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人教版2019-2020学年度上学期开学摸底考试初二年级英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Amy is really a _ girl, and all of us like her.AnaughtyBlovelyCquietDlove2 . The students enjoy _ English songs after class.Apractice to singBpracticing singingCto practice singingDto practice to sing3 . _ do you think about the story of Yu Gong?AWhatBHowCWhenDWhere4 . (题文)Put your heart into it,you cant learn well.AandBbutCorD/5 . The music made her feel .Arelaxing ,relaxedBrelaxing ,relaxingCrelaxed ,relaxed6 . It took me two weeksthe book.Ato finish readBto finish readingCfinishing reading7 . My grandma looks _ because she doesnt feel well.AsadBsadlyChappyDhappily8 . (2013 四川宜宾)Li Lei,hurry up!The bus is comingOh,noWe _ cross the street until(直到) the traffic lights turn greenAmustntBmay notCneedntDhave to9 . Can I borrow your bike? .You can ask Simon, he has one.AYes, you can.BIm sorry. I dont have one.CYes, I do.DNo, you dont.10 . I havent seen Lucy for days.Whats she doing recently?She is _ her English test next week.Aprepare atBpreparing forCprepared for二、完型填空Aris mother asked him to gather firewood for the fire. Instead of doing the chore right away, Ari thought he could play with his friends, Mitch and Joe, first. Not long after , his mother began to wonder _ he had not returned. It was already dark and she was worried. At the same time, Ari realized that he had not done as his mother had _ and told his friends about this. The boys then began gathering the _ . At the same time, Aris mother came looking for him. She soon _ the boys voices. She had mixed feelings. She was _ to know that he was safe but angry as well because Ari had disobeyed her. She decided to _ the boys a lesson. She hid in the nearby bushes (树林). _ she picked up a twig (树枝)and threw it. It hit the ground making a sharp noise. It caught the boys _ . They stopped what they were doing and looked at one another. She threw _ twig in the opposite direction. The boys jumped. The mother cried in a low trembling voice,_ your mother! Scared, the boys dropped everything and ran home. Aris mother could not stop laughing. After picking up some pieces of firewood, she headed home, where she found Ari in tears. Mother, Mother, Im sorry I didnt listen to you,”he sobbed (哭诉). His mother held him with love. She knew he was truly sorry and would not repeat his mistake.11 . AwhyBhowCwhen12 . AorderedBnoticedCasked13 . AfirewoodBvoiceCfriends14 . AfeltBfollowedCheard15 . AsadBhappyCworried16 . AtalkBgiveCoffer17 . AThenBSoCBut18 . AinterestBimaginationCattention19 . AanotherBotherCone20 . ALook forBListen toCCare for三、阅读单选In Canada and the United States, there is a new group of children called “satellites kids”, who live in one place but whose parents live in another place.Asians are immigrating (移居) to Canada and the United States in larger numbers than ever before. Most Asians immigrate because they believe that they can give their children a better education in the west. In Asia, especially in China, Japan and Korea, it is difficult to go to university. Students must first pass the strict national examination. However, in Canada and the United States, it is easy to go to university, and anyone who wants to go can go. As a result. Asian parents decide to leave their countries so that their children can go to university.The problem is that when Asians arrive, they discover that finding a job and making money are more difficult in the West. So these children become “satellite kids”, and most of their parents do not know how sad it is to be a “satellite kids”.Only until now are Canadians and Americans discovering the “satellite kids” problem. Because these children do not speak English and because their parents are not there to take care of them, they are often absent from school. To be a “satellite kids” means to grow up in such a country, you know you are different and you cant make friends because you do not speak English well. Also, it means to grow up lonely, because your parents are not here.21 . According to the passage, parents in _ dont send their kids abroad.AChinaBJapanCKoreaDAmerica22 . “Satellite kids” refer to the Asian kids _.Awithout parentsBliving abroad aloneCwith university educationDnot speaking English23 . Some Asian immigrant children become “satellite kids” because their parents_.Awant to leave their own countryBwant them to go to universityCreturn to their countries to workDwant them to be depend on themselves24 . The following problems of “satellites kids” are right except _.AThey grow up lonely.BThe dont often go to school.CThey can make friends easily.DTheir parents can not look after them.25 . What is the main idea of the passage?AParents feel lonely abroad.BParents want a better education for their kids.CCanadians and Americans kids cant find jobs easily.DKids in foreign counties alone are very in need of care from families.We all know that many inventions have. changed our life a lot. They play important roles in our daily life. Here are some interesting inventions.MorpherPeople refuse to wear helmets(头盔) because they re thick and heavy. Morpher is a bike helmet made of plastic. It is just as strong as traditional helmets, but it can be folded almost completely flat, making it easier to carry. Morpher may be available for sale in stores in the near future. HyperAdaptHave you ever seen the movie Back to the Future? Maybe everyone wants the pair of shoes in the movie that can tighten or loosenby themselves. Now, thanks to the Shoe Factory , the dream is realized. When you push a button on the shoe, HyperAdapt can tighten or loosen around the feet.FlyteFlyte is a light bulb that can float (漂浮)and turn. Flyte has been popular with most people since it came out in January. The company also introduced a lot of similar products, including a planter, Lyfe, which came out in June.Little PrinterIt looks lovely and is called Little Printer. This machine can print news headlines (摘要) , riddles and other things on a roll(卷)of paper. If you want to make your own little newspaper, don t forget to use it.26 . Morpher is made of_.AsteelBplasticCgoldDwood27 . What s the main use of the Little Printer?ATo protect our heads more safely.BTo tighten or loosen by themselves around the feet.CTo float and turn in the water.DTo print news headlines, riddles and other things.28 . The underlined word button means _ in Chinese.A钉子B按钮C图案D形状29 . What kind of invention can float in the passage?AMorpher.BLittle Printer.CFlyte.DHyperAdapt.30 . Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?AMaybe everyone wants the pair of shoes in the movie Back to the Future.BYou can make your own little newspaper with the Little Printer.CFlyte has been popular with most people since it came out in February.DMorpher can be folded almost completely flat, making it easier to carry.New Movies in Aokang Movie Theatre Next Week31 . Mr. Black and Mrs. Black go to see the New Years Eve with their 10-year-old son on Monday. How much do they need to afford?A110 Yuan.B130 Yuan.C165 Yuan.D100 Yuan.32 . What movies can you see on Tuesday?AMural and Ice AgeBIce Age and New Years EveCNew Years Eve and MuralDMural, Ice Age and New Years Eve33 . Who is the director of Ice Age?AChen Jiashang.BToby EmmerchCKaren Disher.DCiar Bravo.Water can be a liquid, a solid or a gas. When it is a solid, it can be as hard as stone. When it is a liquid, it can run through your fingers. When it is a gas, you may not see or feel it.Water can change from a solid to a liquid or to a gas easily. This is why we always have fresh water. Now let us find out how it does. The heat of the sun turns liquid water into gas from the oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. The heat also turns liquid water into gas from the ground, the plants and the animals. Water in the gas rises and turns into clouds in the air.When the clouds come near a mountain, they rise high. As the clouds rise, they get cooler. The higher they rise, the cooler they become. Then more and more water gas turn into water drops. In this way, the drops of water in the clouds get bigger and bigger. Then they fall to the earth as rain.根据短文内容,选择正确答案34 . What is the solid of water?ARainBGasCStoneDIce35 . When the water is a _, we may not see or feel it.AliquidBsoildCgasDsnow36 . The water in the oceans turns into clouds because _Athe windBthe heat of the sunCthe mountainDthe earth37 . According to the passage, it rains most over the_AseasBoceansCmountainsDfarms38 . The higher you go up the mountain, _you will feel.Athe coolerBthe hotterCthe heavierDthe bigger四、句型转换句型转换。39 . All of the students know the results of the exams.(变否定句)_of the students_the results of the exams.40 . He read something interesting in today s magazine.(变一般疑问句)_he read_interesting in todays magazine?41 . The box in my hand is3 times as heavy as that one.(同义句)The box in my hand is_than that one.42 . Ninety percent of the writers here come from China(对划线部分提问)_of the writers here come from China?43 . 作为学生,我们应当每天至少睡8小时。(翻译)As students, we should sleep_ 8 hours every.44 . 关于我们看电视的问题的答案也同样有趣。(翻译)_五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据语境及所给首字母提示,补全所缺单词。45 . Of the four s_, spring is my favorite.46 . One of the things that Jerry v_is the love of friends.47 . I k_ on the door but nobody answered.Oh, we were all out.48 . Dont forget to take your p_with you when you go abroad.49 . As the c_of China, Beijing is a modern city with a long history.50 . Paula likes traveling. It is very interesting and it makes her feel happy and r _.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空51 . Two kilos of meat _(be) OK.52 . What about _(swim) in the pool?53 . He doesnt like _(some) orange juice.54 . When he is free, he often makes some _(tomato) soup.55 . There are still two _(glass) of tea on the table.56 . She doesnt like fish _(and) pancakes.57 . Would you like _(have) some apples?58 . How many _(kind) of dumplings do you have? Three.59 . Do your parents want _(order) any food?60 . Give me some beef and _(carrot) dumplings.动词填空61 . There are some students _(plant) trees in the field. Lets help them.62 . I will invite my friends _(watch) a film with me.63 . -Where is our principle Mr Shen?-He _(show) the visitors from Shanghai around our school.64 . Daniel _(work) on his project (项目) these days.65 . I hope all my classmates _(get) high marks in the coming exam (考试).66 . Its raining outside. Why not _(stay) at home and do some reading?67 . Its difficult for the old people _(use) smart phones.68 . Look! The man _(have) a flower in his hand.69 . A group of students _(visit) the museum the day after tomorrow.70 . Its so cold and dark. I think it _(snow) in thirty minutes.七、单词填空What is the greatest thing in the world? It is a smile. A smile can start a 71 . (友谊) and make us feel warm and joyful.Last year when I 72 . (进入) a new school as a middle school student, I had no friends and felt 73 . (孤独的).One day, when running in the playground, I was tripped by a stone and fell onto the ground. I tried to stand up but couldnt because my knee 74 . (受伤) badly. I felt so bad but then a hand came into my sight. As I looked up, I saw a big smile. It was from my new classmate Leo. I grabbed the hand without thinking 75 . (两次) and stood up. From then on, Leo and I became good friends.76 . (然而), even best friends argue sometimes. Leo and I are no exception. Last week after arguing, I went home. That night after calming down I 77 . (后悔) my bad temper. But I was embarrassed to talk to Leo. After sending an emoji of a smile to Leos mobile phone, I waited and was 78 . (担忧的) Leo would never talk to me again. Then I heard the ring of a video chat and when I accepted the chat, I saw a face with a big smile on the screen. I was really 79 . (感动的).You can see how great the power of a smile is. Try to give other people a smile every time and you will80 . (改善) the world!第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、七、单词填空1、

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