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人教版2019-2020学年六年级下学期期中英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Zhijin is a beautiful city. There are many people here _vacation every year.AinBonCforDto2 . The four-year-old girl keeps on _ her mother many questions.AasksBto askCaskDasking3 . How are you today, Tom?Im even _. I dont think this medicine is good for me.AworseBbadlyCbetterDwell4 . Wolf Warrior 2 was so successful that millions of people thought _ of it.AhighBheightChighlyDhigher5 . Do you live with your family here, Mr. Wang? Yes. I live with my family _ a flat _ a quiet street.Ain; atBon; atCin; onDon; in6 . -Would you like some fish?-_ Ive had enough.AThank you.BNo, I wouldntCYes, please.DNo, thanks.7 . To my surprise, he could get over difficult problems that he succeeded at last.Aso manyBsuch manyCso fewDsuch few8 . Miss Smith is strict _ us,and she is also strict _ her work.Awith;inBwith;atCfor;toDin;on9 . He was afraid _ make friends with anyone.AofBtoCinDfor10 . (题文)is it from your home to school?About twenty minutes walk.AHow farBHow longCWhenDWhere11 . -do your parents take exercise, Jim? -Less than three times a week.AHow longBHow muchCHow soonDHow often12 . -Need the government of Philippines(菲律宾政府)say sorry to China?-Yes, they_.Their behavior has deeply hurt Chinese people.AmustBneedCcanDmay13 . Do you think the price of the food, drinks and clothes _ too quickly these years?AdevelopsBraisesCimprovesDincreases14 . The new road is much _ than before Eight cars can pass it at the same timeAwideBwiderCmore widelyDwiden15 . Tell the children _ unhealthy food. OK, I will. I know its bad for their health.Anot to eatBto eatCeat二、完型填空完形填空。The Great Wall of China has a history of over two thousand years. It runs from the east to the west in North China . It is about 6,300 kilometers_It is often_“The Ten-thousand- Li Great Wall”. It is one of the “Seven Wonders” of the ancient world.The Great Wall is_for ten men to walk side by side. Horses can also run along it, too. The Great Wall_stones and bricks(砖). There are huge stones on_side and on the highest part. But now some sections of it are worn out.There are tall watchtowers along the Great Wall. Once upon a time, the soldiers kept_the enemies(敌人) in the watchtowers day and night. They made_on the towers to_each other when the enemies came.Nowadays we dont use the Great Wall to keep away the enemies any more. It is a famous place of_to all the people in the world. Every year_people come to visit it from all over the world.16 . AwideBtallClongDhigh17 . AcallingBcallCcalledDcalls18 . Aenough wideBwide enoughCmore enoughDtoo enough19 . Awas made ofBwas made fromCwas made inDwas made by20 . AbothBallCeachDeither21 . AseeingBwatchingClookingDreading22 . AfireBa kiteCa faceDa toy23 . AtellBtalkCspeakDsay24 . AinterestedBinterestingCinterestDinterests25 . AthousandBthousandsCthousands ofDthousand of三、阅读单选Welcome to City LibraryCity Library is open to everyone every day and the library card is free. You can borrow five City books, two videos and one CD at a time-three weeks for books, one week for videos and CDs.BOOKS picture books for children books in 36 languages stories of all kinds You can enjoy newspapers and magazines in the reading room. You cant take them out of the library.VIDEOS all kinds of video movies TV plays music videosYou cant watch videos here.You can keep a video for a week for$1.AUDIO(音频) all kinds of music language tapes (42 main languages in the world)You can enjoy listening in the special rooms here.All the CDs can be borrowed-free!26 . If you want to get a library card, you _.Ahave to pay one dollar for itBneednt pay for itCneed to borrow five books firstDneed to make a card27 . You can borrow _ at a time.Aonly one videoBtwo CDsCfive booksDa magazine28 . In the reading room, you can _.Alisten to musicBread newspapersCwatch videosDwatch TV plays29 . The library has _.Abooks in 42 languagesBno language tapesCtwo kinds of music CDsDall kinds of video movies30 . What cant you do according to the passage?ATake newspapers home.BBorrow CDs from the library.CKeep a video for a week.DBorrow videos from the library.四、阅读判断Have you ever been to Ireland? If not,you should think of spending a vacation there. The Republic of Ireland stands in the south of the island. There are about 3470000 people in the country and the weather is quite wet but warm. Falls of snow in Ireland are most unusual.Ireland is full of interesting things to do. Youll find restaurants and cafes everywhere. Most of them have along list of Irish food and drinks. After your meal, you can take a walk along the shore. The countryside is good for horse riding. stay longer for a party,an opera or a concert? The Irish people are kind and friendly. From mountains to beaches you will find people ready to stop and talk about the weather, the local geography or history and maybe about what you should see next. The Irish people have kept their own culture of music and literature well. Different areas have different kinds of music. In towns and villages people gather together in the evening to sing and play music. They also get together to read their own poems to each other. Meeting such people is really fun, isnt it?根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)31 . It rains and snows a lot in Ireland.32 . Typical Irish food and drinks are not easy to find in the countryside.33 . There are many sports to do on the water in Ireland.34 . The Irish people are always ready to tell you the way.35 . The Irish people are good at music and poems.五、句型转换句型转换36 . Her date of birth is on November sixth.(改为同义句)Her _ on November sixth.37 . Whats your brothers age?(改为同义句)_ is your brother?38 . My birthday is on_July_fifteenth(对画线部分提问)_ your birthday?39 . Today is June_18th(对画线部分提问)Whats _ today?40 . We have a School Day every year.(改为一般疑问句)_ you _ a School Day every year?六、根据音标写单词Complete the sentences according to the given phonetic transcriptions(根据所给音标完成句子):41 . This _ /w:n/ sign tells us not to leave rubbish.42 . Timmy isnt having much _ /lk/ today, is he?43 . You have to follow the _ /nstrkn/.44 . They were the first men to _ /lnd/ on the moon.45 . Maths is a _ /ju:sfl/ subject.七、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空46 . Where do you plan _(spend)your holiday?47 . Would you mind _(take)out the trash(垃圾), Jerry?48 . Well have a _(discuss)after the talk.49 . The young man hopes _(get)a good job in the city.50 . You cant expect _(learn)a foreign language in such a short time.八、单词填空短文填空,每空一词。Welcome to Happy Neighborhood. It is a good place to 51 . In. It has 52 . very beautiful avenue. There are many green trees and beautiful flowers on both sides of the avenue. Its 53 . from the busy shopping center. So when you 54 . back from work, you can 55 . The citys quietness here. And there is a beautiful park 56 . the neighborhood. After dinner in the evening, you can take a 57 . in the park. It is relaxing. 58 . to the park is a big supermarket. There are many different 59 . of things in the supermarket. You 60 . buy almost everything in it.九、回答问题How to Write an Essay (短文) on a BookDo you have a big headache when you have to write an essay on a book you just finished reading? The following homework helper can help you solve the problem.Before you start to write, you need to complete the activities below to plan what you will write.Books title: Writers names: Here is a summary (摘要) of the book:This is a theme, or big idea, from the book:Here are some examples from the book that illustrate (阐明) this theme:Example 1Example 2Example 3Then you can start to write you essay. You can get clearer ideas from the essay sample (样例) below.An Essay on Charlottes WebIn Charlottes Web, by E.B. White, a pig named Wilbur gets a chance at life thanks to a little girl named. Fern, and a spider named Charlotte. The writer shows that a real friend will help you even if he or she has nothing to get from doing so.Throughout the book, Charlotte is always willing to help Wilbur. She spins (吐丝) words into her web to save Wiburs life, even though it is tiring and difficult for her. Charlotte is a true friend. She helps Wilbur for one reason onlybecause she cares about him.Templeton, the rat, on the other hand, is not a real friend to Wilbur. Templeton is only willing to lend a hand when there is something in it for him. When he is asked to help save Wilburs life, he says no at first, saying, “Let him die.” Later on, he agrees to help, but only because he wants to keep eating Wiburs meals.At the end of the book, Wilbur shows that he has learned the true meaning of friendship. He helps Charlotte by taking her egg sac back to the barn, where he knows her babies will be safe. He does this deed not for selfish reasons, but out of concern for his friend.In Charlottes Web, the author shows that a real friend will help you even if he or she has nothing to get from doing so. Reading this book made me realize how important it is to help others. Being a good friend means being there when you are needed. The book title is italicized (斜体). In the introduction, you can write a short summary of the book. You can share a theme from the book. You can give an example that illustrates the theme. After that, you give details (细节) about the example. A 2nd example and the details. A 3nd example and the details. You can also explain what the theme means to you.61 . Do you need to plan your writing before you start to write your essay?62 . What is the theme of the book Charlottes Web?63 . Who is Wilburs real friend, Charlotte or Templeton?64 . How many examples are there in the essay sample to illustrate the theme?65 . What can you write at the end of the essay, according to the homework helper?十、材料作文66 . 书面表达。地震专家Mr. Jones接受你校学生会的邀请,将在星期五下午三点半来你校做题为“What Should you Do When an Earthquake Happens”的讲座。假设你是学生会主席李刚,请你给Mr. Jones发一封email告诉他如何乘车到你校。60词左右。提示:乘坐4路车到中山路下,过马路一直往前走,在第一个十字路口向左转,然后会看见右边有一书店,你们学校就在书店旁边。_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、阅读判断1、五、句型转换1、六、根据音标写单词1、七、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、八、单词填空1、九、回答问题1、十、材料作文1、

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