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人教版2019-2020学年度七年级第一学期竞赛考试英语模拟试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Thestudentsareschool.AonBtoC/Dat2 . (题文)_ do you go to see your grandparents?On Sunday.AWhyBWhenCHowDWhich3 . His T-shirt _ white and his shorts _ yellow.Ais; isBis; areCare; areDare; is4 . He will _come tomorrow.AperhapsBmaybeCprobablyDmay be5 . I need more sunshine to hang more clothes, so I need a flat with a big _ .AbedroomBbathroomCliving roomDbalcony6 . My brother wants to learn _ table tennis.AplayBto playCplayedDplays7 . -_?- Yes, please. I want a red sweater for my daughter.A How are youBExcuse meCCan I help youDWhats your name8 . (题文)They started off_an autumn afternoon.AduringBatCinDon9 . The students want to ask for _off.Aten daysBten daysCten-daysDten days10 . Here _ your dictionary, Mary.-Thank you!AamBareCis11 . Hao Mingto bed lateevening.Ago;in theBgoes;in theCgoes;in12 . Its five oclock. Lets go_AfamilyBhomeChouseDroom13 . 4,000 dollars _a large amount of money, but it is _than what we want.Ais, very moreBare, far moreCis, far lessDare, very little14 . _ lost my school ID card. Who can help _?AI; IBI; meCMe; IDMine; me15 . Our class is planning to hold _welcome party for _exchange students from _Britain.Aa, a, aBan, an, anCa, an, theDa, the, /二、补全对话7选5补全对话。A: Hi, Lucy. Is this your schoolbag?B: 16 . Its Bobs.A: Bobs? 17 . B: Hes my English teachers son.A: 18 . B: He is twelve years old. His birthday is in March.A:19 . ?B: He likes playing soccer very much.A: Does he want to play soccer with us?B:20 . Lets play it now.A: That sounds good.AHow old is he?BNo, it isnt.CWhos Bob?DIs Bob your English teachers son?E. Whats his favorite sport?F. When is his birthday?G. Yes, he does.三、完型填空Hello, my name is Jack Smith. Smith is my _ name. And I want to introduce my friend, Eric Miller, to you. He is _ English boy. Now he is a student in No. 8 Middle School in Beijing. He is an outgoing boy. He likes playing sports very much and he can do sports _. He loves his school. So he is often the _ one to school. He has many friends in his school, and his best friend is Peter. Peter is a forgetful boy. He often _ things. Yesterday he left his math book at home and he had to ask his mom to _ him. Eric has a lovely pet dog. _ name is Bobby. Bobby is a very important(重要的) member in his _. Peter likes Bobby, too. After school, Peter often plays baseball games with his family and he really has a good time with _. The Millers _ nice people.21 . AfirstBgivenCfamilyDfull22 . AaBanCtheD/23 . AgoodBwellCniceDbad24 . AoneBlastCfirstDsecond25 . AlosesBlostCfindsDfound26 . AaskBneedCbringDhelp27 . AItsBHesCItsDShes28 . AclassBhouseCfamilyDhome29 . AtheyBtheirChimDthem30 . AisBareCamDbe四、阅读单选Hi! Im Tom.This is my pencil box. Its orange. My ruler is blue and red .Its in the pencil-box. That is a pencil. Its black. It is not my pencil. Its Lucys. The white eraser is Bobs. I call Bob at 789-6943. It is his telephone number.31 . What color is Toms pencil-box?AIts whiteBIts black.CIts orangeDIts blue and red.32 . _is blue and red.AToms rulerBToms pencil-boxCBobs eraserDLucys pencil33 . The eraser is_.AblackBblue and redCwhiteDorange34 . _telephone number is 789-6943.ATomsBBobsCLucysDBobs friends35 . 下列哪一选项不符合短文意思?AToms ruler is in the pencil box.BLucys pencil is black.CBobs eraser is blue.DThe pencil box is Toms.My uncle is a bus driver. He goes to work at 6:30 in the morning. Every day he is very busy and gets home very late. Sometimes he comes back at about 12 at night. He likes helping other bus drivers do more work. He is the first driver to come to the Bus Station and the last driver to leave. My uncle has a son, Tom. He and I are in the same class. He is taller than I. He says he loves his father and wants to be a bus driver like his father. But his mother wants him to be a scientist and wants him to study hard like his two sisters.36 . My uncle works in a _.A. factory B. shop C. bus station37 . He goes to work at _.A. six fifteenB. six thirtyC. five thirty38 . There are _ people in my uncles family.A. 5 C. 3 C. 639 . Tom and I are _.A. at schoolB. in different classesC. scientist40 . Which of the following is NOT right according to the passage?A. My uncle doesnt come back very early.B. My uncle is the last to leave the bus station every day.C. Toms mother doesnt want Tom to study hard like his sisters.My best friends are John and Ann. We do many things together. John lives near my house and we are in the same class. Hes fifteen years old and hes tall and thin. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. Hes polite and very clever. His math is very good and he helps me with my homework sometimes. He usually wears jeans and a T-shirt but in the photo hes wearing black trousers and a yellow T-shirt, we also play basketball at a nearby park together and sometimes we play computer games at my house.Our friend Ann doesnt go to our school. Shes a little bit shy. We all have Kung Fu lessons every Tuesday and Friday afternoon. We love it. Ann is really good at Kung Fu. We call her the “Kung Fu Kid”. She sometimes plays basketball with us, too. In the picture she is wearing a skirt, a T-shirt and a baseball cap. The three of us have great fun together.41 . What does John look like?A. Hes tall and thin.B. Hes tall and thin with blonde hair and blue eyes.C. Hes not polite and very clever.42 . Are the three children in the same school?A. Yes, they arent.B. Yes, they are.C. No, they arent.43 . Who likes math very much?A. Ann B. John. C. Nobody44 . What does John usually wear?A. Jeans and a T-shirt B. Trousers and a T-shirt C. A baseball hat45 . When do the three children have Kung Fu lessons?A. Every Tuesday afternoonB. Every Friday afternoonC. Both A and BIt all started a year before when my daughter Suzanne and I were shopping in Sydney. In the window of a sports shop I noticed a photo of a group of young people climbing the rock along a canyon(峡谷). Thats what Im going to do next year, I said. Suzanne laughed. Sure, Mom! Dont forget youre 65 years old. I didnt feel l was that age! I joined a club and trained weekly. Each day I felt my physical energy increase and, along with it, my confidence. Then Suzanne pointed out, Its good, but how can you clear away the fear of height? Ive got it worked out, I replied bravely. Were going to the indoor climbing center. While I was going up the high wall, I was afraid to look down as if a terrible animal was after me. Some time later, as I reached the ground, I sat down heavily on the floor. Later that night, as I lay in bed, I encouraged myself, Youve climbed the wall! Youll certainly make it! We set off with our packages to the Grand Canyon. When we reached it, I found the canyon was a huge black holefar deeper than I had imagined. As the guide clipped(夹住) me onto the rope,_Time lost all meaning as I pushed my body forward. Only the strong rope kept me from losing hope. I began to think it would never end when everyone had stopped. This is as far as we go, and we can climb out after a few steps, the guide said finally. Two and a half hours later, we returned to the car park at last. I began to shake, one hard step after another.Getting onto the bus, I fell into the seat I had left so confidently a lifetime before. Then, while I was in the seat catching my breath, a feeling of happiness spread through me. I had done it, at the age of 66.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填人题前括号内。46 . At the beginning, whats her daughters attitude towards her decision?ASupportive.BDoubtful.CConfident.DSatisfied.47 . What did the writer find when she reached the Grand Canyon?AShe found it was very easy to climb the canyon.BShe found she began to shake, one hard step after another.CShe found the canyon was far deeper than she had imagined.DShe found that a terrible animal was after her and she was afraid.48 . The underlined sentence suggested that the writer was feeling _ .AangryBnervousChappyDexcited49 . Whats the right order of the following?a. I went back to the car park.b. I found the canyon was more terrible than I had thought.c. I got the idea of rock climbing.d. I felt happy and proud of myself.e. I trained weekly in a club.Ae-c-b-d-aBc-e-b-a-dCa-c-e-b-dDd-c-e-b-a50 . What can be learned from the passage?AEvery dog has its day.BWhere there is a will, there is a way.CClimbing is the only way to keep healthy.DChildren should care more about their parents.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子用所给词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。visit two education little serious51 . We should exercise at _ three or four times a week.52 . This is an _movie.You cant miss it.53 . Dalian is the best city for _because its the most beautiful.54 . If you dont take these shows too_,they are fun to watch.55 . My parents allow me to play computer games _a week.六、材料作文56 . 书面表达假设你的朋友叫李兵,按下列表格中要点提示向全班作介绍,不少于80字。要求:1.要点齐全,表达完整;2.书写工整,卷面整洁;3.省略号处需适当发挥;4.开头已经给出,不计入总词数。姓名李兵性别男籍贯上海班级八(1)相貌高大强壮,不戴眼镜性格待人友好生活跑步上学,耗时15分钟,每天7节课学习努力学习,擅长数学爱好喜欢运动,课后练习篮球愿望在圣诞节第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、材料作文1、

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