldCover 6 years oldDunder 8 years old48 . People support these rules for the following reasons EXCEPT that.Aits silly for older teens to ask for candy door to doorBteenagers are not interested in trick-or-treatingCteenagers prefer to go to a party with their friendsDSomething that is just for young children.49 . In the US, trick-or-treating has been welcomed because .Ait helped to cut down on teenage vandalismBit helped candy companies sell more candyCkids spent a lot of time thinking about tricks to playDkids love to get candy and wear costumes50 . Whats the writers attitude(态度)towards the new law?AHe doesnt care about it.BHe thinks it is right.CHe thinks it makes people upset.DHe is not sure whether it is right or not.Welcome to YueyangMovie TheatersRestaurantsClothes StoresDadiHuizeHengdaKFCPizza HutStarbucksTianhongStoreKangxingStore19.923.539.5Fried ChickenPizzaCoffeeClothes forwomenClothes forchildren51 . Which is the cheapest theater?ADadiBHuizeCHengda52 . You can buy a skirt for your mother at _.ATianhong StoreBKangxing StoreCDadi53 . Which store can you buy pizza?AStarbucksBPizza HutCKFC五、句型转换54 . Nobody is more creative than Jim. (改为同义句)Jim is _ of all.55 . 按要求完成句子,每空一词Mary is thinner than the other two. (改为同义句)Mary is _ the three.56 . 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词我没有足够的钱了,因此我想买最便宜的衣服。I dont have enough money, so I want to buy _ clothes.57 . 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词三人中,Kitty喝了最少的牛奶。因此她想要另外一杯。Kitty has _ milk of the three. So she wants another cup.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写58 . This is not a_ .(字典)59 . My parents d_ is my sister.60 . My uncles children are my c_.61 . My mother has a red_(戒指).62 . His favorite color is b_.七、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的正确形式填空。63 . I dont like cats because they are _(noise).64 . She wants to learn _(swim) this summer.65 . Too many _(rule) make me feel terrible.66 . Please _(follow) the rules at school.67 . Good _(luck) to you.八、完成句子根据汉语句意完成句子68 . 你每天早晨可以多花十分钟来读英语。You can_ten _minutes _English every morning .69 . 你认为这场时装表演怎么样?_do you _the fashion show ?70 . 牛仔裤在学生们中间很流行,因为他们是棉制成的并且很舒服。Jeans are _among students ,because they are_cotton and are very _71 . 看Daniel 和Amy 过来了他们都穿着黑色的靴子。Look ! Here _Daniel and Amy ._of them are wearing black_.72 . 那个穿着白色衬衫的人看起来精干_九、材料作文73 . 书面表达你是一名来自美国的交换生,请你介绍第一天到中国家庭的情况: 1、下午四点到深圳,李先生一家来机场接你。2、他们对你很友好,你像在自己家一样。3、吃晚饭时,中国人用筷子,他们认为吃饭时说话不礼貌。4、饭后全家人一起去散步,然后回家休息。5、你自己的感受。以上要点必须有,90 词左右。My first day in China第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、句型转换1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、八、完成句子1、九、材料作文1、


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